Guest Viviboy Posted March 8, 2017 Report Share Posted March 8, 2017 It happened again. This time I felt a presence that someone was watching over me. This is becoming weirder than ever. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GachiMuchi Posted March 29, 2017 Report Share Posted March 29, 2017 【泰國十大猛鬼酒店】,邊間最猛!看你怕嗎? 【十大猛鬼酒店 】驚! 【十大猛鬼酒店!】泰國猛鬼酒店 剛剛網上看到的「 十大猛鬼酒店 」名單,寧可信其有,別去了十大猛鬼酒店,而掃了去旅行的 興緻。現在分享給各位看看「十大猛鬼酒店 」︰ 當然,如果想去旅行開心,你亦可以選擇唔睇呢個以下「 十大猛鬼酒店 」內容 ! 泰國「 十大猛鬼酒店」名單︰ 1.酒店︰Bangkok PalaceHotel 看過李心潔套"見鬼" 的,都對那場在九○年,因油車翻側,造成數百人死傷的大爆炸印象深刻。BangkokPalace就位於發生悲劇的New Petchburi 旁的橫街盡頭,而且接近油車翻側點,所以經常傳出鬧鬼。BangkokPalace大堂內有一個觀音像, 是少數供奉觀音的酒店。 九○年油車在New Petchburi路附近翻側造成百人死傷的大爆炸。當時酒店旁有一幢兩層高的平房,住了很多妓女,她們平日多出入酒店拉客,然後便在酒店房間進行交易。爆炸發生時,妓女的住所不幸被波及,結果她們大部分都葬身火海。傳聞爆炸事件過後,Phetchaburi一帶變得鬼影幢幢,戲院及百貨公司也因鬧鬼而結業。其後酒店也開始傳出「鬼故事」,有人認為是妓女的鬼魂作怪,但是否跟爆炸有關,就不得而知,只知道現在還有不少香港旅行團會入住這所酒店。 2.酒店︰FirstHotel 由於在數十年前發生過一場大火,死了數十人,而二樓的停車場更是猛鬼之地,從無人敢把車子停泊在這裡。傳聞有一對母女,在火災當日死於停車場,所以她們的魂魄長留在這裡,還不許人類前來打擾。由於鬧鬼傳聞不斷,酒店雖然也做過法事,超度亡魂,但事件仍是沒完沒了。對於該酒店的故事,不少泰國愛好者都一清二楚,但仍安排入住這所三星級的酒店,因為在火災發生后,在酒店旁興建了新樓。而新樓則沒有鬧鬼之傳言,如果遊客真被安排入住,為了安全起見,最好就要求入住新翼。 3.酒店︰ChaleenaHotel 早前有報道指十多名往泰國「自由行」的遊客,入稟小額錢債審裁處向航空公司追討損失,其中一項就是因航班延誤,滯留泰國期間被安排入住一家「鬼酒店」!其中一名原訴人表示,他曾嘗試用遙控器關掉電視,但電視完全沒反應,直到節目播放完畢后才能關機,故他認為是有靈界物體強迫他看完此節目!另外,亦有人稱房間外發生「半夜敲門」,更聞得門外常「鬼聲鬼氣」,開門后卻不見人影。他們又從他人口中得知,酒店曾發生拖鞋凌空飛舞的怪事。這幾名遊客所指的鬼酒店坐落於曼谷Laprao的ChaleenaHotel,據當地導遊表示該酒店已超過30多年歷史,從前主要接待香港旅行團,而現在多以大陸團為主。原來酒店尚未落成,已傳出鬼話連篇,並曾有人因工業意外當場死亡。泰國導遊Benny說:「泰國酒店鬧鬼傳言,多不勝數,一般的老牌酒店也曾傳出鬼古。我也聽過拖鞋在房間內亂飛的傳言,而這間酒店流傳得最多的都是房內只得一名住客,但洗手間的門,不時自動開關,但門卻已反鎖,非常離奇。」 4.酒店︰RoyalHotel 1992年5月反對軍人統治的抗議活動中,曾為記者們的活動基地,政府鎮壓時死傷無數,酒店成為停放死者的地方,之後精彩的故事不斷。 5.酒店︰ImperialHotel 1971年4日20日發生大火,24人死於大火中。 6.酒店︰GrandDiamond 網上或口耳相傳 以下為網友留言 "位 於 Phecha Buri 街 頭 , 鄰 近 世 貿 , 房 間 寬 敞 舒 適 , 價 錢 便 宜 。 但 網 上 或口 耳相 傳 , 關 於 這 間 酒 店 的 鬼 古 數 目 , 卻 多 得 離 譜 。 不 過 , 小 女 子 亦 住 過GrandDiamond , 除 了 同 房 在 深 夜 熟 睡 時 , 無 故 大 笑 幾 聲 外 , 也 沒 有 什 么 怪 事發 生。 可 能 我 時 運 高 。 " 7.酒店︰RamadaGarden 網上或口耳相傳 8.酒店︰D'Ma PavillonHotel 網上或口耳相傳 9.酒店︰Siam BayShore 大約在十多年前,有一班遊客入住那裡的207及209兩間房,後來當中一名女住客於晚上在酒店大堂內的一棵樹弔頸自殺。事發后凡有人入住這兩個房間都會被女鬼纏身,特別是男住客會與鬼同眠,起床時更會發現枕頭旁留有青綠色的液體。 10.酒店︰Jomtien PalmBeach Hotel 大火前名The Royal Jomtien,后改名Jomtien Palm Beach Hotel是芭堤雅最著名的"猛鬼"飯店。1997年7日11日發生大火,燒死不少韓國與西方觀光客(共91人死於大火中),重整裝修營業后,各種精彩的故事不斷。 睇完上面 十大猛鬼酒店 介紹,相信大家以後去泰國旅行,都會特別留意酒店名字。 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mantin30 Posted March 29, 2017 Report Share Posted March 29, 2017 On 2/1/2017 at 7:50 PM, Guest CKW said: Actually, ghosts are not all-powerful or all-knowing. They don't know everything that's going on in the world of the living; they can't fly or teleport anywhere they like, and they certainly cannot cause explosions Usually, earthbound spirits (what we call ghosts) are bound to a location or person that they were very attached to in their lifetime. And believe me, it's a torture for them to be trapped in a place. The ones who were not so attached to earthly things in life usually will not remain stuck on earth after death. It seems almost all religions believe in praying for the departed, so that they can move on. And ghosts cannot do a lot of things in the physical world, because they no longer have a material body. Some of them will feel very frustrated because they want to say something to their loved ones but their loved ones can't see or hear them. So as someone rightly pointed out above, ghosts are quite pitiful. Where do spirits go after death if they are not attached to earthly things? can one ghost see another ghost? Why cow head and horse face did not help or bring/escort them to wherever they should go? Does ghost have clothes and genitals (can still have erection?). I think I'm so attached to sex and got shirtless addiction, sure stuck on earth after dying. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted March 29, 2017 Report Share Posted March 29, 2017 1 hour ago, mantin30 said: Where do spirits go after death if they are not attached to earthly things? can one ghost see another ghost? Why cow head and horse face did not help or bring/escort them to wherever they should go? Does ghost have clothes and genitals (can still have erection?). I think I'm so attached to sex and got shirtless addiction, sure stuck on earth after dying. Wow! That's a lot of questions (Btw, I was the one who posted that post you quoted, back when I was still using a Guest log in.) The spirit who were not attached to earthly things in life will go very quickly to Paradise after they die. Different ghosts exist on different spiritual planes depending on their level of development. Usually, the ones on the same spiritual plane can see each other, but they cannot see the spirits on a different spiritual plane, unless by special permission Ghosts are usually not permitted to go wherever they want, for various reasons. Those who remain trapped on earth after they have died are often forced to remain at the places that they were most attached to in life, as a sort of punishment, but it's more a result of their life actions. Whatever their souls are bound to is a result of their own free will in life, so after death, they reap the result of their actions. Although ghosts are spirit beings, they have a sort of robe that they wear. Usually, the more highly-evolved spirits have very beautiful white, shining robes, like angels. mantin30 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mantin30 Posted March 29, 2017 Report Share Posted March 29, 2017 (edited) 2 hours ago, CKW said: Wow! That's a lot of questions (Btw, I was the one who posted that post you quoted, back when I was still using a Guest log in.) The spirit who were not attached to earthly things in life will go very quickly to Paradise after they die. Different ghosts exist on different spiritual planes depending on their level of development. Usually, the ones on the same spiritual plane can see each other, but they cannot see the spirits on a different spiritual plane, unless by special permission Ghosts are usually not permitted to go wherever they want, for various reasons. Those who remain trapped on earth after they have died are often forced to remain at the places that they were most attached to in life, as a sort of punishment, but it's more a result of their life actions. Whatever their souls are bound to is a result of their own free will in life, so after death, they reap the result of their actions. Although ghosts are spirit beings, they have a sort of robe that they wear. Usually, the more highly-evolved spirits have very beautiful white, shining robes, like angels. Thanks for the answer. I still have a lot of question: Can the ghost receive all the clothes, Mercedes, house, maid, airplane, TV, phone, and air con? can they really eat the food that we offer to them? Can 2 ghosts have sex together? If they die of old age, after go to paradise, they still remain that old? If people suicide, is it can never go to paradise? Who is our god? can we meet kuan yin, jesus, allah, Buddha, and tian gong when we go to paradise? Then who will be going to hell? and who decide that? Edited March 29, 2017 by mantin30 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted March 30, 2017 Report Share Posted March 30, 2017 14 hours ago, mantin30 said: Thanks for the answer. I still have a lot of question: Can the ghost receive all the clothes, Mercedes, house, maid, airplane, TV, phone, and air con? can they really eat the food that we offer to them? Can 2 ghosts have sex together? If they die of old age, after go to paradise, they still remain that old? If people suicide, is it can never go to paradise? Who is our god? can we meet kuan yin, jesus, allah, Buddha, and tian gong when we go to paradise? Then who will be going to hell? and who decide that? Hi, I'm at work now so I will type you a reply when I get home. Also, because some of what you asked can be a bit controversial to openly post here, I will send it to your inbox. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hunter Posted May 12, 2017 Report Share Posted May 12, 2017 Hi, where is the most haunted places here in singapore? I would love to visit them. I've been fascinated to paranormal lately after seeing a white lady when I was in Johor. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hunter Posted May 12, 2017 Report Share Posted May 12, 2017 Hi, where is the most haunted places here in singapore? I would love to visit them. I've been fascinated to paranormal lately after seeing a white lady when I was in Johor. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upshot Posted May 12, 2017 Report Share Posted May 12, 2017 1 hour ago, Guest Hunter said: Hi, where is the most haunted places here in singapore? I would love to visit them. I've been fascinated to paranormal lately after seeing a white lady when I was in Johor. In the very dark corner of your imagination Quote ** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sgboy84 Posted May 13, 2017 Report Share Posted May 13, 2017 I believe in paranormal activities but those ghost stories on books are just meant for a scare. There is one particular book (local publisher) which scares me though... it's called something like "black powers". It should be out of print now and super hard to find. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sgboy84 Posted May 13, 2017 Report Share Posted May 13, 2017 8 hours ago, Guest Hunter said: Hi, where is the most haunted places here in singapore? I would love to visit them. I've been fascinated to paranormal lately after seeing a white lady when I was in Johor. You don't know what you're dealing with... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnH Posted May 13, 2017 Report Share Posted May 13, 2017 11 hours ago, sgboy84 said: I believe in paranormal activities but those ghost stories on books are just meant for a scare. There is one particular book (local publisher) which scares me though... it's called something like "black powers". It should be out of print now and super hard to find. sounds interesting... like you said, it will be difficult to find tried to google it and came out those about the American liberations.... ya...w...n Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted May 13, 2017 Report Share Posted May 13, 2017 胆小鬼千万别看,住酒店的一些禁忌 一、不住酒店尾房 酒店很少会全店爆满,分配房间给客人的时候一般会由近电梯大堂的房间开始,原因是将住客集中,令提供房间服务时更快捷,及退房后执房清洁时更方便。相对来说,在走廊尽头的房间入住率会较低,人气会较弱,阳气不足,容易招聚阴灵,如果被分配到尾房,建议大家不妨换房。 二、入门先打招呼 开房门前如有门铃要先按门铃,没有门铃就敲门三下,进去之前要侧身,以表示尊重另类「住客」。进去后,要高声地打个招呼,好让他们知道有人入住。 三、开灯示意入住 入房后要把房间内所有的灯全部打开,然后到厕所冲马桶。再把被子掀起,拍一拍枕头,让灵体知道有住客入住。但切记不要立即将所有衣柜及抽屉打开,除了可避免骚扰灵体及令他们适应有活人外,更可留一线空间给他们藏身。 四、翻乱靠墙睡床 如果单身投宿双人房,或两人入住有两张床的房间但又想共睡一床时,一定不要拣靠墙那张,更要把靠墙那张床的枕头、被褥、床单翻乱,或者将枕头收进柜?,令灵体知 道该邻床也会被占用。 五、留意床头《圣经》 有些酒店为了方便客人,会在房内准备《圣经》或《可兰经》,以供?徒们祈祷或翻阅。所以见到有《圣经》或《可兰经》是很正常的,不用大惊小怪。不过,当入房时见到那本《圣经》或《可兰经》是翻开,就有点问题了。 虽然?徒们一般不认同《圣经》有驱邪作用,但酒店业习惯在曾出事的房间将《可兰经》或《圣经》翻到某一页来镇压阴灵,若遇上这种情况,还是换房会安心点。 六、提防异味异象 入房后,如闻到异味或感觉浑身不舒畅,甚至发觉睡床无故震动,电视及电灯自己开关,皆可能是灵体发出的信号,有可能是他们不想被骚扰,所以要求换房也是有必要的。 七、衣服勿放衣柜 阳间的衣物,灵体是无法穿的,但他们在衣柜内会把双手套进衣服的袖子,藏身在吊的衣服内,所以入住酒店时最好不要把衣物放进衣柜。 八、睡前注意事项 就寝前,不要将全房的灯光关上,最少亮一盏灯,留些少阳气之余,也令自己有点安全感。另外,鞋子不要整齐的摆在床边,防止晚上灵体容易穿上,因此鞋子最好摆乱或者一正一反。如鞋面一正一反,摆成微微的八字形,更符合了道家所画的八卦符,具阴阳和谐的意义,可防灵体靠近。 九、厕所在未使用前先按水沖一次馬桶 若之前有留下一些“一些不干净的东西”(不是指大便啦!)用这个方法可以把不小心留下的脏东西 全都冲冲掉。 同时,在入住酒店的时候,要注意做到如下几点: 进房间前要先敲门 鞋子不能整齐的放着,要歪歪扭扭的放 走廊最尽头的两个房间不能住 不要住没有窗的房间 除非自己要用,否则不要随便打开房间的柜子 如果走进房间觉得不舒服,一定要立刻换房间 睡觉的时候最好开一盏灯 如果墙上有莫名奇妙的水渍或者痕迹,一定要换房间 如果房间有佛经,一定要换房间 如果房间里面有香炉或者一碗米,一定要换房间 接下来的一些事情就比较恐怖了,胆小者慎往下看! 有很多酒店闹鬼的传闻…为什么酒店那么多鬼? 原因是好多人喜欢在酒店自杀。因为死了会有人发觉,又不会弄脏自己地方,酒店会留意住客的出入,如果发现住客两日都没出过门口, 打电话去房又没人听,就要一个职员加一个主管级人员一齐用后备锁匙开门进去, 看下是不是出了事,要两个人一齐进去的原因是可以互相做证人。如果间房不见了东西都可以有人证,如果真的是有人在酒店自杀,酒店是不会打报警电话。他们会用特別渠道将尸体送走,特別渠道不一定不合法,总之是不会给传媒知道的渠道…因为好多传媒都喜欢偷听报警频道去抢新闻,为了防止传媒报道而影响生意,好多酒店都会这么做。 进房间前要先敲门。意思是提醒里面的好朋友,我要进来啦,而且有的人会说我今天借住一晚,希望不要打扰到你。 鞋子不能整齐的放着,要歪歪扭扭的放。据说如果鞋放得很整齐,尤其是当鞋朝着床的方向放的时候,好朋友会顺着爬到床上来。 廊最尽头的两个房间不能住。酒店不会永远都客满房满,当客人不满的時候,酒店会由电梯大堂开始一路将房间分配出去,这么做的原因是将住客集中,方便清洁和执房等等。所以相对来讲,走廊尾的房间人气会较少,容易招惹不干净的东西。 不要住没有窗的房间。阴气不容易扩散出去,比较容易形成一个场。 除非自己要用,否则不要随便打开房间的柜子。好多人好喜欢一进到房就将柜门打全打开, 看下有什么东西…这样其实很容易会有不干净东西出来,鬼都怕人,如果间房真的有鬼,要留一些地方给他… 如果走进房间觉得不舒服,一定要立刻换房间。 睡觉的时候最好开一盏灯。 如果墙上有莫名奇妙的水渍或者痕迹,一定要换房间。 如果房间内发现有圣经,而且是打开的,那千万不要合上。西方很多酒店都会在房间里放圣经,如果是打开的,那就说明这个屋子曾经有人去世,或者是这里有好朋友在,所以千万不要合上圣经,就不要理它就好了。 最后,如果出现如下一些情况,一定要记得换房!! 被褥、地板潮湿,坚决换房! 床脚有白饭粒,换房! 床脚贴黄纸痕迹!换房! 空调室内滴水,换房! 床铺陈旧但卫生间却全新,换房! 进到房间就极度阴冷打一哆嗦的,换房! 拖鞋放在进门处的,换房! sk_2016 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Jagadee Posted May 14, 2017 Report Share Posted May 14, 2017 On 13/05/2017 at 9:26 AM, sgboy84 said: You don't know what you're dealing with... Exactly. It comes with a price. Find something else to do that is more meaningful Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Timid Fragile Kid Posted May 14, 2017 Report Share Posted May 14, 2017 Singapore used to have a group of people who ventured into haunted house with all their digital gadgets and whatnot. They were seldom heard in Singapore now, have they given up their "passion"? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sgboy84 Posted May 14, 2017 Report Share Posted May 14, 2017 18 hours ago, AnH said: sounds interesting... like you said, it will be difficult to find tried to google it and came out those about the American liberations.... ya...w...n Yes it's a good book but it seems like the book has disappeared from the face of the earth... can't even get any google result. It has really nice stories ranging from paranormal to gruesome murder cases and voodoos and curses. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upshot Posted May 14, 2017 Report Share Posted May 14, 2017 How do we define "TRUE" when there has never been any documentation but actual personal experience we are going on. This from me who once talked to a ghost in my camp toilet who question my fear for ghost and saw no way to explain how anyone could have fool me doing this in the camp toilet when I went to look for proof. Yes I was not scare shit-less but challenged it. Someone who use to go into Taoist trance and all that blackmagic (church speaking tougue, chinese, malay, Siam and indoneisan) spiritual stuff but now I go into abandon HDB and house at night and parks in total non lit place without worry and for every ever noise I hear, I found an answer for it. Thus I have almost stop believe there is anything superstitious or scary haunting. Including places I go to that are rumor with high haunting. Why you think I go nude cycling in any place apart from CBP without fear. Most of the time it is your mind playing up your fear. We call that bias confirmation. If you start to think with more common sense and take the courage to press forward to find out each time something 'scary' happen you will over time start to see there was nothing spooky going on. Same with religion.. once you can overcome your fear of ghost stories you start to see why religion are not real as well. And make better use and time with your life. You only have one life to live and it is all over.. don't waste your time too easily over things that has till today in 2017 no real repeatable documentation to proof all these to be true but totally hearsay alone. Yes I know it is hard to do but give it a try. I took that route as I have had a good part of my early years having people use religion as their means of controlling me and it is about money in one way or another. Human fear and how we react to things is what is uses against us. Discover and conquer your fears. I fear the evil of human beings more than something spiritual. Agree to disagree lah. xiandarkthorne and AnH 2 Quote ** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnH Posted May 15, 2017 Report Share Posted May 15, 2017 On 5/14/2017 at 5:52 PM, upshot said: How do we define "TRUE" when there has never been any documentation but actual personal experience we are going on. This from me who once talked to a ghost in my camp toilet who question my fear for ghost and saw no way to explain how anyone could have fool me doing this in the camp toilet when I went to look for proof. Yes I was not scare shit-less but challenged it. Someone who use to go into Taoist trance and all that blackmagic (church speaking tougue, chinese, malay, Siam and indoneisan) spiritual stuff but now I go into abandon HDB and house at night and parks in total non lit place without worry and for every ever noise I hear, I found an answer for it. Thus I have almost stop believe there is anything superstitious or scary haunting. Including places I go to that are rumor with high haunting. Why you think I go nude cycling in any place apart from CBP without fear. Most of the time it is your mind playing up your fear. We call that bias confirmation. If you start to think with more common sense and take the courage to press forward to find out each time something 'scary' happen you will over time start to see there was nothing spooky going on. Same with religion.. once you can overcome your fear of ghost stories you start to see why religion are not real as well. And make better use and time with your life. You only have one life to live and it is all over.. don't waste your time too easily over things that has till today in 2017 no real repeatable documentation to proof all these to be true but totally hearsay alone. Yes I know it is hard to do but give it a try. I took that route as I have had a good part of my early years having people use religion as their means of controlling me and it is about money in one way or another. Human fear and how we react to things is what is uses against us. Discover and conquer your fears. I fear the evil of human beings more than something spiritual. Agree to disagree lah. agree nothing is scarier than your own fear which one created by your own kind self Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnH Posted May 15, 2017 Report Share Posted May 15, 2017 On 5/14/2017 at 3:35 PM, sgboy84 said: Yes it's a good book but it seems like the book has disappeared from the face of the earth... can't even get any google result. It has really nice stories ranging from paranormal to gruesome murder cases and voodoos and curses. sounds fishy... how can something like this 'disappeared'? did you come across seeing that book? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upshot Posted May 15, 2017 Report Share Posted May 15, 2017 36 minutes ago, AnH said: agree nothing is scarier than your own fear which one created by your own kind self The power of suggestion is not something to be taken lightly. I know that for a fact in my own life. And how if you give in to it and really stop thinking out of your comfort zone you will be sucked in deep and it can take a long time to come out of it. Religion is like that. The moment I saw things for what they are and be brave enough to take the next step forward when you encounter something scary like in a haunted house.. you then find out it was actually nothing but have a answer for what you think you saw. Quote ** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sgboy84 Posted May 16, 2017 Report Share Posted May 16, 2017 22 hours ago, AnH said: sounds fishy... how can something like this 'disappeared'? did you come across seeing that book? Lol! Now you're scaring me lol! But yeah it's definitely in my memory. There is black powers 2 too which I saw in popular but it was like eons ago. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest shotup Posted May 18, 2017 Report Share Posted May 18, 2017 On 16/05/2017 at 0:07 AM, upshot said: The power of suggestion is not something to be taken lightly. I know that for a fact in my own life. And how if you give in to it and really stop thinking out of your comfort zone you will be sucked in deep and it can take a long time to come out of it. Religion is like that. The moment I saw things for what they are and be brave enough to take the next step forward when you encounter something scary like in a haunted house.. you then find out it was actually nothing but have a answer for what you think you saw. I suggest upshot shut up. I suggest upshot shut the hell up. I suggest upshot shut the fark up. Damn I hope it works real fast and soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upshot Posted May 18, 2017 Report Share Posted May 18, 2017 (edited) 4 hours ago, Guest shotup said: I suggest upshot shut up. I suggest upshot shut the hell up. I suggest upshot shut the fark up. Damn I hope it works real fast and soon. And like ghost stories.. we can see it will not happen. It's not real. You stand no ghost of a chance getting me to shut up by some supernatural means. BOO.......................hoo. Edited May 18, 2017 by upshot Quote ** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fourth Posted May 19, 2017 Report Share Posted May 19, 2017 majority of people tend to exaggerate the supernatural, or associate them with how the movies are portraying them. it's either that or they refute it with the logic that they have come to know, understand, and apply to the world around them. my side line deals with the supernatural, and there is a pretty small but robust industry in singapore itself. there are the wannabe's, the fakes, the real ones, and then the ones who are only in to make a quick buck and then leave a bad name for the ones who are really helping establishments and helping people. we are beyond proving people that 'they' exist; it's a non topic for us. our clientele ranges from education institutions, hotels, and offices. my general advice is, go with your instincts. if your instinct tells you that it is a BAD idea exploring old changi hospital with your friends, then by all means, don't even go near the place. Quote +65 9090 four four nine six (WA), fourthandthird (Line) Behind Tiong Bahru Plaza $80 / hr - tui na + minor fixing + bone setting $35 (approx 12 mins + -) - 抓根 Zhua Gen ($5 bundling discount applies when done with any other service) $55 flat rate - treatment of lower back / disc herniation issues. Add $5 for additional area. Glide cupping 走罐 - $15 $36 bonesetting-and-go (5 - 10 mins) Daily 10am to 10pm last appt but please text in advance. Special early / ultra late appts are possible, just book in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dee170 Posted June 4, 2017 Report Share Posted June 4, 2017 Last month I moved to Pearl's Hill and have already been some disturbing encounters so I did aome research. Realised that the subject of Pearl's Hill has been discussed in other forums. Here is the excerpt: (is the historical background true?) PearL Hill City Park There is this very haunted place place which is forgotten & less known to many people. It's just behind Chinatown & a park that opens to the public everyday but so few ppl visits the place before. Please continue to read the "historical background article" part to find out more about this place. Part of Pearl Hill was a cemetery even after the Tan Tock Seng Pauper's Hospital & Pearl Hill's Prison was settled here. The poor patients of the hospital that pass away was buried at the cemetery, so was the prisoners that is executed at the prison. By the 1950s, the cemetery was removed & the government has convert it into a park. The grave/tomb stone of Mr Tan Tock Seng can be still found near Pearl Hill Park. From map of Singapore, you can see that there is a service reservoir marked at the center of Pearl hill, however if you visit the place before, you will wouldn't notice the service reservoir but an old and secret fort (WWII) at the hill top of Pearl Hill Park, you can't find any reference that is related to it. The authority "may" be hiding something regarding the fort & therefore state the fort as the "Service Reservoir". One of my old friend that first brought me there many years old, said that the fort was not fenced up before he brought me there. Currently it's under tight security surveillance & the fort is doubled fenced. Besides the fort, there is a big pond in Pearl Hill park. We uses to play there often many years old when I live in Chinatown. We like to stay there for the quietness & strong winds, something up to 11pm at night. We stop hanging around there after my friends & I saw the ghosts like prisoners with our very own eyes for a few times. It was very late & we saw them waving the hand at us. That's before the hdb flats in front of Outram MRT was tear down. A few historical background article about Pearl Hill Park. Pearl Hill's History Pearl's Hill a.k.a. Mount Stamford hill, located in the Central Region of Singapore and at 56.4 ha, is the largest sub-zone of the Outram area. Initially the location of Chinese-owned spice plantations, the hill was first called Mount Stamford, after Sir Stamford Raffles. Its current name is taken from Lt. James Pearl, Commander of the Indiana who bought the hill in 1822. Institutional buildings located here have included the Seaman's Hospital, Tan Tock Seng's Pauper Hospital, and Pearl's Hill Prison a.k.a Outram Road Gaol or H. M. Prisons. History In the early days of Singapore, the yet unnamed hill was the location for spice plantations owned by the Chinese, some of whom must have occupied and settled here before the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. In May 1822, Lt. James Pearl, Captain and owner of the Indiana, began acquiring several plots on the hill from certain Chinese gambier planters until he owned the entire hill. His house was built on top of the hill and Chinese and Malay workmen cleared the slopes and grew pepper vines for him. He called his hill Mount Stamford as a compliment to Sir Stamford Raffles. Lt. Pearl's agents sold it back to the Government in 1828, for Rs 10,000 (Indian Rupees), after he had retired to Europe, but the name Pearl's Hill continued to be used. Before that, some of the soil from this hill was used to fill the mudflats of Commercial Square in 1825, with the help of the first batch of convict labourers transported to Singapore. Government Surveyor, John Turnbull Thomson, in the mid-1850s estimated that Pearl's Hill was 170 ft high. When Fort Canning was completed in 1861, it was discovered that the height of Pearl's Hill was higher, and stood in the trajectory of the guns mounted at Fort Canning. To correct this, a military engineer simply cut off the top of Pearl's Hill. In 1889, the Municipality took over Pearl's Hill. The first Tan Tock Seng Hospital, the fourth Pauper's Hospital established in Singapore, had its foundation stone laid on 25 July 1844 in the presence of Resident Councillor, Thomas Church. It was not used until 1849. By 1854, the building had extensions for the Hospital Surgery or Apothecary's House, designed by John Turnbull Thomson, the architect of the original Tan Tock Seng Hospital building. In 1857, the Government acquired the building, and in 1860, the hospital moved to Balestier Plain. The Seaman's Hospital was completed in 1845, also designed and built by John Turnbull Thomson. Both hospitals of classical designs with imposing facades of columns rising the height of the buildings, were erected side by side at the base of the hill. In 1857, after the Indian Mutiny, the colonial government took over the buildings and Pearl's Hill, for military purposes, and the hospitals were transferred to other locations. Apart from spice plantations on the hill, sago factories were situated on the flat ground near the base of Pearl's Hill. The first factories were small rough sheds, processing raw material imported mainly from Sumatra. In 1849, there were fifteen Chinese and two European sago factories in Singapore. There was much money to be made from this trade, so many sago factories became permanent brick structures, employing twenty to thirty men. The processed sago was exported to Europe or India and commanded a high price. At the foot of the hill, on Eu Tong Sen Street, was an open public park. It later became the People's or Pearl's Market with outdoor stalls which unfortunately was destroyed by fire in 1966. The People's Park Complex stands on this site today. Pearl's Hill Reservoir, then known as a 'High Service Reservoir', built in 1898 and completed in 1904, with a water storage capacity of 6 million gallons, is still the main source of fresh water supply to Chinatown today. In the recent past, the Police Operational Headquarters was located at Pearl's Hill Terrace. This had also housed the Operations Command, Radio Division, Criminal Investigation Department, Public Affairs, and Police National Service Headquarters. For a while the Ministry of Interior and Defence (today's Ministry of Defence) was located here, after Singapore became a Republic in 1965. The Central Narcotics Bureau have their own building behind Pearl's Centre on Eu Tong Sen Street. Completed in 1976, the impressive and imposing Pearl Bank Apartments may have been the tallest residential building in Singapore and possibly Southeast Asia. The 37-storey hollow, 3/4 cylindrical tower has the largest number of apartments contained in a single block. Located in Pearl's Hill Road, this is the first all-housing project in the Urban Renewal Department of the Housing and Development Board's (HDB) 'Sale of Sites' programme, carried out in 1969. On the Chin Swee Road foot of Pearl's Hill, are Pearl's Hill School, Landmark Tower, San Centre and Manhattan House. In the midst of all this, on top of the hill, stands 8.4 ha Pearl's Hill City Park, the 'green lung' of the area. Pearl's Hill is today part of Outram Estate. Variant Names Chinese names: In Hokkien, Lau-ia-keng khau; and in Cantonese, Ma-miu kai both mean "Pearl Hill" or "Clothing-box street" (there were a large number of box-makers in this street). History of Pearl Hill's Prison History The New Civil Jail, as it was generally called, and probably Singapore's oldest proper detention centre at the foot of Pearl's Hill, was built with the help of convict labour. On Saturday morning, 6 February 1847, the foundation stone of the new prison was laid by the architect and Superintending Engineer, Captain Charles Edward Faber, in the presence of their honours the Governor Colonel William J. Butterworth, C. B., and the Resident Councillor Thomas Church. Description The gaol complex with the original old block known as the Old Prison was built from plans by Government Surveyor John Turnbull Thomson. Extensions were built in 1879, with designs prepared by Executive Engineer Major J.F.A. McNair in 1877-78. The Remand Prison block was built in 1920. In colonial times, it was officially known as H. M. Prisons (His or Her Majesty's Prison, depending on the gender of the ruling British monarch at the time). It was also called the Criminal and Civil Prison. It could accomodate more than a thousand prisoners. The Prisons Department Headquarters in the administrative block within the complex was administered by the Commissioner of Prisons, assisted by three Gaolers. The prison complex had three seperate prisons - the "short-sentence" Local Prison, Remand Prison and Female Prison, and these were controlled by the Superintendent. To cope with ailments of detainees, the prison hospital block had a resident doctor, a Medical Officer-in-charge. Work Facilities To keep prisoners useful and actively busy, labour jobs were given, which also gave opportunities for unskilled men and women to develop trades which would help them acquire jobs upon their release from detention. These workshops and workyards, also known as prison industries, included a large laundry which washed for various government departments and hospitals, carpentry, tailoring, blacksmithy, string and mat-making. Executions Those sentenced to death were executed by judicial hanging, which were carried out here in the Execution Building Block at Pearl's Hill. An average of ten executions were carried out each year. After World War II, in 1948, nine Japanese were convicted by the Military Courts for War Crimes and executed here. By 1947, the prison buildings were found to be old and unsuitable, and escapes and assaults had been frequent. So eventually the complex was demolished in 1968 and replaced by Outram Park, a residential cum shopping complex, built by the Housing Development Board in 1969, in the area now known as Outram Estate. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flyerboy88 Posted June 4, 2017 Report Share Posted June 4, 2017 My maternal grandparents used to stay at Pearl Bank Apartment and heard my granny and aunts mention that they have encountered strange happenings. e.g. a small boy running downstairs towards the kitchen and disappeared into the dead end and keyboard typing on its own... biLanjiao 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carpenter Posted June 4, 2017 Report Share Posted June 4, 2017 14 hours ago, flyerboy88 said: My maternal grandparents used to stay at Pearl Bank Apartment and heard my granny and aunts mention that they have encountered strange happenings. e.g. a small boy running downstairs towards the kitchen and disappeared into the dead end and keyboard typing on its own... keyboard as in computer keyboard? maybe they are trying to sent email to their friends from another world. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fourth Posted June 5, 2017 Report Share Posted June 5, 2017 eh... pearl's hill and pearl's bank. those areas are avoided altogether by practitioners; there'll be ENDLESS spirits knocking on the door, asking for favors / liberation. and there's a reason why the plot of land next to Outram MRT was sunned for many many years. Quote +65 9090 four four nine six (WA), fourthandthird (Line) Behind Tiong Bahru Plaza $80 / hr - tui na + minor fixing + bone setting $35 (approx 12 mins + -) - 抓根 Zhua Gen ($5 bundling discount applies when done with any other service) $55 flat rate - treatment of lower back / disc herniation issues. Add $5 for additional area. Glide cupping 走罐 - $15 $36 bonesetting-and-go (5 - 10 mins) Daily 10am to 10pm last appt but please text in advance. Special early / ultra late appts are possible, just book in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeanMature Posted June 5, 2017 Report Share Posted June 5, 2017 Oh.. but they are already digging the underground of that area to make way for the Thomson Line. The natural habitat of these spirits are disappearing day by day. Quote Don't read and response to guests' post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 (edited) On 2017-6-4 at 11:48 AM, flyerboy88 said: My maternal grandparents used to stay at Pearl Bank Apartment and heard my granny and aunts mention that they have encountered strange happenings. e.g. a small boy running downstairs towards the kitchen and disappeared into the dead end and keyboard typing on its own... I grew up near Chinatown, not at Pearl Bank Apartment, but further down the road near the OG shopping centre and State Courts. As a kid, everytime I passed by the Pearl Bank Apartments, I would have a very uneasy and bad feeling. Even today when I pass by that building while on a bus, I would still feel bad and uneasy about that place. I didn't know there was so much history around that place that involved deceased people (the graveyard, the hospital, and the gallows). Anyway, there's something about that building that is not good. I can't fully describe it but it has a lot to do with the circular structure of the building - it blocks out sunlight and traps darkness and spirits inside. So it didn't exactly surprise me to hear that many of the residents there find their units to be haunted. That building has poor feng shui, in my opinion. Also, it doesn't help that it was either built over a cemetery, or right next to it. And worse, there was a hospital nearby a long time ago where many patients probably died due to the poor standards in the past. And to top it off, the former prison (that ex-CID building) down the road used to hang prisoners until as late as the 1940s! Edited June 8, 2017 by CKW Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 The pearl bank apartment really blocks out sunlight due to the design, confirmed will attract many spiritual and ghosts. Also this building consider an old building. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
piedpiper Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 On 25/07/2016 at 3:56 AM, Guest le parisien said: Woke up from a bad dream or so but it seems so vivid that someone went beside my bed but i'm just alone in my room. It felt so reel and the room felt terribly cold and i even not using aircon tonight. ... brought back memories... I know what it feels though nothing on temperature in the room. I could feel the depression of the mattress as though someone came to rest over.... was scary...happened afternoon n late night and morning but random over months Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeanMature Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 11 minutes ago, piedpiper said: ... brought back memories... I know what it feels though nothing on temperature in the room. I could feel the depression of the mattress as though someone came to rest over.... was scary...happened afternoon n late night and morning but random over months Me too, a few days ago. Heard faint voices in the evening. Middle of the night felt so cold and hair standing. Later, dreamt of a stranger in my room sleeping beside me. Quote Don't read and response to guests' post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 2 hours ago, piedpiper said: ... brought back memories... I know what it feels though nothing on temperature in the room. I could feel the depression of the mattress as though someone came to rest over.... was scary...happened afternoon n late night and morning but random over months Try getting a few amethyst tumblestones and put a few on your bed and under the pillow before you sleep. They help to keep any dark spirits from bothering you when you sleep. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 6, 2017 Report Share Posted June 6, 2017 2 hours ago, LeanMature said: Me too, a few days ago. Heard faint voices in the evening. Middle of the night felt so cold and hair standing. Later, dreamt of a stranger in my room sleeping beside me. Try getting a few amethyst tumblestones and put a few on your bed and under the pillow before you sleep. They help to keep any dark spirits from bothering you when you sleep. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leanmeat Posted June 7, 2017 Report Share Posted June 7, 2017 I happen to walk up there just some months ago. Was surprise I nvr knew abt the circular apartment. Didnt feel much when I was walking up or down the stairs leading there. But i do felt uneasy with the darkness due to the structure blocking sunlight. even though i was just looking from outside. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
piedpiper Posted June 7, 2017 Report Share Posted June 7, 2017 20 hours ago, CKW said: Try getting a few amethyst tumblestones and put a few on your bed and under the pillow before you sleep. They help to keep any dark spirits from bothering you when you sleep. Thank you...will let it rest though And see how it goes as it's very erratic occasions. Don't want to spook my family Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
piedpiper Posted June 7, 2017 Report Share Posted June 7, 2017 23 hours ago, Guest Guest said: The pearl bank apartment really blocks out sunlight due to the design, confirmed will attract many spiritual and ghosts. Also this building consider an old building. Never knew of the eerie history of the building but had always admired the architecture of the building as a kid and in later years. Once almost went to meet a mature who lived there wth his gay partner, who wanted a 3some. Hmmm wld have resulted an uninvited guest "fondling" anyone of us! Anyone had experienced anything bizarre where an entity had sexually fondled you?Maybe shd try spread-eagle supined, and masked participants Outside a circle fondling and caressing ... cries of moans and groans...perfumed candles burning. Now I m excited! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 7, 2017 Report Share Posted June 7, 2017 I also find Pearls Centre to have a bad, ghostly vibe. I just read the post above (about the history of the area) and found out that the building is either built over a cemetery, or right next to it! Also, until the 1940s, they used to hang criminals in the former jail nearby. No wonder I always had a bad feeling about that place! Last time when it was still in operation I already didn't like the feel of it when I went in. Now that it is all boarded up and waiting to be demolished, it's even creepier, even during the day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 7, 2017 Report Share Posted June 7, 2017 (edited) 4 hours ago, piedpiper said: Anyone had experienced anything bizarre where an entity had sexually fondled you? It happens. If you watch The Dead Files on Youtube, you will find that a lot of the female victims living in haunted houses kena that. But know that only an evil entity (whether an evil human spirit or a demonic spirit) will do that to people. The good spirits and the angels will not do that because they are lawful creatures who respect others. Edited June 7, 2017 by CKW Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
biLanjiao Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 Pearl centre can explore? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeanMature Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 On Tuesday, June 06, 2017 at 6:08 PM, CKW said: Try getting a few amethyst tumblestones and put a few on your bed and under the pillow before you sleep. They help to keep any dark spirits from bothering you when you sleep. Thanks, not necessary. I adjusted my bedside lamp towards the bed and everything is fine. CKW 1 Quote Don't read and response to guests' post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
piedpiper Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 Ic. Tx For the info. Interesting and you seem to be quite in the know-how on the supernatural. I wonder if u have heard of this Nasi Kang Kang. A Malay lady told me that flirting husbands are given this in their rice and it works. But it's not very popular in Singapore becos no proper bomoh practitioners, but JB has. BUT does not work on gay men but the alternative is to send a jinn, a small demon but faithful to its master but must be provided for. It seeks menstrual blood! It licks it! As it's a male demon. I find these studies interesting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 1 hour ago, biLanjiao said: Pearl centre can explore? No. Currently, the whole place is vacant and boarded up. It's going to be demolished, I believe. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, piedpiper said: Ic. Tx For the info. Interesting and you seem to be quite in the know-how on the supernatural. I wonder if u have heard of this Nasi Kang Kang. A Malay lady told me that flirting husbands are given this in their rice and it works. But it's not very popular in Singapore becos no proper bomoh practitioners, but JB has. BUT does not work on gay men but the alternative is to send a jinn, a small demon but faithful to its master but must be provided for. It seeks menstrual blood! It licks it! As it's a male demon. I find these studies interesting. I'm sorry, were you addressing me in the first line? : ) Thank you!! But I'm still learning new things everyday I have not heard of the nasi kang kang before but the one about the menstrual blood-eating demon is familiar. I read it once in one of the True Singapore Ghost Stories stories. It was about a woman who kept such a demon in her house, in a bottle or something. Forgot what she used it for. And she had to give it her menstrual blood as a food offering. When that was not enough, she asked her Filipino maid for her used sanitary pads in order to have more blood to give to the demon. Eventually the maid got scared and quit. Later on, I think something very bad happened to the woman. Sorry I can't recall the story. But best not to try it Anything to do with the dark side should be avoided Edited June 8, 2017 by CKW Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
biLanjiao Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 18 minutes ago, CKW said: No. Currently, the whole place is vacant and boarded up. It's going to be demolished, I believe. Boring singapore... no abandoned building to explore. Haha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CKW Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 (edited) 7 hours ago, biLanjiao said: Boring singapore... no abandoned building to explore. Haha Don't lah; there are many true stories of people who had a spirit follow them home when they went to an abandoned building or deserted place without protection. Many of these folks were not ghost-hunting but just exploring. Even feng shui websites often advise people not to wander around old, abandoned buildings. There was one very scary true story of a woman (in America) who went to an abandoned cotton plantation to explore with her three girl friends. It was one of those plantations where the African slaves used to work in during the early days of America. When she went home to view the photos, she saw a terrifying image of a very sinister-looking man in one of her photos. After that, her home was attack by that evil entity very badly, until they finally got a Christian exorcist to drive it out. Edited June 8, 2017 by CKW Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
biLanjiao Posted June 8, 2017 Report Share Posted June 8, 2017 7 hours ago, CKW said: Don't lah; there are many true stories of people who had a spirit follow them home when they went to an abandoned building or deserted place without protection. Many of these folks were not ghost-hunting but just exploring. Even feng shui websites often advise people not to wander around old, abandoned buildings. There was one very scary true story of a woman (in America) who went to an abandoned cotton plantation to explore with her three girl friends. It was one of those plantations where the African slaves used to work in during the early days of America. When she went home to view the photos, she saw a terrifying image of a very sinister-looking man in one of her photos. After that, her home was attack by that evil entity very badly, until they finally got a Christian exorcist to drive it out. our house so clean n bright.. really not suitable for them to stay with us too hahha CKW 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lovehandle Posted June 9, 2017 Report Share Posted June 9, 2017 in army camp, from 11min: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Star Posted June 10, 2017 Report Share Posted June 10, 2017 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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