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Delta-Homes Redirect Virus


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Hi all,


Not sure if I'm the only one facing this problem?


Recently, I had some adware or virus install itself onto my computer form who knows where that changes all my browser homepages and search engines to delta-homes.com. But I haven't downloaded anything.


The only suspicious change in my computer was an automatic update for Microsoft Office 2013 that happened a few hours back. Other than that I was only going to normal sites, such as facebook, reddit, gmail, and BW. That's it.

My timeline looks like this:

Jun 11: 

(surfing fb, reddit, gmail, BW, some other stuff)

Alert appears (Windows cannot find C:\Programs...IePluginServices\PluginService.exe or something)

Browsers hijacked

Checked recent program/update history - Microsoft Office updated, the only thing updated

Tried to remove it, no luck


Jun 12 morning:

System restore to before critical update (Jun 10)

Problem gone


Jun 12 night/Jun 13 morning (as in right now):

(surfing fb, reddit, gmail, BW, some other stuff)

Alert appears (Windows cannot find C:\Programs...IePluginServices\PluginService.exe or something)

Browsers hijacked

Checked recent program/update history - Microsoft Office updated, the only thing updated. Again. This time updated Jun 12


All the sites I visited online tell me to install other stuff to remove this malware, which frankly I think is a dumb idea. So now I'm not sure what to do. I can't find the source of the damn thing.


So I'd just like to ask:


1) Has anyone else faced this problem?


2) If so, do you have Microsoft Office 2013?

3) If so, was there a critical update before it happened?


4) Was there anything else you were doing at the moment that could have caused this issue?

Would really appreciate if y'all can help to pinpoint the source of this cause it's super irritating hahaha

Thanks! :)

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Haha thanks. Seen those sites already, probably going to tackle those methods tomorrow. Not sure if those AdwCleaner or whatever is safe to download though...?

Just wanna know if anyone else has the same problem? I'm more of trying to find out where the issue came from

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Haha thanks. Seen those sites already, probably going to tackle those methods tomorrow. Not sure if those AdwCleaner or whatever is safe to download though...?

Just wanna know if anyone else has the same problem? I'm more of trying to find out where the issue came from


It might have been embedded in some license agreement you accepted i.e. read malwaretips. Some legit softwares bundle weird add-ons, so when you accept without reading the long-winded terms, you may not realise you're agreeing to installation of adware e.g. it happens with YTD Downloader. If worried about AdCleaner, can follow the manual steps or grab verified versions from cnet download or filehippo.

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OK anyway, problem solved. I just continued installing all Windows critical updates and the issue cleared up by itself, strangely enough. Maybe Windows used a download accelerator by itself or something. No idea, but nevermind.


Can close this thread and/or delete if you want/need to ba. Thanks :)

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