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Evergreen At Over 30?


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i guess it is kind of pathetic that i am still evergreen at over 30. i dont think im hideous and i think my personality is ok to people who did not offend me. 


and i have got people confessing to me before.


oh well... there is actually a long long story to it and yes, part of it definitely is because of being in the closet.


not sure why i am typing this here but i have been having insomnia and part of it is because i am thinking i am slowly losing all my memories of past crushes and that is somehow sad.


ok, getting depressing. maybe will tell my life story every little bit (if i still cant sleep everyday) just to vent and hope for imaginary audience. 


anyway, anyone else in the same situation like me?

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If u need to say something just say it out lol, not worth getting insomnia and depression. But remember after u vent something in a public forum, u may get either positive or negative responce so just be ready for it.

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Pardon me, 30 already is evergreen. Then 40 50? Supergreen and Ultragreen?


50 is bare le... no more hair

If u need to say something just say it out lol, not worth getting insomnia and depression. But remember after u vent something in a public forum, u may get either positive or negative responce so just be ready for it.


haha... it's more of lazy to type and to organize it so that it is coherent. 

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anyway, i had a crush on army sergeant for the longest time.


i kind of think it is unhealthy and regret some of the things said because of what happened.


I think he was my first real crush. And i think he knows (maybe because i cant help staring) because he had told me he wanted to 'do' me and i just did not want to say yes and then be ridiculed as gay. i do not think he is gay but i really really hope to have an answer. 


and i do know where is his fb profile but i just dont know should i add him? if i do, am i being pathetic and scary? if i dont, i guess i will never ever know the ans of why did he want to ridicule me or was he interested as well... 


life sucks when u are a coward and couldnt just YOLO.

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anyway, i had a crush on army sergeant for the longest time.


i kind of think it is unhealthy and regret some of the things said because of what happened.


I think he was my first real crush. And i think he knows (maybe because i cant help staring) because he had told me he wanted to 'do' me and i just did not want to say yes and then be ridiculed as gay. i do not think he is gay but i really really hope to have an answer. 


and i do know where is his fb profile but i just dont know should i add him? if i do, am i being pathetic and scary? if i dont, i guess i will never ever know the ans of why did he want to ridicule me or was he interested as well... 


life sucks when u are a coward and couldnt just YOLO.

If u also like to do him than you should agree. If he turns out to be straight and tries to ridicule u than u can say its a joke since he is the one who started first. You can easily twist back your words since hes the one starting it. If he says hes testing u than u can also say the same back to him so he will never got chance to ridicule u. Btw today got YOLO run and its a shirtless run so if u want to train your bravery go on a shirtless run first lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If u also like to do him than you should agree. If he turns out to be straight and tries to ridicule u than u can say its a joke since he is the one who started first. You can easily twist back your words since hes the one starting it. If he says hes testing u than u can also say the same back to him so he will never got chance to ridicule u. Btw today got YOLO run and its a shirtless run so if u want to train your bravery go on a shirtless run first lol.


true, but it is a bit too late.


i still kind of pin for him and i just feeling lonely...


kind of sad.

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its just a social event. you can always make more friends and get to know more people. no one will go there and ask you to be his bf right away.


i mean if there is a particular guy that you like and would like to keep in contact, you can do so and who knows what can happen and develop in future. if nothing happens, you made a new friend


i think by this time if you are still not doing anything then very soon you may not get anything anymore


i am also beginning to worry about being alone and so on now but at least im trying to do something so at least if i dont have a partner for future, i would have a wider network of friends to be with

Edited by wintersnow
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"Your age doesn’t define your maturity, your grades don’t define your intellect, and rumors don’t define who you are"

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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The first thing I don't get is how evergreen is defined.

Green as in a green horn?

As some phrase it, "Life begins at 30."


Evergreen – originating from the Traffic Light game usually played in tertiary institutions in Singapore, evergreen indicates a never-before-attached relationship status - See more at: https://scriggler.com/SharePost/Opinion?cash=0066aa01d8810dcc89ba6e0c54753652#sthash.Jih0AMcR.dpuf



but i over 30...

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if the 83 denotes your year, you are only 32 this year

i knew many guys even older than you are still single and had not given up hope. you are still young and not alone so stop being so negative

Me! And I am not really ashamed or sad about it, haha. Once in a while may emo a bit but life still goes on.

TS must be feeling down because he cannot be with the guy he has a crush on. Who has not experienced this before? I am sure most of us had. :)

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if the 83 denotes your year, you are only 32 this year


i knew many guys even older than you are still single and had not given up hope. you are still young and not alone so stop being so negative


yes, but i am just feeling very lonely all of a sudden... not sure why. i am pretty sure i am consider 'ancient' in this harsh gay world... =(


Me! And I am not really ashamed or sad about it, haha. Once in a while may emo a bit but life still goes on.

TS must be feeling down because he cannot be with the guy he has a crush on. Who has not experienced this before? I am sure most of us had. :)


i guess so.... but it has been many years and i just suddenly feeling super emo all of a sudden... 


Do well, you will get a wife and showcase us different life story some day


i wish but will not destroy another woman's life for my pseudo 'happiness' 

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TS, take up a hobby to occupy your mind.

And do some outdoor sports too, such as jogging and swimming. They will help to lift up your spirit when you are feeling down.

Do not let yourself sink deeper into self-pity. It may lead to depression.

Btw, 40 is the new 30 and 30 is the new 20! You are not that old dude.

Cheers! :-)

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yes, but i am just feeling very lonely all of a sudden... not sure why. i am pretty sure i am consider 'ancient' in this harsh gay world... =(

i guess so.... but it has been many years and i just suddenly feeling super emo all of a sudden...

i wish but will not destroy another woman's life for my pseudo 'happiness'

Happiness is emanate from you

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