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Bottoming 101 - How To Prepare Your Ass For Fun + How To Give Yourself An Enema / Douche / Clean Inside Your Butt (Compiled)

Guest kAtak

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i like to start a new topic abt how bottoms make preparation to do anal i.e CLEAN HOLE lah .. i only know my way n i wonder if there are any better ways to do it ..

my way using me fingers n hose pipe water ready to clean the waste . im quite kiasu n want to make it really clean so i dig deep inside .. ths sometimes cos a bit of temporary pain , thus if not in a rush i will do it halfnhour b4 the top arrives .. by then my muscles are relax n the hole is stretch-ready for anal ..

any other ways or styles ? tops can put input also please B)

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I'm more of a top. But because I hope there will be more clean bottoms for us, here are my recommendations so far.

- best thing to do if you can plan ahead. Do a *big one* the night/morning before the session. Make sure you clear everything in the "chute".

- in the morning after your shower, put a bit of moisturiser around the anus to make sure your ass is nice and baby-smooth.

- some people believe in enema/douching (using a hose to insert water) 2hr before, results can be mixed. The extra water may not reach places and sometimes it adds to the mass inside and produces diahorrhea.

- right before the session, do a last minute check and go shower if you feel unclean. Better still, shower with the top and get him to do a final inspection before he goes in.

- to maintain, eat sensibly. Bak Gua/beans/belachan will produce a lot of gas and will totally mess up your system.

- Btw.. don't overdo it. Your ass will be sore even before f**king!! :clap:

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I am Top. In several anal fun encounters I have had, the condom comes out brownish. It dirties the btm's buttock and the bed sheet. It smells too. A big turn-off.

For the first time btm this is what I tell them.

Use a rubber hose commonly found in the toilet. Before you use, check that the head of the hose isn't sharp so it will not cut the ass. Clean the hose tip with some soap.

Run the tap and place the hose near the mouth of the ass. After a while your body will get used to the temperature of the running tap water.

Slowly adjust the tap pressure to get the tap water into your anus without pushing the hose into the ass. Try to hold the water inside for a short while so it can loosen the shit. Excrete into the toilet bowl.

Repeat until no shit comes out and the water is clear. Don't flush too many times or later with the fxxking, your ass will be real sore.

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eh..for me an hour before, i throw all first and then after that i put soap aroud my fingers and then finger myself in and dig out the excess. then i repeat the process by letting in some water inside and i think it's clean clean and inside also smell nice nice coz of the soap i think. So far no complaints yet from my top.

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TOPc- moisture the hole after washing... ermm ok tat shd be interesting for fingering

ryD-soap in the anus .. err i think if too much wil cos unnecessary reaction to the intestines ,,i usually jus soap the outer layer of the anus, inside jus finger n water la

-buaya ..uve got urself a good bottom hehe

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just finger wash 100% not clean enough,if the guy is thick & big like me hehe slightly more than 7" fat cock,once it totally reach all the way in & fxxk deep hard,will be very messy,so best is use hose pipe,but most people dunno how to get rid all the water inside even they are flexi or pure btm,haha.

No point to clean first if u r having sex only few hours later,esp if u going to Hotel81 or frd's house when he stay alone,u can clean it when u reach there & have a shower at the same time. If u really know how to clean properly,with hose pipe at least u will stay in the washroom for even 10mins or more in order to get rid all the water inside.

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thx guys . for future contributors pls state if ur top btm or flex .. then at least we kno where the advice is comin from .. some tops may assume certain style is cool but us bottoms are the one with the holes n different body react differently ..SO more contributions from bottoms pls ...

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I am top that advice to use host pipe,but i disagree wat KAtak say,it is the top who fxxk,so the top actually is the only one who know is clean or not,most btm dunno,some top even dun mind if the btm messy,so dun forget,who will using the asshole,is the TOP,some btm after wash afew times still same,messy when get fxxk awhile,so mostly like me though TOP,i will like to ask & obvious how long or how those flexi or btm if their ass is so clean even fxxk for hours

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Guest Guest69

Me Btm and I like to use hose to 'shoot' water into the asshole.

no need high pressure but must be strong enough so water goes in.

Stick hose just at the entrance of your asshole and turn on thw water.

Fill ass until you feel very very full then stop and wait a while.

Your stomach muscles will automatic go into shit mode and you'll be shitting brown water out in a rush.

repeat two or 3 times until water comes out clear.

Have fun.

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I am flex top.

I usually will eat lots of fibre two days before to clear the stomach and will use a syringe to infuse water before sex act..

Turning on the tap with hose is a little to dangerous.. and you may not be aware of bursting the stomache as different people may have different threshold.

A syringe will be easy to monitor how much water you have taken in..

There are some adult toys shop selling those with a small tube attached to the syringe..

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  Guest said:
I am top that advice to use host pipe,but i disagree wat KAtak say,it is the top who fxxk,so the top actually is the only one who know is clean or not,most btm dunno...

har?? i too use hose pipe mah, sometimes i use the HOST's pipe :D .... but i dun go n make wet n wild slide or macRitchie reservoir la inside my hole . bloated sia ..

ths is not a contest la abt who knows whos cleaner .. hehe.. some ppl even rim shit for all i care .. ths is a subject matter of cleaning the hole , ways n styles n varieties for us to share

u probably meet inexperience bottoms who r not experience thus all the "kit kat" problems mah

my hole is my hole .. ur statement abt who knows best is equivalent to saying u know how a pregnant women feel in HER womb ...

at ease men !

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  Guest69 said:
Me Btm and I like to use hose to 'shoot' water into the asshole.

no need high pressure but must be strong enough so water goes in.

Stick hose just at the entrance of your asshole and turn on thw water.

Fill ass until you feel very very full then stop and wait a while.

Your stomach muscles will automatic go into shit mode and you'll be shitting brown water out in a rush.

repeat two or 3 times until water comes out clear.

Have fun.

Hahaha, guest69, my bf as he also preferred a bottom role did it similarly like you did :thumb:

Quote: Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at them. ~ US Professional Golfer Jimmy Demaret

Quote: If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play at it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf. ~ Actor Bob Hope (1903 - 2003)

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mi and my bf are flex. we will take shower and use hose to wash our ass ourself. i place the hose close to the ass and let water in until i feel it is full. wait a while the water will be passed out. will do 2 - 3 times. will wait for a while to pass out all water. but sometime still got water inside.

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  Guest69 said:
Me Btm and I like to use hose to 'shoot' water into the asshole.

no need high pressure but must be strong enough so water goes in.

Stick hose just at the entrance of your asshole and turn on thw water.

Fill ass until you feel very very full then stop and wait a while.

Your stomach muscles will automatic go into shit mode and you'll be shitting brown water out in a rush.

repeat two or 3 times until water comes out clear.

Have fun.

My method is very simillar to yours.

I use a very soft and flexiable tube about 5mm and insert in

with warm water. repeat few time.

So far no problem.... very clean.

Side track : I heard ppl used to feeding in from the anal with organic coffee

then drink fresh lime juice for slimming purpose... Anyone try before??

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  JaPPen said:
mi and my bf are flex. we will take shower and use hose to wash our ass ourself. i place the hose close to the ass and let water in until i feel it is full. wait a while the water will be passed out. will do 2 - 3 times. will wait for a while to pass out all water. but sometime still got water inside.

Hope you guys are not doing this in the bathroom together at the same time.... :o

Its the diahorrhea part that really puts me off... I doubt I can love anyone so much to watch him douche for me... :D

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  Peter said:
The process of "Anal Douching" or "rinsing out." This guy likes to use some special equipment for douching.


thanx Peter ..

interesting read .... Ok maybe i can ask this since its quite related :-

wat r the regular excuses u fellow bottoms n flexis give when u dun wan anal cos u know u r not clean down there n u dun have the time to clean or flush it out ...especially when u meet guys out in the open cruzing ground...

my excuses r usually quite str8 forward .. "am rushin for nex appt sorry " or " am not ready down there but i promise u the nex time ill give u the ride of ur life " :whistle:

any more original ideas ??

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Guest FrequentSauna

I noticed that the sauna's toilets come with hose for cleaning the house. I wonder if it would be a medium for STD and HIV transmission. It is almost like sharing syringes, right?

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  FrequentSauna said:
I noticed that the sauna's toilets come with hose for cleaning the house. I wonder if it would be a medium for STD and HIV transmission. It is almost like sharing syringes, right?

Hmmm, i am not an expert but what i read from 'safe sex web', that the possibility getting STD is greater but not HIV, as the HIV virus unable to survive once it exposes to the external such as air etc.

a good oral sex makes your day, a good anal sex makes your "hole weak"

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was wondering then , my observation , logically the best kind of toilet for house cleaning then shd be the old squatting ones .. easy to do fingering n washing and not leave the whole area messy ... :whistle:

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  • 1 year later...
Guest topman

This might sound disgusting to some people, but I need some suggestions here.

To those of you tops, I am sure that when you fxxk someone, you will surely finger his ass to loosen it first. Have you ever encountered people who didn't clear their bowels properly and when you finger them, you find shit on your fingers. The worst part is when you try to wash off the shit, the smell lingers on your fingers no matter how much soap you use.

So how do you guys cope with this?

Have some special soap or just live with the smell?

I know many of you will say use condoms when fingering but what happens when there is only one condom available?

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Guest hate shit too
  topman said:
This might sound disgusting to some people, but I need some suggestions here.

So how do you guys cope with this?

Have some special soap or just live with the smell?

I know many of you will say use condoms when fingering but what happens when there is only one condom available?

Dude... I knwo wat u mean and I have a terribel reaction to this, once I was fxxking this dude real hard then we wanted to try another angle, when I pulled my dick out, the condom was covered with shit.. eyyyyywwww

After thatmy dick went soft like in a flash.. I just could not get it up and then just made an excuse and got the hell out... worst thing the btm din get it ....never went back to his place again..was a gd fxxk but unfortunately, a clean fxxk is more important to me...

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Eww... sounds terrible.

Well, to get rid of the shit smell, can try either of the following after through washing with warm soap solution :

a. clean with shampoo.

b. rinse with beer.

c. use an antiseptic hand wash (e.g. dettol)

I've not tried a and b, but tried with c when I was helping out in an old folk's home.

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Like the saying goes, if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

What's with all these sissy ewww and eyyyyywwww ?? Can't you just get the btm to wash up then carry on or you wash for him? Why so drama? No wonder we prefer str8 or at least str8 acting gays.

That is why there are so few tops here. Only those who really really like fxxking a man's ass will not be put off by a little shit. They can't wait to finger my ass. Yeah I am always clean. But I ever smell my own fingers after fingering myself. It has a kind of smell that is sweet like those small pig intestines that you eat at the kuih chap hawker stall. The small pig intestines are very expensive you know.So only those who like the smell will pay so much to eat it.

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  topman said:
So how do you guys cope with this?

Have some special soap or just live with the smell?

I know many of you will say use condoms when fingering but what happens when there is only one condom available?

Cut a lemon in half and rub over fingers and anus.

If you foresee such problems when fingering, then prepare more than 1 condoms la......Simple as that! :lol:

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  Dicky said:
Cut a lemon in half and rub over fingers and anus.

U think u dealing with Oyster huh? <_<

Go lookout for stainless steel sink, rubbing your hand on the stainless steel sink for 30 seconds, it will remove odors.... it works like stainless steel soap. But of course the sink got to be clean....(I'm not kidding!)

I strongy suggest to get yourself a piece of Stainless Steel Soap, it will remove all types of odors.



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Guest appreciatebot
  wETTY said:
Like the saying goes, if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

What's with all these sissy ewww and eyyyyywwww ?? Can't you just get the btm to wash up then carry on or you wash for him? Why so drama? No wonder we prefer str8 or at least str8 acting gays.

That is why there are so few tops here. Only those who really really like fxxking a man's ass will not be put off by a little shit. They can't wait to finger my ass. Yeah I am always clean. But I ever smell my own fingers after fingering myself. It has a kind of smell that is sweet like those small pig intestines that you eat at the kuih chap hawker stall. The small pig intestines are very expensive you know.So only those who like the smell will pay so much to eat it.

In a way I agreed with wetty. Whenever you top, you are actually fxxking a shit hole so sometimes accidents do happened and it is beyond what a bottom can fully control even he had cleaned thorough before.

So as a top perhaps you have to give and take and learn to accept a bit of mess once in a while.

I am not referring to those lazy and dirty bottoms who dun care about cleaning.

That why tops should appreciate a clean bottom for their efforts and not just fxxk them like a hole.

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  chelseasian said:
Try this great product Minty Ass.

I wonder if this wonderful product is available in Spore. Not so keen to order overseas in case got stop by custom. I think one of the reason I am not a great bottom is that I am always psychologically worried about being not clean down there. So after being fxxked (esp hard fxxking) for 5 min, I always find excuse to stop (even though I clean thorougly beforehand). I will tell the tops that they are too big for me. Hopefully with this minty wonder, I can overcome this and really enjoy anus sex.

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fm am, it is all in your mind.

Appreciatebot, you are right to say so. I agree with you.

As a top, we have to accept some mess when we want to poke into an asshole. I will simply ask my partner to go and do some cleaning. If I get soft, I just ask my partner to give me his best blow to get me up to speed.

We should treat our bottom with respect. A top can't be top without his bottom and vice versa.

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Guest appreciatebot

Important is to watch your diet if you are a bottom, try to avoid milk products especially on days you know is going to get fxxked.

And if you know that spicy food like chillies will upset your stomach then avoid them altogether. Take in more fibre then you stools will be hard and likely you will be very clean.

Must build up the first confidence to get fxxk not worrying so much about the messy, let the top take care of that and once you get through you are on your way to enjoy all the super fxxk by all the big cocks.

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I am not making my stainless steel soap smell like shit also.

GM - you and I should conduct a bottom certification course or something... like GCSE O levels for aspiring gays who want to be fxxked. Must pass then can play backside.

The number of ignorant messy bottoms in this country is astonishing!! In just 2 days in this new year, I have already met 3 unwashed bottoms (one some more claim to be master slut bottom). One of them even still had toliet paper around his hole when I reached to touch his behind. Like that how to make it in the gay jiang hu?

Finger fxxking is safe for the top unless your skin there is broken. Best to also keep your fingernails short to minimise miscomfort to the btm and to reduce the "residue" under your nails in case of dirty backside.

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Guest my smelly cock

To the thread starter, I have encountered the same problems as you and could probably be worse. It seems like the bottoms these days tend to be quite 'lazy'. The last few guys I had topped recently were quite "shitty", sorry can't think of a better word to describe.

Do you know that when shit mixes with KY, the result is that thick smelly sticky Nutella like goo and can be really disgusting and turning off. This is even more obvious when the bottom had just taken a shit before sex.

To all the bottoms, if you enjoy being bottom during sex, please also spare a thought for your top so that he can enjoy sex too. At least go do some enema.

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