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Sea Games Hotbods (Compiled)

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Guest Cgame

After looking at Ho Wah Toon pic.. I'm shocked I actually sucked him twice two or three years back. No wonder he looks so familiar ..I'm not sure which twin I did with but he appeared as a very fit gym guy . So I didn't even know he represents Sg as a gymnast.

He is really well endowed with a thick curve jewel at least 6 inches or more, considering his short height and the cum was juicy.

He looks cute too:)

ok ok, so his sperms Swim down your throat or Swing like a gymnast into your stomach ??
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Guest Guest

After looking at Ho Wah Toon pic.. I'm shocked I actually sucked him twice two or three years back. No wonder he looks so familiar ..I'm not sure which twin I did with but he appeared as a very fit gym guy . So I didn't even know he represents Sg as a gymnast.

He is really well endowed with a thick curve jewel at least 6 inches or more, considering his short height and the cum was juicy.

He looks cute too:)

He looks very DAO (arrogant) to me.

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After looking at Ho Wah Toon pic.. I'm shocked I actually sucked him twice two or three years back. No wonder he looks so familiar ..I'm not sure which twin I did with but he appeared as a very fit gym guy . So I didn't even know he represents Sg as a gymnast.

He is really well endowed with a thick curve jewel at least 6 inches or more, considering his short height and the cum was juicy.

He looks cute too:)

So where did u suck him? Gay spa?
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Royal? He's Lim, not Lee.:P

Anw how old is he?

think this is Clement Lim's last SEA games. Let's congratulate His Royal Hotness on his spectacular swim  :clap:  ^_^

lol hes still by far the hottest in the current team. end of story.


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never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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To do some justice to quah zheng wen with his over hyped hardon during relays as compared to invidual rvents

I was at the games today and seen for mysrlf that he wasnt interviewed and pictured once he got out of the pool. Unlike in relays, the photographer film them just at the end point.

He could be excited about his win or the water is really cold causing his hardon but i think you should see less of that today since he is the first swimmer of the 400m medley relay as compared to previous relays where he was the last swimmer

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Guest ahquah man

Yes, yes...THANKS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY,,. and the hard truth about his hardon stays. He is certified as a BIG boy, circumsized, swings left and right. A


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Yes, yes...THANKS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY,,. and the hard truth about his hardon stays. He is certified as a BIG boy, circumsized, swings left and right. A


Pls lah. Just give this 18 yr old boy a break

U all analyse his dick till like so tee goh peh

Someone earlier commented sicko right and i feel its rightfully appropriate

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Guest Guest

Yes, yes...THANKS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY,,. and the hard truth about his hardon stays. He is certified as a BIG boy, circumsized, swings left and right. A


Pls lah. Just give this 18 yr old boy a break

U all analyse his dick till like so tee goh peh

Someone earlier commented sicko right and i feel its rightfully appropriate

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Guest Guest

Yes, yes...THANKS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY,,. and the hard truth about his hardon stays. He is certified as a BIG boy, circumsized, swings left and right. A


Pls lah. Just give this 18 yr old boy a break

U all analyse his dick till like so tee goh peh

Someone earlier commented sicko right and i feel its rightfully appropriate

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1993. 22 yr old n retired. Not quite possible leh. Seems too young to retire


clement has some condition that affects his joints

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Guest ahquah man

And meanwhile, the righteous one continue to read what the teekopehs write.

Thabks goodness then.. luckily didnt post the pics or else really sicko. Yes, right..

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Guest ahquah man

clement has some condition that affects his joints

Yes, Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS).

He is a very brave guy, lost vision in one eye, undergone surgeries and experiencing pains and stiff backs and yet co peting. Whatever he does later on in life, we shd respect him

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To Tommy

Why shld I ...? Anyway not going to argue with U as a trolling guest.

I'm just sharing my experience that's all.

If you are jealous so be it.


Some Pple are just plain sour that's all.

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Guest ahquah man

The other guy with a backstory is psj, pang sheng jun... 22 year old with a little boy look. His shared about how Russell Ong was like a big bro to him. The anecdote is really touching. Didnt exactly have a great impression of russell prior to this, as did psj, who thought russell looked prous , arrogant... but psj's revelations made me realise tt beyond the glory, beyond the muscles, sometimes we overlook the most important organ that a person has - the heart. And that burning organ deep within is what is more important than the glittery exterior that we see.

Psj tells of how he was being bullied as a rookie when he was new to the swimteam. ..and how an unnamed senior made his life real tough. That arsehole lost his own parka and demanded psj to hand over his. Even though it wasnt his fight, russell stepped in and rebuked that senior. There was a glaring incident going on, but russell stood his ground. Tt senior eventually dropped the psj's parka and left the room.

Tt really was a nice thing russell did. He wanted to retire tt year in 2013 but he didnt break his record. This year, unluckily he didnt make the cut . Otherwise he wd have bunked in as roommates with psj again, as they always did.

There are jerks everywhere, but it is the gentleman and the nice souls out there that makes us look back with gratitude and a new understanding of how life shd be lived, for ourselves, for others. Russell told psj that he shd just be brave and fight his own battles...

For psj, he has vowed he wd be a caring senior just like russell was to him.

Bromance, at its sweetest,

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To Dreamz 80

Nope not in the gay sauna..

Outside one of our infamous swim pool at nite.

He was in his singlet and shorts with a crumpler sling bag seemed like he just finished gymming .He looked very gym fit cute but yes someone mentioned dao look. A few guys were eyeing him too. But I was lucky to be approached by him instead.

The rest is history .

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To Dreamz 80

Nope not in the gay sauna..

Outside one of our infamous swim pool at nite.

He was in his singlet and shorts with a crumpler sling bag seemed like he just finished gymming .He looked very gym fit cute but yes someone mentioned dao look. A few guys were eyeing him too. But I was lucky to be approached by him instead.

The rest is history .

So u all did it in the toilets? Wow...so kinky....
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Guest dua lan pa

Wow.. he just filp it left, filp it right..wonder if they blow each other in the changing room...hehehe


Knn......lan pa si bei dua qee....lao chwee nua

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Guest dua lan pa

Knn......lan pa si bei dua qee....lao chwee nua

This type of lan pa is like 1000yrs Ginseng......tonic.....must makan and swallow

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Mark Chay looks bloated on TV delivering his post show analysis for swimming. What happened to him?


Where is Rainer Ng by the way? Haven't seen him competing at the swimming competition yet.


Who is Russell Ong? Is he a medal winning swimmer like Schooling?

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Guest ahquah man

Russell ong has previously won 11 sea games medals in all...gold too, but he is the oldest swimmer at this point in time...and has officially quit.

He was last seen in the jayley woo chen hanwei toyol movie... will be seeing more of him in local tv screen...

Like leslie kok, he has stumbled into modelling... but also in acting.

His looks are subjective... but bod is quite buff.

From the psj story, u can tell what a cool sensitive guy he is. His own backstory? Kinda sad too...

Two years ago, his older sister suddenly passed away from heart failure. Just like thay. Russ was always very close to his sis, as she was the motivation for him to eccel in swimming and all...

All this happened while he was still studying overseas in australia... a roommate had to hug and hold him while his family broke the news over the phone to him. He was so affected by the news that his friends i australia had to form a vigil to keep him from breaking down...

Fast forward to today, the wounds are still fresh..each time he thinks about his sister...

At that point in time, russ packed his bags...left australia for home...and even changed his studies plan to study here at smu... just so he cd be here for his heartbroken pare ts.

This isnt just a singapore swimmer. Here is a man who loves not just his craft, but his family.

It is sadhe didnt qualify for thsi years seagames, coming in 3rd after clement and schooling... but he still keeps that ready smiled, even as he retires for good...

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Saw Leslie Kwok, Ernest Teoh and Bryan Tay at the VIP stand. Leslie and Ernest are looking very very good!

I still remember many years ago where Leslie n Ernest appeared on a photo together wearing just a pair of jeans (topless). Really hot.

Wondering anyone here still has that photo.

Edited by bluerunner
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Guest ahquah man

Saw Leslie Kwok, Ernest Teoh and Bryan Tay at the VIP stand. Leslie and Ernest are looking very very good!

I still remember many years ago where Leslie n Ernest appeared on a photo together wearing just a pair of jeans (topless). Really hot.

Wondering anyone here still has that photo.

Leslie kwok has a squeaky voice, but he comes across as very real. Yandao also. Like!

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Guest ahquah man

Saw Leslie Kwok, Ernest Teoh and Bryan Tay at the VIP stand. Leslie and Ernest are looking very very good!

I still remember many years ago where Leslie n Ernest appeared on a photo together wearing just a pair of jeans (topless). Really hot.

Wondering anyone here still has that photo.

Leslie kwok has a squeaky voice, but he comes across as very real. Successful n humble, Yandao also. Like!

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@junwei:yesterday, the Indonesian team was wearing green/black jammers where the green portion was on the bulge area and the team members' tools were quite visible after the 4x100 relay event. Wonder if u have noticed them.





no i did not notice it i was there but i sat right @ the back behide team singapore and i also saw Felicia chin there sitting in front of me cheering for team singapore swimmer 

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Guest ahquah man

So ahquah is naturally a bigboy la, whether he is first or last swimmer. So young so the lanjiao easily excited. Dot blame him lor .

Indonesian lanpa pic...who got?

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i never saw but ytd when the 4 times 100 relay singapore team won gold and the 1st to race is quan zheng wen but when he race finish his lanjiao already a little bit hard on already and he got so many interview ytd

Zheng Wen was swarmed by reporters and supporters last evening.

If you had not noticed the Indonesians', you have missed it lor. Theirs were so obvious after the swim. The green fabric of their jammers was in front. Certainly no less than ZW's. Haha

So ahquah is naturally a bigboy la, whether he is first or last swimmer. So young so the lanjiao easily excited. Dot blame him lor .

Indonesian lanpa pic...who got?

I did not take photo wor. U go search YouTube. Haha

So ahquah is naturally a bigboy la, whether he is first or last swimmer. So young so the lanjiao easily excited. Dot blame him lor .

Indonesian lanpa pic...who got?

I did not take photo wor. U go search YouTube. Haha
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the photo i post is ytd one and u notice that quan zheng wen his lanjiao a little bit hard on yes you tube just go to 28th singapore sea games and it wlll show all of it and also yesterday when i was there i heard some of the volunteer ;say that danny yeo he is actually sick for many days and still have not recover yet ;that wae on the 400m with pang sheng jun and danny yeo he never get silver or bronze and for quan zheng wen the volunteer said that he is actually feeling a little bit sore throat and for swimmer i heard that the volunteer say that they have to test their urines for each and every race see they got take drug or not ...

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@junwei: sure kena test de. Records falling like dominos surely ppl will question.

The urine test process is damn kinky. To get the urine sample, the invigilator will follow the sportsman to the urinal and has to witness the sportsman urinating into the sample tube! Invigilator cannot let the sportsman do it by himself without seeing it himself.

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It's sad that the swimming event has turned into Lanjiao watching event to some. While the swimmer gets hard to race for gold medal, the lower life forms get hard by talking about the hardons they saw on TV screen.

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So ahquah is naturally a bigboy la, whether he is first or last swimmer. So young so the lanjiao easily excited. Dot blame him lor .

Indonesian lanpa pic...who got?

haha i know i understand his lanjiao haha lol  haha but do u notice that when quan zheng wen swam the 50m backstroke  one he change his pants to the blue colour one instead of his usual swimwear pink/purple and when he swam the relay he change back again to purple/pink 

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