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Feng Shui Tips


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Tip of the day

Dragon Ship A Ship filled with Gold coins and ingots is very popular in China and is considered very lucky for enhancing Business luck. This ship is in the shape of a Dragon in which the business men are sitting along with their merchandise and gold representing good luck and business. This ship is very widely used by the Chinese people and in Feng Shui as a symbol of great business. This ship can be placed in your office or home for bringing fortune, wealth and prosperity in your house and for enhancing business. However, this ship should always be placed in such a way that it should appear to have just come home from a long journey after doing very great business. This means that the front of the ship should point toward the inside of our house or office. This ship should never be placed facing outside gate as this will represent the wealth and business going out of your house or workplace.

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Tip of the day

Fishes ? Arowana Have an aquarium in the north direction to maintain success in business. The ideal fishes for this purpose are arowana, flower Horn, goldfishes (the best numbers are nine or eight of them gold or red and one is black). The fish figurines too are very promising.

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Tip of the day

Place an aquarium at home or office Place a well maintained aquarium in the wealth area (southeast) of the house, since water supports wood. Nine gold fishes are considered auspicious. Eight gold and one black fish are also recommended. Other than an aquarium, you can also hang a painting, sculpture or talisman, depicting a beautiful golden fish. It will also activate the same energy.

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Tip of the day

Dragon Ship A Ship filled with Gold coins and ingots is very popular in China and is considered very lucky for enhancing Business luck. This ship is in the shape of a Dragon in which the business men are sitting along with their merchandise and gold representing good luck and business. This ship is very widely used by the Chinese people and in Feng Shui as a symbol of great business. This ship can be placed in your office or home for bringing fortune, wealth and prosperity in your house and for enhancing business. However, this ship should always be placed in such a way that it should appear to have just come home from a long journey after doing very great business. This means that the front of the ship should point toward the inside of our house or office. This ship should never be placed facing outside gate as this will represent the wealth and business going out of your house or workplace.

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Tip of the day

Clear crystals gives the room a rainbow affect, which is a healthy does of colour therapy; Rose crystals - emotional health; Green crystals - physical health; Blue crystals - mental clarity; Red crystals - gives a jump start to whatever area it is place.


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Tip of the day

Place a quartz crystal on your computer or beside your phone. This cure can augment your earning capacity as quartz crystals enhance whatever they come in contact with and putting one on your phone can open lines of communication.

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Tip of the day

Place a large plant near the back door. This cure prevents money from going out as quickly as it comes in as Ch'i (Positive energy) enters your home through front door and rushes straight out the back door, taking your money with it. This is particularly useful if your front door and back door are in direct line to each other, at either end of a hallway, for instance.

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Tip of the day

Tie three I ching coins together with a red ribbon and hang them over your stove. It increases your wealth generating possibilities as three being a fortunate number & a number of growth and these coins (having small holes in the centres) are lucky testimony especially when tied with red ribbon as red reflects symbol of prosperity.

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Tip of the day

Tie two I Ching coins together with a red ribbon and place them near your bed. This cure strengthens a bond between you and a romantic partner as two is the number of partnership and I Ching coins held together by a lucky red ribbon stimulates this bond.

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Tip of the day

To activate love Placing a pair of ducks in the Southwest corner home; or in the far right corner of your living room or your bedroom will activate love and marriage chi! Mandarin ducks are famous symbols of lovers and potent symbol of marital bliss. It creates chi (positive energy) that helps lovers tie the knot.

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Tip of the day

Hang 3 Chinese coins tied together with red ribbon Hang 3 Chinese coins tied together with red ribbon on the back of your front door handle. This will attract Auspicious money. (Make sure you cut the ribbon in increments of 9. Such as 9", 18", 27", etc.).

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Tip of the day

Place a bamboo flute or other bamboo items in your living room According to Feng Shi, bamboo is considered to be lucky plant because it can grow up to 40 inches per day and can have the ability to lift heavy or depressing energy.

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Tip of the day

Choose the Right Chair The chair you sit in at work will have a bearing on how well you do in your career. Because you have to sit in it for long periods at a time, especially in a desk job, get a chair that is ergonomically designed to prevent back and neck strain. Chairs meant for visitors on the other hand do not need to be overly comfy, lest they overstay their welcome!

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Tip of the day

Shoring up the wealth corner If the Southeast corner of your back yard slope down away from the house, place a light fixture there. Shine it up the hill towards your house a couple hours a day. You are symbolically shoring up the wealth corner of your property.

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Tip of the day

Dragon fountain. There are hardly any symbols eclipsing the Great Chinese Dragon. They regard The Dragon offers valuable cosmic energy Chi providing good luck to your home as well as workplace. The dragon with fountain is a perfect technique in this regard. Have such a fountain in the north direction for maximum business or career progress or in the south-east direction for good luck in amassing wealth. Please, bear in mind the enhancers you have in place only in your prosperous directions, in order not to ensure worse (to identify your prosperous directions check an e-book titled Create your luck with personal feng shui).

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Tip of the day

Ring a bell in the corners of your bedroom. This cure is to avoid interference with your sleep or diminishing your vitality as pleasant sounds clear the air in your bedroom and chase stagnant chi (positive energy) away.

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Tip of the day

Lucky Bamboo The more stalks a lucky bamboo plant has, the more luck it's supposed to bring. A plant with three stalks is said to bring happiness, wealth and longevity to the owners. But some plants have even more stalks, which are said to impart more kinds of luck.

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