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19 Incredible Anal Sex Positions (With Pictures!) N S F W


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Disclaimer: While the pictures were heterosexual, I am sure you can figure out the usage :P


Making sure anal sex is always a fun and pleasurable experience with your man is important if you want to keep your sex life hot. Well, that’s the whole point of theBad Girl’s Bible, hot, fun & exciting sex!

So today I’m going to show you 19 great anal sex positions to try with your man so that you’ll never get bored of anal sex, ever! For some reason the only position that many people ever use for anal sex is Doggy Style. Thankfully it’s time for a change. There are a ton of different fun and pleasurable anal sex positions to try with your man. So if you are looking for a new one, try these… (Additionally , you will find another 119 sex positions here)

1. High Chair Position


Anal Sex In The High Chair Position  


The high chair is a great anal sex position that most have never even imagined before. To perform the high chair with your man, you need to simply sit down on a seat with your butt sticking out. Meanwhile you man will either be standing, squatting or kneeling depending on the height of the chair.

He then enters you and can grab onto either your waist or shoulders to help him thrust in and out. 2 quick notes on the high chair position:

a) You’ll find it much easier to perform the high chair when you are on a high stool/chair as it means that your man can stand.

b) Performing the high chair position is best when you are in front of a wall/kitchen counter, so that you can push back against your man while steadying yourself at the same time.

Click Here to find out more about the high chair position.

2. Bodyguard Position


Anal Sex In The Bodyguard Sex Position  

The bodyguard is a wonderful anal sex position for feeling really close to your man. You will both be standing upright & facing in the same direction. Your man enters you from behind and you can lean right back into him.

In many ways the bodyguard position is quite like spooning with your man while you are standing upright. It can feel really nice for you when your man wraps his arms around you when you are having anal sex in the bodyguard position, but if you want more vigorous sex with your man, then try performing it in front of a wall so that you can push back against him.

Click here to find out more about the body guard position.

3. Burning Man Position


Your man can grab your arms to thrust even harder when having anal sex in the burning man position.  

If you enjoy your man being firmly in control, then you are going to love the burning man position. You’ll especially love it if you enjoy your man really pounding you during anal sex.

The most important thing you need to perform the burning man is a table or sofa to lean on top of while your man remains upright behind you. While you are leaning on top of the table, he will enter your ass and start thrusting.

When you are leaning on top of the table, you have literally nowhere to go. This means that if you really enjoy rough sex, then you are going to love this anal sex position.

Just remember to find something comfortable to lean on top of so that you don’t accidentally hurt yourself when performing the burning man, like a pillow or even a blanket.

Click here for more information on the burning man anal sex position.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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4. Pump Positionanal-pump.jpgAnal Sex In The Pump Sex Position  

The pump sex position is a little different from most sex positions you’ll know and to be perfectly honest, you’ll need to a good deal of strength to have anal sex in it for a long time. Ideally you should perform it on a sofa/couch or even on a bed.

You’ll start by standing on the edge of the sofa and then crouching down so that your butt is hanging over the edge. Your man will be standing behind you and will enter you from this position. He can then wrap his hands around either your waist or under your thighs to help support you.

Then it’s just a case of him thrusting in and out or you pushing back against him.

Click Here to find out more about the pump position.

5. Bulldogbulldog-anal-sex-position.pngAnal Sex In The Bull Dog Sex Position  

The bulldog is an anal sex position that is a lot more dominant than almost any other you can try. Your man can really pound you in the bulldog position and you can push back onto your man if you want.

To get into the bulldog, you simply need to get down onto your hands and knees while keeping your legs close together. Your man will then squat right above you and put his hands on your hips/waist/shoulders/holding your hair. From here he just needs to start thrusting into you and you can thrust back against him.

Click Here to find out more about the bulldog position.

6. Lap Dance Positionanal-lap-dance.jpgAnal Sex In The Lap Dance Sex Position  

The lap dance anal sex position is one in which you will be doing most of the work. While performing the lap dance position for your man, he just needs to sit down on a sofa or chair with his legs spread open. You then need to reverse up on him, sit down on him and let him enter you.

As you can see from the picture, the lap dance position looks very much like you are giving your man a lap dance. If you find yourself getting tired from leaning forward then just lean backward onto your man and rest your weight on his lap.

Click Here to learn more about the lap dance sex position.

7. See Saw Positionanal-see-saw.jpgAnal Sex In The See Saw Position  

Most couples find it difficult trying to discover an anal sex position where they are actually facing each other. This is where the see saw comes in. To perform the see saw, your man first needs to sit down on the bed using his hands behind him to keep himself sort of upright. Optionally he can just lie down.

You then need to sit down onto his lap while facing him so that he can enter you anally. Your man is going to find it difficult to thrust into you in this position, so you are going to have to do most of the work. Make sure to put your hands behind you to help keep yourself in position when performing the see saw.

Click Here to find out more about the see saw sex position.

8. Doggy Styleanal-doggy.jpgAnal Sex In The Doggy Style Sex Position  

This list of anal sex positions just wouldn’t be complete without the original doggy style sex position. It’s super easy to perform, all you need to do is get down onto your hands and knees with your legs spread out. Your man then enters you anally from behind while on his knees.

Your man can be really dominant in the doggy style position by grabbing your hips/waist/shoulders/hair to thrust into you with more power and force. You’re also in the perfect position to push back against him, especially if you are in front of a wall.

Click Here to find out more about the doggystyle sex position.

9. Pearly Gatesanal-pearly-gates.jpgAnal Sex In The Pearly Gates Sex Position  

The pearly gates is an anal sex position that is great for more intimate anal sex with your man.

Couples love the pearly gates position as it’s great not only for anal sex but for regular vaginal sex too as it’s really easy to hit the G-Spot thanks to the angles you are creating.

To get set up in the pearly gates position, your man first needs to lie down on his back, with his legs spread apart only slightly with his feet planted to steady himself. You then need to sit down on top of him so that he can enter you and lie backwards like in the photo demonstration.

You can then spread your arms out to steady yourself while your man can wrap his around you.

Click Here to learn more about the pearly gates anal sex position.

10. Leap Froganal-frog-leap.jpgAnal Sex In The Leapfrog Sex Position  

The leap frog is another anal sex position that is a variation of regular doggystyle. When performing the leap frog with your man, you will be doing everything that you were doing in the regular doggy style position, except you will be keep your chest on the bed while arching your back. It’s simply to transition to from doggy style or even the bulldog position.

Click Here to learn more about the leap frog position.

11. Teaspooninganal-teaspooning.jpgAnal Sex In The Teaspooning Sex Position  

Teaspooning with your man is like an easier and less vigorous version of the bodyguard position. To perform it, you’ll be doing everything that you would do in the bodyguard position, except you will be kneeling instead of standing.

Moving from doggy style to teaspooning and back again is very easy. You’ll find that reaching backwards and holding onto your man is a good idea to help keep your balance. If you’re someone who enjoys rougher sex, then you should try out teaspooning in front of a wall so that you can push back against your man.

Click Here to find out more about the teaspooning position.

12. Piledriveranal-piledriver.jpgAnal Sex In The Piledriver Sex Position  

Do you enjoy it when your man is firmly in control? If you do, then you are going to love the piledriver position, although it does require at least a little bit of flexibility and back strength.

To set up in the piledriver position, first lie on your back and then allow your man to grab your legs and push them right back so that your ankles are literally by your head. When you are in this very vulnerable position, your man will squat over you and enter you anally.

To thrust in and out, he just needs to squat up and down. You’ll find that you can’t do much but lie back and take it in the piledriver position.

Click Here to learn more about the piledriver position.

13. Swiss Missanal-swiss-miss.jpgAnal Sex In The Swiss Miss Anal Sex Position  

The swiss miss is an anal sex position that I can almost guarantee that you’ve never tried before. To perform it, you are going to need an exercise ball to lie on top of with your stomach.

While you are lying on top of the exercise ball on your stomach, with your legs quite close together, your man will enter you with his legs outside yours and start thrusting. He can grab your waist/hips/shoulders to help himself to stay balanced. It’s not a great idea for him to grab your hair it’s much more likely for him to lose his balance in the swiss miss position (which means he can really hurt you!).

Click Here to learn more about the swiss miss anal sex position.

14. Spooninganal-spooning.jpgAnal Sex In The Spooning Sex Position  

Spooning is the classic ‘intimate’ sex position. But it’s also great for those that enjoy anal sex with their partner. To ‘spoon’ with your man, you need to both lie on your sides. Your man will be behind you, facing the same direction and will enter you from behind.

Spooning is great for that first time you try anal sex with your man as you are already in a naturally comfortable position and have a decent amount of control over how deep your man penetrates you. You’ll also find that bringing your knees up towards your chest makes it far easier for you to take your man the first few times you have anal sex together.

Click Here to find out more about the spooning sex position.

15. Poles Apartanal-poles-apart.jpgAnal Sex In The Poles Apart Sex Position  

Think of the poles apart sex position for anal sex as the opposite to spooning. This is because your man’s head will be right behind your feet and your head will be in front of his feet like in the picture. This anal sex position is particularly good if you have a foot fetish as it means that your man can pay a lot of attention to your feet with both his hands and mouth.

In the poles apart position, you’ll find it easier for your man to enter you comfortably by bringing your knees close towards your chest and then straightening them back out once you are both comfortable.

Click Here to find out more about the poles apart sex position.

16. Crossanal-cross.jpgAnal Sex In The Cross Sex Position  

If I am being perfectly honest with you, then the cross is actually quite an awkward anal sex position to perform with your man. You are going to get into position first by lying on your stomach on the bed. Your man is then going to lie over you so that both of your bodies form a (sort of) cross shape like in the demonstration. He can support himself with his hands or if he likes, he can can just rest his stomach on the bed

I’ve included the cross position in this anal sex positions guide in order to keep things interesting, however one of the main drawbacks to it is the fact that it’s not really that intimate at all when compared to something like spooning as you are barely touching each other.

Click Here to find out more about the cross sex position.

17. Jockeyanal-jockey.jpgAnal Sex In The Jockey Sex Position  

If you like your man on top and in control when having anal sex, then you are going to adore the jockey sex position. To set up, you just need to lie down on your stomach, keep your legs together and relax. If you like, feel free to put a pillow directly under your crotch to raise your bum slightly into the air and change the angle of entry.

Your man is then going to straddle you on his knees while leaning right over your back and enter you like in the demonstration.

In the Jockey position, your man is going to have all the control and can really pound you quite hard (or softly, depending on what you enjoy the most). He’s also in the perfectly position to grab your hair or shoulders.

Click Here to find out more about the jockey sex position.

18. Rear Entryanal-rear-entry.jpgAnal Sex In The Rear Entry Sex Position  

Having anal sex in the rear entry position is very much like spooning anal sex, but on your belly. Like in the jockey position, you need to lie down on your belly. It’s up to you whether you keep your legs together or spread apart. Your man will then lie right on top of you, facing in the same direction and enter you.

You’ll find that if your man has a large belly, there may actually be quite a lot of weight and pressure on you, when having anal sex in the rear entry position. So make sure that your man knows to be cautious if this is the case.

Click Here to find out more about the rear entry sex position.

19. Turtleanal-turtle.jpgAnal Sex In The Turtle Sex Position  

The turtle is a really good anal sex position for those who like to feel small and submissive during sex. But it can be quite tricky to do if you are not particularly flexible.

To get into the turtle position, you need to start on your knees and upright. Next, you need to learn right over and pull yourself towards your thighs like in the demonstration. Meanwhile your man will be behind you on his knees. As you can see this position is really easy for your man, but can get uncomfortable for you quite quickly.

Click Here to learn more about the turtle sex position.

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Have done quite a few of them ... now on to the balance lot heh

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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