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It's easy to gain blessings when you have a prayer wheel! Turning the prayer wheel just once generates the blessings of chanting a mantra millions of times!

  • Beautiful golden prayer wheel studded with man-made diamonds
  • Filled with thousands of OMANI mantras, the heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara, Buddha of Compassion
  • Spinning the prayer wheel generates the same blessings as chanting the mantras millions of times!
  • Avalokiteshvara brings great blessings of protection and love into our lives.
  • We experience greater peace, calmness and obstacles from our lives start to melt away. Sutras explain that this mantra is so profound it can solve any problem.
  • Spin the prayer wheel daily imagining white light from the wheel blessing you and helping you remove whatever problems you may be experiencing it
  • The Prayer wheel can be placed anywhere in the home but always in a respectful position above the ground. Do not place prayer wheels on the floor, beneath a staircase / Toilet or facing a toilet.


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The Year of the Rooster 2017 is dominated by the powerful star of Victory #1

  • This is one of the most important feng shui energizers to have this year
  • The Victory Star brings auspicious luck for prosperity and triumph in all endeavours
  • Activate this star to boost career prospects and enjoy a smoother year ahead
  • Place the three horses in the CENTRE of the home or living room to capture the auspicious energies of this star!

This magical feng shui energizer features three special types of horses to bring triple victory:

  • The Precious White Horse brings speed to attaining all achievements
  • The Red Victory Horse dispels all obstacles that can cause failure and brings victory
  • The Monkey, Rat and Dragon trio of symbols brings the power of Competition on your side
  • The brown Tribute Horse carrying a plate of auspicious fruit activates abundance and prosperity luck to flow into the home throughout the year.



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This beautiful silk scarf features the wealth colours of “ngan chi” (Purple and Silver) as well as the prosperity increasing mantra of Norbu Sangpo. Tie it around your neck to empower all your speech activities and attract windfall wealth into your life!



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This powerful talisman is designed to protect against the negative energy brought by the Quarrelsome #3 in the Year of the Rooster (2017).

  • Beautifully crafted cure featuring powerful Eagle taking control of the Quarrelsome Jade #3 star
  • In 2017, the annual Quarrelsome Star flies into the West, the location of the Rooster. Hence there is quarrelsome energy predicted for this year, especially between the older generation and younger generation.
  • The Quarrelsome Star can bring law suits, legal entanglements and serious disagreements that threaten the harmony of business and family relationships. It brings great tension and stress.
  • The Eagle is the King of Birds, believed to be the manifestation of powerful dakini angels.
  • The Red Eagle clutches the Quarrelsome Star in its claws, taking it away from your home as it flies away. The key chain also features the “anti-anger” amulet of the dakinis to bring greater peace.
  • Due to the destructive nature this star, we strongly recommend for everyone, especially children, to carry this amulet talisman throughout the year.

Strongly recommended for:

  • Anyone living in West Bedrooms
  • All those born in year of Rooster
  • All Children especially the Youngest Daughter. Very good for children to carry the cure as a talisman (keychain) throughout the year to prevent any problems with elderly.

NOTE: We do not advise the continued use of key chain cures that have been used for more than a year, as it has already absorbed a lot of negative energy. We strongly advise disposing feng shui cures that are broken, chipped or badly scratched.



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Specially designed to activate and capture the luck brought by Big and Small Auspicious stars from the 24 Mountain Chart.

  • The Year of Rooster is blessed with 2 Big Auspicious Stars and 4 Small Auspicious Stars
  • Big Auspicious Stars brings excellent luck in careers, promotion and business.
  • Small Auspicious Stars makes your life smooth and increases success in all endeavours.

In 2017, activate these stars by placing this mirror in any of these locations.

  • Small Auspicious Stars in the Southeast benefit the following signs: Snake and Dragon
  • Small Auspicious Stars in the Southwest benefit the following signs: Sheep and Monkey
  • Big Auspicious Stars in the North benefit the Rat and Ox
  • Big Auspicious Stars in the Northeast benefit the Ox
  • For all other signs: activating the Big or Small Auspicious star in locations that you spend time (Bedroom, living room or study) brings great benefits to you.



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Known as Goddess of Mercy and revered by millions of Chinese around the world, she's the most popular Chinese deities and the female personification of the compassionate Buddha.

  • Kuan Yin is the Buddha of Compassion. She protects against all dangers
  • The Garuda Bird is the mythical bird who completely subdues illness and diseases.
  • In 2017, the illness star #2 flies into the Northwest, affecting the Palace Patriarchs and those born in the year of the Boar and Dog.

We strongly advise EVERYONE, especially the following individuals to invite this special Goddess into the home and place it in the Northwest:

  • All Patriarchs (fathers and grandfathers)
  • All those born in the year of the Boar and Dog
  • All those living in houses facing the Northwest, or in bedrooms in the Northwest.
  • All those who are currently very ill, or your life force rating is low for the year.

For additional information on this, kindly consult Lillian Too and Jennifer Too’s Year of the Rooster Fortune and Feng Shui book.


Known as Goddess of Mercy and revered by millions of Chinese around the world, she's the most popular Chinese deities and the female personification of the compassionate Buddha..



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The Golden Eagle is a great symbol of power and success! Place it on your work desk to develop confidence and receive recognition for your efforts. The great eagle protects against harmful alliances and helps you develop professional partnerships that elevate your career to new levels.



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Designed to bring the powerful energies of Spring and growth. Excellent for ushering the prosperity luck of the new year!

  • Specially designed with powerful feng shui energizing symbols to activate the growth energy of spring in 2017
  • Features the Magic RuYi for greater authority
  • The Prosperity Rat riding the Wishfulfiling Cow activates the Rat/Ox partnership of the year to bring Big Auspicious Luck!
  • Spring blossoms to capture the positive Lap Chun luck to give all businesses and careers a big boost from the start of the year.
  • Strongly recommended for everyone, especially those looking to start a new business, launch a new product line or embark on a new career.
  • Individuals who need a boost in their current positions can also benefit tremendously from this powerful 2017 annual amulet.


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How to "Dot the Dragon's Eyes" to Protect Your Home from Danger & Create Good Abundance Energy


The Dragon is the ultimate auspicious creature, which brings yang energy, protection and abundant good luck. With the presence of the Dragon in your home, you are able to enjoy good fortune luck that comes your way. Invite the Dragon into your home and dot his eyes so he comes alive. The following are the steps to take when attempting to dot your Dragon’s eyes:

  1. Choose a porcelain, brass or golden Dragons . Do not make your Dragon image too large. This could create unbalanced chi in the home.
  2. Select a Dragon day from the Chinese Almanac.
  3. Choose the Dragon hour, between 7am and 9am.
  4. Use a new brush and some red ink (preferably cinnabar ink) to dot the eyes of your Dragon.
  5. Make sure your Dragon is facing East when you do this ceremony
  6. Get an incense stick to awake the energy of the Dragon.

After the ritual is complete, place the Dragon in your living room, if possible facing East. A Dragon can live inside or outside the home and still bring you an abundance of good luck and protection.

If your Dragon cannot face East, you can place your Dragon facing water, since the presence of yang water makes Dragon symbols awaken and exude the precious breath of chi. So when you create water feature in home, it is good idea to place at least one Dragon facing that body of water to bring prosperity.

Avoid placing your Dragon in the following areas:

  1. Never place Dragons inside the toilet or bathroom or even facing the toilet or bathroom.
  2. Never place a Dragon image in the South, the sector of Fire.
  3. Never position a Dragon image above a fireplace since this implies that the fire energy is burning him.
  4. Never have a Dragon image in the bedroom because it becomes excessively yang.
  5. Never place a Dragon inside a closet.
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  Date: 24 January 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
The good news is that your business will be running very smoothly without any interruptions. Remember that you should regularly look into quality control at work.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
There is obvious improvement in business affairs. Relax for awhile. Make good use of this time by clearing your in-tray. You could uncover some exciting opportunities.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
It is a favorable time for you to attend social gatherings. Join in the festivities this evening. Just remember to stay away from rumour-mongers and gossipers.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
You should be more flexible and make corresponding changes according to the demands of the current situation. Or else, you will be the one to lose out in the end.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
Your business is solid and operating as well as it should. But be careful that you do not get too talkative at social engagements. Learn to mind your tongue for now.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
Today is your conflict day. If you want to better your achievements in business, you might want to consider the lucrative overseas markets. Improve your international business connections.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
This is a very busy time for you. But you must remember to watch your health even as you work. Avoid all unhealthy habits and keep away from too much junk food.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
You might be stressed out at work but do not take it out on your friends. Do not leave misunderstandings to clear up on their own. Take the reconciliatory approach.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
If you are eating out, make sure that the place is clean. If you are preparing your own meals, then make certain that everything is fresh, clean, and properly cooked.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
You will be able to handle all your business dealings effortlessly. To ensure continued success for yourself, it is very important that you remain friendly with everyone.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
It is certainly not a good time for you to test your luck in lotteries and gambling. Try not to get involved in loans. Do not get dragged into other folks financial disputes.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
You must move fast to ensure success. If you take action now, your efforts will bear fruit very soon. Do not worry if your ideas seem to be revolutionary. You will succeed.
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A pair of Peacocks opens new doors to greater opportunities and recognition for your career!

  • In 2017 which is the year of Rooster (bird), displaying birds bring excellent career prospects and wealth creation opportunities
  • A pair of Peacocks can do wonders for creating the energy to increase your personal power, confidence and reputation in the work place.
  • The Peacock is wish-fulfilling bird; so place it near your entrance, on your desk or in the South location to increase recognition luck and usher in opportunities
  • Featuring one peacock with peonies to boost good relationships and harmony
  • The second peacock sits on a bed of yellow flowers to increase prosperity & income

Bonus feature:
Good news! For this product we have placed LED lights inside to bring additional yang energy for this year! You may activate this feature by placing 4 x AAA sized batteries (not included) into the product and turning the light on for about 1 hour a day (or whatever length you like!). Please note that using the built-in light is completely optional, and prolonged use may result in some of the LED bulbs burning out. Unfortunately the LED lights are not replaceable, but your feng shui product will still bring awesome good fortune if placed correctly in the recommended sectors.



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Each year, a different Year God rules the year. He is also known as the Tai Sui of the year, and holds the power to bestow good fortune or misfortune, depending on how you fare in his books. The Chinese thus believe it to be imperative at the start of each year to get him onto your side. Carry his image with you as a beautiful bag tag or keychain. Especially needed for those born in years of the Rooster, Rabbit (direct clash), Horse and Rat (side clash).



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Features the mythical Garuda Bird to suppress illness energies and general unwellness

  • Powerful magical dakini amulet symbol to repel epidemics and diseases
  • In 2017, the illness star #2 flies into the Northwest, affecting the Palace Patriarchs and those born in the year of the Boar and Dog.

We strongly advise all the following individuals to carry this amulet throughout the year:

  • All Patriarchs (fathers and grandfathers)
  • All those born in the year of the Boar and Dog
  • All those living in houses facing the Northwest, or in bedrooms in the Northwest.
  • In months when the #2 flies into your bedroom, carry this amulet.
  • All those who are currently very ill, or your life force rating is low for the year. For additional information on this, kindly consult Lillian Too and Jennifer Too’s Year of the Rooster Fortune and Feng Shui book.


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This powerful talisman is designed to activate the auspicious positive energy brought by the Heavenly Star #6 in the Year of the Rooster (2017).

  • Beautifully crafted cure featuring the great Polaris Star of the North
  • In 2017, the annual Heavenly Star flies into the North, palace of Careers.
  • Hence there is wonderful divine energy from this location which can enhance the promotion chances and career advancements to new levels.
  • The Heavenly Star brings excellent support from the Devas who can provide excellent assistance in the attainment of goals, and protection against harm.
  • The Talisman is also inscribed with a powerful Taoist amulet inscription to dispel any inauspiciousness and invoke the protection of the Celestial Protectors
  • Due to the enhancing power this star, we highly recommend this talisman everyone, especially all career professionals who wish to have a smoother year ahead.

Strongly recommended for:

  • All career professionals wishing for a smoother year ahead
  • Anyone living in North Bedrooms
  • All those born in year of Rat

NOTE: We do not advise the continued use of key chain cures that have been used for more than a year, as it has already absorbed a lot of negative energy. We strongly advise disposing feng shui cures that are broken, chipped or badly scratched



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The new wealth and success amulet features the Victory Banner and the Success Syllable, together with a Chi Lin carrying lots of golden ingots bringing you prosperity and good fortune luck. It also has the Ru Yi, the scepter of authoruty, to boost your power and influence luck in the year 2017. Great for the go-getters and achievement-oriented among you!



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Date: 26 January 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
You will be very creative at work now. But you must remember to concentrate on major projects. You will have to be more focused if you really want to succeed.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
You might be challenged at work, and your opponent is not weak either. Equip yourself with proper tools and information so that you can rise to the challenge.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
You have to be very careful when handling money affairs. If you have been put in charge of financial matters, make sure that you look into all dealings personally.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
Keep your shoulder to the grind. Success is finally in sight. That should motivate you enough. Suffice to say, you will get back as much as you put in. Work consistently.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
Consider alternative solutions to your predicament. You will have a much better chance of success if you forge a union with people involved in the same trade.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
Business is slow but steady. Do not act on impulse. You should spend more time checking out the background of the people you are dealing with. Be more thorough.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
You must not be reckless in money matters. Do not let your greed get the better of you. Keep a level head on your shoulders. Learn to be content for the time being.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
Today is your conflict day. Budget properly so you do not overspend. Watch out for money traps. Do not be tempted by promises of easy money. You have to work for your keep this season.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
Do not take on too many responsibilities. Otherwise, they will be the root of endless problems. You should upgrade your skills now before looking further ahead.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
You are more productive than you had expected to be. It is a favorable day to put your money in investments. Be very careful if you are managing company funds.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
You are so busy that you have no free time at all. Even so, you must ensure that you have adequate rest. Make certain that you lock up before you retire for the night.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
To ensure yourself of a significant boost at work, you must cultivate better personal relationships. Your superiors will be very impressed with your work performance.
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In the year of the Rooster, carry this purse to increase your luck of prosperity and good income.

  • Features a colourful Rooster charm to protect against office politics and infidelity luck
  • Bright red simulates the element of fire, the element of prosperity luck for 2017
  • Red colour infuses yang energy from the start of the year
  • Embossed with wishfulfilling mantras inside the wallet.
  • Features compartments for credit cards and coins.


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In 2017, the Three Killings fly into the East location. The Three Killings brings three kinds of losses: loss of good name, loss of finances and loss of relationships. Suppress this malevolent star with the Three Lions Remedy in red. The Three Killings also creates issues for those born in the years of the Rooster and Rabbit. Place this powerful cure in the East to suppress the Three Killings Star.



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In Feng Shui, elephants enjoyed charismatic status in South East Asia, symbolizing stature, wisdom and courage. Elephant in Chinese “Hsiang” sounds like Prime Minister hence is believed to bring good morals, strength and all the qualities of a good leader. It is considered most auspicious to have an elephant grace your home. Monkey is well known as intelligence animal. It always thinks quicker and come out with solution. So, both combinations will bring good promotion luck especially in the higher ranking. The monkey on the elephant is ideal figurine to display at work. Place it in North sector of your office to activate your career luck.



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Apart from bringing abundant good fortune, these special gold coins can also provide powerful protection as amulets. These protective coins combine two potent symbols of protection: the 8 Trigrams of the Pa Kua and a Taoist Mantra. Hang them behind you at work to ensure protection and support for your business. Place above the front door of your home or attach to the inside doorknob to protect your family from harmful influences outside the home. The side with the 8 trigrams should be placed flat against the door or wall while the side with the taoist mantra should face you.



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Each of the 8 Immortals guard one of the eight directions, so their presence in the home ensures all round good feng shui. They bring longevity, good descendants, wealth and a good name. They also create compassion and generostity of spirit.

Hang these coins in your home to invite all these good qualities into your life.



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Date: 27 January 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
You should not risk your money on speculative ventures. Leave your suit and briefcase at home when you party. Do not mix business with pleasure. Take a break.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
There is an indication of increased productivity in business. You will be able to achieve quite a lot. To avoid any problems later, look into the finer details now.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
It is wise for you to settle all your bills as soon as possible. Apart from this, you should also save more money. There may be some unexpected expenses.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
Your investments bring outstanding returns today. Increase your capital to further expand your business. You will soon see more profits from your recent ventures.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
Handle your business transactions with extreme care in order to avoid a serious mistake. You have to be very careful when handling money affairs. Do not be hasty.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
Try to be more conservative in financial matters. You must watch out for money traps or you will lose a lot of money. Now is not the right time to try your luck at gambling.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
Eat proper and balanced meals. Do not resort to snacks to keep you going. Nothing is so important that you have to skip your meals for it. You need the energy to work.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
You might be very tired from all that running around. But remember that you should be punctual for appointments. Being late will cost you plenty. Learn to prioritize.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
Today is your conflict day. Fortune will be much improved. Try to take quick action if you want to develop future business connections. Work fast and stay focused. Keep to a strict budget.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
Be careful with your money. Keep it in a safe place, preferably a financial institution. Remember the saying, a penny saved is a penny earned. That is excellent advice.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
Time to be more health conscious. It is essential for you to eat balanced meals and take proper rest. You will soon receive a substantial reward for your hard work.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
It would be quite difficult for you to move modern products with conservative business strategies. Businesses and marketing concepts need renovation to work well.
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Color Your Car According to Your Kua Begin by referring to the table below for your personal kua number. Look for your birth year in the first column, which lists out the birth years for those born after February 3rd. In the second column are the kua numbers for males. The kua numbers for females are in the third column.

NOTE: Those who were born before February 4th should refer to the previous birth year to get their personal kua numbers.

Birth Year Kua # Kua #
(after February 4th) (male) (female)
1907, 1916, 1925, 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006
1908, 1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007
1909, 1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008
1910, 1919, 1928, 1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, 2009
1911, 1920, 1929, 1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001, 2010
1912, 1921, 1930, 1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011
1913, 1922, 1931, 1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003, 2012
1914, 1923, 1932, 1941, 1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004, 2013
1915, 1924, 1933, 1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005, 2014

Next, check your personal kua number against this table for your personal element and its representative colors. It is generally more beneficial for you to select a color that supports your personal element.

As a rule, if the color of your car reinforces your personal kua element, it will help to bring you overall good luck. So, if your kua number is 1, then a midnight blue exterior with black leather interior would be an excellent choice for you.

Kua Element Color
Water Blue, Black
Earth Yellow, Brown
Wood Deep Green
Wood Light Green
Earth Yellow, Brown
Metal White, Gold, Silver
Metal White, Gold, Silver
Earth Yellow, Brown
Fire Red, Orange, Pink

Those who would like to fine-tune their personal feng shui can select colors that better suit their individual needs. If you use your car to ferry your kids to school or your spouse to work - activities centred on your family - it is more favorable to select a color which boosts your Nien Yen element. Thus, if your kua number is 2, a white exterior with a grey interior would be great. And if your kua number is 3, and you want more money and career luck, tornado red is an auspicious color for your car.



Kua # Sheng Chi Tien Yi Nien Yen Fu Wei
  (Money & Success) (Health & Mentors) (Love & Family) (Personal Development)
Light Green Deep Green Red, Orange, Pink Blue, Black
Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown
Red, Orange, Pink Blue, Black Light Green Deep Green
Blue, Black Red, Orange, Pink Deep Green Light Green
Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown
White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver
White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver
Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown
Deep Green Light Green Blue, Black Red, Orange, Pink

Surveys of consumer preferences in leading automotive markets showed that more than one third (35% - 40%) chose silver (or metallic grey) as the color for their personal vehicles.

Silver had been gaining popularity in leaps and bounds, having displaced white as the fastest-selling car color since 2000.White (and its pearlescent variations), which has been the perennial favourite across all vehicle categories, continues to be one of the most popular car colors (25%-30%).

Gold has also moved into the top 10 popular car colors, garnering 10%-15% of consumers' votes.

White, grey, silver, gold… these colors account for 70%-80% of total cars sold in the past few years. Just take a look at the shiny new cars on the road today; it would appear that every other car you set eyes on was either silver or white.

Hmm… surely it cannot be mere coincidence that these also happen to be the colors of the metal element. More so, now that we are in the period of 7, which is of metallic element.

Automotive marketing experts say that customers' technological orientations coupled with advances in coatings technology have contributed to the global popularity of silver - not only in the automotive industry but also in home interior, fashion and architectural design as well.

From a feng shui point of view, technological advances along with the preference for metallic colors appear to be reflective of the properties of the period of 7. Although this trend appears to be going strong, we should bear in mind that year 2003 is at the tail-end of the period of 7, and the period of 8 is just around the corner.

This changeover to the period of 8, which is of earth element, is expected to bring about various transformations in energies around us. But, would it bring about any significant changes in consumer preferences? Well, let's wait and see.

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The Year of the Rooster 2017 is dominated by the powerful star of Victory #1

  • This is one of the most important feng shui energizers to have this year
  • The Victory Star brings auspicious luck for prosperity and triumph in all endeavours
  • Activate this star to boost career prospects and enjoy a smoother year ahead
  • Carry the trinity of victory horses with you throughout the year to capture the auspicious energies of this star!

This magical feng shui talisman features three special types of horses to bring triple victory:

  • The Precious White Horse brings speed to attaining all achievements
  • The Red Victory Horse dispels all obstacles that can cause failure and brings victory
  • The Monkey, Rat and Dragon trio of symbols brings the power of Competition on your side
  • The brown Tribute Horse carrying a plate of auspicious fruit activates abundance and prosperity luck to flow into the home throughout the year.


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The Five Yellow in 2017 has flown to the South. This always makes this affliction more dangerous, as the Fire element of the South strengthens the malevolent Earth energy of this pernicious star. Thus the 5 Element Pagoda cure for this year has been designed with not one but three pagodas, enhanced with the 9-spoked dorje and the sun and moon. Imperative amulet for all those born in the year of the Horse, as well as anyone suffering from the ill effects of the #5 from living in a South-facing house or spending a great amount of time in the South sector.



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This beautiful key chain amulet is designed to protect against the negative energy brought by the Robbery Star #7.

  • Features the powerful Elephant and Double-Horned Rhinoceros to effectively combat the afflictive energies of the Robbery Star.
  • In 2017, the annual Robbery Star flies into the Southwest, affecting all Matriarchs and marriages, and those born in the years of the Monkey and Sheep
  • The Robbery Star can cause violence, accidents and burglary.
  • All mothers and women aged between 30 and above, Monkey and Sheep-born are advised to carry this amulet throughout the year
  • The #7 star can also cause infidelity and marital problems related to external relationships. All married couples benefit from carrying this amulet.
  • This amulet is highly recommended for those afflicted by the monthly #7 star when it flies into your bedroom, entrance or office location.

NOTE: We do not advise the continued use of anti-burglary amulets that have been used for more than 6 months. If you discover scratches and tarnished surfaces on your amulet, please change them as soon as possible.



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Date: 28 January 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
Everything seems to be going swimmingly for you. Your abilities will be put to good use. The management will take notice soon enough. Keep up the good work.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
It is an excellent time for you to upgrade your equipment and tools at work. This will work to your benefit in the near future as more business rivals begin to show up.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
Do not cross swords with anyone today. It will only hurt you to get into anothers black books at this point. Some misunderstandings could result in violent consequences.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
You must continue to work efficiently and ethically. Otherwise, all your previous efforts would have been in vain. It is much easier to break something than to make it.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
You might come under a lot of fire today. Do not be too ambitious in business matters. It is likely that you have taken on more than you can possibly handle.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
You could feel somewhat burned-out today. Maybe you have been attending one function too many. Party food does not agree with you. Keep drinking to a minimum.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
You must try your best not to be late. Otherwise, you will miss out on all the juiciest parts. Or you might even lose out on an important contract or career advancement.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
You should concentrate on developing your business further. Your competitors may be up to no good. You should firmly refuse to be a guarantor, even for your friends.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
It is time for you to take a break. Relax by taking a holiday far away from your office and home. It will be an excellent way for you recuperate from work pressures.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
Today is your conflict day. You should attend to all business concerns promptly. Any delay will cost you plenty. Keep your eyes wide open and watch out for wolves in sheeps clothing.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
It is a good day for you to travel, but you should be extra careful on the road. It is also time for you to move on to your next target. Do not rush things. Keep a low profile.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
Calm down and think carefully before you make a decision about your business or money matters. You should consult others before make an important career move.
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The Garuda Bird is a powerful celestial protector that can subdue illness and spirit attacks caused by nagas.

  • In 2017 - very important for all houses to have the presence of the Garuda Bird to suppress illness vibrations.
  • Excellent to be placed in the Northwest of home (2017) to protect against epidemics, skin diseases and illness.

Care instructions

  • Clean periodically with a damp cloth and then wipe dry.
  • Exposure to humid conditions will tarnish the polish over time.
  • Coat with a light layer of tarnish protector to maintain shine.


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Our new Rhinoceros and Elephant Totem sitting on a Dragon Tortoise is the perfect cure against the nasty #7 burglary star in the Year of the Rooster (2017).

  • In 2017, the annual Robbery Star flies into the Southwest, affecting all Matriarchs and marriages.
  • The Robbery Star can cause violence, accidents and burglary. It brings the danger of betrayal and infidelity to all couples living in the home.
  • Due to the destructive nature this star can have on all individuals living in the home, we strongly recommend for all households to have this cure. Please place it in the Southwest.

Strongly recommended for:

  • All houses, especially houses facing Southwest or Northeast.
  • Anyone who is staying in a bedroom in the Southwest
  • Those born in year of Monkey / Sheep are most vulnerable to this star
  • Those who are Mothers, Grandmothers and women after age 35 are directly afflicted by this star.


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Laughing Buddha removes all your worries and brings joy into your life.

  • Beautiful relaxing Buddha suppresses conflict vibrations and brings peace and happiness. The Laughing Buddha is the God of Happiness!
  • An effective feng shui cure for anyone who is a victim of court cases and embroiled in angry situations with co-workers, bosses and family members.
  • Highly effective for suppressing all killing and conflict stars brought by the 24 Mountain Chart

In 2017, place this Laughing Buddha in any of the following locations:

  • Facing entrance to remove obstacles and bring happiness luck
  • In the SOUTHEAST to suppress the Yearly Killing Star – highly recommended for the Snake and Dragon, and anyone whose room is in the Southeast.
  • In the NORTH to press down on the Yearly Conflict Star – strongly recommended for those born in the year of the Rating the Three Killings – strongly recommended for those born in the year of the Rooster.


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Date: 29 January 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
A solid plan plus efficient action will ensure a good start for all business dealings. Do not waste this wonderful opportunity for making progress. Try to be more cheerful.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
Even though your luck seems to be pretty good now, you should not be too ambitious at work. You must never bite off more than you can chew. It could be a nightmare.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
Now is the best time for you to take action. If you hesitate for too long, you will miss the boat. You will feel very sorry for yourself if you let this rare opportunity slip away.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
You are advised to watch your diet and get more rest. Your health is still suspect. Keep a careful eye on your personal safety. It is better for you to stay indoors now.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
Do not make any hasty decisions. You should weigh your pros and cons before you proceed. If still in doubt, then consult an experienced senior whom you can trust.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
You should lay low today. Do not be too extreme. It is quite impossible to achieve the kind of perfection that you hope for. But do not compromise too much on quality.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
You must not flirt around too much. Otherwise, you might just mess up your love life. Choose one and stay true. Or else, you will only lose them all and end up alone.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
Be very careful when doing anything physical. Keep away from big metal objects today. Otherwise, you could accidentally hurt yourself. Do not drive today if possible.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
Time to let your hair down and party with your friends. It wont do you any good if you insist on staying at home alone. Your loved ones will help to lighten your load.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
Be very careful when holding a knife or avoid working in the kitchen altogether. Stay away from heated arguments as these may lead to dangerous exchanges.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
Today is your conflict day. A discontented heart is your foil. You always hunger for more. Learn to wait for your turn. If you do not improve your skills, you might struggle with new responsibilities.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
You must handle business concerns carefully. Also remember to watch your words and actions. Do not disclose trade secrets, even to close friends or family members.
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In 2017, the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) moves to the West, the zodiac palace of the Rooster. Those whose houses face West are in direct clash with the Tai Sui and are advised to appease the Grand Duke. It is important to avoid renovating or digging in the West and one should also avoid facing the direction of West in 2017.

Place this Tai Sui Plaque in the West to appease the Tai Sui for the year.



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Protect your home and your car from theft and burglary! These beautiful protective window stickers contain a powerful Dakini Amulet to ward off thieves and robbers. It is further enhanced with the images of the Double-Horned Rhinoceros and the Elephant. Attach these wonderful amulet stickers onto your vehicle windscreen and home windows to keep safe against robbery, violence and road rage.



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In the year of the Rooster, carry this wallet to increase your luck of prosperity and good income.

  • Features a colourful Rooster charm to protect against office politics and infidelity luck
  • Bright red simulates the element of fire, the element of prosperity luck for 2017
  • Red colour infuses yang energy from the start of the year
  • Embossed with wishfulfilling mantras inside the wallet.


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Specially designed to activate Big Auspicious Luck from the Northeast sector.

  • The Ox and Rat are secret friends. Together they form the "House of Intelligence"
  • This powerful partnership generates excellent "Wisdom" luck and opportunities.
  • In 2017, both Ox and Rat share two Big Auspicious Stars!
  • Hence, placing this enhancer in the Northeast location (in 2017) activates the luck of two Big Auspicious Stars, and generates the luck of Wisdom at the same time.
  • Highly recommended for everyone to invite and place in their homes in Year of the Rooster.
  • It is also auspicious to have in the home in future years as the Rat/Ox partnership is always considered a good combination of allies to activate in any home.


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Date: 03 February 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
Work very hard to achieve your goals. Success has to be built up the old-fashioned way ?C through blood, sweat and tears. Fortunately, your returns equal your effort.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
You are full of energy and confidence. Hence, you will able to complete much more. Deadlines do not faze you. You can accomplish anything that you set your mind on.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
Be flexible to new ideas. You have to learn to adapt to new trends in doing business. Old marketing ideas just cannot help you to move products off shelves nowadays.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
Today is your conflict day. Take special note of quality control right now. It is usually your clients main grouse anyway. After all, your reputation and your income hinges on the quality of your work.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
You should avoid traveling because personal safety is at stake. Stay indoors is possible. There is danger in the outdoors from wild animals and venomous creatures.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
Too much of a good thing sometimes does not work out so well. All your brilliant new projects are taking too much out of you. Organise your work to avoid an overload.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
You have some speculative luck but you should not be too greedy. Do not take big risks or you might just gamble away all of your money. Take your work seriously.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
This is your day. Your relationship with your partner will get much rosier and cosier. You should look into longer-term plans. Success will only come if you put in the effort.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
You should take advantage of this favorable time to gain better achievements at work, do not stretch further than your arms can reach. Do not overestimate yourself.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
Do not be too greedy in money affairs. It will get you nowhere. In the worst case, you could even run the risk of losing everything that you have already won till now.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
This is a productive time. Your determination to persevere has paid off. You will achieve breakthroughs in business after having applied all available resources.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
The end of the week might be here but you must learn to focus on your work. If you neglect your duties now, you will miss out on a lot of good business opportunities.
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Date: 04 February 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
Even if you are caught up with work, you should not take your loved ones for granted. It does not really take up too much of your time to show a little care and affection.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
You will receive the full support of your bosses and co-workers. This enables you to begin new projects and implement new marketing strategies for business expansion.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
Your love life has just gone off the tracks. So you should not expect too much. If you pin your hopes too high up, you might be deeply disappointed. Be patient for now.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
On the romantic front, a new chapter is beginning. This could either mean the dawn of a new love or the revival of an old one. You should be serious this time around.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
Today is your conflict day. You have to continue working hard. Your status at work is not as stable as you would like it to be. Be very careful and very patient in the office. Keep a low profile.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
It is quite an average day. Keep a very careful eye on service and quality control. Do not let your over-enthusiasm turn into aggression. Be flexible with your workmates.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
Your fortune has changed for the better in all aspects. Even your love story is beginning a new chapter now. Take things a step at a time. There is no need to rush.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
Enjoy the sweet delight of togetherness. Prepare a romantic candlelit dinner with soft music in the background. Say it with flowers. And be subtle.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
Excellent for a night of salsa or samba with your significant other. Let your partner know how much you appreciate the romantic little things that you like to do together.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
Surprise your significant other with a unique gift. Try to be more demonstrative in your affections. Be honest about your future plans. Your partner will appreciate that a lot.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
Make sure that food is cleaned properly and cooked well. You do not want to get ill as a result of eating filthy or poorly cooked food. Do not eat raw foods.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
Look towards improving your business relationships with your associates as well as your clients. Maintain a superior level of quality control so as to be on the safe side.
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One of the best wealth attractors is the combination of three Chinese coins tied together with gold ribbon. They symbolize an inexhaustible source of income and are one of the essential ingredients in a wealth vase. Both the shape of the coin and the number of coins used here symbolize the powerful, auspicious union of heaven, earth and man. These coins are also included in the wealth vase kits.



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Apart from bringing abundant good fortune, these special gold coins can also provide powerful protection as amulets. These protective coins combine two potent symbols of protection: the 8 Trigrams of the Pa Kua and a Taoist Mantra. Hang them behind you at work to ensure protection and support for your business. Place above the front door of your home or attach to the inside doorknob to protect your family from harmful influences outside the home. The side with the 8 trigrams should be placed flat against the door or wall while the side with the taoist mantra should face you.



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Protect your home and your car from theft and burglary! These beautiful protective window stickers contain a powerful Dakini Amulet to ward off thieves and robbers. It is further enhanced with the images of the Double-Horned Rhinoceros and the Elephant. Attach these wonderful amulet stickers onto your vehicle windscreen and home windows to keep safe against robbery, violence and road rage.



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Create the CHI of WEALTH


So much of successful feng shui practice comes from cleverly harnessing the powerful chi of SYMBOLS that if you travel the length and breadth of China today, everywhere you will see evidence of this Symbolism. From Guanzhou to Shanghai and Beijing, feng shui symbolism confronts the visitor as soon as you arrive – in the shops, inside and outside airport terminals, at railway stations and along the roads and squares of the city. In the past 20 years, China has re-embraced feng shui and prospered!!! Everywhere you can see Symbolism at work. And probably the most powerful symbols are those that signify and attract wealth in abundance. YOU CAN DO IT TOO... by placing symbols of wealth around your home.

The most powerful of wealth symbols has always been in GOLD - and today GOLD PRICE has reached dizzying heights. But the appearance and symbol of gold is as powerful as the real thing and these can take the form of old Chinese gold ingots, gold coins and in recent times, also the westernized modern symbols…

1  You can fill a bowl with Gold and place on your coffee table.

2  OR create a Ship of wealth bringing you a cargo of gold bullion into your home. Select a ship with sails that catch the WIND and sail along strong SEAS .. The Sailing Ship is the best symbol of wealth bringing feng shui for it brings wealth and treasures brought by the winds and the waters .. and feng shui is of course exactly that Wind & Water !!   show a couple of ships laden with gold.

3  OR create a big Basket of Prosperity placed deep inside the home. Any kind of container can be used, but the best are the bejeweled containers or jewellery containers - instead of putting just jewellery in your Jewel Boxes, place also a stack of gold coins and ingots… these signify growth in ASSET WEALTH and are excellent for those who play the stock market or who take big risks with their money.

4  OR the best tip of all, tie 3 coins together with a red string - as many groups of 3-coins as you need to be placed under your floor before tiling. Let your house sit on a “fortune in gold”! This tip is for those currently building or renovating a home.

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The Feng Shui Of Money


Is there such a thing as the Money of a country affecting its wealth feng shui?
Is there any relationship between how a country’s paper money looks and the wealth the country generates? Surely symbols incorporated into the design of currencies must have an effect on the way the country moves forward or backward economically. Central Bankers of the world probably scoff at such an idea… and yet in the old days, coins used as mediums of exchange were always made auspicious, most notably containing the heaven and earth symbols of circle and square.

In this issue, FSW does some research into the currency designs of the Dollar, the Euro, the Pound sterling, the Russian rouble, the Chinese Yuan, the Japanese yen and the Singapore dollar... and because we live here in Malaysia, we also take a look at the Malaysian Ringgit …

Some of the stronger currencies of the world (although of course they fluctuate in value) include the United States dollar, the Euro, the British pound, the Singapore dollar, the Australian dollar, the Russian rouble, the Canadian dollar, the Chinese renminbi and before the advent of the Euro, we also had the Swiss Franc and the German mark. Every one of these currencies has a signature sign which itself has luck connotations.

In the period of 7 the US dollar was strong and this is a currency whose signature sign has an S with two vertical standing lines viz $… but the US dollar has been declining in value for several years now, from since the period changed from 7 to 8 and now other currencies that have signature signs that have either S, Y, (all cut with two horizontal lines appear to be challenging the US dollar. We saw the rise of the pound sterling, and until recently the all-powerful Euro. Now we see the rise of the Chinese Yuan, and of course the Japanese yen seems to stay strong in spite of horrible things happening to its Economy!

Feng shui experts will be quick to explain to you that the horizontal lines symbolize the powerful chien trigram. Horizontal solid lines are indications of strength, yang chi and great resilience, and it is not surprising that currencies which have this as their identifying feature tend to have greater resilience. Think of the yen, the yuan, the Euro and even the pound sterling!

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Being Clever About Money

clevermoney01.jpgHow do you make sure the money you earn does not disappear or get frittered away? How can you see your money grow steadily over the years, accumulating and expanding so you eventually experience a creation of real wealth instead of constantly having to make ends meet? Getting on top of your finances is not difficult but in addition to having good feng shui, you do need to follow smart advice, exercise discipline in the way you organize your cash flow and be alert to investing your surplus money.


Begin your year with a firm resolution to focus unwaveringly on managing your money. Aspire to become rich and start taking control of your finances and do so in a conscious and serious manner. You need to have an attitude of respect towards money that is neither overly emotional nor excessively detached.

If you want to accumulate wealth, you must first establish the right attitude towards money! Understand that it is a tool and you are in control. You must never allow the management of money to overwhelm you. Let it be a natural part of your life, one of the skills you need to develop and absorb into your daily rituals of living so it becomes second nature to you.

Begin by getting a good idea of your current financial situation. Know the kind of budget you live under. Train your mind to think in a quantitative way, putting numbers to all your thoughts and ideas about everything to do with your money situation. You cannot be clever about money until you know the parameters of your financial situation.

Once you know what the overall position of your income and expense sides, you can start to think strategically about your money. This is the start of dreaming dreams and formulating strategies inside your head. Hazy goals eventually become clearer and this starts you on the road towards becoming financially savvy.

Start With Your Saving Potential
You begin by developing the saving habit. Amass some equity! The first goal is to endeavour never to be in the red in terms of cash management. Never allow yourself to run out of cash. Let this be the golden rule by which you live.

From here you will be in a comfortable position to make an estimate of how much you can save. Saving is a magic word in financial management and this requires you to quantify just two numbers; the first is your combined on-hand income; and the second is an accurate estimate of what you need to spend to adequately cover all the needs of your life. Do not forget to set aside a little something for special indulgences and little luxuries. When you undertake a disciplined assessment of your financial situation, you are much better equipped to know if your combined incomes (for couples) are adequate for the both of you. Put another way, it also shows if you are living beyond your means.

An Exercise In Budgeting
Budgeting is the first step in creating the habit of keeping track of your spending. This implies taking control of your money. You need to do this if you want to save and be able to invest. This is how wealth accumulation begins, by first creating some personal equity!

Next you need to extend your time horizon. Look beyond your current situation and see if you can work out how much money will be coming in and how much going out over an extended period of time, for instance 12 months. Include holidays and other anticipated expenditures. This is to see if your lifestyle is costing you in excess of what you earn.

Being clever about money requires you to think beyond conventional logic. If you find that you never seem to have enough money at the end of each month because the cost of living has overtaken your earnings, you should start shopping for more financially attractive deals on all your big expenditures.

Expanding Your Income Base
In addition to looking for opportunities to expand your income base, also shop around for better buys and bargain deals.  For instance, you can make it a habit to only shop for clothes and other luxuries during sales and to buy your necessities such as monthly groceries from warehouse outlets a little way out of town. You will be surprised how much you can “save” when you really put your mind to it. This does not mean you need to give up on things that make you happy; it means you start to shop smart.

To guard against impulse purchases, it is a good idea to pay cash for all major buys. We are usually more careful when we use real cash instead of plastic. Using the credit card especially when you own multiple credit cards makes it harder for you to keep track of your expenditures, so make the effort not to get addicted to your cards. 

When You Have Surplus Money
If your income situation allows you to save, it means your financial position is healthy. 

Once you have a little equity built up, start looking for ways to make your money work for you. Do not be satisfied with merely earning interest from the bank. There are ways of getting a higher return on your money and the way to find out how is to be on the lookout. Start by having a chat with your friendly banker about the different deposit plans they offer.

clevermoney02.jpgBuying Your First Property
Your first serious investment should be some kind of landed property. This is a really big deal because wealth creation in your life starts with accumulating assets and the first real asset in anyone’s life is the home they live in.

You will need to amass some equity to buy a house or apartment, at least enough to take advantage of easy house loans being offered by banks these days. If you have a steady job and you have at least a good thirty years more to your working life, you will find banks more than happy to offer you financing that will help you purchase your own home.

If you do not already own the home you are living in, you should definitely consider buying property to live in. Owner-occupied homes are easy to get financing for and in 2008 the earth element (which means property) represents wealth creation. So this is a good year to buy property.

Here’s a tip. Borrow as much of the cost of the house as you can, and go for the longest tenure. This way the equity you need as down payment will be less. I would say that it is not difficult to find banks willing to finance from 70 to 80 percent of house purchase price especially when they are in a “good” location. Remember to put top priority on location. Buy from reputable developers or if you are buying from an individual owner, make sure you invite your banker to give you an assessment of how much the bank values the property at. This is because the loan they will be willing to give you depends on their valuation of the property and not necessarily on the price you pay. As for tenure, it makes sense to stretch out the loan as much as you can so that monthly repayments are easier on you.

You will find that what you have to pay in renting living premises is lower than monthly mortgage payments, so make sure you do your sums to make sure you can afford the repayments. Owning your own house of course holds out the promise of long term capital gain. Your house is sure to worth more than what you pay for it if you think long term. As for the repayments, these become less painful as your earning capacity improves.

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