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Sugar Daddies & Seekers Discussion [Anyone Posting Ads Will Be suspended!] (compiled)

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That's usually the case.  But sometimes, the older guy can dump the not-so-young guy and go for an even younger guy. 


i heard quite a number of such cases happening recently to my friends, seems like a norm now.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall..

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sad to hear it is a transaction...and that when one is old,one is no more desirable...


I always like to compare with a guy you love to your own family members...we also spend money on our parents or siblings whom we love...if a person is a prospective love partner, then it is only natural that we want to spend on him so long he is not a money boy or materialistic go-getter...it is just like one has to spend on one's wife or kids...


Well, if he is PLU, I will step on the accelerator. :P jiayou!


It becomes a transaction when there is a dire need to impress for the sake to 'win' for his attention and love.  It's alright to impress on 'prospective love partner'.  But, when this action goes on and on and everything time the act to impress gets more expensive (just because the 'cheap' ones not impressionable enough), then you ought to wake up!   Here, there is a line between charity and desperation.  If you have the impulse to always give, then I suggest that you give more to "your family members".


Love and respect go hand in hand.  Yes, when the two of you are in love, there should be mutual sharing - no question ask.  You give because you are in love with him; he receives it because he is in love with you too.  It's a win-win situation in any relationship.


With full respect, why it seems that you tend to bark at the wrong tree?  Have you ever wondered not to do anything, think anything but just to enjoy your life doing what you ought be doing (i.e. to give more attention and love to yourself) rather than always be on the wild goose chase?  The beauty of life lies from within.  Desperation can never make you happy.

Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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That's where you are mistaken.  Even if he is PLU, that does not mean he will fall for you.  In fact, based on your narration above, if he is one, then you are not his cup of tea. 

Hmmm...may I know where in the narrative do u think I am not his "vegetable" if he is PLU? I may not be his cup of tea at the start, but there are stories where hearts have be won..


I find that he is responsive to me most of the time, more so with time...eg, more frequently, he asked me to join him for his meal breaks, agreeing to go out this Sunday with me alone  :P.


Last week, in the gym where there were many people, out of the blue, he grabbed my right thigh with his strong hands...I wished he had grabbed a bit higher (that would have touched my groin) and in private  :D. I asked him "hard 硬 right?" (I had meant my thigh muscle) and he asked, "which part hard 哪里硬".. :wub: .oooh...I like! Well, he has to like me, at least, a little, to touch me and talk to me like that, right. .I am still hopeful. Not easy to find someone one really likes, i.e. good character and personality and nice face and body...even though muscle bod is not so important to me..

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Hmmm...may I know where in the narrative do u think I am not his "vegetable" if he is PLU? I may not be his cup of tea at the start, but there are stories where hearts have be won..


I find that he is responsive to me most of the time, more so with time...eg, more frequently, he asked me to join him for his meal breaks, agreeing to go out this Sunday with me alone  :P.


Last week, in the gym where there were many people, out of the blue, he grabbed my right thigh with his strong hands...I wished he had grabbed a bit higher (that would have touched my groin) and in private  :D. I asked him "hard 硬 right?" (I had meant my thigh muscle) and he asked, "which part hard 哪里硬".. :wub: .oooh...I like! Well, he has to like me, at least, a little, to touch me and talk to me like that, right. .I am still hopeful. Not easy to find someone one really likes, i.e. good character and personality and nice face and body...even though muscle bod is not so important to me..

I know I am "pouring cold water" here. He knows you are PLU but you are not so sure if he is one. Regardless, I think he is getting used to accepting your free meals and gifts. Try going out this Sunday for lunch and wait for him to settle the bill?

I agree he is a nice guy and you are willing to pay your way to make him happy. You won't come back to BW one day to start a new topic "Falling for a Straight Guy". Good Luck, jiayu.

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Cold water is ok cos it wakes people up. :)


No, he does not know that I'm one, although he can guess since I'm single. Yes, he is used to accepting small treats from me, more as from a friend. When we order a few dishes outside, he has paid for those he ordered. No, I won't test him like that cos I'm the one asking to go out.


I've already posted a reply on falling for a straight guy under " aged guy heading back to closet to get married".


I will continue to keep in close contact with this gym instructor friend and even if he is straight, can treat as a close brother, as this way, can last long too.

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It becomes a transaction when there is a dire need to impress for the sake to 'win' for his attention and love.  It's alright to impress on 'prospective love partner'.  But, when this action goes on and on and everything time the act to impress gets more expensive (just because the 'cheap' ones not impressionable enough), then you ought to wake up!   Here, there is a line between charity and desperation.  If you have the impulse to always give, then I suggest that you give more to "your family members".


Love and respect go hand in hand.  Yes, when the two of you are in love, there should be mutual sharing - no question ask.  You give because you are in love with him; he receives it because he is in love with you too.  It's a win-win situation in any relationship.


With full respect, why it seems that you tend to bark at the wrong tree?  Have you ever wondered not to do anything, think anything but just to enjoy your life doing what you ought be doing (i.e. to give more attention and love to yourself) rather than always be on the wild goose chase?  The beauty of life lies from within.  Desperation can never make you happy.

On last paragraph...last time, I was very focused on my career and have neglected this area of my life...more recently, with more time on my side, I want to focus on it. Straight friends keep reminding me to get a companion (to them, it is a female, of course) or else I'll be lonely especially when sick. So, u can see that I wish to seek a companion, not a sugar daddy seeker as the title of this thread suggests but lately, seem to attract them.


Right now, with more time on my side, I am alone most of the time and it is not healthy. I try to go out and meet people. 


I understand that we can seek answers from within but we need to be very philosophical as well...it is hard cos loneliness in old age is real for PLU...but your quotes help.


I try to focus and work hard on this...I'm quite sure myself that it does not amount to desperation. But I can admit that managing relationships especially a PLU one and without societal support is very challenging.

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Western philosophy says "ask and u will receive". Yes, to some extend but likely just for the short term.


Eastern philosophy says "wuwei 无为" i.e. action without action...do not seek for personal gain...in the end, you will gain a lot more....I think this is a more superior philosophy. In my case, consider the 2 guys, the first ask and ask to go out and eat this and that and last straw was twice asked for an overseas trip when we had met for only less than a month. I have already decided to let go of him even though he is still contacting me.


Now the second guy never asked for anything, never seek to gain and and he has so many friends, and many of whom want to give to him.


From my 2 examples of guys, I think we as Asians, need to seek answers from our own roots instead submitting to the stronger and more aggressive Western influence.

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Guest poster

Western philosophy says "ask and u will receive". Yes, to some extend but likely just for the short term.


Eastern philosophy says "wuwei 无为" i.e. action without action...do not seek for personal gain...in the end, you will gain a lot more....I think this is a more superior philosophy. In my case, consider the 2 guys, the first ask and ask to go out and eat this and that and last straw was twice asked for an overseas trip when we had met for only less than a month. I have already decided to let go of him even though he is still contacting me.


Now the second guy never asked for anything, never seek to gain and and he has so many friends, and many of whom want to give to him.


From my 2 examples of guys, I think we as Asians, need to seek answers from our own roots instead submitting to the stronger and more aggressive Western influence.

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Guest guest

i heard quite a number of such cases happening recently to my friends, seems like a norm now.


Do you mean that as the young guy grows older, the older guy dumps him and picks up an even younger guy?  Then the age gap is now even wider.  From sugar dad to sugar grandad.

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Guest Guest

Do you mean that as the young guy grows older, the older guy dumps him and picks up an even younger guy? Then the age gap is now even wider. From sugar dad to sugar grandad.

Not really. A 35yo guy dumped a 25yo for a 20yo. At 40yo, he dumped the second guy for another 20yo. At 45, he dumped the third guy.

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Guest guest

i heard quite a number of such cases happening recently to my friends, seems like a norm now.

Maybe it is the norm overall. But like all things there are exceptions, and I think my relationship is one. My partner is much much younger than me and much much more well off than me. Because of his wealth and my age ie my years of savings, we each have our own property and we spend time at each other's place. He however has expensive tastes which i can ill afford at such a frequency that he is used to, and i make it very clear to him as much. Because he lowers his expectations for me in terms of where we eat and what we do, i reciprocate by indulging him, but only once in a while. But he indulges me alot more often, insisting on getting the bill when we go to really expensive restaurants and buying me designer stuff when he knows I need something eg my bag is worned out and while im happy with getting one from a run-of- the-mill shop..he will insist on getting me a designer one. When that happens i always tell him he didnt need to spend thousands just for a bag for me, but he says it makes him happy to do so.

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Well the reality is when you are rich and can afford toy boys, you probably can afford to upgrade to a new toy boy once he hits his expiration date. I.e. If he turns over 24. So while life is good, enjoy it. I think it is interesting how these arrangements are never entered into a written contract in Singapore. Like it or not, it is a financial transaction.


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Maybe it is the norm overall. But like all things there are exceptions, and I think my relationship is one. My partner is much much younger than me and much much more well off than me. Because of his wealth and my age ie my years of savings, we each have our own property and we spend time at each other's place. He however has expensive tastes which i can ill afford at such a frequency that he is used to, and i make it very clear to him as much. Because he lowers his expectations for me in terms of where we eat and what we do, i reciprocate by indulging him, but only once in a while. But he indulges me alot more often, insisting on getting the bill when we go to really expensive restaurants and buying me designer stuff when he knows I need something eg my bag is worned out and while im happy with getting one from a run-of- the-mill shop..he will insist on getting me a designer one. When that happens i always tell him he didnt need to spend thousands just for a bag for me, but he says it makes him happy to do so.


Wow... this is the reverse of sugar dad and toy boy. 

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Maybe it is the norm overall. But like all things there are exceptions, and I think my relationship is one. My partner is much much younger than me and much much more well off than me. Because of his wealth and my age ie my years of savings, we each have our own property and we spend time at each other's place. He however has expensive tastes which i can ill afford at such a frequency that he is used to, and i make it very clear to him as much. Because he lowers his expectations for me in terms of where we eat and what we do, i reciprocate by indulging him, but only once in a while. But he indulges me alot more often, insisting on getting the bill when we go to really expensive restaurants and buying me designer stuff when he knows I need something eg my bag is worned out and while im happy with getting one from a run-of- the-mill shop..he will insist on getting me a designer one. When that happens i always tell him he didnt need to spend thousands just for a bag for me, but he says it makes him happy to do so.

Good to hear that your relationship is not based on money. I'm so happy for both of you and hope it lasts. 



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Well the reality is when you are rich and can afford toy boys, you probably can afford to upgrade to a new toy boy once he hits his expiration date. I.e. If he turns over 24. So while life is good, enjoy it. I think it is interesting how these arrangements are never entered into a written contract in Singapore. Like it or not, it is a financial transaction.

If I find a younger one whom I truly love, I will not dump him just because he gets older and there are others younger around. I myself will get even older. We should cherish real love when we find one cos it is so hard to find.

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I dated a guy and after the first date we had sex. I'm 23 he's 35 which is no big deal for me.

But he thinks he's obligated to pay for me, after that I would buy him Starbucks and expensive snacks trying so pathetically to 'cancel out' the inbalance.


Sounds familar...

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Wish I could have a Sugar Daddy... I not those into money or so but just need a guy who is mature to take care of me, love me and enable me to love me as well... U know it just so suck tat ur age group of ppl are not into you and you just can't find a guy to be with based of what you need from a partner... 

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Guest 31yearolduncle

Any relationships built on money is not going to last very long. Keep that in mind and it would serve you well.

If you want to give n be loved, do some charity work and volunteer. It will give you a sense of self-worth especially when you are old.

Young guys in their 20s now will become old & younger guys will 'replace' them. The cycle continues. Therefore, one must plan for the eventuality of being old. How to plan? Be educated or learn a skill to earn a decent living. Next, identify a small group of PLUs whom u can stay together for a long time. This will alleviate loneliness.

As for needs, i would assume u can find those massage boys for one-off paid services.

No self-respecting person would accept expensive gifts from people whom one just met.

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When I was younger in my teens I had a few older men in their late 40s and 50s giving me stuff and paying for meals and I always thought I was loved. Then after a few yrs I found out it wasn't out of love it was just a form of payment. Got quite pissed bout it... Like WTF, I dun need your fucking money. I can jolly well afford things for myself.. it's fucking insulting.. soo if it isn't for friendship then fuck off... Made in Singapore here not China... (Just ranting bout my past)

It's ok to receive "gratitude" if it's out of friendship and love. Not as a form of payment every week. It's insulting and hurting... Love/friendship isn't that shallow to be measured monetary.

Love and cherish your pride people.

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Guest Guest

Any relationships built on money is not going to last very long. Keep that in mind and it would serve you well.

If you want to give n be loved, do some charity work and volunteer. It will give you a sense of self-worth especially when you are old.

Young guys in their 20s now will become old & younger guys will 'replace' them. The cycle continues. Therefore, one must plan for the eventuality of being old. How to plan? Be educated or learn a skill to earn a decent living. Next, identify a small group of PLUs whom u can stay together for a long time. This will alleviate loneliness.

As for needs, i would assume u can find those massage boys for one-off paid services.

No self-respecting person would accept expensive gifts from people whom one just met.


Well said.  You are buying his youth with money.  He knows that and he would take advantage of it as much as possible before he lost his youth.  In the end, you lost your money and he lost his youth.


Btw, 31yo is still young, don't call yourself an uncle yet.  :P

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Guest Guest

a few days ago, on Yahoo, there was a report on sugar babies seeking sugar daddies or mummies...there was even a website for people to seek their sugar partners...can't find the report now...

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  • 2 years later...
8 hours ago, sippycup said:

Are there any sugar daddies in terminal 2 willing to exchange money for sexual favors?

Go to Cocoa Trees, there's lots of sweet and chocolate in there.  Tell them you're a orphan and need a daddy. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Sub said:

I m slim chinese male here. Bottom. Height 168. Weight 55kg. Young. Age 23.

Looking for sugar daddy fo financial incentives and also provide NSA service.


Young man or gal, go n find a proper job.


Don't be lazy.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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  • 4 years later...
On 9/23/2021 at 8:41 AM, Windstrafer said:

Hey all,


Just wanna check if there is really such demand by Sugar daddy or Sugar mummy to look for Sugar baby or sugar boy? They are willing to pay up to $8000? Is it just a scam?


Hi Admin,


Please remove topic if this is inappropriate. 




There is no reason your topic is inappropriate. It is something to think about...


I think it is a matter of personal choice.  Older men are entitled to do with their money what they please like everyone else, within limits.  Some don't mind putting up with a demanding wife, some like to collect antique cars, some like to have their yacht, their plane, and some like to collect nice young Asian boys.  All it takes is the existence of a market, and then it is offer and demand.


I personally gave up on a wife long time ago, I don't care for antique cars, although my 27 y.o. car may soon be an antique, and I have no interest in a boat or a plane. Likewise, I would not seek the service of a sugar baby, sugar boy.  At most I would start a relationship with a nice gay with good feelings, if love starts to build up.  And I would not mind if he is younger than me  (maybe even half my age?)  :) 

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  • G_M unlocked this topic
On 9/23/2021 at 10:13 PM, Steve5380 said:


There is no reason your topic is inappropriate. It is something to think about...


I think it is a matter of personal choice.  Older men are entitled to do with their money what they please like everyone else, within limits.  Some don't mind putting up with a demanding wife, some like to collect antique cars, some like to have their yacht, their plane, and some like to collect nice young Asian boys.  All it takes is the existence of a market, and then it is offer and demand.


I personally gave up on a wife long time ago, I don't care for antique cars, although my 27 y.o. car may soon be an antique, and I have no interest in a boat or a plane. Likewise, I would not seek the service of a sugar baby, sugar boy.  At most I would start a relationship with a nice gay with good feelings, if love starts to build up.  And I would not mind if he is younger than me  (maybe even half my age?)  :) 

Dun mind me asking, u r in ur 50s?

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Why would I want to play sugar daddy to someone and be limited to playing with that same dick all the time.  I rather spend that money paying for a good time with money-boys.  At least I get to enjoy the company of different boys each time and get a taste of different dicks of all shapes, size and colour.

Suck my tits and I'll lick your balls.

Lick my arse and I'll suck your cock.

All in sex is fair.


The only bad thing about sex is that it doesn't last long enough.


Read my blog - www.anasianjourney.blogspot.com

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On 9/27/2021 at 11:05 AM, kimlo777 said:

Why would I want to play sugar daddy to someone and be limited to playing with that same dick all the time.  I rather spend that money paying for a good time with money-boys.  At least I get to enjoy the company of different boys each time and get a taste of different dicks of all shapes, size and colour.


Smart observation.  Instead of having the same money boy all the time,  to seek a variety of them.  However, that same money boy may have the opportunity to make use of other attributes and give a semblance of love.  The same happens in many respectable marriages,  where she is a permanent money-woman who can make his sugar husband feel that he is loved.  Although the bond of marriage with such a money-woman may be much stronger, and if the poor man tries to break them he may have to endure the cost of partition of goods and even alimony to the woman.

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On 7/17/2015 at 2:03 PM, Guest poster said:

Hmmm...may I know where in the narrative do u think I am not his "vegetable" if he is PLU? I may not be his cup of tea at the start, but there are stories where hearts have be won..


I find that he is responsive to me most of the time, more so with time...eg, more frequently, he asked me to join him for his meal breaks, agreeing to go out this Sunday with me alone  /forum/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png.


Last week, in the gym where there were many people, out of the blue, he grabbed my right thigh with his strong hands...I wished he had grabbed a bit higher (that would have touched my groin) and in private  /forum/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png. I asked him "hard 硬 right?" (I had meant my thigh muscle) and he asked, "which part hard 哪里硬".. /forum/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png .oooh...I like! Well, he has to like me, at least, a little, to touch me and talk to me like that, right. .I am still hopeful. Not easy to find someone one really likes, i.e. good character and personality and nice face and body...even though muscle bod is not so important to me..

hmmm, actually checking out each others muscles is very common in gym among gymming buddies and friends. it is like a ‘comparison’. dun overthink over this episode.

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On 9/28/2021 at 6:01 AM, Steve5380 said:


Smart observation.  Instead of having the same money boy all the time,  to seek a variety of them.  However, that same money boy may have the opportunity to make use of other attributes and give a semblance of love.  The same happens in many respectable marriages,  where she is a permanent money-woman who can make his sugar husband feel that he is loved.  Although the bond of marriage with such a money-woman may be much stronger, and if the poor man tries to break them he may have to endure the cost of partition of goods and even alimony to the woman.

I am doubtful that there is love between a sugar daddy and sugar sonny as the foundation of that relationship is founded on money.  Once the financial supply is depleted, the relationship also ends.  If ever there is any feeling of love or semblance of love, it is delusional to say the least.  I rather not deceive myself.

Suck my tits and I'll lick your balls.

Lick my arse and I'll suck your cock.

All in sex is fair.


The only bad thing about sex is that it doesn't last long enough.


Read my blog - www.anasianjourney.blogspot.com

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  • 2 years later...

I wonder why there is not much of discussion about “Sugar Daddy” here?  Would like to know more about this “industry”. Like what does it take to maintain this kind of transactional relationship? Can someone who financially stable and also looking for “Sugar daddy”? 

Edited by Sport1
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27 minutes ago, Sport1 said:


Can someone who financially stable and also looking for “Sugar daddy”? 



There can be different degrees of "sugar".  It is not only a guy that is open to be exploited by his sugar child, having to pay for each of his fancies.  It can be a gentleman who treats his friend with a similar consideration a man treats his girl on a date. To sugar-daddy can be a gesture of consideration, attention to the one he is courting and later be driven by love. And the two may be in the same financial situation.

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16 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


There can be different degrees of "sugar".  It is not only a guy that is open to be exploited by his sugar child, having to pay for each of his fancies.  It can be a gentleman who treats his friend with a similar consideration a man treats his girl on a date. To sugar-daddy can be a gesture of consideration, attention to the one he is courting and later be driven by love. And the two may be in the same financial situation.

Interesting, but I believe the common understanding about this transections is for daddy to exploit the baby… but I believe rich people tend to be more “self entitled”, as they feel that they pay for it (in any way, gift, meal or cash) then they got the “right” to exploit! 

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I think the topic of Sugar is interesting to discuss. I had a friend who had a previous experience with a sugar daddy who seeks some sexual pleasures and in exchange, he gave my friend some monthly allowance for companionship. It lasted for a year. 

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Guest Cute Uncle?

I have friend in his 60 still looking for Sugar Daddy.  I asked him why?  He told me he is still cute.  Are you one of those too?

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Guest Good Sugar Bad Sugar
28 minutes ago, singalion said:

Why would a 70s sugar daddy chose a 50s/40s guy when he can have a 25-28s boy???



Because 40/50 yo guy more stable in relationship.  Not that 70s sugar daddy is still attractive.   Sugar daddy is only attractive in their late 30s to late 50s.

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I have some experiences with this especially a few years ago. I think something that’s really important is setting realistic expectations. I’m not a supermodel or a ripped hunk so I don’t get too much ‘rewards’ and plus I’m not into anal at all so that cuts down the extent of my encounters to just getting bjs, hjs, among other lighter things. 

I’ve had tons of offers for cash so they definitely exist out there. I’ve also been scammed for sure so am a bit more wary now, but also the truth is I’m pretty insecure about my current body because every day I go out I see so many way hotter hunks and can’t help comparing myself to them. So I don’t feel comfortable much meeting up with people even if they offer cash because I feel like I’m not worth paying for! I’m sure some people on this forum remember messaging me and me saying ‘no’ and that’s the reason. Not a them problem but a me problem haha.


As long as the both parties are willing it could be beneficial to both! One guy gets extra money and the other gets to fulfill some sexual desire of theirs, but as with normal relationships and even friendships, communication is the most important thing. 

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2 hours ago, Guest Good Sugar Bad Sugar said:

Because 40/50 yo guy more stable in relationship.  Not that 70s sugar daddy is still attractive.   Sugar daddy is only attractive in their late 30s to late 50s.


But the 40s/50s guy would be less declined to follow the commands of the sugar daddy...

Looks like trouble to me.

How long can the 40s sustain being the subject of another. For a younger guy that would be less difficult.


Also the 40s/50s guy has less financial needs as he should already stand on his own feet...


If you pay for the sex and company then you want something young and hot.



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2 hours ago, Thatguy642 said:

I have some experiences with this especially a few years ago. I think something that’s really important is setting realistic expectations. I’m not a supermodel or a ripped hunk so I don’t get too much ‘rewards’ and plus I’m not into anal at all so that cuts down the extent of my encounters to just getting bjs, hjs, among other lighter things. 

I’ve had tons of offers for cash so they definitely exist out there. I’ve also been scammed for sure so am a bit more wary now, but also the truth is I’m pretty insecure about my current body because every day I go out I see so many way hotter hunks and can’t help comparing myself to them. So I don’t feel comfortable much meeting up with people even if they offer cash because I feel like I’m not worth paying for! I’m sure some people on this forum remember messaging me and me saying ‘no’ and that’s the reason. Not a them problem but a me problem haha.


As long as the both parties are willing it could be beneficial to both! One guy gets extra money and the other gets to fulfill some sexual desire of theirs, but as with normal relationships and even friendships, communication is the most important thing. 


In the long term any such cash related relationship is unhealthy for the inferior party...


Psychologically it might even worsen self esteem and standing and to learn to rely on yourself in financial matters.

It can develop to a curse of a slave life...


I don't recommend to anyone to take this path in the long term.





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7 hours ago, Guest Cute Uncle? said:

I have friend in his 60 still looking for Sugar Daddy.  I asked him why?  He told me he is still cute.  Are you one of those too?

I dont understand. 60s and he is looking for Younger sugar daddy? There is a new term called Sugar Twink. hahah 

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4 hours ago, Guest Good Sugar Bad Sugar said:

Because 40/50 yo guy more stable in relationship.  Not that 70s sugar daddy is still attractive.   Sugar daddy is only attractive in their late 30s to late 50s.


4 hours ago, singalion said:

Always good to have some dreams...


But being more realistic might be better...


Why would a 70s sugar daddy chose a 50s/40s guy when he can have a 25-28s boy???



And because going out with 20s, people will judge from the surface. But if going out with nearer age guys, it is more "common"

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3 hours ago, Thatguy642 said:

I have some experiences with this especially a few years ago. I think something that’s really important is setting realistic expectations. I’m not a supermodel or a ripped hunk so I don’t get too much ‘rewards’ and plus I’m not into anal at all so that cuts down the extent of my encounters to just getting bjs, hjs, among other lighter things. 

I’ve had tons of offers for cash so they definitely exist out there. I’ve also been scammed for sure so am a bit more wary now, but also the truth is I’m pretty insecure about my current body because every day I go out I see so many way hotter hunks and can’t help comparing myself to them. So I don’t feel comfortable much meeting up with people even if they offer cash because I feel like I’m not worth paying for! I’m sure some people on this forum remember messaging me and me saying ‘no’ and that’s the reason. Not a them problem but a me problem haha.


As long as the both parties are willing it could be beneficial to both! One guy gets extra money and the other gets to fulfill some sexual desire of theirs, but as with normal relationships and even friendships, communication is the most important thing. 

Thank you for sharing your experience. Maybe see it as people trust you, so people look for you. I believe sugar daddy also wants to protect themselves. They might get into trouble if got blackmail or etc. they do taking the risk.. 

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