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2 minutes ago, Guest Poke Dot said:


If going to Cha Cha's nest, best if you drive. Reach there best to have cycle, otherwise quite a bit of a walk. The Cha Chas look close on the map but need to walk a fair bit, plus there are buildings between the two path so sometimes have to walk one big round.


I'll be on foot but thanks for the tip. Greatly appreciated!

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12 hours ago, jackrezal said:


Where you read this? But really how many eggs can you hatch in 30 minutes... I still use my lucky egg when evolving because I can't think of anything else that i can do in half hour that gives me as good exp.


Another pogo enthusiast was sharing, at level 28 and above your eggs start hatching with super IVs, and their CPs also max out as you progress on to level 30. So if you mass egg hatch THEN evolve, that way can get even more points as well as optimal rare pokes while using Lucky Egg. That is the maxing out the Lucky Egg, but it means gotta somehow save enough for 9 incubators...


Mind-boggling, don't know how true...:blink:

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4 minutes ago, Cube3 said:


... at level 28 and above your eggs start hatching with super IVs, and their CPs also max out as you progress on to level 30....


Mind-boggling, don't know how true...:blink:


I'm level 30 and I can tell you that IVs from egg as from wild are still randomized regardless of what level you are.


It's just that pokemon from eggs have the possibility of coming out up to level 20 and usually they are better than wild but not necessarily all the time. So you still can get a good iv Pokemon but at a low or mid range level.


And Pokemon in the wild have maximum possible level 30. You are not able to catch any higher level Pokemon than that even you are higher than level 30. They want you to start spending your dust and candy after level 30.


If you already know all this, sorry for repeating but I haven't gotten any maxed out CP from egg before so maybe I'm just not that lucky as they say. :P

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Er, no. It's been tested by a lot of people on reddit that hatched pokemons have a higher min. cap for IV compared to those caught from the wild, which is 0-15 on all stats by default. I personally have never hatched anything below 60%.


CP is just random for eggmons/wildmons. The only variable here is the pokemon's max. (hidden) level cap, which is simply your trainer level at the time of hatching/catching. This cap increases accordingly as your trainer levels up.

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Guest Poke Dot

My experience with egg hatching is before L25, tier 1 IVs. L25 onwards mix of tier 1 & 2 IVs.


Chacha nest at CV easier to farm on foot, more clustered and don't have to walk so much compared to ECP and more accessible for me. In 2 hrs manage to snag 18 chachas, only 1 ran away.


Anyways after 141, lost some drive for the game. Am now only farming and looking for the rare ones.

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22 hours ago, jackrezal said:


I'm level 30 and I can tell you that IVs from egg as from wild are still randomized regardless of what level you are.


It's just that pokemon from eggs have the possibility of coming out up to level 20 and usually they are better than wild but not necessarily all the time. So you still can get a good iv Pokemon but at a low or mid range level.


And Pokemon in the wild have maximum possible level 30. You are not able to catch any higher level Pokemon than that even you are higher than level 30. They want you to start spending your dust and candy after level 30.


If you already know all this, sorry for repeating but I haven't gotten any maxed out CP from egg before so maybe I'm just not that lucky as they say. :P


Tks this is all quite helpful. Am still trying to understand this phenomenon about hitting level 28/30...found a reference in following page, related to stardust:




Last para:


"After a trainer reaches level 28, the value of leveling themself any further drops dramatically. At level 28 a trainer can encounter the max level Pokemon in the wild (level 30) and power-up Pokemon to level 30.5. A trainer may wish to allocate less gold toward Lucky Eggs and more gold toward Incubators that produce both high IV Pokemon and large amounts of Stardust."


So, the strategy is, to forego levelling up and switch to cultivating high-IV eggs, and hatch them during Lucky Egg half-hour? Outcome would be better Pokemon and more stardust to power to max?

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I think it meant to reduce buying Lucky Eggs and instead buy Incubators. And nothing mentioned about hatching during Lucky Egg half-hour. And Lucky Egg doesn't impact quality of Pokemon hatched nor Stardust gained from hatching. 


Max Revive unlocks at Level 30 btw. A serious gym battler might still want to hit and unlock that item.

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A very good friend caught 7 Snorlex'es and 3 Lapras'es last night on the comfort of his home sofa.

He also caught Kangkaskan and he plan to "go" to America later to catch Tauros today.

I told him if he is Happy I am happy for him.


I walked almost 15Kms from MBS to Sail and to Collyer Quay and I caught 1 Lapras, I Lickitung, 1 Jinx, and many many other's.  

I hatched 3 eggs and I feel proud - good exercise and satisfaction.

I was sweaty, but I was also very proud





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5 hours ago, inbody123 said:

A very good friend caught 7 Snorlex'es and 3 Lapras'es last night on the comfort of his home sofa.

He also caught Kangkaskan and he plan to "go" to America later to catch Tauros today.

I told him if he is Happy I am happy for him.


I walked almost 15Kms from MBS to Sail and to Collyer Quay and I caught 1 Lapras, I Lickitung, 1 Jinx, and many many other's.  

I hatched 3 eggs and I feel proud - good exercise and satisfaction.

I was sweaty, but I was also very proud






It's so much more satisfying to sweat and grind for pokemons as compared to those who spoof their way through the game. Good job! :D

Visit: rimboi89.tumblr.com

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1 hour ago, Rimboi89 said:


It's so much more satisfying to sweat and grind for pokemons as compared to those who spoof their way through the game. Good job! :D


Yeah this is more fun and more economical than a gym membership lol. Away with the kilos!:o

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Guest Poke Dot
3 hours ago, jackrezal said:


Because you're meant for something greater!


Nah think after this recent update, most of the mons caught are crappy ones, even egg hatches are mostly tier 2. Just got a 10k egg after 2 weeks dry of 10k eggs and only hatched a 75% Electabuzz... pui! The way they punish players will just alienate users from the game, can already see significant drop in users at usual hotspots.


Ditto for this itchy backside sgpokemap, keep making changes to the site that worsens the user experience, like they don't play the game at all.


#$^% I should change my name to Gloom.

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21 minutes ago, Guest Poke Dot said:


Nah think after this recent update, most of the mons caught are crappy ones, even egg hatches are mostly tier 2. Just got a 10k egg after 2 weeks dry of 10k eggs and only hatched a 75% Electabuzz... pui! The way they punish players will just alienate users from the game, can already see significant drop in users at usual hotspots.


Ditto for this itchy backside sgpokemap, keep making changes to the site that worsens the user experience, like they don't play the game at all.


#$^% I should change my name to Gloom.


Hmmm...cheer up, once you hit level 28 (or around there), you will find your eggs hatching lots of 80 over % pokes, and even the ones caught in the wild can get near optimal i.e. high CP high IV. If you're not at that level, maybe you wanna keep your 10 km eggs and hatch later...?


Be Jigglypuff! :redface:

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Guest Poke Dot
16 minutes ago, Cube3 said:


Hmmm...cheer up, once you hit level 28 (or around there), you will find your eggs hatching lots of 80 over % pokes, and even the ones caught in the wild can get near optimal i.e. high CP high IV. If you're not at that level, maybe you wanna keep your 10 km eggs and hatch later...?


Be Jigglypuff! :redface:



IC, thanks, am just past mid L26, guess I'm not leveling up that much cos I've only been selectively collecting rarer ones since L25 and barely catching commons anymore. Guess gonna plough on to L28, but its so tempting to wanna hatch a 10k egg to see what you get y'know... hehe

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10 minutes ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

...but its so tempting to wanna hatch a 10k egg to see what you get y'know... hehe


I just got a average IV Pinsir and a average IV Eevee from my last 2 10k egg. Haha. 


Tip I learned, if egg is hatching and you want to skip the animation, just tap 2 fingers on the screen with the egg and the "Oh?" notification.


15 tips and tricks for Pokemon Go


What the $#@&.... Lapras just appeared in my neighborhood estate in the middle of HDB flats in yishun!!!!!

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12 minutes ago, jackrezal said:


I just got a average IV Pinsir and a average IV Eevee from my last 2 10k egg. Haha. 


Tip I learned, if egg is hatching and you want to skip the animation, just tap 2 fingers on the screen with the egg and the "Oh?" notification.


15 tips and tricks for Pokemon Go


What the $#@&.... Lapras just appeared in my neighborhood estate in the middle of HDB flats in yishun!!!!!

Oh, I thought it's pinching that skips it. Lol~

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6 hours ago, Cube3 said:


Hmmm...cheer up, once you hit level 28 (or around there), you will find your eggs hatching lots of 80 over % pokes, and even the ones caught in the wild can get near optimal i.e. high CP high IV. If you're not at that level, maybe you wanna keep your 10 km eggs and hatch later...?


Be Jigglypuff! :redface:

Really?  Mine are still hatching rubbishmons!  :swear:  10km gave me eevee.  Darn!

Caught in wild still crappy CP.  Hitmonchan at 313CP, Flareon at 195CP and Gyarados at 495CP WTH!   :swear:

Then again, not much playing the past week other than hatching and opportunity catches in/near my estate.  Busy with work.  Have been stagnated at lvl29 for a long while....




6 hours ago, jackrezal said:


What the $#@&.... Lapras just appeared in my neighborhood estate in the middle of HDB flats in yishun!!!!!

Hahah  I boarded a bus and it rolled away when Ah Bui appeared behind.  Fatty looked so happy I couldn't get to catch it too.  :doh:




11 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

Haiz, rush rush rush and missed Blastoise by 15 seconds. Sian how come never encounter wild Dragonites, Charizards or Blastoises.

I managed to get a Dragonite at MacRitchie when I was waiting to meet a friend last week.  Got off bus, walked to the cafe and it spawned right over me.  The only good during the week (other than the pikachu nest there).




On a sidenote - MacRitchie is so hot now I guess, with the pikachu nest there.  My BF spent 3 hours there and got to evolve 3 raichus from catching alone.


Hope you guys are catching better stuff and enjoying.  

Instagram @the_meowprince

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Guest Poke Dot
8 hours ago, jackrezal said:

I just got a average IV Pinsir and a average IV Eevee from my last 2 10k egg. Haha. 


What the $#@&.... Lapras just appeared in my neighborhood estate in the middle of HDB flats in yishun!!!!!


Mmm ok, I'll be contented with my Electabuzz then... :P


Lapras seems to be appearing a bit more inland recently. At Marine Parade appeared around Roxy Square.


2 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

Caught in wild still crappy CP.  Hitmonchan at 313CP, Flareon at 195CP and Gyarados at 495CP WTH!   :swear:


Hahah  I boarded a bus and it rolled away when Ah Bui appeared behind.  Fatty looked so happy I couldn't get to catch it too.  :doh:


I feel you, some of them have to waste like 15-20 outtah balls & berries for moderate CP and lousy IV. Worse is they poof off after all the investment,,, poor ROI.


A slightly positive note is Ah Bui literally popped up in front of me when I was at Bedok, but lousy CP and IV. He's getting around more often, now at my 10th Bui liao. The harder one is really Chansey, am trying to collect more of her.

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4 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

Really?  Mine are still hatching rubbishmons!  :swear:  10km gave me eevee...Darn! Have been stagnated at lvl29 for a long while....

I managed to get a Dragonite at MacRitchie when I was waiting to meet a friend last week.  Got off bus, walked to the cafe and it spawned right over me.  The only good during the week (other than the pikachu nest there).

On a sidenote - MacRitchie is so hot now I guess, with the pikachu nest there.  My BF spent 3 hours there and got to evolve 3 raichus from catching alone.


Level 29 how come still rubbish? I'm getting all these high IV Drowsee, Mankey and other exotic stuff...


...But still short of all the essentials: Ah Bui, Dragonite, Pikachu and Raichu...neber mind, there is time and I wanna evolve some of these during Lucky Egg to double the points!:D

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4 minutes ago, HendryTan said:

2. Have helped Team Instinct built a gym to level TEN (ie gym Prestige 50,000)


Wah, can I join your gym team?


Yesterday night was pretty hilarious at around 1 plus am I was fighting over a gym with another guy. He was attacking and I was leveling up the gym. Managed to train the gym around 20 times as he chipped away . I left when snorlax appeared. Haha.


Want to build level 10 gym with other people!

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2 minutes ago, jackrezal said:


Wah, can I join your gym team?


Yesterday night was pretty hilarious at around 1 plus am I was fighting over a gym with another guy. He was attacking and I was leveling up the gym. Managed to train the gym around 20 times as he chipped away . I left when snorlax appeared. Haha.


Want to build level 10 gym with other people!


1. I do NOT have a tac team.


2. Went in after mid night Sunday when everyone retired early.

I was fully loaded with revive and potions.


3. Under the night light, I used magikarp to quickly level up the gym from level 5 to level 10.

Random people from Team Instinct just came to put in their pokemons.


There were challenges from other teams, but they were no fight to how the magikarp was levelling up.


4. However after I reached Level 10 and left, my magikarp pokemon was the first to be taken down :(

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1 hour ago, HendryTan said:

4. However after I reached Level 10 and left, my magikarp pokemon was the first to be taken down :(


Ah, I see... Cool cool... Level 5 instinct gym to start with is hard to come by. I'll still keep hoping for my name in a level 10 gym someday...


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11 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

I feel you, some of them have to waste like 15-20 outtah balls & berries for moderate CP and lousy IV. Worse is they poof off after all the investment,,, poor ROI.


A slightly positive note is Ah Bui literally popped up in front of me when I was at Bedok, but lousy CP and IV. He's getting around more often, now at my 10th Bui liao. The harder one is really Chansey, am trying to collect more of her.

Grrrrrr..... Fatty doesn't spawn much near me, though the two I caught did have 2K+ CP.  I keep seeing Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, all of whom I'm sick of.  Think my nemesis is Pikachu, everytime I catch one, have to feed a few berries, and several of either Great or Ultra balls.




9 hours ago, Cube3 said:


Level 29 how come still rubbish? I'm getting all these high IV Drowsee, Mankey and other exotic stuff...


...But still short of all the essentials: Ah Bui, Dragonite, Pikachu and Raichu...neber mind, there is time and I wanna evolve some of these during Lucky Egg to double the points!:D

No idea why so suay.  Hatch out mid-range CP, and all the boring crap from 5km eggs - Duck, Pig, Veggies and Jellyfish since lvl 26.  10km all Eevees from the last 4 eggs.  Nowadays I only use my incubators on 2km and hope for Charmander or Pikachu.  I know an auntie player whose 5km eggs always hatch Drowsee, Abra, Porygon and Staryu, and I envy her for that, but then she only got a single 10km so far and she's lvl 27!


Am still short of Chansey, Muk and MaChamp, and the pink girl doesn't spawn around the places I frequent or the times I hunt.  Fatty is non-evolve so must catch or hatch.  My kept mons are mostly evolved stuff, or the better caught ones.  Everything else I return for candy.  I always use Lucky Eggs for batch evolution too... until, well, all used up.

Instagram @the_meowprince

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Guest Poke Dot
3 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

Grrrrrr..... Fatty doesn't spawn much near me, though the two I caught did have 2K+ CP.  I keep seeing Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, all of whom I'm sick of.  Think my nemesis is Pikachu, everytime I catch one, have to feed a few berries, and several of either Great or Ultra balls.


I wouldn't mind catching wild Vap Jolt or Flar though, the ones I evolve don't really have good skillsets. Pikachu, Squirtle and Charmander seems to be getting harder to get, have to use great or outtah balls, like Abra and loads of berries. I've been collecting more great and outtah balls, sometimes discarding the red ones to make space while Is spin.


3 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

Am still short of Chansey, Muk and MaChamp, and the pink girl doesn't spawn around the places I frequent or the times I hunt.


I got my Chansey at Big Splash and noticed that she has spawned there quite a number of times. Blastoise frequent that spot too. Read she frequents Sembawang too, if you're near these places, might wanna try.


Mmmm... many Instincts here.

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Guest Poke Dot

Anyone else find gym battles extremely buggy?

1. Sometimes a lot of the attacking animation does not show, just the two pokemons standing there and only the text 'dodged', 'super effective' or 'not effective' indicating there's a fight going on.

2. When the pokemon KO and change over, the next pokemon doesn't show and it looks you're just attacking air, vice versa.

3. After dodging, the whole fight scene goes off screen and you're just staring at the sides/boundaries of the gym and the battle is still going on.

4. Once the super long 'GO' fades off, you get bumped out of the battlefield and Error msg keep showing.

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10 minutes ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

Anyone else find gym battles extremely buggy?

1. Sometimes a lot of the attacking animation does not show, just the two pokemons standing there and only the text 'dodged', 'super effective' or 'not effective' indicating there's a fight going on.

2. When the pokemon KO and change over, the next pokemon doesn't show and it looks you're just attacking air, vice versa.

3. After dodging, the whole fight scene goes off screen and you're just staring at the sides/boundaries of the gym and the battle is still going on.

4. Once the super long 'GO' fades off, you get bumped out of the battlefield and Error msg keep showing.


Yes it is pretty super incredibly buggy. I've experienced all of the above myself too. Making getting to the gold badge that much longer. But gotta keep persevering on. Just 250 more fights!!!!

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56 minutes ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

Anyone else find gym battles extremely buggy?

1. Sometimes a lot of the attacking animation does not show, just the two pokemons standing there and only the text 'dodged', 'super effective' or 'not effective' indicating there's a fight going on.

2. When the pokemon KO and change over, the next pokemon doesn't show and it looks you're just attacking air, vice versa.

3. After dodging, the whole fight scene goes off screen and you're just staring at the sides/boundaries of the gym and the battle is still going on.

4. Once the super long 'GO' fades off, you get bumped out of the battlefield and Error msg keep showing.

Yes exactly 


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6 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

4. Once the super long 'GO' fades off, you get bumped out of the battlefield and Error msg keep showing.

Usually it's either you're out of range, or a client-server mismatch.

If it's the latter, usually you'll need to wait it out; about 10-15mins I reckon.



How to seek revenge 101: Know him. Befriend him. Make him trust you wholeheartedly. Destroy him. Utterly.

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7 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

Anyone else find gym battles extremely buggy?

1. Sometimes a lot of the attacking animation does not show, just the two pokemons standing there and only the text 'dodged', 'super effective' or 'not effective' indicating there's a fight going on.

2. When the pokemon KO and change over, the next pokemon doesn't show and it looks you're just attacking air, vice versa.

3. After dodging, the whole fight scene goes off screen and you're just staring at the sides/boundaries of the gym and the battle is still going on.

4. Once the super long 'GO' fades off, you get bumped out of the battlefield and Error msg keep showing.

LOL that's exactly what I got, when I went to take out my frustation on a couple of gyms.  The first, a lvl 2 did ALL of the above to me.   :(   The second one, a lvl 5 gym was ok though.  


Does anyone experience losing their eggs (and whatever was coming out) during the hatching?  That is - when you tap on the cracking egg, it hangs and you have to restart the game, only to find that said Egg, and hatched pokemon both DO NOT EXIST anymore.

Instagram @the_meowprince

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3 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

LOL that's exactly what I got, when I went to take out my frustation on a couple of gyms.  The first, a lvl 2 did ALL of the above to me.   :(   The second one, a lvl 5 gym was ok though.  


Does anyone experience losing their eggs (and whatever was coming out) during the hatching?  That is - when you tap on the cracking egg, it hangs and you have to restart the game, only to find that said Egg, and hatched pokemon both DO NOT EXIST anymore.


An observation: when hatching around most places I get pigeons rats etc. But tendency is, when eggs hatch at mbs, I get exotic pokes like growlithes, drowsees, scythers etc. Perhaps egg outcomes are influenced by location. Anybody else experience this?

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Guest Poke Dot
9 hours ago, jackrezal said:

But gotta keep persevering on.  Just 250 more fights!!!!


I'm just gonna skip fighting gyms for a while, stick to sniping gyms to place my catepie in, kakkakaa!


1 hour ago, MeowPrince said:

Does anyone experience losing their eggs (and whatever was coming out) during the hatching?  That is - when you tap on the cracking egg, it hangs and you have to restart the game, only to find that said Egg, and hatched pokemon both DO NOT EXIST anymore.


YESH, I kenna once, but cos it was a 5k egg and I usually get crappy mons from 5k, so I wasn't so banged up about it, not much can be done about it anyway.


Also irritating,

a. The radiating ring reaches far enough to activate pokestops but when you tap and spin it, you're often still out of range even when the pokestop is within the maximum ring size.

b. Sometimes when you stand between 2 pokestops which are within the radiating ring, the avatar may position itself away such that both stops are just out of range.

c. Once I was on a straight road with a pokestop ahead, I was all prepared to tap and spin, but as the bus drove straight by, my avatar actually veered away from where the pokestop is, just beyond reach before walking back the straight and narrow road.

d. Pokestops and pokemons often block and obstruct your way even after you've physically moved  away from the locatuib. Once my avatar was stuck in the middle of 3 triangulated pokestops. Selecting between all the overlapping mons/avatar/pokestop was frustrating esp when lures were activated.

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@Cube3 Mine hatched damned duck, and the 2km gave a bird.   I Swear I can open a roasted duck stall at the rate I get them.  :swear:

Anyway I only incubate 2km and 10km eggs now.  With the former there is a chance of getting Squirtle/Chamy/Pika.  The latter, its always a pray-for-Pinky/AhBui/Hitmons thing.



@PokeDot  the positioning bug?  Hah.  I hate it whenever I pass MBFC, coz I would always always teleport into the middle of Marina Bay!  Though the last few days the drift has gotten really bad.



Just came back from breakfast.  At the food centre, I overheard 3 aunties debating about fighting/parking a gym.  Gosh, most entertaining breakfast talk show.   Hawker aunties talking about using "Slowpork" vs "Gun turtle" vs "Blue Dragon" vs "Fire Fox" vs "Electric Fox.....  Took me a while to figure out some of the mons they were talking about, but when I did, it was hilarious!

Instagram @the_meowprince

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4 hours ago, MeowPrince said:


@Cube3 Mine hatched damned duck, and the 2km gave a bird.   I Swear I can open a roasted duck stall at the rate I get them.  :swear:

Anyway I only incubate 2km and 10km eggs now.  With the former there is a chance of getting Squirtle/Chamy/Pika.  The latter, its always a pray-for-Pinky/AhBui/Hitmons thing.



@PokeDot  the positioning bug?  Hah.  I hate it whenever I pass MBFC, coz I would always always teleport into the middle of Marina Bay!  Though the last few days the drift has gotten really bad.



Just came back from breakfast.  At the food centre, I overheard 3 aunties debating about fighting/parking a gym.  Gosh, most entertaining breakfast talk show.   Hawker aunties talking about using "Slowpork" vs "Gun turtle" vs "Blue Dragon" vs "Fire Fox" vs "Electric Fox.....  Took me a while to figure out some of the mons they were talking about, but when I did, it was hilarious!


Yes, the Hokkien mommas are great! The other day at MBS: one commented woefully: "为什么没有人跑啊?“

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On 10/4/2016 at 9:20 AM, Guest Poke Dot said:

A slightly positive note is Ah Bui literally popped up in front of me when I was at Bedok, but lousy CP and IV. He's getting around more often, now at my 10th Bui liao. The harder one is really Chansey, am trying to collect more of her.


Where can I get Chansey ? I hatched one from a 10Km egg and 10Km eggs are hard to get ! 


6 hours ago, jackrezal said:

Nests have migrated again! This time it moved a lot faster than expected. Dang it! Was just waiting for this weekend to come to go farm the nests... Gotta study the map again today...


Please do update us of the new nests !!  MBS has the best nests for most normal pokemons and the front area of the laser shows is where I caught my four lapras'es.


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Guest Poke Dot
6 hours ago, jackrezal said:

Nests have migrated again! This time it moved a lot faster than expected. Dang it! Was just waiting for this weekend to come to go farm the nests... Gotta study the map again today...


Yeah the chacha nests at cv and ecp are gone! And I'm still 8 shy of another charizard. Got enuff candies for 3 Charizard but problem is finding a good chacha to evolve, egg hatch ones only 73%.... Kaoz! Dratini also hard to farm, spread all along the Long Kangs in SG. 


7 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

@PokeDot  the positioning bug?  Hah.  I hate it whenever I pass MBFC, coz I would always always teleport into the middle of Marina Bay!  Though the last few days the drift has gotten really bad.

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