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I Just Had Raw Unprotected Sex, Will I Get STD + Should I Start Pep? + How Soon To Go For A Hiv Test (Compiled)

Guest Worried guy

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Guest shardsofabrokenblade

I am guessing that you do not know who the guy is? They say that when strangers do unprotected sex, it is highly likely that they do this with other people so the chances that this guy is infected in quite high. But then again, it could also be a spur of the moment for him. I agree that you contact him right away (assuming that you exchanged contacts) and do the test together. This would ease your paranoia. But bettr test again after that - 3 months. And during this time of waiting, do not engage in any other risky activities. Else you'd have to wait again. All the best to you man!

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Guest Guest

I believe the new 4th generation test is accurate after 2 weeks of exposure. Visit the afa website or do a google search for "4th generation hiv test". But still need another test 90 days after to be doubly sure.

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Guest Question

.... have RAW/uunprotected sex with a guy... we had a lot of foreplay and as I was about to insert him...i cummed (no fully insert)(not a single rim I did ).

I told him I cummed, ..but he refuse to let my 2/3 inserted dick withdraw... So my half harden dick was like resting in he butts hole For like 5 mins.


from this I wonder if sexual transmitted disease can be contacted meh??
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from this I wonder if sexual transmitted disease can be contacted meh??


The risk is definitely lower since it is merely a single insertion with no sexual intercourse. However, since the thread starter has posted here, I am sure he must be feeling anxious now. As such, in my opinion, it is still advisable to go for a test to put his mind to rest.

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Guest Thank you

The risk is definitely lower since it is merely a single insertion with no sexual intercourse. However, since the thread starter has posted here, I am sure he must be feeling anxious now. As such, in my opinion, it is still advisable to go for a test to put his mind to rest.

Thank you so much for advise.

I shall go for the consultation next Tuesday (still within the 72hrs period).

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Guest Thank you

The risk is definitely lower since it is merely a single insertion with no sexual intercourse. However, since the thread starter has posted here, I am sure he must be feeling anxious now. As such, in my opinion, it is still advisable to go for a test to put his mind to rest.

Thank you so much for advise.

I shall go for the consultation next Tuesday (still within the 72hrs period).

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Guest Cockyhead70

You should go for PrEP if u r worried.

No point taking the test now cos there is a waiting period should you be exposed to the virus.

All hospital A&Es are able to let u start PrEP treatment as a preventive measure.

Good luck!

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call me stupid or whatsoever as my mind wasn't in control at that point of time.

Back to topic.

Please advise How soon should one's go for HIV test after raw and unprotected sex.how soon to get the results and the charges like.

If you had knew the truth, it would have set you free.



Truth is stranger than lies, thus few recognize it.

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Guest Hope This Help

Had check with them on the cost of PEP.

$50 for the doctor consutation fee and $180 a month of medication. Total: $230 for the whole course.

It MUST BE DONE WITHIN 72HRS after unprotected sex.


Advisable to call them for appointment at DSC (Kalantan Lane).




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for paranoid ppl , best to substain from casual sex no matter how attractive that person is.


u dont want to keep taking pep after each encounter. LOL 


in long run, ur body immune to these medicine.

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If one is taking medication for HIV+, will he/she experience change in mood like feeling depressed and seek to be alone ?

p/s: it's NOT about me! Thanks for all your concerned emails. I do not need to take the medication. :)

Edited by bluerunner
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for paranoid ppl , best to substain from casual sex no matter how attractive that person is.


u dont want to keep taking pep after each encounter. LOL 


in long run, ur body immune to these medicine.


If you really must have sex, please use a condom every time.

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Guest play safe

If one is taking medication for HIV+, will he/she experience change in mood like feeling depressed and seek to be alone ?

p/s: it's NOT about me! Thanks for all your concerned emails. I do not need to take the medication. :)

I will be have the PEP treatment tomorrow and already feeling very lousy,lost,ddepress, keeping myself away from ppl and don't feel to talk..

hence,I think they could be 1K times and more miserable then me now.

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If one is taking medication for HIV+, will he/she experience change in mood like feeling depressed and seek to be alone ?

p/s: it's NOT about me! Thanks for all your concerned emails. I do not need to take the medication. :)

There are different types of medication.

I have personally taken PEP over the course of a month and did not encounter any side effects. I have heard the cheaper types of medication are less effective and cause all those side effects, which is why I chose to go for the more expensive one.

It costs over $2000 in total. Details here:


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There are different types of medication.

I have personally taken PEP over the course of a month and did not encounter any side effects. I have heard the cheaper types of medication are less effective and cause all those side effects, which is why I chose to go for the more expensive one.

It costs over $2000 in total. Details here:



It's only my 4th day of taking PEP medication now... and have already encountered all the side effects of nausea, headaches, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea :wacko:

Generally not feeling well :( and feeling scukz!!!

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  • 2 months later...

I went for PEP treatment at Q Medical Clinic. Dr Paul Tan was very patient and gave me a lot of reassurance.


I am glad that I am over and done with the medication and I am tested negative.


Better to go early than suffer for the rest of your life subsequently.

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Guest guest

I went for PEP treatment at Q Medical Clinic. Dr Paul Tan was very patient and gave me a lot of reassurance.

I am glad that I am over and done with the medication and I am tested negative.

Better to go early than suffer for the rest of your life subsequently.

Buy cartons of the medicine to keep at home. Take daily like vitamins if you have sex daily

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It's only my 4th day of taking PEP medication now... and have already encountered all the side effects of nausea, headaches, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea :wacko:

Generally not feeling well :( and feeling scukz!!!

i overcomed all these side effects by 4th-5th day. by i think 5-6th day i dont feel anything else anymore except the diarrhea part which until now, 17th day im still unable to overcome.


i thought of giving up halfway but in the first few days and the doc did encourage me to stop but i pressed on and very soon, life's back to normal

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There are different types of medication.

I have personally taken PEP over the course of a month and did not encounter any side effects. I have heard the cheaper types of medication are less effective and cause all those side effects, which is why I chose to go for the more expensive one.

It costs over $2000 in total. Details here:


i went to the public hospitals instead of the private clinics because i find them more affordable and i could part pay the medication with medisave


i too didnt really develop much side effects. (i did but i overcome them in days) therefore i dont think there is too much difference in terms of the medication.


the doc did informed me of the pros and cons of each medication in the combination and they can easily substitute each other for me if im not uncomfortable with certain side effects but the draw side is, have to take multiple times a day instead of one as well as each time have to take more tablets and more importantly it is slightly more expensive (not too much lah like less than $30 for 1 mth supply)


i also took my prescription to be evaluated by a private clinic and although the doc didnt agree on the dosage and combination but he say they should be fine. i think he didnt want to challenge another medical opinion 

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Doing pep is just a form of feeling safe. U may be neg after the treatment maybe because u were not infected in the first place.

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  • 2 months later...

Definitely go for the PEP.  I had a similar situation, and was hemming and hawing, and I decided to go for it, insurance covers most of it.  Now Im ready to go on Prep full time. if you are the kind of guy that sometimes has moments like this when you find yourself letting men go raw, I suggest you do the same. 

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PEP therapy is not 100% foolproof and it is also a highly intrusive treatment,if people continue to keep their hedonistic lifestyle without being responsible for it and keep thinking going for PEP treatment each time they have a health scare their health will still take a toll for it in the long run.

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PrEP is good to be on as an assurance if anything. Nothing is 100% perfect. I don't see how it's intrusive. I personally aren't on it as I don't want my parents to start asking questions. Even if you play safe with just one partner, it is still good to have. Kiss doesn't pass on HIV. Casual kisses don't pass on hiv. You can definitely safely share food with a poz guy.

Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am.

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Recently I had unprotected sex my very first time and really worried about HIV. I met this guy, a foreigner on EP over a year ago, we kinda became friends and f*ck buddies but always used protection. Last week he suddenly messaged to say he is leaving SG some job transfer, I met up with him to say goodbye, unfortunately none of us had condoms, he said he is clean so we did it without condoms, I am top he is bottom. I'm really very very scared now, don't know what I was thinking. It's already 9 days, I am having signs of sore throat and mild fever. I am really scared, any advice on what to do

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Guest Happilyattached

Like what NewGuy said. Get blood tested and see a doctor. Perhaps most importantly remember this scare forever and never repeat the same mistake.

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I really hope it's just a scare and would definitely remember this forever. After I met him last year, I basically quit all the apps and he has been my go to person. I read that if you take prophylaxis on time you could avoid it, for example when health workers get needle prick from a HIV patient, they are put on drugs for 21 days. Can I get that here?

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Recently I had unprotected sex my very first time and really worried about HIV. I met this guy, a foreigner on EP over a year ago, we kinda became friends and f*ck buddies but always used protection. Last week he suddenly messaged to say he is leaving SG some job transfer, I met up with him to say goodbye, unfortunately none of us had condoms, he said he is clean so we did it without condoms, I am top he is bottom. I'm really very very scared now, don't know what I was thinking. It's already 9 days, I am having signs of sore throat and mild fever. I am really scared, any advice on what to do


Stop turning into a paranoid mess man. Pull yourself together and go get a check up. If you think that a bit of fever and sore throat are due to AIDS "acting up" you are sorely mistaken and should spend some time reading about this virus and what it does. THOSE symptoms you have does not mean AIDS fool.

People who have gotten AIDS can have no symptoms for months or years. The only way you can know you have AIDS virus is a blood test. Just 9 days and you are all paranoid.


Want to play with fire then know what the fire can do before you start having unprotected sex again.


GO GET CHECK before you lose it and get all suicidal or depressed for no reason.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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I really hope it's just a scare and would definitely remember this forever. After I met him last year, I basically quit all the apps and he has been my go to person. I read that if you take prophylaxis on time you could avoid it, for example when health workers get needle prick from a HIV patient, they are put on drugs for 21 days. Can I get that here?

PEP should be taken within 72h of exposure so i guess a little too late now and PEP is a course over 28 days 


Blood test for gen4 test kit will only be able to pick up afer 28 days of exposure so even if you test now, you probably wont get anything but some say these test kit can pick up the virus as early as 17 days

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Worrying and panicking isn't gonna help much honestly, although it's hard not to. Yup, too late to start in PEP. Go have yourself checked anonymously first, and then decide from there. After all, all you can do now is wait, so just try and free your mind, and then hope for the best during this period! :)

Things will be alright eventually no matter the outcome! :)

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Logically....  how did you think we can "help" you according to your mind? Everyone here is going to say the same thing.  And it is not the first time anyone would tell anyone who think they have an illness will not say the same thing. GO CHECK UP. We are not doctors and nothing we say will ever be as reliable as seeing a doctor at this time. By now you want to think of a miracle cure or power of prayer or what? Blowing good feeling to help you wish it away?


The only way to put your own mind at ease is to see the doctor. How much more common sense can it get then to come in here and ask strangers in a forum when every medical site you can google will tell you the same thing and to go see a doctor for a solution on what to do.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Hope the guy is clean and trusted. I have been through such panicky state of affair and started to hallucinate all sort of outcomes and the post events of those possible outcomes before the medical appointment.  


Once the result is tested negative, you felt a tremendous sense of relief and lost all urge of "doing it again".


Bottom life - love and sex only with the person you already knew for years and you are sure he is leading a healthy lifestyle.


Never attempt sex without condom with...


1) your tenant

2) your landlord

3) person in sauna

4) foreigners, especially tourists

5) through cruising


Never judge a book by its cover, know him through his stories.







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Hope the guy is clean and trusted. I have been through such panicky state of affair and started to hallucinate all sort of outcomes and the post events of those possible outcomes before the medical appointment.

Once the result is tested negative, you felt a tremendous sense of relief and lost all urge of "doing it again".

Bottom life - love and sex only with the person you already knew for years and you are sure he is leading a healthy lifestyle.

Never attempt sex without condom with...

1) your tenant

2) your landlord

3) person in sauna

4) foreigners, especially tourists

5) through cruising

Never judge a book by its cover, know him through his stories.

Agree. Love and sex only with people you know for years and you are sure he is leading a healthy lifestyle.

Never trust people who ask you out for sex on first few meetups. If he can ask you out for sex on first few meetups, he can ask anyone out for sex before or after you. Trust needs to be built not feel.

do go for a medical checkup soon.

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4th generation HIV test kit can be used at least 2 weeks after exposure. What you feel right now is also a symtoms for many illness so don't worry too much. For the meantime visit a doctor for appropriate check-up & medicine then at the right time go for HIV testing, I recommend AFA anonymous testing either at DSC clinic or Mobile Testing Service (check schedule at www.afa.org.sg) their personnel is so accomodating & they will counsel you as well. Relax & hope this will be a lesson learned for you so ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX NO MATTER WHO IS YOUR PARTNER OR HOW LONG YOU KNOW YOUR PARTNER. :)

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Some people just did it out of foolishness. They never consider of the consequences and only come to regret when it happened.

Think before you act. Not because of horny after first time meet up.

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Guest Sensible chap

Agree. Love and sex only with people you know for years and you are sure he is leading a healthy lifestyle.

Never trust people who ask you out for sex on first few meetups. If he can ask you out for sex on first few meetups, he can ask anyone out for sex before or after you. Trust needs to be built not feel.

do go for a medical checkup soon.

I wouldn't go into sex during the first meet ups. no risk should be taken for sex with stranger during initial meet up. It's so dangerous especially without condom. Wait till you get disease, it's to late. Moment of folly caused your entire life.

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Guest Mortal

I am in great pink of health.  As such I have very strong authourity to scold people having wild unprotected sex because you are needy, depressed, lonesome, have place and became horny.  Now you scare right?!!! Good!!! wait for 3 months, refrain from sexual contact with anyone. Go for checkup. Take these 3 months open period as a lesson to be learned because during these waiting period, you will be freaking ou, all the times, over simple flu, a light cough, some harmless rashes, small pus...and began to think negatively.  


The high risks place are usually


Sauna, because that is the place where the wild roam free. 


2nd high risk place are toilet cruising, high traffic area where cubicles served as sex room. 


3rd high risk people are the tenant. Landlord need to be extremely careful because you do not know how many landlords these tenants have served before they rent your place.


Tourists, the number of countries they visitied and bringing with them imported bugs, be careful too.  Contruction workers are quite unlikely because they need to undergo HIV test before being granted work permit.


Money boy - transactional sex, top risk.


The safer known areas are


School, your classmate where you guys study, shit, and play together everyday in disciplined environment. So you will know them rather well and their regular activities. 


Your colleagues, some of whom you have worked for years and probably knew them inside-out, their performance in work, presentation and likability can paint a great testimonail on them too.


Your neighbour, extremely  safe among the rest,  because they walked in and out of their house in open eye view, you will know what they did, whether they bring home different boys or are they workaholics, homely type and words from their own parents, neighbours also provide greater informations.  


You guys need to be properly educated and listened hard to all the above advices. One last thing, hygiene, remember to wash every part of your body and leave no dirt behind.


Take care!!!




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Guest Mortal

I think I haven't quite finished.  You guys have father, mother, uncle, autines, cousin, nephew, pets dog, cat and your turtle, birds and fishes to look after.  Don't dissappoint them.


I am heading for my beauty nap now.

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