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Will You Have A R/ship With A Married Man? + In Love With / Liked A Married Man (Compiled)


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well, to be honest...

he will definitely not leave his family for you...

as time passes, you will get old.

you will definitely have trouble seeking a long term partner with a higher age.

he will grow old with kids and grandchildren...

and what about you?

i spent 4 years with my ex, which out of these 4 years..

we met for less than 30 times.

and before you think bad of him, no he is not married.

just busy with work... and he lives m'sia.

the sex wasn't fantastic, in fact it's downright almost non-existent.

but still i was charmed by him, for the companionship

at first, you will be content with each passing moment just to be with him

but sooner or later, you will just get sad and lonely.

reflecting back, i thought to myself...

was it worth it?

I have gave up many opportunities so that i can cling on,

but what did i get in the end...?

btw, in case you are curious

i ended the r/s myself, as i think it is not healthy.

4 years of my youth is gone and i can't get it back.

i can only look forward to the future =)

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well, to be honest...

he will definitely not leave his family for you...

as time passes, you will get old.

you will definitely have trouble seeking a long term partner with a higher age.

he will grow old with kids and grandchildren...

and what about you?

i spent 4 years with my ex, which out of these 4 years..

we met for less than 30 times.

and before you think bad of him, no he is not married.

just busy with work... and he lives m'sia.

the sex wasn't fantastic, in fact it's downright almost non-existent.

but still i was charmed by him, for the companionship

at first, you will be content with each passing moment just to be with him

but sooner or later, you will just get sad and lonely.

reflecting back, i thought to myself...

was it worth it?

I have gave up many opportunities so that i can cling on,

but what did i get in the end...?

btw, in case you are curious

i ended the r/s myself, as i think it is not healthy.

4 years of my youth is gone and i can't get it back.

i can only look forward to the future =)

good to hear constructive advice not like some moron (hint the one above me), anyway i am still open to single guys entering my life but it is hard to find the RIGHT one, it takes me 4 relationships to know he is the ONE for me, well i am still friends with my ex-bfs, we did not part on bad terms, probably i did not really love them, about having a partner in my life, i don't have to worry too much, i have my best friend as my soulmate, but he is straight, well he does not plan to get married as he only like young cabos, we are together for 14 years, we now acknowledge as brothers so yeah i don't have to worry that aspect of my life (i did post this under the thread Do you have a soulmate? i think about a month ago-can dig up that thread, not telling a lie) but the thing about me posting this thread is that I have fallen in love with this married man, and he loves me too (he is no a flirt, read thread under STD (no pun) ), maybe this is my fate, but i am lucky to know him in this life, and i won't leave him even if i find someone else which i dun really want to, unless the RIGHT person steps into my life, anybody in the same situation as me, please share and dun post stupid nonsense like u know who...

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well, to be honest...

he will definitely not leave his family for you...

as time passes, you will get old.

you will definitely have trouble seeking a long term partner with a higher age.

he will grow old with kids and grandchildren...

and what about you?

i spent 4 years with my ex, which out of these 4 years..

we met for less than 30 times.

and before you think bad of him, no he is not married.

just busy with work... and he lives m'sia.

the sex wasn't fantastic, in fact it's downright almost non-existent.

but still i was charmed by him, for the companionship

at first, you will be content with each passing moment just to be with him

but sooner or later, you will just get sad and lonely.

reflecting back, i thought to myself...

was it worth it?

I have gave up many opportunities so that i can cling on,

but what did i get in the end...?

btw, in case you are curious

i ended the r/s myself, as i think it is not healthy.

4 years of my youth is gone and i can't get it back.

i can only look forward to the future =)

yes u should leave him, i mean u guys meet up only 30 times within 4 years and sex is not fantastic??? i meet him once a week on weekend but we r trying to meet once a weekday, in fact today i m meeting him, cannot wait to meet him and yes we love to have sex with each other, u dun need time to know he is the one 4 u, u just know thru his little little actions, he even sewed up my jean in his car when it was torn accidentally (i wun say anymore), and he is even thinking of doing a small business with me so we can meet each other, if u guys have anything in mind do share, we r interested in starting a small business, another thing about growing old, u r quite wrong, there r many young guys who like older guys and even older guys who like older guys, there is a guy/girl for everyone, u dun have to be handsome or well-built to find a partner, so yeah for ur case dun give up hope, and no, dun see your relationship with him as lost opportunity, just see it as a life experience, eventually u will meet the right guy whatever ur age is,

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i still want to remain anonymous coz of nasty bitches like u know who...

You remain anoymous because you are afraid peoples' gonna know who posted this moronic post.

Only only true blue morons like you will think he is the one for you in two months of interaction, where else he didn't express the same sentiments, or will leave his family for you.

Continue to post more moronic posts.

Bitch or not, its morons like you makes the rest of us looks good.

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Well you know he means well deep down those flabby muscles and bad internal organ structure.

The advice is up to you to accept but you know what you're doing is quite silly in essence.

Love can make u silly lol Have u been in love?

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Well you know he means well deep down those flabby muscles and bad internal organ structure.

The advice is up to you to accept but you know what you're doing is quite silly in essence.

And you are short, with thick lips with very short legs.

I heard your lips was used to vacuum clean other guys' dick, including one of your good friend's bf I heard.

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And you are short, with thick lips with very short legs. I heard your lips was used to vacuum clean other guys' dick, including one of your good friend's bf I heard.

That's why I'm called shortcake.

I heard you enjoyed suan-ing a member of the boards but had absolutely no qualms on sucking him like a lil bitch during an orgy.

He moved on but apparently your muscle-bound head is still wrapped around it :D

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You remain anoymous because you are afraid peoples' gonna know who posted this moronic post.

Only only true blue morons like you will think he is the one for you in two months of interaction, where else he didn't express the same sentiments, or will leave his family for you.

Continue to post more moronic posts.

Bitch or not, its morons like you makes the rest of us looks good.

bitch read my post, i never want him to leave his family, and he does want a future with me, we r planning to set up a small biz, he even promise me if his wife dies, i will stay with him, and take care of him, his children are too busy with their lives, but i dun hope for tat, as long as he is in my life, i am thankful, anyway i am a peace-loving guy, so whatever pent-up frustrations u have, go vent them on ur bitches ok, thanks, merry christmas and happy new year

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What happened?

We are supposed to discuss the pros and cons of having a married man as a bf/fb.

Why did it degenerate itself to be a shouting match among members?

Yes I wrote that I avoid partnered/married men at all cost but that is just me.

The TS can do whatever he wishes as long as it satisfies him and as long as he wants to bear the consequences,

be it good or bad.

Guys, stay focus on the topic.

Those guys who had relationship with partnered/married men, please relate your experience(s) here.

Thank you.

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What happened? We are supposed to discuss the pros and cons of having a married man as a bf/fb. Why did it degenerate itself to be a shouting match among members? Yes I wrote that I avoid partnered/married men at all cost but that is just me. The TS can do whatever he wishes as long as it satisfies him and as long as he wants to bear the consequences, be it good or bad. Guys, stay focus on the topic. Those guys who had relationship with partnered/married men, please relate your experience(s) here. Thank you.

I know right, hahaha. It's like watching aunties arguing at a wet market. (Look, I'm fanning the flames!)

Anyway, I don't think there is a pro-or-con thing for stealing someone's spouse. And I know, I know, imposing my own moral judgment on everyone else is annoying, much like how the fundies say homosexuality is a sin etc etc, but i really feel that sticking to married people is just wrong. Don't you guys feel like it's akin to theft? :/



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Oh I see. Only a girly moron like you will ask such a stupid question. Please do fall in love with a married guy and I do hope you really get dump and hurt. I am waiting for the big day of your big drama. Remember, to post your sucide note here. :whistle:

You're so funny. With a bitch like you that barks on every tree, why should one cling on to a married man? Keep a pet dog, a Bitch.

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Life is not what you expect it to be. I do not go after married guys, but somehow they just come to me one after another. Maybe its because they can trust me and find it more satisfying to have sex with me.

Its not easy to be married and have the desire for sex with men. They can never rub off that desire no matter how hard they try, even religion cannot help them (most have told me of their struggles).

Most married gays still hunger for sex with guys and try to do it without hurting their families and themselves. I do not see it as right or wrong. This is the reality of life.

Like many people know that gambling and drinking is wrong but they still do it.

So I guess the only solution they have is to go to sauna for anonymity or look for safe friendships like me.

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bitch read my post, i never want him to leave his family, and he does want a future with me, we r planning to set up a small biz, he even promise me if his wife dies, i will stay with him, and take care of him, his children are too busy with their lives, but i dun hope for tat, as long as he is in my life, i am thankful, anyway i am a peace-loving guy, so whatever pent-up frustrations u have, go vent them on ur bitches ok, thanks, merry christmas and happy new year

Oh thats very good for you.

I suppose once he introduce you into this family, his wife and his children will have a new bitch pet to play with.

Merry Christmas.


Next year is the Dragon Year. Wait till the Dog Year. Then you come into the picture.So auspicious and appropiate !

Tar Tar !!

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Guest Mad About Men

I have always been attracted to married men, too. :wub:

Being a painfully pragmatic person, I think married men should just stick to .... married men - the playing field would be more level.

Also, being likely to have been 'forced' into marriages to live out the axioms, they should have much empathy for each other.

In your case, you could shore up a few married men to fill up your week - Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.

Make sense?

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I have always been attracted to married men, too. :wub:

Being a painfully pragmatic person, I think married men should just stick to .... married men - the playing field would be more level.

Also, being likely to have been 'forced' into marriages to live out the axioms, they should have much empathy for each other.

In your case, you could shore up a few married men to fill up your week - Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.

Make sense?

When it comes to matters of the heart, decisions are usually don't follow common sense.

It is all你情我原,郎情男意。

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Guest Marad44
When it comes to matters of the heart, decisions are usually don't follow common sense...

Well said Guest. When a conflict between the sensible head and emotional heart happens and the heart has its way in the end, things don't always look pretty, eh? :smokin:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Marad44

A Filipino chat buddy copied & pasted this to me from a Blog. I post it verbatim:

Close your legs to marry men.

I have a friend who is searching hard for a man. He dates all the time but still comes up short when finally finding Mr. Right. But it has come to my attention that he is a bit slutaous. Some have the three date rule before they sleep with a man, others wait longer and some are first date offenders. Then there are some that love a hook up with no possibility of a relationship. Nothing wrong with any of it but if you truly want a relationship, you have to put that in the universe and sleeping around isn’t the way to go. As soon as you get the reputation of being an easy lay or as the boys on Jersey shore would say–DTF, the likelihood of finding a real husband is greatly reduced as word spreads of your spreading legs.

As a young naive gay man, I thought I had to be easy to get men to stay interested in me. I was a first date offender hoping to change things into a real relationship. Most times it wasn’t even a date, as a movie at their place was always code for a hook up, but again at sixteen in age I didn’t know. The sad part is sometimes it did work and I was able to have a somewhat nice relationships, so as I grew older I continued the same pattern hoping the next lay would be the one. I’m still single.

So I changed the game and went to the three date rule. Let’s just say it’s hard in the gay community to get to three dates. I’ve gone on amazing first dates that were full of laughter, touching, smiles, and even plans for a second date. Then phone calls are less frequent and suddenly that second date was hard to confirm. Finally you find out because there was no happy ending, there will not be a happily ever after either. So I changed back again but for a very short time.

The truth is the guys you have to sleep with to even have a chance at a relationship aren’t the guy for you. They have prioritized sex over love and don’t really fit your style if love is your ultimate goal. And you can’t turn a ho into a housewife unless you have money and are blind to the fact they will be cheating on you. The fact is, when you stamp “no slut activities” on your forehead, you have a better chance finding that like-minded man. If you are well-known in the community for being open to sex before love, the good men will not be looking for you. Can too overly sex men create a happy home..of course. Remember they are like-minded. But if you are love minded, close your damn legs, and open your heart.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Guessing

I am in dilemma, I just wanted to hear from an external point of view to confirm if my six sense is correct.

I have a married friend. We knew each other for 4 years. We clicked well. On one occasion, we talk about our likings for short trips. Surpisingly, in a short while, we made a decision to visit Malaysia for a short trip. Everything was booked. He told me, he did not tell his wife about it. I did not ask why. This made me a bit confused. Although we shared the same bed but nothing happens on that trip. Some friends told me, both of us are just too afraid to cross the line. Once, we had lunch, I was waiting for him at a corner table, which is facing the road, When he arrived, he asked me if I wanted everyone to know we are dating. It gave me a shock, but I just brushed it off as if he was uttering nonsense. Then again, another short trip is being planned.

What do you think? Does he like me but dare not make a move?

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He is bi. He is also worried because it is his first virgin affair with a man. And you are also virgin in dating man. In fact both of u are like virgins.

I can teach you a trick. Just wear underwear when u guys are in the room. See if the notti married man will make the first move. If he dun then both of u r either bottom waiting to be taken or u guys dun hv enough sexual chemistry to let ur urges pushes u to make the first move.

Remember to bring lube and condom. U guys dun want to end the trip with a sore ass, regardless who top who.

Edited by GachiMuchi
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Guest Guessing

Thanks for your response GM.

Frankly, I have not dated any although I have some one off with some but non is serious anyway.

Although, I know he is married and there is no 'future' in that, but I am happy to be as a special friend to him.

Haha, actually, this coming trip, the room has an open concept bathroom, so no way to 'hide'. We love to drink wine, so I think we would get high. I might just in nothings underneath the bathrobe. I definitely can't do anything while being sober. I am sure he is a top but i don't think I am bringing lube or condom as it would make it like 'planned', haha, ooops

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Thanks for your response GM.

Frankly, I have not dated any although I have some one off with some but non is serious anyway.

Although, I know he is married and there is no 'future' in that, but I am happy to be as a special friend to him.

Haha, actually, this coming trip, the room has an open concept bathroom, so no way to 'hide'. We love to drink wine, so I think we would get high. I might just in nothings underneath the bathrobe. I definitely can't do anything while being sober. I am sure he is a top but i don't think I am bringing lube or condom as it would make it like 'planned', haha, ooops

It's not about whether the entire thing looks 'planned' or not... it's just a precautionary step before engaging in any forms of sexual activity.

Instagram: vodkabaker

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Guest Guessing

I understand, thanks. However, I don't think I would do anal. If anything happens, it is just our intro. Just let the 'ice break'.

Some of my friends also said, he is likely to be bi. I have hardly heard of a married man going to holiday with a single male and the family does not know. It just sets me thinking.

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Married men are horny bastards. Please do not easily let them have you so easily. Once they have you they will treat you like their mistress, but after they know that you belong to them, they will treat you like their wives and they go out to find for more conquest.

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There are types of men that I wont want to befriend or bed:

1. Bisexuals - you know that switch from 1 side to another.

Married bisexuals are worse.

They have their families to look after and the gay man is more of a sexual relief, a fxxk buddy, a toy.

Do you think they will look after you first before their families?

你只能活在黑暗里。。。 永远见不得光。


2. Gay men who are attached.

Well, once again, their hearts are somewhere else.

ONS, probably yes.

小朋友, 在你未踏出错误的第一步之前, 请三思而后行。

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Guest Guessing

True, if I were to step into such a 'relationship' so call, I am not going to expect anything out of it. We are good 'buddies' from start. I like him and he likes me too otherwise we won't be maintaining this friendship and even more, going for discreet holidays. Like any other good friends, we only expect and hope that our friends treats us mutually well. I can take care of myself, I don't need him to do anything. Besides, if someone really is true to you, that friend will care for you regardless.

It just caught me by surprise when he went along with me for holidays. He is a nice guy, I don't think he plays around at all. He cares for his family and treasures our unique friendship. We have some common friends and this friend ever asked me , "hey, you guys are very good friends ya, he always talked about you".

From very beginning, i was a little confused when he sent certain signals. He told me he had a good friend and this friend started sending gifts and stuffs to him on festive seasons so much so that when my friend asked him not to, that friend got offended. That friendship ended abruptly. I wasn't very sure what he was trying to tell me then.

Then came the holiday and he said he did not tell his wife. Again, what am I supposed to think? Then, the 'dating' comment. He also said, he does not want expenses for our holidays overseas to appear on his credit card statement. I took the cue, so I took care of most of the bookings.

Although nothing happened on our 1st holiday, we enjoyed our time together. I just feel that there is a possibility that the line may cross. I am just not sure if those 'signals' are truely telling me something.

I totally agree with you, if a guy is a bastard, it is not relevant to what orientation, race, education, social status.

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Guest Guest

Well, well, i am one of those "horny bastards" then...

It depends on wat were the expectations from the beginning.

it's pretty obvious that no happily bi married man is gonna leave their family to start off a new relationship with another guy, so there shldn't be any delusions in the first place, if this was indeed the case.

If the original premise was just two consenting adults who want to mutually engage for fun - then so be it. So if I'm going on a holiday with a guy I like, of coz I'd keep it discreet.

If along the way, something deeper should develop from either party, then more power to both of you; and that will be a life-changing decision that either of you can make at that point in time.

I don't agree to the viewpoints that you shouldn't give yourself "easily" and "they will look after you first" - these are biased views. If the original intent was just to have fun by two consenting adults, then you know wat u r getting in for. Whether you want to give in "easily" or not, it's up to your comfort level and there shouldn't be any inclinations "to be looked after".

If however, the guy (and I mean any guy) promised to spend their lifetime with you from the beginning and ditch u after getting wat his dick wants, then he is a bastard with a captial "B".

So this Bastard can be a bi married man, or a gay single man or a st8 attached man - it's not dependent on his sexual orientation or marital status or wat color is his underwear, it's just dependent on his character.

Married guys, bi or not, are not only horny bastards. They are also good at giving excuses and reasons for their actions and doings.

They are as good as cheating on their wives, leaving their poor wives in the unknown. It is different from an open gay relationship where both parties agree and are in the known. When you are at a crossroad, make a decision and stick with it. That is why, dun get involved with a married or bi guy. Having said that, we are all adults and must take responsibility for our own actions.

Lormee, this is not directed personally at u.

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Married guys, bi or not, are not only horny bastards. They are also good at giving excuses and reasons for their actions and doings.

They are as good as cheating on their wives, leaving their poor wives in the unknown. It is different from an open gay relationship where both parties agree and are in the known. When you are at a crossroad, make a decision and stick with it. That is why, dun get involved with a married or bi guy. Having said that, we are all adults and must take responsibility for our own actions.

Lormee, this is not directed personally at u.

But u are talking about an open gay relationship here, so dat's different in itself- if it's an open relationship (gay or str8) - of coz u are free to seek for more, it's understood.

If it was a gay monogamous relationship, then the gay partner may be equally good at making excuses and keeping secrets behind the other gay partner's back.

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Guest Guest

But u are talking about an open gay relationship here, so dat's different in itself- if it's an open relationship (gay or str8) - of coz u are free to seek for more, it's understood.

If it was a gay monogamous relationship, then the gay partner may be equally good at making excuses and keeping secrets behind the other gay partner's back.

No need to be defensive dude. Are u married yourself? U should buy more flowers for your wife.

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Seems very obvious to me that he is interesting to have something with you. You really don't have to wait until the trip to take any action. Just talk to him. Already so obvious. Why pretend ? If he turn around and pretend that he's not interested in you, then during the trip, the same thing will happen. And just forget him. But I believe if you just want to have some fun with him or you want a slightly closer relationship with him then now, just go ahead and talk to him. Don't torture yourself with questions.

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My advice is to quit wasting your time on any married men. They are just better off with their wives and families. Don't make yourself look like a slut or 3rd party. U will not gain anything from it. But of course, you can still be friends with them (but draw a line between u and him). That's it. So why subject yourself to unnecessary stress when life is short?


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Guest Guest

If you get along, not jealous of his time with wife, and he is not using you financially, what's stopping cementing a friendship? Whatever we don't know about his long term intentions, he is ready for something hot. If not with you, then someone else, so why not you, someone who cares? He is caught in his marriage; you can walk away.

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No I am not here to judge what is right or wrong.

What I am merely stating is the fact that a married man has to care for his family first before us.

So we are at the losing end.

Of course the onus is on the TS or anyone who wants to substain a relationship with a married person.

I, in the meantime, will only go for unattached, gay (GWM is still my preference) man.

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To The TS:

few questions

- does he knows that you are gay?

- are you another married person

coz these are 2 facts that have not been established.

Let's say you are gay and he knows it. well depend on what are you seeking? do you really want to have sex with him?

both of you have survived the 1st overseas trip sharing the same room without crossing the line, maybe he is looking for friendship, maybe he is shy to initiate.

He definitely has a liking for you, if not he wont want to travel with you. whether is the liking sexual or pure friendship remains to be seen.

whatever the case, the decision lies also in your hand, do you want to keep him as a friend or you are willing to move into something more? if you decide to maintain your friendship, then there is no issue here as you dont need dicks to make friends.

p/s regardless, it is always a good practice to bring along lub and condom. it may not be for him but its always to be prepared

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Guest Guest

The entire situation sure seem very innocent to me.

"He told me, he did not tell his wife about it."... Duh, everyone wants to get away from the wife once in a while. What is the big deal? Nothing sexual implied there.

"When he arrived, he asked me if I wanted everyone to know we are dating." ... Nice cute joke. So again, what is the big deal?

Be careful that you may scare him away if you really "exposes" your sexuality to him. One thing you can do is to sleep in your underwear the next time and play peek-a-boo and pretend to sleep, then see if there is any reactions. Just treat it like another one of our typical cruising game, but even while we are baiting, we always make sure that the person don't turn out to straight and call the police after that.

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Guest troll

You should look thru blowing wind, old topics , there are many zen masters who share their experience of baiting and bedding married and curious and confused sexually horny men,

You must know your own position first, do you want to be the victor or looser in this game.

from your post, you sound like the typical, think too much and react too sensitively and NATO ( no action but talk only).

Sorry, nut i have to be blunt here, your nemesis is your own self, and that prick of a married friend of your are playing you out like a violin, pulling and plucking your strings to get what musical notes he wants to hear.

do you want to be his instrument to be plucked and played and according to his musical score.

Imagine what he is doing to you , he is exactly doing the same thing to his wife, she is probably being manipulated and pluck like you, your married friend is a maestro, and you both are his instrument.

Take charge of what you want and be a conductor of your own sexual needs rather than a musical instruemnt for this married man.

I would makan him and then dump him if he is only in for the sex relief he can't get from his wife.

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You should look thru blowing wind, old topics , there are many zen masters who share their experience of baiting and bedding married and curious and confused sexually horny men,

You must know your own position first, do you want to be the victor or looser in this game.

from your post, you sound like the typical, think too much and react too sensitively and NATO ( no action but talk only).

Sorry, nut i have to be blunt here, your nemesis is your own self, and that prick of a married friend of your are playing you out like a violin, pulling and plucking your strings to get what musical notes he wants to hear.

do you want to be his instrument to be plucked and played and according to his musical score.

Imagine what he is doing to you , he is exactly doing the same thing to his wife, she is probably being manipulated and pluck like you, your married friend is a maestro, and you both are his instrument.

Take charge of what you want and be a conductor of your own sexual needs rather than a musical instruemnt for this married man.

I would makan him and then dump him if he is only in for the sex relief he can't get from his wife.

Yes. Rule over straight guys.


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I think if u ask him more questions under the right circumstances, u would hv more answers n would b less confused.

For example, when he said he didn't tell his wife about the Malaysia trip, u shd act a bit surprised n ask him why not? When he made dat comment about ur choice of seat n letting everyone know u both r dating, u shd ask casually whether he thinks u both r dating?

If u can't or r not ready 2 ask those questions, then u 2 r probably not close enough n shd leave things as it is.

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