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Tip of the day

Three Legged Toad A three legged Toad with a coin in his mouth is supposed to be a very auspicious animal. It is supposed to increase and protect your wealth and prosperity. However, the placement of this toad is very important. It should be placed inside the main door of our House or Office, BUT its face should be in the opposite direction i.e. it should face inside towards the house thereby representing that it has just come inside the house with wealth in its mouth. Hence we should position the three legged frog symbols near the vicinity of the front door but facing inwards, as if has just come into the house. Do not place the toad directly facing the door. This symbolizes gold going out of the house Also this toad should never be placed inside the bathroom or kitchen.

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How to "Dot the Dragon's Eyes" to Protect Your Home from Danger & Create Good Abundance Energy


The Dragon is the ultimate auspicious creature, which brings yang energy, protection and abundant good luck. With the presence of the Dragon in your home, you are able to enjoy good fortune luck that comes your way. Invite the Dragon into your home and dot his eyes so he comes alive. The following are the steps to take when attempting to dot your Dragon’s eyes:

  1. Choose a porcelain, brass or golden Dragons. Do not make your Dragon image too large. This could create unbalanced chi in the home.
  2. Select a Dragon day from the Chinese Almanac.
  3. Choose the Dragon hour, between 7am and 9am.
  4. Use a new brush and some red ink (preferably cinnabar ink) to dot the eyes of your Dragon.
  5. Make sure your Dragon is facing East when you do this ceremony
  6. Get an incense stick to awake the energy of the Dragon.

After the ritual is complete, place the Dragon in your living room, if possible facing East. A Dragon can live inside or outside the home and still bring you an abundance of good luck and protection.

If your Dragon cannot face East, you can place your Dragon facing water, since the presence of yang water makes Dragon symbols awaken and exude the precious breath of chi. So when you create water feature in home, it is good idea to place at least one Dragon facing that body of water to bring prosperity.

Avoid placing your Dragon in the following areas:

  1. Never place Dragons inside the toilet or bathroom or even facing the toilet or bathroom.
  2. Never place a Dragon image in the South, the sector of Fire.
  3. Never position a Dragon image above a fireplace since this implies that the fire energy is burning him.
  4. Never have a Dragon image in the bedroom because it becomes excessively yang.
  5. Never place a Dragon inside a closet.


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  On 8/5/2016 at 3:07 AM, RobbieW0203 said:

I love fengshui.. every year my wife and I will follow yearly seminar by Joey Yap. How abt u? Where u learn fengshui?



My aunty is a feng shui master, whenever am free I will visit her and pick up a few pointers from her. :lol:

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Oic.. but got to be careful.. different sectors at home in different months will hav different stars. So activation has to be tailored according to every month. Or at least based on those auspicious activation dates. 

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Tip of the day

Avoid Sitting Facing a Wall A desk that is placed facing a wall acts as a barrier to promotion. If you cannot move your desk, hang a picture of scenery featuring an open field to symbolize your own personal "bright hall". Or hang on image of a phoenix on the wall in front of you to symbolize being faced with many opportunities. This will help counter the negative effects of facing a wall, and will create the cause for you to change desk to one with better feng shui.

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How To Make Your Own Wealth Vase

Would you like to make a wealth vase to benefit your family? This used to be something only the wealthiest and noblest of families of China were privy to. Today, secrets associated with the creation of a family wealth vase have become available through the teachings of contemporary Taoist and Buddhist masters. The practice has origins in these two major Chinese traditions, and if you visit some of the older family homes in Beijing, Shanghai or Xian, you might be able to view some magnificently huge wealth vases belonging to the noble families of another time, vases that have lasted through generations. These wealth vases were credited to bringing continuous wealth and power to families through the days of the Ching Emperors and Communist rulers, allowing their descendents to successfully weather political and economical changes.


To make a wealth vase, you first need to find a suitable vase, one that looks like the vase shown here. The neck is smaller than the body of the vase, and there must be a cover. Next, you will need to gather all the “ingredients” you want to place inside your vase. When you have established a good motivation - i.e. that you are making the vase to ensure that your family will be able to accumulate assets, will grow progressively more prosperous over the years, and that no members of your family will be poor - you can begin.

Fill the essential ingredients first - soil, food and then all the symbols of prosperity. The soil should be at the bottom and best if someone wealthy has given this to you. You want the good chi of a wealthy home inside your vase, creating a firm foundation. Next, place the rest of the essential and secret ingredients inside the vase, as shown in the illustration. Make sure the God of Wealth is sitting in the center of the vase and note its facing direction. When your vase is finished you must close it, cover it with five coloured cotton cloth (to signify the five elements) and tie it tight with five strings of five colours. Keep the vase hidden deep inside your home and facing inwards, never outwards. The bedroom is a good place to keep your wealth vase.

Essential Ingredients

1   The Wealth God (can be any Wealth God you feel an affinity with)
2   Five Gem Globes to signify wealth from all directions
3   Assorted crystal chips to signify wealth from the earth
4   Gold bars - contemporary symbols of wealth
5   Gold ingot - ancient symbols of wealth
6   Faux diamonds to signify the most precious treasures
7   Wish-fulfilling jewels to make all your aspirations manifest
8   3 brass coins tied with red/gold string for current wealth
9   9 emperor coins for wealth under all circumstances
10   Semi-precious stones for accumulation of assets
11   Lock coin to safeguard your wealth
12   I-ching coins to pacify all obstacles
13   Six smooth crystal balls for harmony in the family
14   5 types of food to signify abundance
15   A Ru Yi to signify power & management of the household

Secret Ingredients(this boosts the potency of the wealth vase.

1   Soil given to you and taken from a wealthy man’s home
2   Cash given to you by a rich man or woman
3   Picture of wealthy, successful people you admire
4   Picture of mansions/cars/clothes - whatever wealth signifies to you
5   Money in different currencies
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Tip of the day

Three Legged Toad A three legged Toad with a coin in his mouth is supposed to be a very auspicious animal. It is supposed to increase and protect your wealth and prosperity. However, the placement of this toad is very important. It should be placed inside the main door of our House or Office, BUT its face should be in the opposite direction i.e. it should face inside towards the house thereby representing that it has just come inside the house with wealth in its mouth. Hence we should position the three legged frog symbols near the vicinity of the front door but facing inwards, as if has just come into the house. Do not place the toad directly facing the door. This symbolizes gold going out of the house Also this toad should never be placed inside the bathroom or kitchen.

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Tip of the day

Position your bed so that when you are in it you can easily see the entrance to your bedroom. When you can't see the entrance to your bedroom, you may subconsciously feel anxious that someone could enter and startle you. This uneasiness can interfere with restful sleep.

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Tip of the day

Install a pond outside Install a pond outside that has 9 goldfish or carp; of which 8 are red or gold and 1 black fish. The one black fish attracts all that is negative or undesirable. If a fish dies, do not fret. It is believed that this fish absorbed some bad luck that was meant for a resident of the home.

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Discover Wealth Lines on Your Palm wealth-hands01.jpgThe Chinese believe that face reading should be supplemented by studying the extremities of the human body, more specifically looking for signs of wealth on your hands. Lines, marks and indentations reflect a person’s mind, body and spirit. Thus the appearance of hands, feet and head – the five extremities – offer clues to the destiny of any individual.

Lines on your hands reveal much about how successful you can be, including when success comes. Hands show timing of career changes, when you will ride high and when hard times come. The Chinese believe there is direct communication between your hands and your mind, body and spirit, so the lines and symbols on the palm offer remarkably accurate clues to your fortune.

As with face reading, feng shui and other astrological practices, the principles of hand analysis are related to the Five Elements. All hands are thus classified according to the elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Knowing your hand element gives insights into your personality and attitudes.

Slender Palms
 If you have slender palms, you will thrive in professions that require you to work near water. These are industries that enhance your chances of success. Thus they suit you best. WATER Industries include banking and financial services, consumer goods, import/export, trading, insurance, fishing and everything related to shipping, transport, forwarding and commerce.

Square Palms
If you have square palms, professions that require you to be in contact with earth suit you best. EARTH related professions include architecture and engineering and anything to do with real estate and property development. Road and infrastructure construction and building-related businesses such as factories to manufacture cement, floor tiles, wall tiles and roof tiles all fall within the earth category.

Heavy Palms
If you have heavy palms, working in Fire-element industries is suitable. Thus restaurants and all entertainment type work would do just fine. Acting, show business, advertising, the food industry and electronics would all fall within the category that would harmonize with this kind hand type.

Elongated Palms
People with elongated palms will do well in professions which bring them in close proximity with Wood energy. All agricultural-based ventures such as garden nurseries, plantations, furniture businesses, publishing, textiles, writing and so forth. Being near Wood will enhance the Fire energy of your hands, adding to your success potential.

Fleshy Palmswealth-hands04.jpg
If you have fleshy palms, you will thrive in Metal-type professions. These include computer and electronic components, engineering and other hi-tech businesses. You can also find potential for advancement in IT, the legal profession, mining, as well as in the automobile industries. Working in a factory environment is also an excellent option.

The three principle lines on your palm – the heart, head and life lines – are regarded as heaven, mankind and earth lines. When these main lines are deep, clear and have no interruptions, it is a sure sign of a smooth and successful life.

All secondary lines branching off these main lines are good when they run upwards and bad when they cross the main lines. Joining lines (also known as root lines) mean you have helpful people coming to assist you.

There are also distinct symbols of success to be found on palms. If your palms reveal tridents, fishes, temples… these are all very lucky indications. Roots and islands on the other hand are unlucky signs.


wealth-hands05.jpgTRIDENTS are symbols of power and great good luck. When a trident falls along the fate line, it indicates a promotion or unexpected windfall in that period of your life. The presence of a trident on your hand is a sure indication that you will always be in a position of some power, and that you will become a very influential person. The trident indicates three types of luck – wealth, power and influence. When it appears as shown in the illustration, the trident indicates the fulfillment of your ambitions.

wealth-hands06.jpgISLANDS on your career line usually mean a dismissal, or a severe illness that cuts short your career. Or you could be a victim of vicious politics. The “island” is always regarded a very inauspicious symbol. Wherever it appears on the hand it always suggests some kind of obstacle during that period of your life.

wealth-hands07.jpgThe FISH is a sign of great prosperity and wealth. When this is found along your career line, it indicates that massive wealth comes from your work or business. The fish sign can also be seen in other parts of the hand and wherever it appears, it is an indicator of expanding wealth. The fish stands for abundance and in the old days, experts in palmistry would advise keeping fish to activate the signs of abundance shown in the palm. If you keep lively gold fish, this would activate the fish signs on your palms.

wealth-hands08.jpgTRIANGLES are signs of achievement and success. On your fate line, they also signify a turning point in your career, something that changes your work direction for the better. Triangles always signify recognition of some kind, and if you are fortunate enough to have a triangle sign, you should feel very blessed.

wealth-hands09.jpgGRID LINES are signs of being stagnant or stifled. When found along the career line, they could symbolize a jealous colleague politicking against you, a middle manager stifling your creativity, or an unfulfilling job.

wealth-hands10.jpgSMALL LINES THAT CROSS signify obstacles and difficulties, especially when they cross the main lines.

wealth-hands11.jpgTHE TEMPLE is a symbol of great influence that relates to your own spiritual nature. The temple is quite a rare symbol and when it appears, it suggests a state of blissful realizations.

wealth-hands12.jpgFEATHERY LINES indicate angst and worry. It warns that something may be on its way to causing you much torment in your job.

wealth-hands13.jpgJOINING LINES also known as root lines symbolize helpful people entering your life.


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Tip of the day

Create a balance of all five elements in your kitchen. In a glass jar or container, place a wooden spoon, a knife, a long fireplace match or lighter and a ceramic cooking implement. This cure combines articles that represent all five Feng Shui elements to establish balance in your kitchen and encourage prosperity.

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Tip of the day

Create a balance of all five elements in your kitchen. In a glass jar or container, place a wooden spoon, a knife, a long fireplace match or lighter and a ceramic cooking implement. This cure combines articles that represent all five Feng Shui elements to establish balance in your kitchen and encourage prosperity.

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Tip of the day

Keep your Kitchen Simple Fresh flowers are considered to attract peace and harmony according to Feng Shui. For good Feng Shui keep your kitchen as simple as possible. To enhance the energy further place some bright yellow flowers.

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Tip of the day

To increase your wealth The far left corner of each room is the wealth area. Place 3 plants together that have round leaves. To keep them flowering all year around, you must fertilize them with violet food each time you water.

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Space Cleaning & Purification


Burning incense can cleanse negative energy from your living space, and it can also boost the positive energies that surround you. You can use it to lighten the energies in your environment, especially when events or people may have caused the environment to become heavy or unbalanced.

You can also use incense to enhance the annual positive energies and to subdue the annual negative energies of the year based on your animal sign.

Done correctly, burning incense will also appease local spirits and the spiritual landlords of the home or office.
  • To purify the energy of the environment
  • To overcome obstacles to success
  • To dissolve quarrelsome energy
  • To dissipate sickness chi
1. Use an incense burner that has a handle
2. Fill the incense cup with incense, light the incense and place on the holder
3. Walk round the room/house three times in a clockwise direction
4. Incense generates aroma and smoke
5. Recite the mantra
The following is the recommended incense based on your animal sign in year 2016.
• Weak success. Do not take risks.
• Stay cautious. Good to consolidate and lay low.
• Donate to charity counter the robbery star in your sector.
• Keep watch of your finances.
Used agarwood incense powder.

• Misfortune and obstacles
• Lack of confident and self-esteem. Feeling depressed & low.
• Success in projects is difficult.
• Advancement is slow. Surround yourself with friends.

Used purba dorje incense powder.


Outlook: BOTH GOOD & BAD
• Unexpected obstacles. Need to work hard to overcome issues.
• Not a year to relax.
• Be careful of whom you trust. Think twice before you act.
• Success is elusive; comes only through a lot of hard work.

Used purifying incense powder.


Outlook: GOOD YEAR
• Strong fame and recognition luck. Excellent prospects!
Reducing Energy weakens your confidence levels. Strenghten.
• But you can have great success.
• Practice yoga or chi kung.

Used medicine Buddha incense powder.


Outlook: CAN BE GOOD
• Strong victory winds. Can bring you a big opportunity.
• Be brave in initiating expansion plans. Trust your instincts.
• Good progress in your career. Be satisified with small victories.
• Take some risks in high investments.

Used green tara incense powder.


Outlook: GOOD YEAR
• Victorious year with excellent life force. You are strong!
• Small Auspicious Star brings long-term success.
• A year when you can take some risks. Pursue your dreams!
• Many exciting events and developments.

Used  dzambhala incense powder.

Outlook: GOOD YEAR
• High level of transformational energy. Try new things!
• Strong success luck and helpful mentors. Make effort to network.
• Be careful of minor obstacles.
• Stay alert to opportunities.
Used sandalwood incense powder.
• Money luck is promising. New opportunities come to you.
• Be brave and move forward.
• Improvement in living standard.
• Strong success but must work very hard.
Used dzambhala incense powder.

• Small improvements but can transform these into big ones.
• Be bold and seize all opportunities.
• Weak success luck. Strenghten with Windhorse ritual.
• Support from the Tai Sui. Amazing benefactor.

Used dzambhala incense powder.

• Good business and commerce luck. Take some risks!
• Stable and solid outcomes.
• Average success luck. Work smart, and through others.
• Excellent romance and education luck. You are loved by all!
Used manjushri incense powder.

• Strengthen your inner vitality. Low success.
• Control your fiery temper. Avoid gossip.
• Do not be easily influenced by the wrong people.
• Lay low and be patient.

Used kurukulle incense powder.

• Heaven Seal brings wonderful support from influential benefactors.
• Success luck is excellent.
• You may be quarrelsome this year. Watch your speech carefully.
• Great improvement in health.
Used dzambhala incense powder.


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Tip of the day

To increase your wealth The far left corner of each room is the wealth area. Place 3 plants together that have round leaves. To keep them flowering all year around, you must fertilize them with violet food each time you water.

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Tip of the day

Fu Dog Fu Dogs guard the home and/or business. Purchase a pair and place them on either side of the front door, preferably outside. If you can not place them outside then put the right inside on either side of the front door.

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Tip of the day

To bring wonderful luck Terrapins are believed to bring wonderful luck to their owner's career. So either hang a picture of one on the North wall of your Career corner or better yet, keep a single terrapin or tortoise there.

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Tip of the day

Hang a small faceted crystal ball or set a piece of clear quartz crystal at a window of your home office or work space. The more light you shine into your work area, the more positive energy you have available to focus on improving your finances as crystal catch and augment natural light, boosting its power and potential.

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Tip of the day

Three Legged Toad A three legged Toad with a coin in his mouth is supposed to be a very auspicious animal. It is supposed to increase and protect your wealth and prosperity. However, the placement of this toad is very important. It should be placed inside the main door of our House or Office, BUT its face should be in the opposite direction i.e. it should face inside towards the house thereby representing that it has just come inside the house with wealth in its mouth. Hence we should position the three legged frog symbols near the vicinity of the front door but facing inwards, as if has just come into the house. Do not place the toad directly facing the door. This symbolizes gold going out of the house Also this toad should never be placed inside the bathroom or kitchen.

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Tip of the day

Place a black stone-such as onyx, tourmaline or obsidian- in your office and work area. This cure can help solidify your financial situation and provide greater security as black is colour of money in accordance with Feng Shui. Stones "hold down" money and keep it from slipping away too quickly and these black gemstones, in particular, contain subtle energies.

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Tip of the day

To increase your opportunity for prosperity Hang or place a mirror on your stove so in the mirror you now see twice as many burners as you had before. This doubling of burners increases your opportunities for prosperity.

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Tip of the day

Install a pond outside Install a pond outside that has 9 goldfish or carp; of which 8 are red or gold and 1 black fish. The one black fish attracts all that is negative or undesirable. If a fish dies, do not fret. It is believed that this fish absorbed some bad luck that was meant for a resident of the home.

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Tip of the day

Tie nine small bells on a red cord and hang them on the inside of your front door. The sound of the bells gently stimulates positive chi (positive energy) and breaks up stagnant energy. Nine is the number of fulfilment and red is a lucky colour so this combination attracts happiness and luck to your home.

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