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Many Guys Running group


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  • 3 weeks later...

Small group run (max 5 people) 7pm Saturday evening run 4/12/2021. Meet at Bedok reservoir MRT. Message me on my line id is yoyowiz if u wanna join.

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  On 12/6/2021 at 11:00 PM, wishful and hopeful said:

Hi  yoyo74, 

Any group run on this Sunday 12-12-21 ? Eg at Macritchie ?


Come join my running chat group you can talk and ask who is available to run at any particular place and time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small group run (max 5 people) 9am Sunday morning run 19/12/2021. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will run from Stadium mrt to east coast no looping. Bring only essential mrt card and money to eat as there is no bag locker to put stuff.

Edited by yoyo74
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  • 1 month later...

Small group run (max 5 people) 9am Wednesday morning run 2/2/2022. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. Bring only essential mrt card and money to eat as there is no bag locker to put stuff. Its time to burn off those CNY calories

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  • 1 month later...

Small group run (max 5 people) 9am Saturday morning run 19/3/2022. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will run from Stadium mrt to east coast no looping. Bring only essential mrt card and money to eat as there is no bag locker to put stuff.


Small group run (max 5 people) 9am Sunday morning run 20/3/2022. Meet at Bedok reservoir MRT. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. Running one circle in Bedok reservoir. There is $1 coin locker.

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  On 3/16/2022 at 6:22 PM, yoyo74 said:

Small group run (max 5 people) 9am Saturday morning run 19/3/2022. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will run from Stadium mrt to east coast no looping. Bring only essential mrt card and money to eat as there is no bag locker to put stuff.


Small group run (max 5 people) 9am Sunday morning run 20/3/2022. Meet at Bedok reservoir MRT. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. Running one circle in Bedok reservoir. There is $1 coin locker.


I thought wef 15 Mar 2022, can 30 pax for outdoor sports already?


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  On 3/17/2022 at 2:36 AM, ejszaka said:

I thought wef 15 Mar 2022, can 30 pax for outdoor sports already?



From what i was told the 30 pax is only for formal spots group with designated spots facilities. Our group are just a social run group without the need to register our name  so not counted to the 30 pax. But in the event that suddenly got more people join the run i will just split it into 2 groups to run at some distance from each other

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  On 3/19/2022 at 5:18 PM, yoyo74 said:

From what i was told the 30 pax is only for formal spots group with designated spots facilities. Our group are just a social run group without the need to register our name  so not counted to the 30 pax. But in the event that suddenly got more people join the run i will just split it into 2 groups to run at some distance from each other



oic!  so unfair right?  outdoor runs are so much safer compared to those done at sports facilities.

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  On 3/23/2022 at 1:51 AM, ejszaka said:


oic!  so unfair right?  outdoor runs are so much safer compared to those done at sports facilities.


News just came out now we all can run in groups of 10

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  On 3/26/2022 at 3:58 AM, amicablyalan said:

So do we start running in groups of 10 next week?


29 Mar is the day 10 people can socialize together so definately can 10 people run together

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Small group run (max 10 people) 9am Sunday morning run 3/4/2022. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will start at Stadium mrt. Distance around 5 to 10km. Bring only essential as there is no bag locker to put stuff.

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Small group run (max 10 people) 7:45pm Wednesday night run 6/4/2022. Meet at Dakota mrt. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will start at Dakota mrt running towards Stadium mrt and back. Distance around 5 to 10km. Bring only essential as there is no bag locker to put stuff.


Small group run (max 10 people) 9am Saturday morning run 9/4/2022. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will start at Stadium mrt. Distance around 5 to 10km. Bring only essential as there is no bag locker to put stuff.


Small group run (max 10 people) 9am Sunday morning run 10/4/2022. Meet at Bedok Reservoir MRT. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. Run one round in Bedok reservoir. Distance around 3.9km. There is $1 coin locker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small group run (max 10 people) 7pm Friday evening run 15/4/2022. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will start at Stadium mrt. Distance around 5 to 10km.


Small group run (max 10 people) 9am Sunday morning run 17/4/2022. Meet at Bedok Reservoir MRT. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. Run one round in Bedok reservoir. Distance around 4km. There is $1 coin locker.

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Small group run (max 10 people) 9am Sunday morning run 24/4/2022. Meet at Stadium MRT exit A. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. This run will start at Stadium mrt. Distance around 5 to 10km. Bring only essential as there is no bag locker to put stuff.

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8am Saturday morning run 30/4/2022. Meet at Beach Station in Sentosa. Message me on my line id yoyowiz if u wanna join. Distance around 5 to 10km. There is locker and shower facilities here. We will start a short run than i will organize some very fun beach games like dodge ball and other stuff. It will be fun as i gonna introduce some physical punishment for losing a match like doing pushups, dance around one round the competition area, loser piggy back carry the winner run one round etc

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  • 2 months later...

Next schedule running on 4:30pm Sunday 10/7/2022 meeting point location is Botanical Garden mrt anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz


Next schedule running on 9am Monday 11/7/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 7pm Wednesday 13/7/2022 meeting point location is Dakota mrt exit A. anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 17/7/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 24/7/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 6:30pm Saturday 30/7/2022 meeting point location is Bedok reservoir mrt. anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 7:15pm Wednesday 3/8/2022 meeting point location is Dakota mrt exit A. anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 14/8/2022 meeting point location is Bedok reservoir mrt. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running on 7:45am Saturday 27/8/2022 meeting point location is Upper Thomson mrt. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 6km/11km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 28/8/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running on 7:45am Saturday 10/9/2022 meeting point location is Hillview mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 6:30pm Saturday 17/9/2022 meeting point location is Bedok reservoir mrt. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 3.9km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 6:30pm Saturday 24/9/2022 meeting point location is Bedok reservoir mrt. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 3.9km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

Note: There is $1 coin locker


Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 25/9/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 2/10/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 6:30pm Saturday 8/10/2022 meeting point location is Bedok reservoir mrt. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 3.9km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

Note: There is $1 coin locker


Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 9/10/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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Next schedule running on 8am Saturday 15/10/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz


Next schedule running on 9am Sunday 16/10/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Helloween nightmare run in Macritchie 29 October

Are you afraid of the dark? Do you want to conquer your darkness fear?
Come join us run in the dark in the forested area in Macritchie.
We are going to celebrate Helloween while we run.
It will be a extremely slow run so as to run as a group.
We might end up walking as a group at the end part when its darker

We will meet at Caldecott mrt control station at 6pm
Than reach mushroom cafe at around 6:10pm and start running from there
Coin lockers to put bags is available in macritchie

Proposed things to bring/wear during run:
Lighting stuff like torches/luminous bracer (mandatory)
Run with a Helloween costume but those that does not obstruct vision and those that dont easily entangle with things
Bring a (fake) weapon of destruction.
Run with a Helloween painted body/face
Or just forget everything and just run with us but still need to bring lighting stuff

Shower after run (optional)
We are bringing food to eat and share. Come bring some food to eat and share with us as well (optional)

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  On 10/31/2022 at 1:47 AM, randomuse said:

Anyone for a run today/ tonight? Don't mind going to Sentosa or ECP. Think Bedok reservoir and MR will be quite muddy after the storm last night 😕


If you run on the tarred road at BR, it should be alright. You can try running from BR along the park connector to ECP area G, it’s about 9-10km. 

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  On 10/31/2022 at 3:28 AM, ReubenH said:

If you run on the tarred road at BR, it should be alright. You can try running from BR along the park connector to ECP area G, it’s about 9-10km. 


You wanna join me? The distance looks too much though lol... I am just restarting my run so think I should do a shorted dist.

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  On 10/26/2022 at 5:15 PM, yoyo74 said:

Helloween nightmare run in Macritchie 29 October

Are you afraid of the dark? Do you want to conquer your darkness fear?
Come join us run in the dark in the forested area in Macritchie.
We are going to celebrate Helloween while we run.
It will be a extremely slow run so as to run as a group.
We might end up walking as a group at the end part when its darker

We will meet at Caldecott mrt control station at 6pm
Than reach mushroom cafe at around 6:10pm and start running from there
Coin lockers to put bags is available in macritchie

Proposed things to bring/wear during run:
Lighting stuff like torches/luminous bracer (mandatory)
Run with a Helloween costume but those that does not obstruct vision and those that dont easily entangle with things
Bring a (fake) weapon of destruction.
Run with a Helloween painted body/face
Or just forget everything and just run with us but still need to bring lighting stuff

Shower after run (optional)
We are bringing food to eat and share. Come bring some food to eat and share with us as well (optional)


Not been there for a very long time. Is the lockers at MR still $1 for the small one? 
Does it accept both new and old $1 coin? 

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  On 11/5/2022 at 11:19 PM, bluerunner said:

Not been there for a very long time. Is the lockers at MR still $1 for the small one? 
Does it accept both new and old $1 coin? 


Small locker is $1 coin and big locker is 2X$1 coin. I had been using new coin so not sure the old one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running on 8am Saturday 19/11/2022 meeting point location is Hillview mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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What is the running speed?

Hello, I am Alex, a certified massage therapist. Location @ Tiong Bahru.

Whatsapp : +65-81642840/

Telegram : @alextbmsg

A1 swedish 90min - $120

A2 manhood 60min - $100


A4 boyzilian waxing - $80

Thank you for your support.


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  On 11/17/2022 at 10:35 PM, Alextbmsg said:

What is the running speed?


There are both very fast runner and very slow runner in our group. When we run we will naturally split into several smaller groups and those faster will wait at end point for the rest of the slower runner to reach.

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Next schedule running on 8am Saturday 26/11/2022 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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  • 1 month later...

Next schedule running on 7pm Wednesday 11/1/2023 meeting point location is Dakota mrt exit A. anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running on 9am Tuesday 24/1/2023 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

Note: There are free lockers and shower facilities

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running on 9am Saturday 4/2/2023 meeting point location is Stadium mrt exit A. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

Note: There are free lockers and shower facilities

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next schedule running is our 9th MGR running anniversary on 8:15am Saturday 11/2/2023 meeting point location is Sentosa beach station. Anyone interested PM me. Running distance is around 5 to 10km. Come and join our all gay running group where there is no race or age or nationality restriction. My line id is yoyowiz

Note: There are lockers and shower facilities

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  • yoyo74 changed the title to Many Guys Running group
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