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Will You Have A R/ship With A Married Man? + In Love With / Liked A Married Man (Compiled)


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How did the TS get into such a relationship in the first place? Marriage is not something you can hide easily. It almost like denying the SUN is in the sky just because it is behind some clouds.

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I believe it's possible to hide this fact in a way >_<

If it's me i will just tell him off and break up with him. It's kinda like a waste of time if you are looking for a monogamous relationship isnt it? I won't want him to promise nonsensical things like "i will leave my wife and be with you" (even if he did, means he can leave you easily next time for someone else O_O well. likely.)

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm with this married man and I realize in love with him. However, I know it is impossible to have r/s, particularly he has a family. And I will be very sinful on myself and to his family.

He is very honest to me, saying he is married with kids on the first day we knew each other. He told me that he cannot has that kind of r/s and not possible to fall in love with each other. Initially I reacted to him I'm will not have that thought and unable to commit myself to the r/s. But as time goes by, i'm wrong and my feeling to him grows.

What should I do now? i do not want to lose him.

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If I openly tell him that I'm in love with him, what will be the outcomes?

Will he end our communication here?

It will be great any of BW married man can share your views? Or anyone ever meets this situation presently or in the past?

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Dear Dune,

You reminded me 17 years ago. I was in the same boat as you as I too fell in love with a married man. It started off as there is no feelings, just company. He did not tell me he was married when we first met. But I found out much later, a year later that he was married. He confessed. At that point my feelings towards him has grown as his too. What I am advising is you will feel 2nd or even 3rd place in his heart, not his first. First is either his wife or family, and second his children. He has his committment to his family and his family comes first before you. You have to accept this fact. If you can live with it, stay with him. Be his confidant and give him a listening ear. There will be times where you will feel very lonely and wishes that you can take a trip together but unable to. Sometimes you will feel lost as well as you may ask where is this relationship heading too. It is almost like a one-way relationship. This is something you have to think about in the longrun. Definately do not expect him to leave his family just for you. You will be 'labelled' as the sinner who broke up a family. In our asian society, such acts is not acceptable. My advise, think carefully about this relationship. It hurts to leave him but time heals most wounds.

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Fuzzy, I'm at that feeling and situation now. I know I will not 1st place in his heart. I'm just be contented to be with him and express my thought to him. However my concern is whether he will be able to take it after telling him. I do not want to lose him. He is really a nice man I ever met. Sad to say he is a married man.

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Don't scare him off yet. Just like Korean drama, love the person secretly. Let him be comfortable with you first as you are just staring off. Get to know him and him to you. Take it like dating, expect it is one sided. Enjoy each others company. Nice man is really hard to come by. I miss my chance, twice and it will never come back. Take it slow and when the time comes, just tell him. Then it is up to him to decide then, not you. :) Have patience. Our relationship is very different from oppostie sex relationship. Our form of relationship is not tolerable in our Asian society. It is scorn upon. Sadly. :(

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Dear dune,

you should really just let him go, in this society, its better of for him to stay strong with his family especially since he already have kids... there will be better guys out there, and your sacrifice will no go unrewarded... i'm sure if you let him be, he could at the very least have a peaceful family life and thats your reward... but thats if you really loved him

Edited by zwei

Fattie bom bom walk down the street

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Dear dune,

you should really just let him go, in this society, its better of for him to stay strong with his family especially since he already have kids... there will be better guys out there, and your sacrifice will no go unrewarded... i'm sure if you let him be, he could at the very least have a peaceful family life and thats your reward... but thats if you really loved him


Appreciate for your notes. Being love by someone is more blessed than you in love with someone special.

It is easy to be on words of sacrificing for him if you really loved him.

But when you are alone, your thought will be selfish. Hope he can be with you around. Even just a message or hear his voices on the phone, I'm contented.

Is there any married man can provide your views and thoughts what will you do if someone love you?

How will you share your time with your family and the other party when you are also in love with him as well?

Friends are telling me, married man is a fxxker, they only want sex when his wife is unable to satisfy him. He will forget you after they got what he wants. And these men will tell you that they value and put family as his priority and you are no position in his heart. What do these men treat you, a sex partner only for his sexual craving? where is your dignity in life?

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Appreciate for your notes. Being love by someone is more blessed than you in love with someone special.

It is easy to be on words of sacrificing for him if you really loved him.

But when you are alone, your thought will be selfish. Hope he can be with you around. Even just a message or hear his voices on the phone, I'm contented.

Is there any married man can provide your views and thoughts what will you do if someone love you?

How will you share your time with your family and the other party when you are also in love with him as well?

Friends are telling me, married man is a fxxker, they only want sex when his wife is unable to satisfy him. He will forget you after they got what he wants. And these men will tell you that they value and put family as his priority and you are no position in his heart. What do these men treat you, a sex partner only for his sexual craving? where is your dignity in life?

Married man are fxxxkers. you din know? They had sex with their wife and if it is not enough they go around looking for sex. Bottom line is Do Not Expect Anything from married men. They can't give you what they can't give you.

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Look at most of the posts.

Gay wanted sex alot!

Very very true!


Pls have respect and show some dignity to the Gay at the BW.

How can you conclude Gay wanted sex a lot? Isn't yourself need sex as well, how about Monks and Nuns? We are humans.

Why there isn't any married man dare to post their views here? No guts of showing their liking and love to someone besides his family.

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Guest Ironrod

Oh really, I tot they also said that

不孝有三, 无后为大 i.e. 有三种行为被称为不孝,第一种是一味顺从父母之意,父母有错而不加以提醒劝说,使他们陷于不义;第二种是家境贫寒,父母年迈,身为人子却不谋官位以赡养父母;第三种是不娶妻生子,断绝后代,无人继承香火。其中,以不娶妻生子断绝后代最为不孝。

Oh no, we're all doomed.

If my wife follows “三从四德” I will marry her.

三从:在家从父,出嫁从夫,夫死从子. 四德:妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功

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Guest married


Pls have respect and show some dignity to the Gay at the BW.

How can you conclude Gay wanted sex a lot? Isn't yourself need sex as well, how about Monks and Nuns? We are humans.

Why there isn't any married man dare to post their views here? No guts of showing their liking and love to someone besides his family.

I am a married man. I take care of my wife and family better than most other men and she is the envy of other men's wives.Yes I still like men especially those hunky fit ones in their 30s with a matured outlook. If I am interested in someone, I always tell him that I am married first. It doesn't mean that I will love him less but it is best to be honest first since this type of secret is impossible to hide for long.Having a male lover outside does not mean I will love my wife less. I still take time to take my family out to dinner, shows and shopping. I serve them first with the best parts like the abalone, the meaty crab claws, the best parts of the fish while I myself only eat the scraps. When I got married, my mother was worried that I will love her less. Now she knows that she still got me and a whole lot more. The key is to spend time at home and be the backbone of the family. Most married men are sullen and slump in front of the TV or behind newspapers. Or they go enjoy their nightlife away from family.I don't 吃喝嫖赌,I have plenty of quality time for everybody. I have enough time for my lover too. I love him no less and he fills a need in me that my wife couldn't.My wife don't lose anything. In fact she said she will die without me because I take good care so well.These are the people that I answer to. Not some moral preaching gays trying to vilify all married men just because of some black sheep.

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I am a married man. I take care of my wife and family better than most other men and she is the envy of other men's wives.Yes I still like men especially those hunky fit ones in their 30s with a matured outlook. If I am interested in someone, I always tell him that I am married first. It doesn't mean that I will love him less but it is best to be honest first since this type of secret is impossible to hide for long.Having a male lover outside does not mean I will love my wife less. I still take time to take my family out to dinner, shows and shopping. I serve them first with the best parts like the abalone, the meaty crab claws, the best parts of the fish while I myself only eat the scraps. When I got married, my mother was worried that I will love her less. Now she knows that she still got me and a whole lot more. The key is to spend time at home and be the backbone of the family. Most married men are sullen and slump in front of the TV or behind newspapers. Or they go enjoy their nightlife away from family.I don't 吃喝嫖赌,I have plenty of quality time for everybody. I have enough time for my lover too. I love him no less and he fills a need in me that my wife couldn't.My wife don't lose anything. In fact she said she will die without me because I take good care so well.These are the people that I answer to. Not some moral preaching gays trying to vilify all married men just because of some black sheep.

I don't 吃喝嫖赌?but Having fun with bf is 嫖 already. The fact that someone is married and plays around, that's already adultery, except that in this case, it's a guy.

It's really just two timing and keeping the wife ignorant abt it. Doubt the wife wld be cool about it if she finds out.

Not some black sheep. All married men who comes out to play ARE black sheep. They are either in denial, too weak to acknowledge their true sexuality.

It's best to be honest? But in this case, only the bf knows and the wife is ignorant. It's so contradictory. To be really honest, the wife Shld know also.

Leaving best parts for family while eating scraps? Sounds like remediation of guilt or remorse with material stuff. In my case, a Bentley might work better than a piece of crab meat.

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Oh really, I tot they also said that

不孝有三, 无后为大 i.e. 有三种行为被称为不孝,第一种是一味顺从父母之意,父母有错而不加以提醒劝说,使他们陷于不义;第二种是家境贫寒,父母年迈,身为人子却不谋官位以赡养父母;第三种是不娶妻生子,断绝后代,无人继承香火。其中,以不娶妻生子断绝后代最为不孝。

Oh no, we're all doomed.

Rubbish. The guy who wrote this probably is a materialistic gay hater who enjoys arguing with ppl and has a son who's gay.

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百善孝为先. 为人子女应孝顺, 不孝之人罪滔天.

True only if the parent does not force the kid into getting married even when they know he is gay.

In the 1st place, they are the ones who created hin and he may just be born gay. It's like making him gay in the first place and expecting him to change. Forcing a gay to marry a girl, is just like rape.

It's mental and physical rape.

Parents need to understand that everyone wld pass on one day. Who wld be responsible for the son's life after they pass on? When the son reached sixty and realizes that he has lived his life the way others expect him to live, how different is that from living the life of a preprogrammed robot?

We only live life once. The most precious thing in life, is the ability to live the life you want to live. Do the things you want to do.

Slavery was abolished long ago. You are free to make choices.

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对于中国的同性恋最早记载,在《杂说》中曾经提到:“娈童始于黄帝”——氏族部落前就有了,真是不得了。《诗经》的“郑风 子矜”一章,其实就有不少是关于男同性恋间的情爱描写。
















In the past, there were gay emperors. Emperors were considered as the son of gods (天子). So even the "sons of gods" were gays, who dares to say "不孝有三,无后为大"?!

Edited by shockwave
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married, on 16 October 2012 - 08:47 PM, said:

I am a married man. I take care of my wife and family better than most other men and she is the envy of other men's wives.Yes I still like men especially those hunky fit ones in their 30s with a matured outlook. If I am interested in someone, I always tell him that I am married first. It doesn't mean that I will love him less but it is best to be honest first since this type of secret is impossible to hide for long.Having a male lover outside does not mean I will love my wife less. I still take time to take my family out to dinner, shows and shopping. I serve them first with the best parts like the abalone, the meaty crab claws, the best parts of the fish while I myself only eat the scraps. When I got married, my mother was worried that I will love her less. Now she knows that she still got me and a whole lot more. The key is to spend time at home and be the backbone of the family. Most married men are sullen and slump in front of the TV or behind newspapers. Or they go enjoy their nightlife away from family.I don't 吃喝嫖赌,I have plenty of quality time for everybody. I have enough time for my lover too. I love him no less and he fills a need in me that my wife couldn't.My wife don't lose anything. In fact she said she will die without me because I take good care so well.These are the people that I answer to. Not some moral preaching gays trying to vilify all married men just because of some black sheep.

I don't 吃喝嫖赌?but Having fun with bf is 嫖 already. The fact that someone is married and plays around, that's already adultery, except that in this case, it's a guy.

It's really just two timing and keeping the wife ignorant abt it. Doubt the wife wld be cool about it if she finds out.

Not some black sheep. All married men who comes out to play ARE black sheep. They are either in denial, too weak to acknowledge their true sexuality.

It's best to be honest? But in this case, only the bf knows and the wife is ignorant. It's so contradictory. To be really honest, the wife Shld know also.

Leaving best parts for family while eating scraps? Sounds like remediation of guilt or remorse with material stuff. In my case, a Bentley might work better than a piece of crab meat.


我只是纳闷,如果家里那位也有外遇,他的感觉是? 外面那位有另外的情人他又是什么感受?


Edited by jiang2046
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  • 2 weeks later...

No, there are better ones out there. I used to think of my university classmate day and night and even go under his hostel window to check if he was in. But, I still meet him in the street once in a while, and I wondered if I was either blinded or possessed then.

You will get over it as time is the best cure.

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No, there are better ones out there. I used to think of my university classmate day and night and even go under his hostel window to check if he was in. But, I still meet him in the street once in a while, and I wondered if I was either blinded or possessed then.

You will get over it as time is the best cure.

what if this guy is very touchy with you. everytime I see him, he will pat my back, or give me little neck massage, sometime he hugs me. i like that feeling...how to resist it? if he is ugly, then it is easy to let go, but this guy is actually very cute...

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It is a fanatasy from one side of the coin.

Have you ever seriously flip over the other side, and ask what he really wants out from you, in the most sincere honest sense

Cute ugly or not that is totally irrevelant.

Put away all your fantasies, desires, watch and observe sharply and you will find all your answers there.

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Why waste our time and affect other people' marriage? You will end up having 3 sad people eventually

There has to be someone else out there for us

Underground relationship will be a pain to deal with, and i think it's really just a chance for the married man to have best of both worlds ~_~

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"

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Guest LaoJiao

what if this guy is very touchy with you. everytime I see him, he will pat my back, or give me little neck massage, sometime he hugs me. i like that feeling...how to resist it? if he is ugly, then it is easy to let go, but this guy is actually very cute...

He is playing you like his favorite Barbie doll. He will get tired of you when he unwraps his new Christmas toy in the next Boxing Day.

If you wish, you can play along but don't get too serious.

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He is playing you like his favorite Barbie doll. He will get tired of you when he unwraps his new Christmas toy in the next Boxing Day.

If you wish, you can play along but don't get too serious.

I like the way u put it !!!!

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I am a 'guardian' of 2 married asses - 2 of my good friend 10 and 13 years. I become their nanny when they cross the line into a risky danger zone. You don't want to be the cause to rock a relationship/marriage. If you still have to play, leave it to playtime but not anything more.

It is a fanatasy from one side of the coin.

Have you ever seriously flip over the other side, and ask what he really wants out from you, in the most sincere honest sense

Cute ugly or not that is totally irrevelant.

Put away all your fantasies, desires, watch and observe sharply and you will find all your answers there.

Yeap. Imagine you are the married man with a wife and family and he is you.

There are so many dicks and asses out there - how much you wanted this guy to be your 'underground' other half, do yourself and him and his family a favour and be a real caring and nice fellow human being.



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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If you like a married man, and he likes you too. You feel that there is a chance it may work out, may be underground relationship. Will you want it?

why should one be in an underground relationship? and do u love him or lust for him? forget about love with a married man pls, and makan him if u want and move on. :yuk:

It is a fanatasy from one side of the coin.

Have you ever seriously flip over the other side, and ask what he really wants out from you, in the most sincere honest sense

Cute ugly or not that is totally irrevelant.

Put away all your fantasies, desires, watch and observe sharply and you will find all your answers there.

yes it is fantasy from one side of the coin. put yourself in his shoes and consider whether he will leave everything (family, marriage, in-laws etc) just for you - a nobody. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

If he has chosen to marry a girl despite loving you, it's his loss.

Or rather, when he had chosen to marry a girl, he had already decided that he would not cherish you and regret that loss.

He has chosen a different path that goes to a world separate from yours.


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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I think if you do love him let him go , and remember to have a child with the woman he intends to marry is

one special bond you could never have or he could ever forget,rather than getting something messy it is best to come to terms whatever happiness

you have with him you should treasure and leave now while you are still ok.

Continue to pursue it you will be a part of a intricate of lie and deception and you could be the reason of destroying not one life but two, including an

innocent would be child. Be a friend to your BF is okay but do get out of the relationship and stop wasting your time and spend more time in loving yourself

and people that matters.

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Your bf is placing his own ambition and interest at the expense of many others. How many would be entangled in this web for his selfish act? I feel most for his prospective wife, just imagine if that wife to be is your sister or best female friend who got into the marriage only to used as a tool. She is bound to be ruined. The marriage cannot last without any spiritual and love bonding. The child then becomes a victim as a result. This man is a total manipulative jerk. You would tamper on dangerous ground to be in this intertwine mess, your heart is never rested. Walked out as soon as the marriage is impending to not add on to the casualty count.

At best, being objective, he could find a same minded lesbian under the same situation ie family pressure to get married. Disregard the sanctity of marriage, and can have their own partners in a warped kind of setting. But still, what mental and emotional scar would it cast on the child, knowing that his parents did not marry out of love, but to pander to his grandparents and family interest.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Curiosity

As per title what you guys opinion about having relationship with them :-


a) No I won't ruin their family bond.

b) Why not? If he loves me more than his family

c) I just treat them as sex buddy because I know one day he'll returned to his family

d) Nah I don't like this type of species if married why don't they just stick at home and responsible

e) I prefer gay because easy, don't want later have case if his wife/kids finds out


.... of give your opinion......






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