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Ghosts, Spirits Encounters & Supernatural Haunting Discussion + 7th Lunar Month (Compiled)


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Guest Wintermelon
On 5/14/2017 at 12:07 AM, snowball said:











有些酒店为了方便客人,会在房内准备《圣经》或《可兰经》,以供?徒们祈祷或翻阅。所以见到有《圣经》或《可兰经》是很正常的,不用大惊小怪。不过,当入房时见到那本《圣经》或《可兰经》是翻开,就有点问题了。 虽然?徒们一般不认同《圣经》有驱邪作用,但酒店业习惯在曾出事的房间将《可兰经》或《圣经》翻到某一页来镇压阴灵,若遇上这种情况,还是换房会安心点。








若之前有留下一些“一些不干净的东西”(不是指大便啦!)用这个方法可以把不小心留下的脏东西 全都冲冲掉。
















有很多酒店闹鬼的传闻…为什么酒店那么多鬼? 原因是好多人喜欢在酒店自杀。因为死了会有人发觉,又不会弄脏自己地方,酒店会留意住客的出入,如果发现住客两日都没出过门口, 打电话去房又没人听,就要一个职员加一个主管级人员一齐用后备锁匙开门进去, 看下是不是出了事,要两个人一齐进去的原因是可以互相做证人。如果间房不见了东西都可以有人证,如果真的是有人在酒店自杀,酒店是不会打报警电话。他们会用特別渠道将尸体送走,特別渠道不一定不合法,总之是不会给传媒知道的渠道…因为好多传媒都喜欢偷听报警频道去抢新闻,为了防止传媒报道而影响生意,好多酒店都会这么做。







除非自己要用,否则不要随便打开房间的柜子。好多人好喜欢一进到房就将柜门打全打开, 看下有什么东西…这样其实很容易会有不干净东西出来,鬼都怕人,如果间房真的有鬼,要留一些地方给他… 


















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On 9/7/2018 at 8:22 AM, Steve5380 said:

It suddenly happened in the blink of an eye.

I was browsing through BW when the screen of my laptop went dark.

All the status lights went dark too.

I pressed the control buttons., I tried to restart without luck.  

I turned the laptop around, shook it,  No response.


It is night here, so my bedroom turned dark.  Somewhat scared,

it crossed my mind what I would do if my lifeline, the laptop,

had suffered irreparable damage here in a foreign city.


Then I saw the little status light of my charger was also off.

And I realized that I had forgot to turn on the power strip it was connected to. 


It is super natural  that when a laptop is being used without the charger

it will eventually run out of battery. And so I got scared of the super natural.



really? steve?

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7 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

really? steve?


So what?  I get scared too!

Sometimes over stupidities that are in reality super natural to happen.

But then I relax, take a deep breath,  maybe some minutes of "breath of fire", and laugh the whole thing off  :)

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11 hours ago, Guest Lawrence said:

Whenever I am alone and get afraid, I use to think of my favorite things. Chocolates, seafood noodles, Lush soaps, daffodils, macaroons.


My favorite things are also very simple.  Not expensive cars, private yachts, private planes, but chocolate ice cream,  almonds covered with dark chocolate, french bread with plenty of butter and jelly,  and I don't even have to get afraid of putting up weight!

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kekekeke, maybe as i was reading what you have written it didnt sound too frightening to me (maybe it is due to the 7th mth only?)

if BW organise a ghost tour or haunted house, pls let me attend or chair the thing

Edited by lovehandle
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4 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

kekekeke, maybe as i was reading what you have written it didnt sound too frightening to me (maybe it is due to the 7th mth only?)

if BW organise a ghost tour or haunted house, pls let me attend or chair the thing


Remember that ghosts are the product of our brains.  I rather face a scary creature, which makes me laugh, than the ghost of a crashed PC that needs to reload the operating system, install the applications, select all the thousand settings, etc. etc....

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On 9/8/2018 at 6:41 PM, Steve5380 said:


My favorite things are also very simple.  Not expensive cars, private yachts, private planes, but chocolate ice cream,  almonds covered with dark chocolate, french bread with plenty of butter and jelly,  and I don't even have to get afraid of putting up weight!


Hey grandpa, french bread goes with butter and jams , jelly is jello. 

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There are nothing scarier than inhuman entities (spirits that were never human). That is why I am not afraid during 7th month, as those are human spirits.

However during 7th month, the inhuman entities take on many forms to try and blend in, or trick people into thinking they are past ancestors or dearly departed.

This is why 7th month and practices like these should be discontinued. You wonder why most disturbances happen during these "festivities", not because all the ghosts are loose or whatever nonsense.

But it usually takes place on special and sensitive times of the year where the line between this world and the unseen world is thinnest. Halloween / Samhain is another example.

They disturb us because we are reaching out, trying to make contact. And if you have a weakness or opening in you as you are doing all these things, then big trouble.

I recently noticed a huge trend in media that seems to advocate witchcraft. From teen dramas, to cinema movies, it is everywhere. Recently, shows like Hereditary and even The Nun is all based on people who dabble in these things.

If it is within your family, please do not take up the mantle and continue. If you are a natural witch, do practise responsibly and within the natural forces only.

And if you are those who are naturally "opened", never accept the help that they might seem to offer. They might say they are embodiment of good christian saints, or good muslim jinns, or whatever, it's all tricks.

Be safe, not just during 7th month, but during all months of the year. 





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2 hours ago, tomcat said:

There are nothing scarier than inhuman entities (spirits that were never human). That is why I am not afraid during 7th month, as those are human spirits.

However during 7th month, the inhuman entities take on many forms to try and blend in, or trick people into thinking they are past ancestors or dearly departed.

This is why 7th month and practices like these should be discontinued. You wonder why most disturbances happen during these "festivities", not because all the ghosts are loose or whatever nonsense.

But it usually takes place on special and sensitive times of the year where the line between this world and the unseen world is thinnest. Halloween / Samhain is another example.

They disturb us because we are reaching out, trying to make contact. And if you have a weakness or opening in you as you are doing all these things, then big trouble.

I recently noticed a huge trend in media that seems to advocate witchcraft. From teen dramas, to cinema movies, it is everywhere. Recently, shows like Hereditary and even The Nun is all based on people who dabble in these things.

If it is within your family, please do not take up the mantle and continue. If you are a natural witch, do practise responsibly and within the natural forces only.

And if you are those who are naturally "opened", never accept the help that they might seem to offer. They might say they are embodiment of good christian saints, or good muslim jinns, or whatever, it's all tricks.

Be safe, not just during 7th month, but during all months of the year. 



Look behind You.


Scary Horror GIF - Scary Horror Ghost GIFs

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21 hours ago, Guest hug said:


Hey grandpa, french bread goes with butter and jams , jelly is jello. 


You insolent ignorant 60 y.o youngster (or so),

in the real world where I live,  "jello" is a desert made with gelatin,

while jelly is the right word for a preserve made with fruits to spread over bread. 


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When I was a teenager, I used to see entities. Dark souls, dead people, white ladies, shadow people, etc. Name it. It was very traumatic. I kept it for years since childhood from my parents. I thought it was normal to see those until one day, one entity tried to hurt me. I told my mom and she was so surprised. It actually runs in the family. My great great grandfather also has the gift. They thought it already ended because no one after his generation has that until me. So we went to a temple and i stayed there for a month to close my 3rd eyes. Meditation has helped me a lot to defend my self from those entities. So far I haven’t seen anyone of them anymorr but I do sometimes feel them when suddenly it gets cold. And yes, favorite food also help like chocolate.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Richmond

Anyone here still believe in ghost? For three nights in a row I can’t sleep because of the loud sound banging at our attic. I’m pretty sure that no living person is there and only pile of boxes.

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19 minutes ago, Guest Richmond said:

Anyone here still believe in ghost? For three nights in a row I can’t sleep because of the loud sound banging at our attic. I’m pretty sure that no living person is there and only pile of boxes.


Put yourself in the bones of a ghost.

If you had the power to move physical objects, something a ghost has to do to make noises,

would you limit your power and rattle some boxes in the hope that someone would listen and get afraid?

Or would you directly come to the person you want to scare and tap him on the shoulder? 

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25 minutes ago, Guest Richmond said:

Help! I think there is a ghost in our attic. How to get rid of that ghost?


How you know that the loud noises you hear coming from your attic are made by a ghost?

Have you gone up in the attic while the noises are sounding and looked around?

Could you identify from where in the attic they are coming? 

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Guest Ghost in the Attic
1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:


Put yourself in the bones of a ghost.

If you had the power to move physical objects, something a ghost has to do to make noises,

would you limit your power and rattle some boxes in the hope that someone would listen and get afraid?

Or would you directly come to the person you want to scare and tap him on the shoulder? 

Got it, tonight he will have this


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On 6/6/2018 at 11:09 PM, Guest ghost inside of me said:

How to get rid of ghost inside of you? I suspected myself being inhabited by a lady ghost. a very "Xiao chi", easily irritated, sensitive, moody, lonely, introvert and crazy lady ghost. Need a very strong master recommendation to get rid of her. Anyone knows any master or method to get exorcise this powerful lady ghost? no kidding. need real answer fast


9 hours ago, Creevie said:

大悲咒 and 心經. 


Once u get rid of your 3 poisons, u will get rid of all the ghosts.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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On 12/31/2018 at 5:18 AM, Steve5380 said:


How you know that the loud noises you hear coming from your attic are made by a ghost?

Have you gone up in the attic while the noises are sounding and looked around?

Could you identify from where in the attic they are coming? 

We had noise in our roof space intermittently.  It's caused by rats I found out.

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On 9/4/2018 at 5:54 PM, Guest Unknown said:

Recently in this ghost month, 2 times my soft drink can i put on table during dinner at foodcourt moved by itself. Then last night i went back home and felt something tried to grab my left leg angkle. These few nights always felt chilling. Got one time in the morning 5am i felt a chillness enterred my back bone and stayed there for a while.

Wanted to visit temple lately but heard in the ghost month, many ghosts wandering around temple to seek helps from deities too.

Next time you feel anything...better say to it loudly "If you want to continue to enjoy my company, must give lotto numbers and 4D numbers for the next first prize hor"! ;)


Edited by Fit4Masc
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Guest Neh Neh

I would like to share my real experience on 30/12/18 4:40am. I was suddenly waked up by someone hand fumble my head. Next i heard some noise like "he he he he he he he he..." from outside my window. Then i began to say some prayer in heart. The sound "he he he... " slowly died off like moving further away.

I waked up feeling hot and sweaty. I turned on the air cond and went back to sleep.

Next day i went to temple to pray.


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1 hour ago, Fit4Masc said:

We had noise in our roof space intermittently.  It's caused by rats I found out.


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Guest Takius
2 hours ago, Guest Neh Neh said:

I would like to share my real experience on 30/12/18 4:40am. I was suddenly waked up by someone hand fumble my head. Next i heard some noise like "he he he he he he he he..." from outside my window. Then i began to say some prayer in heart. The sound "he he he... " slowly died off like moving further away.

I waked up feeling hot and sweaty. I turned on the air cond and went back to sleep.

Next day i went to temple to pray.



Oh my god this is scary. Are you sure it wasn't a dream? Where do you live and what is outside your window, corridor or nothing?

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3 hours ago, Guest Neh Neh said:

I would like to share my real experience on 30/12/18 4:40am. I was suddenly waked up by someone hand fumble my head. Next i heard some noise like "he he he he he he he he..." from outside my window. Then i began to say some prayer in heart. The sound "he he he... " slowly died off like moving further away.

I waked up feeling hot and sweaty. I turned on the air cond and went back to sleep.

Next day i went to temple to pray.


It could a dream which become so real that you thought it is happening in real life. Think many of us encountered such thing during our sleep before.

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Guest Neh Neh
1 hour ago, Guest guest said:

It could a dream which become so real that you thought it is happening in real life. Think many of us encountered such thing during our sleep before.

My room next to corridor. The high pitch sound "he he he he he..." sounded so much like a little girl. And i heard the sound from outside the window after i waked up. I was in fact feeling scared. So i started to pray in heart. Luckily it or the sound moved away real quick.

Someone played my hair was so real.


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Guest 大胆!竟敢在太岁头上动土?
20 minutes ago, Guest Neh Neh said:

My room next to corridor. The high pitch sound "he he he he he..." sounded so much like a little girl. And i heard the sound from outside the window after i waked up. I was in fact feeling scared. So i started to pray in heart. Luckily it or the sound moved away real quick.

Someone played my hair was so real.


What did you pray?

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14 hours ago, Fit4Masc said:

Next time you feel anything...better say to it loudly "If you want to continue to enjoy my company, must give lotto numbers and 4D numbers for the next first prize hor"! ;)



reply from unseen presence, 


in exchange for giving you good luck and fortune , do you agree to accompany me on this side after enjoying your spirit given fortune from 4d in 3 years time.

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On 12/31/2018 at 11:22 PM, fab said:



Once u get rid of your 3 poisons, u will get rid of all the ghosts.

Haven't you heard of 以毒攻毒?


"Supposedly, ghosts wear the same clothes they had worn when they were alive.

If people die and turn into ghosts,

Do clothes die and turn into ghosts' clothes?"  


Edited by wilfgene
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Guest Truth hurts
1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:

I think this thread was started by a ghost, for the fun of ghosts.

Everyone is a ghost of their own kind and which I find very scary.

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1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:

I think this thread was started by a ghost, for the fun of ghosts.


The cantonese and chinese in general calls you , pale face people ,( a term native american coined to describe white people, )


Kwai low, literally ghost, and till today , cantonese people still used this term to call white people, 

although a great majority of chinese people on the mainland have pale , translucent, and porcelain like skin, that withstands ageingband cold dry winds. 


in fact whiter than whites.

Ghost like .



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48 minutes ago, Guest joker said:


The cantonese and chinese in general calls you , pale face people ,( a term native american coined to describe white people, )



I would not care what the Cantonese call me, as long as they are friendly and loving towards me.

Maybe they would be, in general.

But I searched a little the gay scene in the big city Guangzhou, and it is pitiful.

It seems that looking for gays there is like pursuing real ghosts...

So I rather be 100 miles to the south of Guangzhou,  in Hong Kong,

with its tens of gay saunas, some visited by nice Asians of real human flesh.

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17 minutes ago, Guest Sissy Gay Boy said:

Can he cures gay?


Gay is not an illness nor does it need to be cured.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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First , get rid of the ghost that exist in your mind, brain and thought.


MOST  highly intelligent, successful, well adjusted, highly sexual fuctioning people go about their eveveryday and work, ear , sleep, shit, masturbate , fuck a pussy or asshole , cum, orgasm without the need to put a thought about ghosts into the equation. 


DO YOU want the thought to keep hounding you or you want to control the outcome of your life or you let lousy ideas determine your life.?


Think about it, the most successful people like LKY, GCT, do not let ghost thoughts dominate their life and thoughts.


LET them be yr example to look up to.



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Guest Trust the Lord

When you stay alone, the chance is there is a ghost in the house.  You need to feel it to realise it.  Switch on the lamp, radio and anything that will move to activate the stagnant energy.  If you have pets like dog husky or cat olivia, than watch their behaviour closely, they often will be the first to offer clue.   Best is not to place any figures/idols/pictures of meseum/temples tomb or even your own photo frame...etc.   In fact, not having TV is the best. Spirit will hide in there.  Also not to have heavily stocked wardrobe that looks like there is a jungle in the capsule wardrobe.  Nope, don't think you will encounter something like Narnia.  Stay in the smaller house the better if you are single, chances of other rooms not fully utilised might attract unwanted "invites".   I think, it takes a lot of common sense of what not to do and have. I personally no longer believe in FS craps that ask you to buy this and that.

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On 1/5/2019 at 7:06 AM, Guest Trust the Lord said:

When you stay alone, the chance is there is a ghost in the house.  You need to feel it to realise it.  Switch on the lamp, radio and anything that will move to activate the stagnant energy.  If you have pets like dog husky or cat olivia, than watch their behaviour closely, they often will be the first to offer clue.   Best is not to place any figures/idols/pictures of meseum/temples tomb or even your own photo frame...etc.   In fact, not having TV is the best. Spirit will hide in there.  Also not to have heavily stocked wardrobe that looks like there is a jungle in the capsule wardrobe.  Nope, don't think you will encounter something like Narnia.  Stay in the smaller house the better if you are single, chances of other rooms not fully utilised might attract unwanted "invites".   I think, it takes a lot of common sense of what not to do and have. I personally no longer believe in FS craps that ask you to buy this and that.


I live now alone in a medium size family house.  I have TV, pictures, figures, pictures, much wardrobe, and one empty room.  What I don't have is a ghost.


I also wonder why you call yourself "Trust the Lord", being so horribly superstitious.  YOU seem to be possessed by a ghost, and hopefully you find a priest who can do an exorcism on you.

There is not a trace of common sense in what you wrote, to the point that I think your post is a joke.  If so, good for you!  :D

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Yes, there are spirits and ghosts, regardless you live in big or small house, whether you have tv or your own photo frame at home.  I believe it's all depend on individual.  There are people who have never seen a ghost throughout their whole life and there are those who saw it too often in their home or elsewhere.  Needless to say, those who had seen it believe it and those who never saw one denied its existence. 

Don't read and response to guests' post

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53 minutes ago, LeanMature said:

Yes, there are spirits and ghosts, regardless you live in big or small house, whether you have tv or your own photo frame at home.  I believe it's all depend on individual.  There are people who have never seen a ghost throughout their whole life and there are those who saw it too often in their home or elsewhere.  Needless to say, those who had seen it believe it and those who never saw one denied its existence. 



PTSD - post traumatic stressed induced hallucination, 


they say those floating ones are as powerful as you allow them to, in other words they feed on your fear energy and grow bigger and stronger .


That is why Chinese always say , 养 你本身的 


正 气  is very important, 


means feed your very own qi for uprightness and fortitude , is more important than looking for hocus pocus treatment, spiritual intervention after the bad energy has manifested itself and grown.


Thank you .

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  • G_M changed the title to 7th Luna Month aka Ghost Month + Basic offerings for the 'good bros‘ (compiled)
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