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A Ripened Midlifer

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Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 3:09 pm

I am in procurement, and in my profession i always have deal with over-zealous suppliers/vendors who try to buy my heart in exchange for a contract. Having been in this profession, I have been so numbed to invitations for free golf games, hi-society meal experiences, and briberies. Understanding the perils of succumbing to such temptations, i have always gone by the books and be as transparent as possible.

Alex is a materials supplier who has served me for years. He is THE one vendor whom i find hard to resist, not his bribe offers, but his masculine charms. He is a strapping 1.8m, stockily muscular and swaggers like he has a heavy load between his thighs. Whenever we shake hands at the parting of a meeting, i cannot help but get electrified by his python-like forearms (he said is a consequence of his frequent golfing) and palm which is thick and sturdy like a brick. I often also give myself away by unavoidably staring at his crotch as we come close at arms length.

Alex has tried to win a deal from my company by extending various gifts and monetary kick-backs. But i have on every occasion turned a blind eye to them. After some time, he has also respected my character and relented. But of late, I felt that he must have noticed my tendencies to see him as a sex object, and he has used his physical charm to his advantage.

There was this day, i was in the meeting room with him. He summoned his colleague to leave the room so that we could have a private conversation, which is a common practice. We then discussed in private, until a point where we decided to part ways, and he stood up to shake my hand again. The moment our hands clasped, he pulled me to his chest, on the pretext of testing my arm power. I the deliberately fell on him, and he collapsed on the floor by accident. I broke my fall on his groin, and uncontrollably rubbed his 'little brother'. No surprises, he did not resist my advances and in fact reacted with a face of enjoyment. He then leaned forward to hug me, and asked me 'if i liked the feeling.'

After the incident, I observed Alex closely to ascertain if he was after my business or an intimacy with me. The next few days did not see him threatening me or offering me his body in exchange for a contract. In fact, i didn't hear from him anymore.

I have been wondering what went wrong or right? It is also not appropriate for me to call him or ask him about it. I just left it as it was .... although i have been yearning for his phone calls and visits.

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Guest FattChoy88

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 3:30 pm

Post subject: Python Forearms

A quick call to the accounts dept to hold off the payments on the latest invoices should do it.

When Python Foreams call, ask him to come down and sort out some CRM and after sales issue.


FattChoy88 --> Mahjong Crazy

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Guest Heartlander

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 4:27 pm

dear fattchoy88, thanks for your response. i have had a tennis game with python forearm once, and while in the bathroom, he stripped to his birthday suit with an air of confidence. and rightfully so, as he epitomises the eastern samson. his penis is a real mean hanging python upon thick tufts of pubic undergrowth. his butt is smoother than tofu, with not a speck of blemish.

oh my, how am i to erase this from my head?

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Guest Guest_oralb

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:02 pm

Post subject: careful

while my usual Horny self will shout FCUK him (yes physically again) strip him and admired that tool that entices you for so long....


never shit where u eat.

u have managed to maintain your respect and dignity by turning a blind eye on all his monetary advances.

you may open a flood gate that couldnt able to close. what if you have done something and he used that to threaten you or even simply plead you to accept his proposal?

unless u dont give a damn on your job...

from what i know, procurement in singapore isnt big and bad reputation tends to spread very fast.

there are many more hot guys outside... dont gamble


- Life is what happens to U when U busy making other plans -

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Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:49 pm

Post subject: It's an invitation

Ordinarily, I would agree that you don't shit where you eat. But after what you did on the floor, the answer is plain that he likes it too. Straight or bi, he's hesitating and need time to think over it.

This is a dangerous period, don't push him. It's not just sex, it's his job on the line just as much as it's yours. Worse yet, his reputation too. It's easy enough for him to sell his body to get your contracts but if you ever leak it out, he'll be laughed at as being no better than a prostitute.

If you like him, give him time. Socialize with him outside work and let him see if he can trust you.

That being said, these things are very common. It's part of juicy office gossips that's why people are wary of such things. I heard of plenty from gay guys - the type from a friend who know a friend type of story.

Apparently this manager of a big company got involved with the sales manager of another company. Till one day they had a lover's tiff and the sales manager wanted to sue the manager for sexual harrassment. Being an old hand himself, the manager called his bluff because both have reputation to lose. Moreover, the manager though mostly a top, had to submit to being taken from the backhole each time. It's what turned the straight sales manager on. When in court for such cases, the victim is usually considered the submissive party. The sales manager might win his case if he had reported it before deciding to bonk the manager. His hard cock in the manager's hot hole is proof enough of mutual adult consent. Case dismissed.

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Guest Guest_Lungker

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:14 pm

Post subject: My Wrong Advice

I am usually wrong so do the direct opposite of what I am suggesting.

Leave him alone. Never stike when iron is hot. Never grab opportunity that comes your way once a while. Never exchange favours. "Guang Xi" is dead in this time and age. You will be able to forget his huge banana and unblemish backside. There are tons of men out there that are better than him. Never practice safe sex if and when there is a chance he fxxks you. Never lick his arsehole when you guys have sex. Straight men makes good lovers. :twisted:

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Guest Heartlander

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 6:33 pm

my sincerest thanks to lungker, fattchoy88 and oralb for dispensing your heartfelt advice and two cents worth on my experience. well, alex the python forearm just had a newborn. So he must be 100% straight, and even if he is bi, it takes too much to derive any fun from this already 'taken' man.

I will keep you bros updated if there are any developments. I am not too affected really. :-) good longweekend

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Guest FattChoy88

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 4:21 am

Post subject: Baby Python?


If I am in your position, I'd just cut the guy some slack.

If I'm really close to Alex, I'd sincerely drop by to see his baby, send him a present for the newborn, congratulate his wife and say some niceties to him, like "Hmm, with another baby, you must spend more time with the family, to help the wife out. I'm sure you'll be a good daddy and husband". Sincerely volunteer any (clean) help, I probably would.

If I'm so so with Alex, I'd probably ring him up, congratulate him, and sincerely wish him well and say some niceties like, "With the new baby, I know you'd be working harder at home and at work. Don't forget to take care of your health too, ya"

If I hardly have any social interaction with Alex, I'd probably do nothing. If he sends some cakes over for his newborn's first month celebration, I'd probably thank him for the cake and send him an angpau for it.

If he tries any horny stuff with you, don't fall for it. Whether it's for the contracts or for satisfying his lust, he's still using you. Be professional at work and avoid this new daddy lar. It's the only unselfish thing to do.


FattChoy88 --> Mahjong Crazy

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Guest Guest_Lungker

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 11:54 am

FattChoy, I think you gave excellent advice to Heartlander to stay out of potential trouble. That's really good.

But what about Python Man's big fat cock and unblemish backside? Thinking about that night and day can cause high blood pressure you know. What happen if Heartlander stay out of "straight man with big cock testing his masculinity" trouble but end up going crazy because he just can't stop thinking of catching that python? I tell you my man, many neurosis humans have, started out this way. :lol:

All Heartlander need to do is hint to Python man what the lowest bid is. If he can do better, then the contract is probably his. In the private sector, I guess, about 30 percent of significant contracts are awrded that way. The lowest bidder still win, and the the company who awards the contract gain also, because it saves them money.

Now, it does not mean bribery is involved. In fact bribery is seldom involved. What has happened is that the two parties's relationship are so close that it is more of a case of you rub my back, I rub yours. In Heartlander's case, it could be you let me play with your python, i let you play with my python. :lol:

In any case, there are potential pitfalls to look out for. Heartlander must not fall in love with the python. Play with it, strangle it, sit on it all you want BUT never fall in love with it! Also, Heartlander must stay in control. Gather and keep evidence of playtimes to keep python in check just in case python want to really squeeze Heartlander for extra benefits.

The final answer I guess lies between being a complete saint and being the manipulative devil. Flirt with python man if he wants to flirt, do your job well, maintain your sanity and just let nature takes its course.


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Guest Guest

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 6:00 pm

Post subject: keiretsu

Ah so, this is keiretsu. You scratch my balls, I scratch yours. Some big companies have a whole department for it. What the gaijins don't know is it is more than money and shareholding. It is more than going expensive geisha. It is more than golf games. It is more than you scratch my back, I scratch yours.

It is mutual masturbation. If you dare so show the cock and let geisha suck, dance around naked. It is you show me your dirty things and I show you my dirty things and we can trust each other to keep secret. We drink plenty to pretend we do dirty things because we drunk. If act all time very proper, then no business to do. All men like do dirty things. You don't trust me so you don't do dirty things with me. Only friends who have secrets together cannot betray each other.

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Guest FattChoy88

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 7:17 pm


I must admit this is an interesting post that u've shared with us.

Sounds like some organised crime thingy, approved by the firm.

Imagine a whole 'department' knows what transpired between you and their manager on a day to day basis.

Would like to know more bout this.

One question though,

How to keep this U-trust-me I-trust-U thing from exploding, especially if one of the party no longer needs ball scratching?

In context of kiasi (scared of being caught) Singaporean execs, are they a hard one to crack?


FattChoy88 --> Mahjong Crazy

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Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 10:23 pm

Post subject: keiretsu

FattChoy88 san, some business like construction, movies, p--no have plenty yakusa.

How Japanese do business is not organised crime, it is legal. It is like america fraternity, you must do dirty things together. Dirty don't mean illegal things, more naughty things and giving taking favors.

The naughty things are understood by the whole company even the whole Japan. One time the government want to find things out. Then the shimbun find the prime ministers has mistresses, the justice minister has secret affair with muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger. Government also has dirty things. Everybody must keep secret then everything alright.

Naughty gay things are not common. What the managers do behind hotel rooms, they keep secret themselves. They always say talk business. Japanese men are sexually very open and many gaijins are surprised by what they dare to try for fun secretively.

I don't know about Singapore men. What I hear is they are usually shy like schoolboys. Not drink much. Not good businessmen.

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Guest oraclb

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 8:56 am

i guess what Fattchoy said earlier hit the jackpot.

Be professional in your work life.

sure you can go seek out str8 or married or daddy, as long as it wouldnt affect the work life (of coz their married life).

that guy could be using him either to gain favour at contract or just to release his lust due to the wife unable to provide.

most imptly, how do you end this relationship and prevent it from exploding?

wost scenario, what if the wife found out and blew her top?

someone brought up the Jap culture, i would like to highlight that sexual scandal, though common, still a taboo there. most scandals end up in 2 possibilities; resignation or committ sucide (okay that's a little far stretch) Imagine what will happen if the sexual scandal involves 2 of the same sex?

chinese saying - why forsake the forest becoz of a tree?


- Life is what happens to U when U busy making other plans -

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Guest Guest_richkuan

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 11:34 am

Post subject: Have some standard

I fully support Fattchoy idealogy. Be professional and discreet.

Gay are a lot of people dislike by many and possibly look down upon.

If just because of some big cock and asses, we review ourselves that would be very sad and unfortunate.

Be professional and of good characters to show the world that gay are also repectable people.

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