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Pokemon Go [Now in SG]


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13 hours ago, enthuboy_93 said:

until 4am tmr 
1pm PDT which is 4am here tmr if I'm not mistaken


OK thank you! ...too late to earn more coins (unless buy), so will mass evolve now...

Edited by Cube3
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Really looking out for tyrogue but no, got several Gen II rubbishmons and - luckily - 3 dragonites. So the double candies came in handy. But final evolve sucked and still couldn't get optimal Dragontail/Outrage moveset :frustrated:

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Guest Poke Dot
6 hours ago, Cube3 said:

Really looking out for tyrogue but no, got several Gen II rubbishmons and - luckily - 3 dragonites. So the double candies came in handy. But final evolve sucked and still couldn't get optimal Dragontail/Outrage moveset :frustrated:


Hatched 3 Tyrogues this event :P but I want Lapras... wasted all my coins buying incubator to hatch rubbish. Now got 8 more eggs got during event hope to at least get 1.


Hatched a Pes A Dratini before event and managed to evolve to DT/O. Caught a 91% D9 a while ago with DT/H, so I'm done evolving for D9s for Gen 2, now any spare candies will pump these full.

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3 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:

Hatched a Pes A Dratini before event and managed to evolve to DT/O. Caught a 91% D9 a while ago with DT/H, so I'm done evolving for D9s for Gen 2, now any spare candies will pump these full.


Lucky you! 18 Dragonites sitting in my pack, not a single one with optimal DT/O or DT/H. :wacko:

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7 hours ago, Cube3 said:


Lucky you! 18 Dragonites sitting in my pack, not a single one with optimal DT/O or DT/H. :wacko:

So many.... :o 



18 hours ago, Samezuka said:

Managed to hatch 2 tyrogue, 1 smoochum, 2 pichus, 2 lapras, and 1 togepi so im pretty satisfied. Sucks that the event is ending though... :(

So good... Mine 2km all Elekids (13 of them!), 5km all Chikoritas (3).  At least my 10km gave me Larvitars, so not that sad.  Though getting the same mon over and over is a tad annoying.



1 hour ago, Guest Poke Dot said:





At least I had a stash of coins built up from gymming, that paid for my incubators.  

Double XP was good while it lasted.  Both BF and myself got to level up.  That's a small consolation.  Back to my early morning gyms now.

Instagram @the_meowprince

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Guest Poke Dot
3 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

So good... Mine 2km all Elekids (13 of them!), 5km all Chikoritas (3).  At least my 10km gave me Larvitars, so not that sad.  Though getting the same mon over and over is a tad annoying.


:o baker's dozen!! 


The 5km eggs got discriminated this time round, only 3 of the Gen2 starters are assigned. I got 2 10km eggs during the event, one yielded a pes A Chansey, the other a pes B dratini.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Poke Dot



Pokemon GO Grass Event BROKEN: Players unable to spin lured PokeStops or catch Pokemon


The Pokemon GO grass event is LIVE but millions of players around the world are experiencing severe issues as players are unable to not only spin Lured pokestops, but also catch Pokemon in the vacinity.

"SO put down a lure 2nd one same site and I cant spin it, no try again or color change. Also when I try to catch something after the first throw it always runs has happened 15 plus times now. Am I glitched or what ?" Wrote one Redditor on The Silph Road.

The thread now has close to 200 complaints in a short two hour window as players struggle to play the game, with many trainers given soft bans for their troubles.

"Looks like Niantic introduced a bug when activating the event." wrote one user.

"The same thing is happening to me and my friend. We both put down lures and can't catch anything now. Seems like it's a soft ban since we were able to get around it by spinning a stop 40 times, but it banned us right after again." wrote another player.

While another offered up a detailed explanation of the situation.

"It seems it may have something to with catching mon at lured stops. Does not appear to be due to placing the lure or catching ONLY random mon. Other people in comments have stated they didn't place a lure but caught pokemon at a lure and got soft banned. I have avoided lures since 3pm (when I got off work) and haven't had a single softban. Meanwhile my neighbors whole family is soft banned at an area filled with lures currently
Has anyone gotten softbanned without catching a single mon from a lure?

For now, there doesn't appear to be any quick fix for the issues, but thankfully we do know that Niantic developers are on the case to fix the problem as we speak.


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1 hour ago, Guest Poke Dot said:




Alamak...lucky I cleared my gym routine this morning without any hitches. - Should venture out this afternoon, and risk getting soft-banned by a lure? :wacko:

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What a strange day...caught somethin' like 6 Dittos in the span of half hour, and when checking the map, came across poke-data below: Hitmonchan - male? I thought Hitmonchan is always female...?


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7 hours ago, Cube3 said:

What a strange day...caught somethin' like 6 Dittos in the span of half hour, and when checking the map, came across poke-data below: Hitmonchan - male? I thought Hitmonchan is always female...?


Lol since when Jackie Chan became female? Haha

Edited by Coolbriz

Be cool, like a breeze...

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Guest Poke Dot
9 hours ago, Cube3 said:

What a strange day...caught somethin' like 6 Dittos in the span of half hour, and when checking the map, came across poke-data below: Hitmonchan - male? I thought Hitmonchan is always female...?


I use to think that too cos of the mini skirt, its formed from Hit Monster Chan (Jackie Chan), the other is Hit Monster Lee (Bruce Lee).

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7 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:


I use to think that too cos of the mini skirt, its formed from Hit Monster Chan (Jackie Chan), the other is Hit Monster Lee (Bruce Lee).


Exactly! - Otherwise why got mini skirt? I always thought Hitmonchan has sex with Hitmonlee, then give birth to Tyrogue (who is still missing from my Pokedex...) :smokin:

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Guest Poke Dot
15 hours ago, Cube3 said:


Exactly! - Otherwise why got mini skirt? I always thought Hitmonchan has sex with Hitmonlee, then give birth to Tyrogue (who is still missing from my Pokedex...) :smokin:


:lol: Hatched a number of Tyrogue until sian liao. Just hatched another Chansey, so happy :) 

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On 08/05/2017 at 9:11 PM, Coolbriz said:

Wow that will be so kinky- jackie Chan rendezvous with Bruce lee.. 


hatched a number of tyrogue but none got highest hp attribute to get hitmontop! So sad...


Buddying my mareep now...very very slow-going :mellow:

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Guest Poke Dot


Back in December, we collectively walked past the equivalent distance of Earth to Pluto and now, we’re on a journey past the edge of the solar system! As of May 11, the Pokémon GO community has traveled more than 15.8 billion kilometers, and more adventures still await…

Pokémon GO was developed for people to easily experience classic Pokémon gameplay on their mobile device and catch Pokémon in the real world. As a result, every day, people around the globe go outside, explore the world around them, make some new memories, and get some exercise along the way. We’d love to honor the memories created so far, and our collective journey yet to come, with the Pokémon GO Adventure Week celebration from 1:00 P.M. PDT on May 18 to 1:00 P.M. PDT on May 25, 2017.

To help you stock up for your upcoming adventure, more items will be awarded from every PokéStop you visit, and Poké Balls will be 50% off in the in-game shop. Your Buddy Pokémon is also in the adventuring spirit and will find Candies four times as fast for the duration of the celebration. Whether you’re exploring your neighborhood or an exotic new location, make sure to watch for Rock-type Pokémon such as Omanyte, Kabuto, and their Evolutions. Keep an eye out—maybe you’ll even spot Aerodactyl!

Last but not least, you'll notice an all-new avatar item has been added to your wardrobe—the Explorer’s Hat! Once Adventure Week begins, grab your new hat and head out on your journey.

We’re excited to see where Pokémon GO takes you this week. Document your journey with the Pokémon GO AR camera, post your photos on social media using #PokemonGO! As you embark on your adventures, remember to always be alert and aware of your surroundings when playing Pokémon GO and be respectful of the communities and locations in which you play.

—The Pokémon GO team



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Guest Poke Dot
10 hours ago, Cube3 said:


Please gimme perfect Tyrannitar!...but no more Onix. :huh:


I haven't got Pupitar and Tyranitar yet, so hope they'll spawn more in this event.

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Guest Poke Dot

Got a strange affinity with Chansey recently, just hatched another one, think its the fourth almost in a row, got a Gligar the last one. Not that I'm complaining, now got 5 pes A Chansey but not enuff candies to evolve them all. 


Still dun have a good Larvitar to evolve yet, debating whether to walk one or stick to Chansey. :huh:

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Just got back from overseas.  Have to say that larvitar spawns better in London than in Singapore.  And the gyms there are a lot of variety, compared to the Blissey-stacks in Singapore.  A couple of stranger gyms included an all-Vaporeon level 9 and an all-Rhydon level 9.  


@Coolbriz I am with you on that.  Managed to evolve a pair of good Tyranitars from my hatched larvitars, just catching in London.  Love slow morning traffic!


@Poke Dot, building up larvi candy is always a good thing, you can use any extra to power up after evolving.


@Cube3 no more Slugma and Magcargo for me please!  See too many of them every night in London....

Instagram @the_meowprince

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Guest Poke Dot
9 minutes ago, Cube3 said:

Am wondering whether to buddy my machops to get more blissey-smashing machamps, or go with super-rare mareep to evolve and clear more of pokedex... hmmm.:huh:


I won't buddy machop cos nests more readily available.


Iphone kaputzing... cannot play :( 

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15 hours ago, Cube3 said:

Am wondering whether to buddy my machops to get more blissey-smashing machamps, or go with super-rare mareep to evolve and clear more of pokedex... hmmm.:huh:

Yeah, I think aiming for mareep candies is more worth it too, they are so much harder to come by than machops

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22 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:


I won't buddy machop cos nests more readily available.


Iphone kaputzing... cannot play :( 


Oh no, what happened to phone?! Poor baby...


Btw has everybody already caught their militank??? I've spotted Unown before but militank?!!!

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Caught mine early on, but it was only the last few weeks overseas that I got really tired of them.  The rural B&B I stayed at was a nightly spawn point, and there was this ridiculous Lvl 6 gym stacked with 5 Miltanks...... easy to take down, but seeing and fighting 5 in row is o_O

Does anyone here find Sg's gym scene filled with spoofers?

Instagram @the_meowprince

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Guest Poke Dot
9 hours ago, Cube3 said:

Oh no, what happened to phone?! Poor baby...


Gets warm and freezes so often it's almost unusable, at one point it was randomly self launching apps, auto launching phone and dialing random numbers. Waiting for Apple @ Orchard to open next week to do a diagnosis, hoping it'll stay alive until iphone 8 is released.


9 hours ago, Cube3 said:

Btw has everybody already caught their militank??? I've spotted Unown before but militank?!!!


Caught one and hatched one. :) 

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On 5/25/2017 at 11:55 AM, MeowPrince said:

Caught mine early on, but it was only the last few weeks overseas that I got really tired of them.  The rural B&B I stayed at was a nightly spawn point, and there was this ridiculous Lvl 6 gym stacked with 5 Miltanks...... easy to take down, but seeing and fighting 5 in row is o_O

Does anyone here find Sg's gym scene filled with spoofers?

Probably because SG is small and concentrated, so spoofers benefit from that the most.. Like you can get from one gym to the next very quickly

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Yesterday afternoon till night was apparently a coordinated Instinct spoofer/botter attack across all of Sg and JB creating level 10 gyms filled with Blisseys.  First time I see my estate residents (Aunties+Uncles+teenagers!) ganging up to destroy those gyms, but unfortunately, whatever bot it was returned and everything turned yellow again.  Walking with BF when we heard the aunties shouting to gang up.  One of them showed us her ipad to show all the gyms in the south had turned yellow.  

Later when I got home, read that an aspiring person on FB tracked down the people doing it and another chap shared ss of the Discord chat by the Botter group. Hope someone reported those a**holes.


On a side note, at least I learnt that there is a real-time gym monitoring app.......




7 hours ago, AlVinyl said:

Probably because SG is small and concentrated, so spoofers benefit from that the most.. Like you can get from one gym to the next very quickly


No logic there.  When I was in Europe, I got a chance to see one my client's IT staff demo the GPS "flyer" for PoGo.  The gyms in Europe are much further apart and it was easy to teleport from one to another.  The IT guy told me that all you need is the GPS coordinates or something and you can be there instantly.  

What I cannot understand is the logic for any idiot to occupy more than 10 gyms at one go.  The game limits the coins and stardust you can gain from gymming anyway.

Instagram @the_meowprince

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Guest Poke Dot
6 minutes ago, MeowPrince said:

Yesterday afternoon till night was apparently a coordinated Instinct spoofer/botter attack across all of Sg and JB creating level 10 gyms filled with Blisseys.  First time I see my estate residents (Aunties+Uncles+teenagers!) ganging up to destroy those gyms, but unfortunately, whatever bot it was returned and everything turned yellow again.  Walking with BF when we heard the aunties shouting to gang up.  One of them showed us her ipad to show all the gyms in the south had turned yellow.  

Later when I got home, read that an aspiring person on FB tracked down the people doing it and another chap shared ss of the Discord chat by the Botter group. Hope someone reported those a**holes.


On a side note, at least I learnt that there is a real-time gym monitoring app.......


O yeah, think they are protesting the new shadow/soft ban thingie. Probably they created new accounts to execute the attack, some of the names were "softban000".

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8 hours ago, Guest Poke Dot said:


O yeah, think they are protesting the new shadow/soft ban thingie. Probably they created new accounts to execute the attack, some of the names were "softban000".


Yeah Chinatown gyms were yellowed too...luckily I happened to have lots of potions/revives; went around and took three level 10s down (with some help)! Satisfying...

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9 hours ago, MeowPrince said:

No logic there.  When I was in Europe, I got a chance to see one my client's IT staff demo the GPS "flyer" for PoGo.  The gyms in Europe are much further apart and it was easy to teleport from one to another.  The IT guy told me that all you need is the GPS coordinates or something and you can be there instantly.  

What I cannot understand is the logic for any idiot to occupy more than 10 gyms at one go.  The game limits the coins and stardust you can gain from gymming anyway.

Don't they usually softban/ track those accounts that did impossible distances or teleportation spoofs? 
It's hard to imagine those accounts not being banned when they went from one part of europe to the next within seconds.
What I mean is since Singapore is small, they can probably spoof from one gym to the next without much waiting time in between (or the risk of being banned.)

Well, its the same as how some people would blatantly show off their spoofed caught pokemon on facebook groups etc, just to show off to others that they can do it. (or probably just lazy to play, which defeats the purpose of pokemon go in the first place >.>)

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7 hours ago, Cube3 said:


Yeah Chinatown gyms were yellowed too...luckily I happened to have lots of potions/revives; went around and took three level 10s down (with some help)! Satisfying...

Yep im doing the same around my area, targeting all the "chrysanthemum" gyms 

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Guest Poke Dot
8 hours ago, Samezuka said:

These 菊花 team really assholes, obstructing others from getting their daily poke coins. When i tear the gym down they will try to rebuild. I just kept tearing, see how many revives they have.


Well they are spoofer/botters, so they can probably be programmed to spin pokestops to get a huge stockpile of potions and revives.


They likely have multiple accounts across teams as well, the perpetrator could easily be a Mystic or Valor player. My area is dominated by Mystic spoofers and on certain days its hard to get coins too.


Not only Mystics or Valor but legit Instinct players also have a hard time getting the daily coins. Equally bad when they can't even tear down their own team and its harder prestiging esp 10k is no easy feat when if they don't have many potions or revives, or prestiging only to have the spot sniped by a spoofer/botter from their own team.

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Guest dem bot shits
1 hour ago, Guest Poke Dot said:


Well they are spoofer/botters, so they can probably be programmed to spin pokestops to get a huge stockpile of potions and revives.


They likely have multiple accounts across teams as well, the perpetrator could easily be a Mystic or Valor player. My area is dominated by Mystic spoofers and on certain days its hard to get coins too.


Not only Mystics or Valor but legit Instinct players also have a hard time getting the daily coins. Equally bad when they can't even tear down their own team and its harder prestiging esp 10k is no easy feat when if they don't have many potions or revives, or prestiging only to have the spot sniped by a spoofer/botter from their own team.

Is only 4-5 of them.  Read some Discord chat that they have 10 accounts or more and 400-500 potions each.  So beat down their gym don't really hurt them.  Bastards!
The FB CSI have dug out the real names of 2 of them.  Seem like they are also all members of a fishing group.

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5 hours ago, Guest dem bot shits said:

Is only 4-5 of them.  Read some Discord chat that they have 10 accounts or more and 400-500 potions each.  So beat down their gym don't really hurt them.  Bastards!
The FB CSI have dug out the real names of 2 of them.  Seem like they are also all members of a fishing group.


Share the names leh...then we can all submit separate complaints!:angry2:

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