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Sugar Daddies & Seekers Discussion [Anyone Posting Ads Will Be suspended!] (compiled)

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I met someone in his twenties some time ago and after 2 weeks, he mentioned about going for a holiday. It is taken that I will pay for the trip as I have been paying for all meals. 2 weeks later, he asked to go for a holiday again.


This is the second young man who asked to go for a holiday after a few meals and I felt uneasy cos I was never like that myself. When I was in my 20s, even though I had an older man who offered to fly me to Japan and stay in a hotel, I never accepted. 


I am prepared to go for a real friendship but these 2 instances somehow tell me that these guys are only there for some good time.


Daddies, what are your experiences? perhaps, the market practice is to offer a free overseas trip after getting to know each other?


Daddy seekers, what do you say?

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Somehow, I'm happier giving when people dun ask for it. I'm not against giving, in fact, I'm prepared to give but when people ask like that, so early in a friendship, I get repulsed.

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In another case, a new young friend (one first day of meeting) said he had to go to a shopping mall as he was attending a dinner that night, which was true. I went with him. I noticed that he went for the most expensive T-shirt. I paid for him. On the next meeting, he again wanted to go shopping since it was CNY coming. Again, I noticed that he went for the most expensive trousers. This time, I said I didn't have enough money as I really had to buy a gadget for my mother. He remarked that the thing was expensive. ($80 versus $50 for his T-shirt). 


I was not impressed with this incident. Coupled with the fact that he was quite possessive (he said that I was not allowed to make love with others after the first time we had sex), and switched off his phone for a few days after I was overseas and did not return his missed call, I finally gave the relationship a cold shoulder.


But he was rather helpful when he came to my house, helping me with the electrical repairs. Again in all cases, I gladly paid for all meals.


Feedback appreciated.

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simple, they want material comfort.


What are you looking for? Love? relationship? im afraid it will be difficult.


What do they have? Youth, meat.

What do you have? Money.


Until there is a similarity and balance between both parties, it will eventually fall apart.

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We teach people how to treat us.

The fact that TS, on the first outing already voluntarily paid for the expensive shirt; the message you are telling the other party is, "continue to keep in touch with me if you want more of such freebies'.

If you offer honey, you attract bees. This is simple logic.

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Poster.. maybe go on dutch ? I guess if the guy only go for expensive tee shirt means he has the ability to pay for his own tee ... if no money then buy cheaper tee... don't offer to pay so easily... as a birthday gift or an anniversary gift ... do wat u want to do by buying an expensive gift or whatever to pamper them.. but not the first date started paying for everything..


If the person is worth it.. then ur money is worth .. obviously those guys u dated are not even worth ur time! just 2 cents worth!!..

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I know that by writing this post, i'll probably get slammed by some people, but I really just want to voice my humble opinion. Being in the twenties myself, my thoughts would probably echo the thoughts of those twenty something year old boys that you've met. 


I met someone in his twenties some time ago and after 2 weeks, he mentioned about going for a holiday. It is taken that I will pay for the trip as I have been paying for all meals. 2 weeks later, he asked to go for a holiday again.


I am prepared to go for a real friendship but these 2 instances somehow tell me that these guys are only there for some good time.


Daddy seekers, what do you say?


Given how you unintentionally labelled yourself as "Daddy", I assume you have been working for many years already, and are doing quite well in your career, in order to afford all the meals and gifts for those younger guys you've met.


You have to understand that the twenty something year olds you have been targeting are either still in university, or have just started working... In case you didn't know, most Singaporean boys who take the JC route will only graduate at 25, others who took other routes will graduate even later. You need to know that the guys you're targeting mostly do not have an income. The more hardworking ones MIGHT have a part time job, but even so, they're really not earning much. 


Given that you like such boys, you need to know that you are in a position that is much more superior than them. They look up to you. They meet you because they value your stability, your maturity, and your capabilities. Of course, your gd looks is undeniably a pull factor as well. You have a good job that pays you decently, they don't. You have lived a much longer life than they have. You have place, they don't. You have much more experiences, they don't. You have wisdom, they don't. You have money, they don't. You have age, they don't. 


Now here's the thing... Beauty depreciates with age. You have to agree with that. And youth, at my age, is my greatest asset. You might be after the "freshness" of our minds, the "innocence" of our hearts, and the "tenderness" of our meat. You probably like younger guys because they are more driven, more free spirited, and more determined. Maybe they inspire you, or allow you to think back of how you were back then in your twenties. You made mistakes in life that you don't want us to repeat. We are young adults, people you can guide, people you can advise, and people you can share your many life experiences with. You might want a young guy whom you can nurture, guide, dote on, care for, or maybe even get intimate with. 


In return, young people are in search of all these things you can provide them with. Given how "superior" you are, wouldn't it only be fair if you pay for most, if not all, things? It is not that the young people are taking you for granted, or using your for money. They are asking for things, only because they know you can give. They want holidays, only because they know you can afford to open their eyes to new experiences. They ask for gifts because they want to feel loved. Giving gifts is in fact, one of the 5 love languages. You mentioned that one guy was being very possessive towards you right? This clearly shows that he cared and loved you in his own way too. But this extreme possessiveness was too much for you to handle..


These young guys are not stepping over your head or demanding more than you can give. In fact, they are being very very fair. They are just requesting for simple things that will make them happy. Things that you can get. Things that are within your means. Things that you can well afford. In return, you get their company, their time, their body, and their love.


If you feel that they are asking for too much, let them know how much you can give. Manage their expectations. Continue buying their meals, but probably take them to cheaper places.


Let me illustrate it simply to you, using proportion. In this scenario, you really need to exclude your liabilities such as housing mortgage, car loan, credit card bills, household expense, etc, since those guys you meet are unaware of all these liabilities you have. It's all about expectations...  

Let's assume that a 25year old undergrad is only earning $500 a month from his part time job, while you're earning $5000 a month. This means that you're earning 10 times more than him. Which means your spending power is 10 times more than his. Hence, for every restaurant meal he is able to afford, you are able to afford ten. For every holiday he goes for, you are able to afford 10. For every tee shirt that he buys, you are able to afford 10. To him, if he were to pay $50 for a tee shirt or spend $500 on a trip, the impact on him would be 10 times greater than it is on you. So from his point of view, why shouldn't you pay? It's only right that you do so. If you both go dutch, it's really not fair to him anymore, especially when you are trying to court him, or when you claim that you love him.

For every 10 meals you buy him, i'm sure he will be happy to buy you back 1 meal. You can take my advice, and try and see if he's willing to do that... I am pretty sure that he would be more than willing to do that. But since you've only known this guy for 2 weeks, I don't think you have brought him out for 10 meals yet right? =)

So it's only natural that he continues expecting you to pay for meals.


We all invest in people. We also invest in love. Sometimes our investment fails, or worse still, generate negative returns, but we still invest, don't we? Because it's worth the risk.


This boy you invested in might show gratitude to you in future. This boy you invested in might be more capable than you in future. When he finally has wings to fly, and has a stable career, he too, will look back, and remember how you've impacted him and help him grow as a person. The holidays you take him on will forever be etched in his memory. The tee shirt that he wears will always be a gift from you to him. And if you guys are still in contact with each other in future when his career peaks, I'm sure he will return the favour to you. He will take you out for meals, buy you gifts, and visit you when you're much older.  When he can finally afford it, he will spend on you, he will care for you, and really appreciate you. 


On a side note, if someone really offers me a tee shirt or a holiday or a free gift, I will definitely accept it. Why reject? Accepting it only has gains but no (minimal) losses. This is not called cheapo... This is called being practical. This is called grabbing opportunities. 

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Evianwater, your reasoning is warped. Even "daddies" have been young before, but how many daddies  wanted to be sugar "son" last time. I hope your thought process applies only for yourself, and nobody else. In my opinion, if a boy needs "investment" in food and other basic needs, I think it might still be acceptable. But if the boy's "investment" requires high end things like paid holiday or expensive clothes, this is called "betting".


To Guest above, what "Fair exchange". Someone is paying the price of a Ferrari for a Toyota here, and you don't even know if the Toyota works.

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If you are lucky, there are still a few good young guys around who appreciate the life experience and wisdom of a daddy, minus the sugar. But old age does not mean wisdom, like those who think that some gifts and free meals can keep a relationship.

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Guest Ener

This thread reminded me of one of my chat with an uncle. He asked me "why do u only go for mature." My reply was epic... I said "Cause mature man at your age are usually financially stable hence able to afford me a car and if I am lucky I can even get a roof!." Muahahaha!

It was ment to troll him.

It's not about the money money money, I dun need your money money money. Hahaha..

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Avoid those trashy gold-digging freeloaders for your own sake. You said it yourself you were never like that when you were younger. That's cos you have value and you respect yourself, unlike these cheap guys. Disgusting like a China mistress.

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Guest Sad Man!

Evianwater, your reasoning is warped.


That's how I see it too.  What is cheapo is when these ginahs received gifts from the so-called daddy without any conscience for the real thing.  Their mindset is already set that they have found a sugar daddy and grab all opportunities just because they think they have upper hand for having "the "freshness" of our minds, the "innocence" of our hearts, and the "tenderness" of our meat".  For goodness sake, what "freshness of minds and innocence of hearts" are you talking about, Evianwater?  You are implying that when one gets old, the mind gets stale, the heart gets corrupted?


Being practical starts from young, when respect and sharing are virtues to live by.  Even if a daddy wants to get you a tshirt, that does not mean you can rob him for the expensive ones.  Even if a daddy wants to bring you for holidays, that does not mean you can have the final say to choose the type of aircraft nor the destination.  In the absence for early realization towards respect, the practical thing that can happen when these young guys grow older would be they will be more selfish and self centered.


As for TS, obviously you have your own issue that boils down to insecurity.  In your own insecurity, you need to impress to get attention.

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Guest Daddylover

I dated a guy and after the first date we had sex. I'm 23 he's 35 which is no big deal for me.

But he thinks he's obligated to pay for me, after that I would buy him Starbucks and expensive snacks trying so pathetically to 'cancel out' the inbalance.

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Daddies, if you are reading this,

While they are entitled to fleece you, ( or so they think)

Please also remember, you are entitled to option. ( IE find another boy)

If your boy talks like evian water, its quite obvious he doesn't think of your welfare and most likely there is no love involved. NO LOVE = NO COMMITMENT. 他诺不尽仁,我便不尽意

If you are going to pay so much money for company, your standards better be alot higher.

Even common cheap prostitutes in geylang know not to talk infront of their johns like that

Edited by Asyrus
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Guest Just Saying

I know that by writing this post, i'll probably get slammed by some people, but I really just want to voice my humble opinion. Being in the twenties myself, my thoughts would probably echo the thoughts of those twenty something year old boys that you've met. 



I dated a guy and after the first date we had sex. I'm 23 he's 35 which is no big deal for me.

But he thinks he's obligated to pay for me, after that I would buy him Starbucks and expensive snacks trying so pathetically to 'cancel out' the inbalance.


Stark difference!


The first one will be better off be a flight crew than to be an auditor! http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=65248


The second one takes nobody for granted.  It's fairness, inclusion and respect.


The third one - TS - want to give, give.  As someone said, if providing for all these daddy seekers gives you the sense that you are wanted, learn to raise your standards higher.

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Avoid those trashy gold-digging freeloaders for your own sake. You said it yourself you were never like that when you were younger. That's cos you have value and you respect yourself, unlike these cheap guys. Disgusting like a China mistress.

Sour grapes, who the hell are you to judge?

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Avoid those trashy gold-digging freeloaders for your own sake. You said it yourself you were never like that when you were younger. That's cos you have value and you respect yourself, unlike these cheap guys. Disgusting like a China mistress.


high5! great minds think alike. hahahaha.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall..

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Thanks all for your invaluable feedback, inputs and opinions. I have read all your different viewpoints. Thanks all for your time, including EvianWater, who posted a long one so early in the morning.


I suppose besides air, water, food and shelter, the most important thing that all living beings need is love. When one has true love, he has found happiness.

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Thanks all for your invaluable feedback, inputs and opinions. I have read all your different viewpoints. Thanks all for your time, including EvianWater, who posted a long one so early in the morning.


I suppose besides air, water, food and shelter, the most important thing that all living beings need is love. When one has true love, he has found happiness.


If you have to pay for love then is not true love. Please forget selfish immature materialistic people. They are leeches. 


I really appreciate mature beauty and inner beauty. Preference for same age and above.

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I know that by writing this post, i'll probably get slammed by some people, but I really just want to voice my humble opinion. Being in the twenties myself, my thoughts would probably echo the thoughts of those twenty something year old boys that you've met. 



Given how you unintentionally labelled yourself as "Daddy", I assume you have been working for many years already, and are doing quite well in your career, in order to afford all the meals and gifts for those younger guys you've met.


You have to understand that the twenty something year olds you have been targeting are either still in university, or have just started working... In case you didn't know, most Singaporean boys who take the JC route will only graduate at 25, others who took other routes will graduate even later. You need to know that the guys you're targeting mostly do not have an income. The more hardworking ones MIGHT have a part time job, but even so, they're really not earning much. 


Given that you like such boys, you need to know that you are in a position that is much more superior than them. They look up to you. They meet you because they value your stability, your maturity, and your capabilities. Of course, your gd looks is undeniably a pull factor as well. You have a good job that pays you decently, they don't. You have lived a much longer life than they have. You have place, they don't. You have much more experiences, they don't. You have wisdom, they don't. You have money, they don't. You have age, they don't. 


Now here's the thing... Beauty depreciates with age. You have to agree with that. And youth, at my age, is my greatest asset. You might be after the "freshness" of our minds, the "innocence" of our hearts, and the "tenderness" of our meat. You probably like younger guys because they are more driven, more free spirited, and more determined. Maybe they inspire you, or allow you to think back of how you were back then in your twenties. You made mistakes in life that you don't want us to repeat. We are young adults, people you can guide, people you can advise, and people you can share your many life experiences with. You might want a young guy whom you can nurture, guide, dote on, care for, or maybe even get intimate with. 


In return, young people are in search of all these things you can provide them with. Given how "superior" you are, wouldn't it only be fair if you pay for most, if not all, things? It is not that the young people are taking you for granted, or using your for money. They are asking for things, only because they know you can give. They want holidays, only because they know you can afford to open their eyes to new experiences. They ask for gifts because they want to feel loved. Giving gifts is in fact, one of the 5 love languages. You mentioned that one guy was being very possessive towards you right? This clearly shows that he cared and loved you in his own way too. But this extreme possessiveness was too much for you to handle..


These young guys are not stepping over your head or demanding more than you can give. In fact, they are being very very fair. They are just requesting for simple things that will make them happy. Things that you can get. Things that are within your means. Things that you can well afford. In return, you get their company, their time, their body, and their love.


If you feel that they are asking for too much, let them know how much you can give. Manage their expectations. Continue buying their meals, but probably take them to cheaper places.


Let me illustrate it simply to you, using proportion. In this scenario, you really need to exclude your liabilities such as housing mortgage, car loan, credit card bills, household expense, etc, since those guys you meet are unaware of all these liabilities you have. It's all about expectations...  

Let's assume that a 25year old undergrad is only earning $500 a month from his part time job, while you're earning $5000 a month. This means that you're earning 10 times more than him. Which means your spending power is 10 times more than his. Hence, for every restaurant meal he is able to afford, you are able to afford ten. For every holiday he goes for, you are able to afford 10. For every tee shirt that he buys, you are able to afford 10. To him, if he were to pay $50 for a tee shirt or spend $500 on a trip, the impact on him would be 10 times greater than it is on you. So from his point of view, why shouldn't you pay? It's only right that you do so. If you both go dutch, it's really not fair to him anymore, especially when you are trying to court him, or when you claim that you love him.

For every 10 meals you buy him, i'm sure he will be happy to buy you back 1 meal. You can take my advice, and try and see if he's willing to do that... I am pretty sure that he would be more than willing to do that. But since you've only known this guy for 2 weeks, I don't think you have brought him out for 10 meals yet right? =)

So it's only natural that he continues expecting you to pay for meals.


We all invest in people. We also invest in love. Sometimes our investment fails, or worse still, generate negative returns, but we still invest, don't we? Because it's worth the risk.


This boy you invested in might show gratitude to you in future. This boy you invested in might be more capable than you in future. When he finally has wings to fly, and has a stable career, he too, will look back, and remember how you've impacted him and help him grow as a person. The holidays you take him on will forever be etched in his memory. The tee shirt that he wears will always be a gift from you to him. And if you guys are still in contact with each other in future when his career peaks, I'm sure he will return the favour to you. He will take you out for meals, buy you gifts, and visit you when you're much older.  When he can finally afford it, he will spend on you, he will care for you, and really appreciate you. 


On a side note, if someone really offers me a tee shirt or a holiday or a free gift, I will definitely accept it. Why reject? Accepting it only has gains but no (minimal) losses. This is not called cheapo... This is called being practical. This is called grabbing opportunities. 


All my money goes into


Property and equities. T shirts and trousers are depreciating assets. 

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All my money goes into


Property and equities. T shirts and trousers are depreciating assets. 


So you asked for money instead of T-shirts and trousers?  Wow....another money boy.

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All my money goes into


Property and equities. T shirts and trousers are depreciating assets. 


So you just live naked in your property permanently huh?

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Guest honeymoney

Guess this is the price to pay for dating young and financially unstable cute guys. These guys know jolly well their youth won't last long, so better grab whatever they can while they are still fresh.

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I have known my gym supervisor for a year and I like him a lot. The thought of him keeps me going to the gym. I'm not sure if he is PLU but in front of everyone, he is very straight-acting. He is v manly, muscular and stocky. He is in his late 20s. He is v gregarious and has many friends at the gym. I am one of them and recently, I have been the one who goes with him during his meal breaks and I think he makes it a point to call others along too so as not to be seen alone with me too often. Even with others, he prefers to go out in a group. You know how it is like living in a gay-unfriendly straight world, where one must not be suspected to be gay.


He does not have a girlfriend but when I asked him, he said he intends to get married but has not met the right one. His facebook has many pictures of girls. I told myself they are just for show. But I also tell myself that if he is gay, why go to that extent to have so many pictures of girls? His closest gym buddies are married.


I am not complaining but yes, I pay most of the meals and yes, he chips in once a while and I am comfortable with that. While I do buy him snacks once in a while, and he appreciates it, he has never asked for anything, which is what I like about him. I have also given him a T-shirt. I have also recently bought him a T-shirt with V collar for gymbod but hv yet to give him. I have also organised parties for him and his friends.


When he complained of back pain recently, I passed him some muscle rub.He then said that he does not have anyone to rub for him. Is that a hint? In my heart, I was hoping it was and I said I could do for him but then, so far, nothing happened. 


Last week, when we had a meal together and we were talking about people's age, and I said in Mandarin so and so is "bigger" ("da" means big or older), he would ask, "which part is bigger"...which is a dirty joke, which I like and which gave me hope that he is gay. But then again, my other straight frens hv also made such jokes on men's parts as well.


He likes to touch people a lot, including me in the public. But not on sensitive areas.But when I invite him to my house alone, he never obliged and asked to include one of our gym friends.


I have always been the one who asked to go out but he works part-time on another job so he is quite busy. He promised that we would go out this weekend after gym and eat something.


So far, only gay friends who want to get serious with me and my lady neighbour always insisted on knowing my age. Surprisingly, he also insisted on knowing my age. So is he gay and keen on me? 


Recently, while out for a meal break together with others, one of his regular gym buddies asked him about getting a motorbike...I think it costs about S$10K. This gym supervisor fren then told me in front of the others that this gym buddy is paying for his bike. 


I had thought of doing something for him. But seems he treats me as a bro only. But I am hoping that one day, he will have me in his heart, although I also know that it is better not to expect too much or else I'll be hurt (again for loving a straight who will marry one day).


Any thoughts? Is he gay? Should I help pay for the bike? The other guy (middle aged 40s F&B businessman) seems to be able to pay the full amount. If I want to share the cost of the bike, I'll have to indicate over the next few days.

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A lesson on not to be too greedy for those seeking sugar daddies.




If you want to be a kept boy, make sure you have the "allure" the stay wanted. Be it an incredible body, or a giant penis that will have songs written about it, maximise your potential. 

Edited by doncoin


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Guest guest

When the younger guy devleops his career and is financially stable, he will in turn look for a younger guy, instead of hanging around his older companion, who is now looking really aged and not so strong on bed any more.  The cycle then carries on.  But it is fine so long as all parties understand the nature of the relationship.

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I have known my gym supervisor for a year and I like him a lot. The thought of him keeps me going to the gym. I'm not sure if he is PLU but in front of everyone, he is very straight-acting. He is v manly, muscular and stocky. He is in his late 20s. He is v gregarious and has many friends at the gym. I am one of them and recently, I have been the one who goes with him during his meal breaks and I think he makes it a point to call others along too so as not to be seen alone with me too often. Even with others, he prefers to go out in a group. You know how it is like living in a gay-unfriendly straight world, where one must not be suspected to be gay.


He does not have a girlfriend but when I asked him, he said he intends to get married but has not met the right one. His facebook has many pictures of girls. I told myself they are just for show. But I also tell myself that if he is gay, why go to that extent to have so many pictures of girls? His closest gym buddies are married.


I am not complaining but yes, I pay most of the meals and yes, he chips in once a while and I am comfortable with that. While I do buy him snacks once in a while, and he appreciates it, he has never asked for anything, which is what I like about him. I have also given him a T-shirt. I have also recently bought him a T-shirt with V collar for gymbod but hv yet to give him. I have also organised parties for him and his friends.


When he complained of back pain recently, I passed him some muscle rub.He then said that he does not have anyone to rub for him. Is that a hint? In my heart, I was hoping it was and I said I could do for him but then, so far, nothing happened. 


Last week, when we had a meal together and we were talking about people's age, and I said in Mandarin so and so is "bigger" ("da" means big or older), he would ask, "which part is bigger"...which is a dirty joke, which I like and which gave me hope that he is gay. But then again, my other straight frens hv also made such jokes on men's parts as well.


He likes to touch people a lot, including me in the public. But not on sensitive areas.But when I invite him to my house alone, he never obliged and asked to include one of our gym friends.


I have always been the one who asked to go out but he works part-time on another job so he is quite busy. He promised that we would go out this weekend after gym and eat something.


So far, only gay friends who want to get serious with me and my lady neighbour always insisted on knowing my age. Surprisingly, he also insisted on knowing my age. So is he gay and keen on me? 


Recently, while out for a meal break together with others, one of his regular gym buddies asked him about getting a motorbike...I think it costs about S$10K. This gym supervisor fren then told me in front of the others that this gym buddy is paying for his bike. 


I had thought of doing something for him. But seems he treats me as a bro only. But I am hoping that one day, he will have me in his heart, although I also know that it is better not to expect too much or else I'll be hurt (again for loving a straight who will marry one day).


Any thoughts? Is he gay? Should I help pay for the bike? The other guy (middle aged 40s F&B businessman) seems to be able to pay the full amount. If I want to share the cost of the bike, I'll have to indicate over the next few days.



He is limbs and can earn his own money, why the need to buy him a bike? You can spend the money, but that can never buy you love. Stop trying so hard to guess if he is PLU. This obsession is not going to lead to anything good.

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sad to hear it is a transaction...and that when one is old,one is no more desirable...


I always like to compare with a guy you love to your own family members...we also spend money on our parents or siblings whom we love...if a person is a prospective love partner, then it is only natural that we want to spend on him so long he is not a money boy or materialistic go-getter...it is just like one has to spend on one's wife or kids...


Well, if he is PLU, I will step on the accelerator. :P jiayou!

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sad to hear it is a transaction...and that when one is old,one is no more desirable...


I always like to compare with a guy you love to your own family members...we also spend money on our parents or siblings whom we love...if a person is a prospective love partner, then it is only natural that we want to spend on him so long he is not a money boy or materialistic go-getter...it is just like one has to spend on one's wife or kids...


Well, if he is PLU, I will step on the accelerator. :P jiayou!


That's where you are mistaken.  Even if he is PLU, that does not mean he will fall for you.  In fact, based on your narration above, if he is one, then you are not his cup of tea. 

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When the younger guy devleops his career and is financially stable, he will in turn look for a younger guy, instead of hanging around his older companion, who is now looking really aged and not so strong on bed any more.  The cycle then carries on.  But it is fine so long as all parties understand the nature of the relationship.


That's usually the case.  But sometimes, the older guy can dump the not-so-young guy and go for an even younger guy. 

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