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When Bats Nest In Your Home
This is one of the most powerful indications that the family is about to become seriously wealthy. The Chinese regard bats as symbols of abundant wealth. The circular pattern of five bats is a very popular design feature found on furniture, paintings and ceramics. The Chinese believe that bats nest only in auspicious places – they have highly developed sensory parts that are able to “smell” out places with auspicious chi. The next time bats come and nest in the eaves of your home, rejoice because this heralds good fortune.

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When Someone Gives You Money On A Lucky Day
It is the surest sign that you will enjoy a significant increase in money luck. A lucky day is usually a new moon or full moon day. Or it can be a day of your animal sign. Check the Feng Shui Almanac for these lucky days. Make sure you keep the cash given to you on that day, as it is described as “good luck money”. Money can be given to you in many ways. It could be someone repaying a debt owed to you, or someone giving you an unexpected tip for some favour performed. This is the belief behind the tradition of giving lucky money on the fifteen days of the lunar New Year. These fifteen days of the year’s first moon are looked on as “days of miracles”, so money received on these days is always regarded as lucky money.

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When Bird Droppings Land On Your Head
Many people believe this to be a major sign of wealth coming from heaven. Hence, although, it is really yucky and a major inconvenience, when something like this happens to you, take comfort in the fact that this is described as good luck being just around the corner! In fact, most things associated with birds tend to spell good fortune, such as when birds fly to your home and start making nests in and around your house. While bats bring abundance, birds bring good news and opportunities. The next time a flock of ravens, pigeons or magpies come to your home, feed them with bird seeds. Birds are also said to be powerful protectors and guardians. Even crows are said to be messengers of the Gods. So welcome birds with open arms.

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1 hour ago, Melancholia said:

What about pigeons? 

The next time a flock of ravens, pigeons or magpies come to your home, feed them with bird seeds. Birds are also said to be powerful protectors and guardians. Even crows are said to be messengers of the Gods. So welcome birds with open arms. :thumb::clap:

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Date: 05 February 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
Business could be at a very low ebb. You should try your best to monitor all monetary transactions personally. Be alert to any changes in business policies.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
You have to watch your diet. Maybe, eating too many different foods at too many parties, are now taking its toll on you. Your digestive system is now suffering.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
This is your day. Everything goes well for you. You can afford to enjoy yourself now. It is a good idea to visit your hairstylist for change of image to suit your new standing.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
Your health should remain your main concern. Keep to a healthy diet and get enough rest during the weekend. Be disciplined and keep to schedule. All will be well.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
It is a good day for you to stay at home and spend some time with the ones you love. Pay special attention to your personal safety. Keep to safer leisure pursuits for now.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
Today is your conflict day. Work on keeping your relationships harmonious. Keep to a sensible budget and put aside some cash for unexpected expenses. You will have some speculative luck.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
Be shrewd in money matters. It is not a good time for you to try your luck in speculative ventures. Also, avoid lending or borrowing money or buying on credit.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
You must not make a hasty decision. This is especially so when it comes to money matters. Be patient in business affairs. Think twice before making your move.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
Your health is quite good, and your spirits will be exceptionally high. Do not be tempted to try any addictive substances if you do not want to spoil your future.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
You should be more concerned about your health. Get more rest before you return to work. Do not carry too much money with you or wear too much glittery jewellery.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
Surprise your partner with a secretly planned get-away-from-it-all. Drop a few hints to add a little bit of excitement. Your darling will be more than delighted to play along.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
Take this opportunity to cuddle up with your partner on a couch in front of the television. Just lounge about with a bucket of popcorn and a barrel of pop soda.
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  Finding Your Initials On A Spiders Web
Is said to be an indication you will have good luck forever. All your plans will develop to fruition and whatever obstacles may be blocking your projects will be dissolved. Like the spider, you will attract food and money without even trying! This actually happens more commonly than you realize.
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Meeting Up With A Snake
Is another sign of good fortune. Whether in your garden, inside the home, or out trekking, if you meet up with a snake, it means something or someone important is coming into your life. Never ever try to harm or kill a snake when confronted with one. The more poisonous the snake, the better is the good fortune. The king cobra is described as a snake of extreme good fortune. Whatever you do, never kill a snake as they are also associated with some spiritual presence. They usually slither away themselves when they sense human presence.

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When Your Hands Tingle
It is a sure sign that money is either coming to you or leaving you! The general consensus is that when it is your left hand that tingles, money is coming to you – the 4-digit kind or winning a lottery. When it is the right hand, it means money is leaving you. The same interpretation is also placed on hands that suddenly start to itch. If your left palm starts to itch, mercilessly rejoice. It means you are about to come into a windfall!

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When You See A Shooting Star
And immediately make a wish, whatever you wish for will manifest within the next thirty days. If you are sick, you will get well; if your luck has been bad, it will take a turn for the better; and if you have just had a quarrel, you will make up. If you have lost something, you will regain it e.g. if you have just broken up with your boyfriend, you will make up with him or find a new boyfriend. Seeing a shooting star can be quite a common occurrence, so always have a wish handy. Close your eyes and wish fervently!

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When Your Date Of Birth Adds Up To 8
(without any remainder) such as in 9/6/65 (9 + 6 + 65 = 80) you will be lucky all through the period of 8 which does not end until 4th February 2024. 8 is already a magically powerful number, so when one’s birth day adds up to 8, it is an indication of good luck. Those with kua 8 will also enjoy good fortune all through the period of 8.

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When Your Ears Start To Itch
Many believe this meams that someone is talking about you. If it is the left ear that itches, it means that whoever is talking about you is saying nice things, while if it is the right ear, then whoever is talking about you is saying uncomplimentary things. Next time your ear starts to itch, you know you are being talked or gossiped about. Some say, “right for spite, left for love.” Others reverse this omen. If you think of the person, friend or acquaintance who is likely to be talking of you and mention the name aloud, the tingling will cease if you guess correctly!

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When A Butterfly Flies Into Your House
This is commonly interpreted to mean that you are about to receive some important guests. If the butterfly has bright colours, it means the visitor will bring good news relating to your love life. If the butterfly is dark – almost black – the visitor is bringing you good news related to your career or business. Never chase a fluttering butterfly out of your house. They almost always bring good tidings. Do not try to catch it, as inadvertently killing a butterfly causes your good luck to change into bad luck.

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When A Cat Comes Into Your House
It usually means some kind of bad luck. Usually black cats signify treachery and betrayal, so it is better to chase them away. White cats signify death, but some say that golden cats signify good luck hidden in bad luck. In the old days cats were often associated with witchcraft and bad omens

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  If You Put On Your Clothes The Wrong Way Round
This is said to be a sign of extreme good fortune. It doesn’t count if you do this on purpose, but if for some reason you wear your clothes the wrong way round, it indicates that you will shortly receive some windfall or some very favourable news. This is a particularly good omen for those who have been suffering a spate of bad luck, as it suggests that your luck is about to change for the better.
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Finding A Good Luck Symbol
Such as an acorn, a four-leaf clover, a horseshoe, a coin all spell good luck of some kind coming your way. You should not throw away the lucky symbol, as signs of prosperity often possess some excellent energy. It is also believed that if you bury them in a metal box in your garden, the good luck multiplies.

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Meeting Up With A Cow
Is said to be a most auspicious sign as the cow is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. Of course this is not something likely to happen in big cities except perhaps in India where the cow is so highly revered it is allowed to roam freely on roads and highways and motorists are required by law not to run them down. But if you do take a drive to the countryside one day and are confronted by a cow, rejoice, because it suggests great good fortune coming your way!
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On 2/3/2017 at 8:50 PM, Ethan_Oleh said:

Protect your home and your car from theft and burglary! These beautiful protective window stickers contain a powerful Dakini Amulet to ward off thieves and robbers. It is further enhanced with the images of the Double-Horned Rhinoceros and the Elephant. Attach these wonderful amulet stickers onto your vehicle windscreen and home windows to keep safe against robbery, violence and road rage.



Where can I buy this car decal? Please share where I can buy this. Or can you help to buy?

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  Date: 10 February 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
It is an excellent time for you to make new investments. You will see good returns in the near future. However, you must not let greed lead you down the wrong path.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
You may lend your ears to anothers opinions but you must not let them sway you from your path. Remain polite even if you have to reject the other partys ideas.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
There might be strong objections from certain quarters but you have the intelligence and energy to overcome all opposition. Just set your target and keep to it.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
It is a very good time for you to try to uncover hidden adversaries. Then keep away from them while maintaining a friendly face. They could well cost you your career.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
You money luck seems to be fluctuating. It is not a feasible idea to risk your money in new investments. You should not gamble or get yourself involved in loans either.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
This is not a good time to expand your business, as there will be many unexpected obstacles in your way. You must learn to keep your calm, even when provoked.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
Grab every opportunity to further your career prospects. United strength will prove to be very helpful for future business development. Do not take any unnecessary risks.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
Take care of your health and personal safety. Make sure that the needs of older family members are attended to. Do not hesitate to seek medical treatment if unwell.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
You might face severe challenges at work, so you should try to strengthen yourself psychologically. Steel yourself, and do not give up under any circumstances.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
You must be reasonable about your demands. Do not challenge your superiors. It is a bad idea to get yourself involved in power struggles. You will end up being very sorry.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
Conflict day. Try to be more alert when it comes to personal safety. Do whatever you must to protect yourself from robbery or burglary. Do not display your wealth unnecessarily.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
You will be very fortunate in money matters. There is some indication of luck in lottery and gambling. Do not over-indulge in extravagant habits or your luck might not last.
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The Five Yellow in 2017 has flown to the South. This always makes this affliction more dangerous, as the Fire element of the South strengthens the malevolent Earth energy of this pernicious star. Thus the 5 Element Pagoda cure for this year has been designed with not one but three pagodas, enhanced with the 9-spoked dorje and the sun and moon. Imperative amulet for all those born in the year of the Horse, as well as anyone suffering from the ill effects of the #5 from living in a South-facing house or spending a great amount of time in the South sector.



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The Year of the Rooster (2017) is a victory year! Capture this special energy with the Warrior Victory Elephant. 

  • The Elephant is strong symbol of power and authority in feng shui
  • Features a Victory Elephant carrying a Magic Barrel filled with treasure, ridden by a Warrior that returns triumphantly from battle
  • In 2017, the Star of Victory makes a dominant appearance in the chart
  • Capture the energy of great victory with this excellent feng shui energizer
  • Place it on your desk to invite opportunities of promotion and career advancement
  • If you are in a supervisory role, the Elephant gives you greater authority and increases you “power presence” with those you manage.


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It's easy to gain blessings when you have a prayer wheel! Turning the prayer wheel just once generates the blessings of chanting a mantra millions of times!

  • Beautiful golden prayer wheel studded with man-made diamonds
  • Filled with thousands of OMANI mantras, the heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara, Buddha of Compassion
  • Spinning the prayer wheel generates the same blessings as chanting the mantras millions of times!
  • Avalokiteshvara brings great blessings of protection and love into our lives.
  • We experience greater peace, calmness and obstacles from our lives start to melt away. Sutras explain that this mantra is so profound it can solve any problem.
  • Spin the prayer wheel daily imagining white light from the wheel blessing you and helping you remove whatever problems you may be experiencing it
  • The Prayer wheel can be placed anywhere in the home but always in a respectful position above the ground. Do not place prayer wheels on the floor, beneath a staircase / Toilet or facing a toilet.


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A pair of Peacocks opens new doors to greater opportunities and recognition for your career!

  • In 2017 which is the year of Rooster (bird), displaying birds bring excellent career prospects and wealth creation opportunities
  • A pair of Peacocks can do wonders for creating the energy to increase your personal power, confidence and reputation in the work place.
  • The Peacock is wish-fulfilling bird; so place it near your entrance, on your desk or in the South location to increase recognition luck and usher in opportunities
  • Featuring one peacock with peonies to boost good relationships and harmony
  • The second peacock sits on a bed of yellow flowers to increase prosperity & income

Bonus feature:
Good news! For this product we have placed LED lights inside to bring additional yang energy for this year! You may activate this feature by placing 4 x AAA sized batteries (not included) into the product and turning the light on for about 1 hour a day (or whatever length you like!). Please note that using the built-in light is completely optional, and prolonged use may result in some of the LED bulbs burning out. Unfortunately the LED lights are not replaceable, but your feng shui product will still bring awesome good fortune if placed correctly in the recommended sectors.



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Date: 11 February 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
It is better to adopt the wait-and-see attitude for now. Learn to curb your impatience. Your business luck will improve soon. Spend more time on developing your skills.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
You should attend to all business concerns promptly. Any delay will cost you plenty. Keep your eyes wide open and watch out for wolves in sheeps clothing.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
Lucky stars are shining on you so your money luck is very good. You will see some splendid returns from your investments. It is a good time to invest some more.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
You might be troubled by rumours and gossip about your love life. Be aware of what is happening right under your nose. But do not let strong words worsen the situation.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
Try to be more flexible during negotiations. Try to reach an agreement as early as possible. There is no point wasting your time bargaining for an unrealistic objective.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
You have to be very conservative in handling monetary affairs. Make an effort to monitor your companys financial systems. You might be able to detect loopholes.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
This proves to be a fortunate time for money matters. There is indication of income from many different sources. But you must keep an eye on safety in your home.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
You have to be very careful when handling money affairs. If you have been put in charge of financial matters, make sure that you look into all dealings personally.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
You are advised to mind your own business during this difficult period. Do not offer your criticisms so freely. You might inadvertently expose your own weaknesses.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
Keep in mind that humility can open many doors that remain shut in the face of arrogance. To be successful, you should endeavor to develop a milder demeanor.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
You should learn to be more aggressive. Sometimes, you have to force your hand in order to win. Keep your focus on your main target and maintain your current pace.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
Conflict day. Do not expect too much from a new romantic development. There is hardly enough substance for you to build your relationship on. Let things remain light and sweet.
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This beautiful wish-granting tree scarf heralded by six glorious birds in full flight activities all the wonderful elements needed for 2017 to usher wealth and prosperity into your life!

  • The Wish Granting Tree is one of the eight wish-fulfilling symbols of the world
  • It grants your wishes of prosperity and brings growth in your career
  • Six birds invites opportunities for greater income creation and wealth accumulation
  • Wear it daily to increase your chances of promotion and job satisfaction
  • Perfect for those in sales, business and financial fields
  • Featuring all the right colours that bring wealth in 2017 and all future years
  • Made from 100% silk

Care instructions: Dry Clean only. Do not wash in washing machine.



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This powerful talisman is designed to protect against the negative energy brought by the Quarrelsome #3 in the Year of the Rooster (2017).

  • Beautifully crafted cure featuring powerful Eagle taking control of the Quarrelsome Jade #3 star
  • In 2017, the annual Quarrelsome Star flies into the West, the location of the Rooster. Hence there is quarrelsome energy predicted for this year, especially between the older generation and younger generation.
  • The Quarrelsome Star can bring law suits, legal entanglements and serious disagreements that threaten the harmony of business and family relationships. It brings great tension and stress.
  • The Eagle is the King of Birds, believed to be the manifestation of powerful dakini angels.
  • The Red Eagle clutches the Quarrelsome Star in its claws, taking it away from your home as it flies away. The key chain also features the “anti-anger” amulet of the dakinis to bring greater peace.
  • Due to the destructive nature this star, we strongly recommend for everyone, especially children, to carry this amulet talisman throughout the year.

Strongly recommended for:

  • Anyone living in West Bedrooms
  • All those born in year of Rooster
  • All Children especially the Youngest Daughter. Very good for children to carry the cure as a talisman (keychain) throughout the year to prevent any problems with elderly.

NOTE: We do not advise the continued use of key chain cures that have been used for more than a year, as it has already absorbed a lot of negative energy. We strongly advise disposing feng shui cures that are broken, chipped or badly scratched.



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Lucky Superstitions 18 fun ways to win some money


All cultures have their fair share of superstitious beliefs. Some are grounded in ancient wisdoms while others are based on primitive interpretations of natural phenomenon. Irrespective of their origins, they are nevertheless interesting and the beliefs passed on to us by our grandmothers can sometimes work wonders. We collected 18 interesting WEALTH superstitions and rituals that are sure to get readers wondering. If you want to try them out what’s the harm?


(1) Wearing a jade ring on the little finger is said to bring you wealth. For males, wear on the left hand, and for females, wear on the right hand. The best is to look for rings that are made completely of jade. This can be expensive as it requires a very large piece of jade to carve out a ring, but you do not need to wear the best quality jade – something with a nice translucent green colour will do.


(2) Cut a length of green string 30cm long. Use a cotton knit string. Tie it 5 times round your little finger in a clockwise direction. For males, do this on your left finger and for females, do this on your right finger. Then make a knot. As you go about your daily activities note that when the knot gets wet, you should again repeat the exercise on the same finger with a new string. The Chinese, especially those of Cantonese origin, believe that by doing this, you are activating plenty of wealth luck.


(3) Every morning before you step out from the house, use a red pen and write the word for money on your right palm. (Chinese character - Cai). If this is too difficult, try writing the dollar sign. Do this every morning for fifteen days starting with the day of the new moon and it is believed you will receive a “windfall” within three days of the full moon. It is even more effective if you can use red cinnabar to do this. Or better yet, use a stamp which already has auspicious words on it.



(4) Here is a truly superstitious belief to generate wealth luck. You will need a red coloured wish fulfilling jewel and a money bank. Draw a hexagon star on a piece of paper, place the red jewel on the center of the hexagon, wrap it carefully, then place it under your pillow. Go to sleep. The next morning, place the red jewel in front of the money bank and put a coin inside the money bank. Then close your eyes and repeat your wish as many times as you can. Repeat this ritual for 15 days starting with the new moon.

All through the fifteen days of the waxing moon, by having the red jewel under your pillow and adding a coin each day, by the 15th night you will have completed the ritual to actualize your wish. When your wish has been accomplished, keep the red jewel and coins safely in a container, which should be kept hidden. When you run out of money, you can repeat this wealth-generating ritual. Remember, you must do this during the 15 day phase of the waxing moon!



(5) If you are winning some big money during a gambling session, the belief is that you should make sure you do NOT get up to wash your hands. And you should definitely not go to the toilet – better to hold on for as long as possible! In Cantonese, the word pee means “to let go of water”. To the Chinese, water always means money, so if you leave the gambling table to go to the toilet, it is like pouring your money down the drain.  


(6) Gamblers also believe that it is a big NO NO to gamble against a pregnant woman. This is because the Chinese believe that expectant women are “carrying their good fortune inside their belly” and they also have an extra pairs of “eyes” to observe the whole scene. So pregnant women are said to bring good luck to gamblers.

If someone pregnant stands behind you while you are betting, it is believed that you will win. Never touch someone’s shoulders when he/she is busy gambling. Even a light tap on the shoulder is disastrous to a gambler, as they earnestly believe this will cause whatever good luck they have to evaporate. It is vital to observe this sensitivity if you keep the company of people who like to gamble.



(7) When you are gambling make sure there isn’t someone reading a book behind you or in front of you, because “book” sounds like  “to lose” in Chinese.   


(8) The Chinese believe that the SE is the wealth sector in any room you occupy, so it is important to identify this corner. Then make very sure NOT to put or paint the colour red anywhere within this wealth sector. If you do so, it will make it very difficult to obtain wealth luck.  


(9) It is believed that having a few grams of sea salt inside your wallet attracts wealth luck. The best is to place the salt inside a plastic bag, then put it in a secret compartment inside your wallet. You have to change the salt each month, otherwise it loses its potency. There are some who say the use of sea salt can also be extended to the house. Make your house attract wealth luck by having sea salt (placed inside a small plastic container) in all the corners of your house i.e. wherever two walls meet. Change the salt every ten days. You can also hang a bag of sea salt on the center of the main door, changing it once a month. This is said to attract wealth luck. (Maybe because salt attracts water?)  


(10) Chinese gamblers are very superstitious. If they are on a winning streak, they will resent anything out of the ordinary suddenly happening, as they believe this will spoil their luck. So for instance, if they suddenly see a nun or monk approaching, they will stop gambling immediately. This superstitious belief is based on the assumption that the bald heads of monks and nuns symbolize “nothingness” and is a sign that any further gambling will lead to loss of money. 


(11) The Chinese believe that if you place a red fan in the center, South and Southwest of any room you use frequently, this can enhance the wealth luck of the whole house. These corners are of course earth and fire sectors that benefit from fire element energy – hence the benefits of using a red fan. Perhaps feng shui was the origin of this superstition.



(12) The Chinese are very superstitious when it comes to wearing a ring on the correct finger. To have authority, wear a ring on your index finger. For everlasting love, wear a ring on your ring finger. But remember  never wear a ring on the thumb as this strongly signifies loss of wealth and an evaporation of success. Movie stars in Hong Kong are very mindful of the “no ring on the thumb” rule, as it is said this will lead to overnight failure, and of course movie stars are a very superstitious lot!


(13) Those in business should make sure that a fly swatter should never be left on their cashier counter. This is believed to chase all your customers away. The same with a broom. Never place it near where you collect money. Keep it hidden from view if possible. 


(14) The Chinese believe that walking on “money” is a surefire way of quickly climbing up the financial success ladder. So it is recommended to bury auspicious coins and even real money under floors before they are “finished”. You can also sew a few emperor or dragon coins under carpets. Place these carpets near the main entrance (for attracting wealth) and near the back entrance or at the back balcony (for safety and protection).  



(15) Here’s a popular wealth-making ritual you might like to try. Get yourself a ceramic container (not too big). Write your name and birthday as well as those of your family members on the container. Place 12 coins inside the container. Also place a compass and a small Chi Lin , an ingot and some real money from nine countries. Bury the container in your front garden at the ideal time of 1pm. If you do not have a garden, you can bury the container in a large flowerpot. The idea is to cover the container with earth so wealth comes to you from the earth. You will start to experience money-making luck within nine days. (No harm trying!)


(16) Another great way to create wealth luck they say is to place your bank checkbook inside a large red packet. Place 7 joss sticks, some joss paper and dried fruits inside, then meditate for wealth to come to you. Keep your eyes half closed and place the red packet on a table nearby. Meditate for 10 minutes each time. It is said that when you meditate, the more realistic the picture you create in your mind of you receiving wealth, the faster wealth will come to you.


(17) Sea salt is often used by the Chinese to change a spate of bad luck. Amongst the Chinese in Taiwan, it is believed that if a dark blue or black ceramic mug is filled to the brim with sea salt, and you place it in the dry area of the kitchen, it will not only change your luck, it will also improve relationship between husband and wife. The salt should be changed every 10 days for it to continue to have potency.


(18) Here’s something you can do if you are going through a hard time in your life. Get yourself a round shaped sweet potato. Carve your name on it then plant it in water. Put it outdoors in the daytime; place it indoors at night. Once the potato starts to grow, eat the tiny leaves and the sweet potato as well, and you are sure to experience a big change in your life. 

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Magnificent horses bring the chi of wealth, courage & power


Of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac, the horse stands out for the many attributes it symbolizes. For centuries, the horse has been indispensable to man, as man’s partner in war, and in peace the horse has been used in transportation for centuries.
A Roman emperor even deified his favourite steed, ordering his subjects to worship it as a God! Today the horse is best known in the world of sports. In racing and in competitive riding, it has captured the modern world’s imagination as powerfully as it did during ancient times.
In feng shui, the horse is associated with speed, strength, perseverance and nobility. The Tribute Horse signifies wealth coming into the family, while the Victory Horse brings success and triumph.

Long tamed, domesticated and bred by Man, the horse signifies courage and speed. Car engines are measured in ‘horsepower’! In the home, a horse figurine placed in the South corner activates recognition, fame and promotion for members of the household bringing renown and respect, especially to the women of the household.
Horse statuettes in the Southwest promote social acceptance and elevation, while in the Northeast the horse brings prominence to scholars and students. Those wanting scholarships would benefit from having a horse in the Northwest direction. The horse is also linked to a comfortable life and a speedy ascent to power, useful attributes for businessmen and those holding high-ranking positions.
Fire is the Horse’s natural element and this magnificent creature is a great generator of yang energy. Paintings and figurines of horses, either solitary or in groups of nine are common in offices and homes of wealthy Chinese tycoons.

The Tribute Horse

The most auspicious and powerful is the Tribute Horse. Traditionally white, the Tribute Horse is laden with gifts of gold, jade, coins or nuggets. The custom started in the Sung dynasty, when victorious generals returning after battle presented spoils of war to the emperor, who in turn would reward them with land, titles and gifts of silk and jade. Since then, high-ranking courtiers and mandarins decorated their homes with such figurines, as it is an excellent image to invite in acceptance into the corridors of power, success and high rank. Receiving or giving a Tribute Horse generates opportunities for mutual benefits.
Horses are particularly useful for those working in highly competitive fields and those surrounded by rivals. If you need an edge over the neighing masses, investing in a Tribute Horse is said to work wonders.


Tang Horses

During the Tang (618-907) and Sung dynasties, horses were part of the artifacts in burial chambers of royalty and the elite. Together with ceramic models of musicians, dancers, servants and camels, horses were deemed as necessities and luxuries of life in both worlds. Horses were never considered beasts of burden but partners in military campaigns and work.
This was the heyday of the fabled Silk Road when the Chinese first gained contact with the Middle East and Europe. Horses, camels and donkeys were the sole means of transport. The three-coloured (green, brown, red) ‘sancai’ horses were held in high esteem when first manufactured and continue to attract collectors today. Horses were viewed as status symbols, as only royalty, military and the rich were allowed to ride them.
Ceramic horses used as burial objects were called ‘mingqi’ and include courtiers, the so-called ‘fat ladies’, musicians, grooms and guardian deities. Most people cannot afford such antiques, but modern reproductions faithfully replicate the sumptuous details and are considered fantastic bringers of good luck.


Horses in European culture

Like the Chinese, the Europeans revered their horses but took their adoration to the extreme unlike the practical minded Chinese! The horse symbolizes knighthood and chivalry, as these words were derived from French and Latin words for ‘horse’. The most well known in mythology is Pegasus the winged steed, still one of the most popular and beautiful symbols in modern culture.

Horse as God

The mad Roman emperor Caligula elevated his favorite steed ‘Incitatus’ into a Consul, one of the chief judges of Rome. Magistrates had to interpret whether its nodding and neighing signified either ‘yes’ or ‘no’! When it died, Caligula declared Incitatus as a deity, to be worshiped as a god.
It was the horse that won Central America for the Spanish conquistadors as the Mayans had never seen such creatures before and decided they must be divine beasts serving a superior race.

Famous Horses Throughout History

As expected, the most famous horses are associated with great religious figures and military commanders. The best-known example before Christ is Bucephalus (‘Oxhead’), which belonged to Alexander the Great. It would only allow Alexander and no one else to sit on its back and would kneel before the king to allow him to mount. He served Alexander for 30 long years, carrying him into countless victorious battles. When Bucephalus died, Alexander the Great built an entire city called Bucephalia as a mausoleum.
The Duke of Wellington’s stallion was Copenhagen, which he rode into the famous Battle of Waterloo for 30 hours nonstop! Napoleon had his charger Marengo, named after the battle of that name in 1800, which carried him with sure footedness and swiftness. Marengo was his white favourite Barbary horse brought over from Egypt.
In more recent times, Field Marshal Earl Roberts who won fame in India and in the Boer War, was never without his horse named Colonel. In World War 1, General Jack Seely was inseparable from Warrior about whom he later wrote a book. Ronald was the chestnut that carried Lord Cardigan through the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava in 1854. It was possibly the most ill advised charge in history, prompting the acclaimed poem ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson with the immortal lines “theirs is not to reason why, theirs is but to do and die”.
Kantaka is the famous white horse of Prince Siddartha Gautama who later became the Buddha. It was Kantaka, which carried the young prince out of the fortified palace into the wilderness as he embarked on his search for enlightenment. Upon reaching the city’s limits, Siddartha took leave of Kantaka to walk, as he wanted to lead the life of a beggar. Tied to a tree so he could not follow his beloved master, Kantaka watched till Siddartha vanished from view. Realizing he would never see him again, he died of a broken heart and was received by angels into heaven to wait for the reunion.
Fadda is the white horse of Prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam and in the Koran, Haizum is the steed of the archangel Gabriel.

Edited by Ethan_Oleh
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Create the CHI of WEALTH


So much of successful feng shui practice comes from cleverly harnessing the powerful chi of SYMBOLS that if you travel the length and breadth of China today, everywhere you will see evidence of this Symbolism. From Guanzhou to Shanghai and Beijing, feng shui symbolism confronts the visitor as soon as you arrive – in the shops, inside and outside airport terminals, at railway stations and along the roads and squares of the city. In the past 20 years, China has re-embraced feng shui and prospered!!! Everywhere you can see Symbolism at work. And probably the most powerful symbols are those that signify and attract wealth in abundance. YOU CAN DO IT TOO... by placing symbols of wealth around your home.

The most powerful of wealth symbols has always been in GOLD - and today GOLD PRICE has reached dizzying heights. But the appearance and symbol of gold is as powerful as the real thing and these can take the form of old Chinese gold ingots, gold coins and in recent times, also the westernized modern symbols…

1  You can fill a bowl with Gold  and place on your coffee table.

2  OR create a Ship of Wealth  bringing you a cargo of gold bullion into your home. Select a ship with sails that catch the WIND and sail along strong SEAS .. The Sailing Ship is the best symbol of wealth bringing feng shui for it brings wealth and treasures brought by the winds and the waters .. and feng shui is of course exactly that Wind & Water !!   show a couple of ships laden with gold.

3  OR create a big Basket of Prosperity placed deep inside the home. Any kind of container can be used, but the best are the bejeweled containers or jewellery containers - instead of putting just jewellery in your Jewel Boxes, place also a stack of gold coins and ingots… these signify growth in ASSET WEALTH and are excellent for those who play the stock market or who take big risks with their money.

4  OR the best tip of all, tie 3 coins together with red string - as many groups of 3-coins as you need to be placed under your floor before tiling. Let your house sit on a “fortune in gold”! This tip is for those currently building or renovating a home.

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Discover Wealth Lines on Your Palm wealth-hands01.jpgThe Chinese believe that face reading should be supplemented by studying the extremities of the human body, more specifically looking for signs of wealth on your hands. Lines, marks and indentations reflect a person’s mind, body and spirit. Thus the appearance of hands, feet and head – the five extremities – offer clues to the destiny of any individual.

Lines on your hands reveal much about how successful you can be, including when success comes. Hands show timing of career changes, when you will ride high and when hard times come. The Chinese believe there is direct communication between your hands and your mind, body and spirit, so the lines and symbols on the palm offer remarkably accurate clues to your fortune.

As with face reading, feng shui and other astrological practices, the principles of hand analysis are related to the Five Elements. All hands are thus classified according to the elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Knowing your hand element gives insights into your personality and attitudes.

Slender Palms
 If you have slender palms, you will thrive in professions that require you to work near water. These are industries that enhance your chances of success. Thus they suit you best. WATER Industries include banking and financial services, consumer goods, import/export, trading, insurance, fishing and everything related to shipping, transport, forwarding and commerce.

Square Palms
If you have square palms, professions that require you to be in contact with earth suit you best. EARTH related professions include architecture and engineering and anything to do with real estate and property development. Road and infrastructure construction and building-related businesses such as factories to manufacture cement, floor tiles, wall tiles and roof tiles all fall within the earth category.

Heavy Palms
If you have heavy palms, working in Fire-element industries is suitable. Thus restaurants and all entertainment type work would do just fine. Acting, show business, advertising, the food industry and electronics would all fall within the category that would harmonize with this kind hand type.

Elongated Palms
People with elongated palms will do well in professions which bring them in close proximity with Wood energy. All agricultural-based ventures such as garden nurseries, plantations, furniture businesses, publishing, textiles, writing and so forth. Being near Wood will enhance the Fire energy of your hands, adding to your success potential.

Fleshy Palmswealth-hands04.jpg
If you have fleshy palms, you will thrive in Metal-type professions. These include computer and electronic components, engineering and other hi-tech businesses. You can also find potential for advancement in IT, the legal profession, mining, as well as in the automobile industries. Working in a factory environment is also an excellent option.

The three principle lines on your palm – the heart, head and life lines – are regarded as heaven, mankind and earth lines. When these main lines are deep, clear and have no interruptions, it is a sure sign of a smooth and successful life.

All secondary lines branching off these main lines are good when they run upwards and bad when they cross the main lines. Joining lines (also known as root lines) mean you have helpful people coming to assist you.

There are also distinct symbols of success to be found on palms. If your palms reveal tridents, fishes, temples… these are all very lucky indications. Roots and islands on the other hand are unlucky signs.


wealth-hands05.jpgTRIDENTS are symbols of power and great good luck. When a trident falls along the fate line, it indicates a promotion or unexpected windfall in that period of your life. The presence of a trident on your hand is a sure indication that you will always be in a position of some power, and that you will become a very influential person. The trident indicates three types of luck – wealth, power and influence. When it appears as shown in the illustration, the trident indicates the fulfillment of your ambitions.

wealth-hands06.jpgISLANDS on your career line usually mean a dismissal, or a severe illness that cuts short your career. Or you could be a victim of vicious politics. The “island” is always regarded a very inauspicious symbol. Wherever it appears on the hand it always suggests some kind of obstacle during that period of your life.

wealth-hands07.jpgThe FISH is a sign of great prosperity and wealth. When this is found along your career line, it indicates that massive wealth comes from your work or business. The fish sign can also be seen in other parts of the hand and wherever it appears, it is an indicator of expanding wealth. The fish stands for abundance and in the old days, experts in palmistry would advise keeping fish to activate the signs of abundance shown in the palm. If you keep lively gold fish, this would activate the fish signs on your palms.

wealth-hands08.jpgTRIANGLES are signs of achievement and success. On your fate line, they also signify a turning point in your career, something that changes your work direction for the better. Triangles always signify recognition of some kind, and if you are fortunate enough to have a triangle sign, you should feel very blessed.

wealth-hands09.jpgGRID LINES are signs of being stagnant or stifled. When found along the career line, they could symbolize a jealous colleague politicking against you, a middle manager stifling your creativity, or an unfulfilling job.

wealth-hands10.jpgSMALL LINES THAT CROSS signify obstacles and difficulties, especially when they cross the main lines.

wealth-hands11.jpgTHE TEMPLE is a symbol of great influence that relates to your own spiritual nature. The temple is quite a rare symbol and when it appears, it suggests a state of blissful realizations.

wealth-hands12.jpgFEATHERY LINES indicate angst and worry. It warns that something may be on its way to causing you much torment in your job.

wealth-hands13.jpgJOINING LINES also known as root lines symbolize helpful people entering your life.

Edited by Ethan_Oleh
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Nine indications of WEALTH on your FACE

The belief that faces can be lucky and unlucky is something as old as the hills. Our grandmothers subscribed to it and in the old days, they would search intently for such signs in their offspring and potential sons and daughters-in-law... These days, face reading that focuses on the potential of wealth luck continues to fascinate us. This new year of the Metal RABBIT, when the chi energy of the 24 mountains brings several indications of BIG AUSPICIOUS luck ripening into prosperity for many, Lillian Too brings you the NINE clear indications of wealth luck revealed on the face.


 The FACE is where expert destiny experts look for symbolic mountains and rivers on the face, for these are regarded as the vital indicators of wealth and abundant good fortune. Start by looking at the central axis of the face as this the crucial starting point of anyone’s destiny. How your life will pan out in terms of good times and bad times is strongly indicated by the symmetry and balance of the two sides of the face.

1. SYMMETRY VITAL - The first wealth spot

 To the Chinese, the first requirement of a “wealthy face” is symmetry of the two sides of the face. Only when this is properly indicated can there be good balance, which in turn leads to things going smoothly for you. When the face does not have this all-important balance, it is believed that a difficult life lies ahead.  

The central axis of the face reveals whether the face is balanced or not. Only balanced faces are deemed to be lucky. It is thus a good idea to avoid selecting hair styles that tend to upset this all-important balance of the two sides of the face.

2. FOREHEAD HIGH - Second wealth spot

nly those with high and rounded foreheads are said to possess the potential for wealth. This is considered a highly reliable indicator of wealth. It also suggests that wealth comes early in a person’s life. The forehead signifies luck sent from heaven. The forehead is also considered the first prosperity mountain of the face, so ideally it should be gently curved, round, high and even slightly protruding. A forehead like this suggests not just wealth but authority and great power as well. If you have a forehead like this, it is likely that you command respect and possess the charisma of authority. A perfect forehead is rare, but as long as it looks prominent and wide, then genuine good fortune is indicated. High foreheads also suggest high intelligence and an ability to think quickly on your feet.

The Chinese believe that a good forehead supports all the other luck features of the face since it also signifies the place of the heavenly celestial dragon. This is a yang spot on the face and a very reliable indicator of a person’s luck potential.

It is vital to look after your forehead, keeping it clear of blemishes and unsightly pimples. Use artificial aids if you need to, especially if it ensures that your forehead is smooth and unlined. Using cosmetics to even out skin tones and reduce blemishes and lines brings good fortune, so this is something that is highly recommended.

Moles on the forehead should not occupy the centre. Black moles here are unlucky and are best removed. Red moles tend to be luckier.

3. MONEY NOSE - The third wealth spot

A person’s nose (actually its size!) is the best known measure of a person’s potential to get rich, and men who possess a fleshy nosy is a great favourite with superstitious old aunts and grandmothers! The Chinese always regard a big nose favourably, no matter how out of place it may look. The nose is the repository of money fortune, indicating wealth from many sources. However, this indicator of wealth is said to be more reliable on a woman’s face than on a man’s face.
wealth-face02.jpgThe rounder, higher and larger the nose is, the better, and on a woman, this is said to bring great wealth to any man she marries. I have a friend whose nose is the one thing you notice each time you see her. When they married, her husband was far from rich, but today he is a serious billionaire! I like to use her as an example of the big nose theory, but have to confess that her husband does not take too kindly that all the credit should go to her nose!

Readers should nevertheless take note that the nose (from between the eyebrows right to its base) is an important part of the face and it should really never be cut or surgically altered in any way. The most famous celebrity whose series of nose jobs brought him misery and ultimately death has to be the late Michael Jackson. If you look at the before and after pictures of MJ’s nose, the  transformation is quite startling and of course, everyone knows how his fortunes waned as his nose looked increasingly more and more like the nose of Diana Ross... and less like the original MJ. So leave your nose alone!wealth-face03.jpg

But you can make up for this by using cosmetics to make the top of the nose look clear, bright and luminous, with no blemishes or spots. There should be no hair, patchy colouring, spots or moles here. Spots suggest blockages to your money luck. When the bridge of your nose is high, clear and luminous, it suggests a life of affluence and comfort.

The nose is a yin spot. It symbolizes one of the rivers of the face. Chinese classical texts on face reading refer to the nose as the river Jie, a river that brings great wealth. The rounder and fleshier the nose looks, the greater the wealth that is brought. Nostrils should be neither too small nor too large. Moles at the tip of the nose are a major sign of misfortune.

4. PEARL LIP - The fourth wealth spot

 This little pearl-like protrusion on the top of your lips indicates effortless good fortune. Wealth luck is often with such people from birth. The pearl is regarded as a gemstone to the Chinese, so this is a feature that also suggests class and prestige. It looks round and is slightly protruding, and those who have it will usually have had it from childhood, wealth-face04.jpgvisible on them as newborn babies. When a newly born baby has this feature prominently obvious on its little face, it is safe to predict that the child will grow into a very lucky adult indeed.

Like the cleft chin or the dimple, the pearl is regarded a beauty spot, so it brings attraction luck to both men and women. The mouth pearl is also regarded an indication of wealth, and is highly valued on the face of a woman – especially on prospective daughters-in-law, as they bring good fortune luck to their husbands. The pearl also suggests that the person possesses the power of speech. Some refer to this wealth spot as the phoenix pearl.

5. LOTUS MOUTH - The fifth wealth spot
 regarded as the second river on the face. It is the river Huai, an auspicious waterway when it is delicate, relatively small, but still soft and succulent. Irrespective of its size, the mouth must never appear dry, since this indicates a lack of water in the river and hence a drying up of luck.  
 As long as the mouth is always kept relatively moist, it indicates money luck. This is why it is such a good idea for men and women alike to drink plenty of water, as this replenishes the supply of water. It is also good to use lip balm, as this keeps lips perpetually moist. Women have the added advantage of using lipstick and this is said to attract good fortune, especially when painted red, bringing yang chi to the face.

The mouth is the fifth wealth spot on the face. Moles around the mouth, as long as they are not black, enhance the good luck of the mouth. Often, small red moles around the mouth indicate that the person will never lack food.
6. STRONG CHIN - The sixth wealth spot
A strong chin provides a strong base mountain for the face. Here is where the wealth of the individual is stored; and to be suggestive of a person who can accumulate asset wealth, the jaw line must be prominent. An auspicious chin is slightly protruding, quite fleshy and looks like a “mountain”. Receding jaw lines are signs of misfortune in old age and can even be a sign of premature death. A prominent chin indicates a mountain and suggests a long and fruitful life.

7. BRIGHT EYES - The seventh wealth spot

Nothing is more suggestive of a great life than bright eyes that appear alert and aware. Your eyes indicate good fortune when they shine and always with a steady gaze. It does not matter what the shape, size or colouring of the eyes are – more important is the inner vitality that shines through.
When the eyes are bright and are well protected by arched eyebrows, this indicates good health and prosperity. Eyebrows must never be overly plucked or shaved. In fact, no face must lack eyebrows! Without eyebrows, you cannot succeed at anything!

Your eyebrows protect you, guarding against “attacks” by wandering spirits and jealous people. When you pluck your eyebrows, never ever pluck above the brows. This instantly curtails your good fortune. When one eye is smaller than the other, use artificial aids like eyeliners to correct the imbalance. Once again, it is symmetry that suggests good fortune. It does not matter if your eyes lack the double eyelid of Caucasian faces; what is important is the shine and luminosity of the eyes themselves.

8. PLUMP CHEEKBONES - The eighth wealth spot

The cheekbones mark the eighth wealth spot on the face. In terms of age luck, one enters into the center section of the face after the age of  21. When the cheekbones stand out prominently and appear bright and shiny, it predicts serious wealth about to manifest. Cheekbones should always have flesh. They should never look bony since this is an indication of harmful yang energy. They are in fact luckiest when they look good enough to pinch! The colour of the cheekbones is also important. Cheekbones that look pink and luminous are indicators of good fortune. Cheekbones that appear sallow and dry suggest a loss of vitality.

9. PROMINENT EARS - The ninth wealth feature

When your ears are well formed and proportionate, they indicate good fortune and wisdom. They are said to represent the flow of the Yellow River. The Chinese have a great preference for long ears, as these kinds of ears remind them of Buddha. Long, well-defined ears that are not overly fleshy are a sign of class and the high-born.

Of the nine wealth features, only one is placed in the youth section of the face and two in the old age section. This suggests that our destiny manifests mostly during the time of life between youth and old age – this is known as the age of maturity. Face reading gives us a good idea of our luck potential, but it is also necessary to see if wealth luck carries on into old age. In the end, this is the most crucial indicator!

Our lives should get better as our destiny unfolds. The face reader should note that the face over time can and does undergo change. Mountains can flatten and rivers can run dry. It is vital to stay ever watchful, as much over our physical bodies as over the luck that we are constantly creating for ourselves.


This is shown according to the diagram here. Look for discolouration, spots or indentations, which usually predict problems relating to health and other difficulties at the corresponding age. A smooth skin indicates that you have few worries.

Chinese face reading has always been considered an indispensable tool to understanding our destiny and personality. Face reading categorizes individual features according to colour, shape, disfigurements and birthmarks, and the meanings of these indications depend on where they appear on the face.

A popular way to determine one’s luck at different times of life is by examining the “mountains” and “valleys” on the face. These are usually quite accurate in pinpointing at what age you will face obstacles and when your life will blossom into perfection. These readings are even better when supplemented with other forms of destiny analysis like Chinese Astrology and Paht Chee.


The ears and top part of the face represent the early years of one’s life i.e. the time of pre-teens, teens and early twenties. As you grow older, your destiny is recorded progressively down the face towards the eyebrows, nose, cheeks, lips and finally the chin.

Using the diagram here, note that if your current age is on the right hand side of your face, leisure dominates your time. If you are on the left side of your face, work and career matters take up most of your attention. If you are at the center part of your face, you are said to be at a crossroads and some important decisions confront you.

Marks, spots, creases and indentations indicate problems. Where they are found on your face gives you an idea at what age you will face these problems, which can manifest as illness, bad relationships, accidents, money troubles and so forth. The bigger and the darker the mark, the more serious the problem will be. The Chinese usually take the sudden appearance of dark marks as a portent and usually sponsor prayers to “avert” something bad happening.

If you have a birthmark on one of your ears, this indicates a difficult time during childhood years. Marks on the bridge of your nose indicate a tough time in your twenties. Discolorations at the end of your nose point to troubles during your forties, perhaps to do with your family or with your financial stability. Issues will arise that cause you to worry.

Generally, when your forehead is flawed, it means you will have a difficult relationship with your parents. (Or it could indicate you were a bit of a rebel when you were a teen!) When your forehead is small or bony, it indicates your parents were not well heeled and could not afford expensive schooling fees. A skinny-looking forehead is almost always an indication of something lacking in your life during your childhood years.

If you have a broad, round and smooth forehead, it indicates an easy and pampered period during your growing-up years. Markings, spots and scars in your face can change over time, which denotes that your fate is not fixed but can change through the years. This usually reflects the result of the trinity of luck working simultaneously, where good mankind and earth luck influences your heaven luck.

If you find you are at a difficult age period in your life, one way to deal with it is to grit your teeth and be even more determined to improve the other two thirds of your luck to compensate for unlucky events.

You can get yourself a bottle of moisturizing cream or book yourself a facial to iron out the trouble spots on your facial features! Strange as it may sound, when you take good care of the physical face, the psyche also benefits – it is like attracting good chi with a smooth and unblemished complexion.

Edited by Ethan_Oleh
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Being Clever About Money

clevermoney01.jpgHow do you make sure the money you earn does not disappear or get frittered away? How can you see your money grow steadily over the years, accumulating and expanding so you eventually experience a creation of real wealth instead of constantly having to make ends meet? Getting on top of your finances is not difficult but in addition to having good feng shui, you do need to follow smart advice, exercise discipline in the way you organize your cash flow and be alert to investing your surplus money.

Begin your year with a firm resolution to focus unwaveringly on managing your money. Aspire to become rich and start taking control of your finances and do so in a conscious and serious manner. You need to have an attitude of respect towards money that is neither overly emotional nor excessively detached.

If you want to accumulate wealth, you must first establish the right attitude towards money! Understand that it is a tool and you are in control. You must never allow the management of money to overwhelm you. Let it be a natural part of your life, one of the skills you need to develop and absorb into your daily rituals of living so it becomes second nature to you.

Begin by getting a good idea of your current financial situation. Know the kind of budget you live under. Train your mind to think in a quantitative way, putting numbers to all your thoughts and ideas about everything to do with your money situation. You cannot be clever about money until you know the parameters of your financial situation.

Once you know what the overall position of your income and expense sides, you can start to think strategically about your money. This is the start of dreaming dreams and formulating strategies inside your head. Hazy goals eventually become clearer and this starts you on the road towards becoming financially savvy.

Start With Your Saving Potential
You begin by developing the saving habit. Amass some equity! The first goal is to endeavour never to be in the red in terms of cash management. Never allow yourself to run out of cash. Let this be the golden rule by which you live.

From here you will be in a comfortable position to make an estimate of how much you can save. Saving is a magic word in financial management and this requires you to quantify just two numbers; the first is your combined on-hand income; and the second is an accurate estimate of what you need to spend to adequately cover all the needs of your life. Do not forget to set aside a little something for special indulgences and little luxuries. When you undertake a disciplined assessment of your financial situation, you are much better equipped to know if your combined incomes (for couples) are adequate for the both of you. Put another way, it also shows if you are living beyond your means.

An Exercise In Budgeting
Budgeting is the first step in creating the habit of keeping track of your spending. This implies taking control of your money. You need to do this if you want to save and be able to invest. This is how wealth accumulation begins, by first creating some personal equity!

Next you need to extend your time horizon. Look beyond your current situation and see if you can work out how much money will be coming in and how much going out over an extended period of time, for instance 12 months. Include holidays and other anticipated expenditures. This is to see if your lifestyle is costing you in excess of what you earn.

Being clever about money requires you to think beyond conventional logic. If you find that you never seem to have enough money at the end of each month because the cost of living has overtaken your earnings, you should start shopping for more financially attractive deals on all your big expenditures.

Expanding Your Income Base
In addition to looking for opportunities to expand your income base, also shop around for better buys and bargain deals.  For instance, you can make it a habit to only shop for clothes and other luxuries during sales and to buy your necessities such as monthly groceries from warehouse outlets a little way out of town. You will be surprised how much you can “save” when you really put your mind to it. This does not mean you need to give up on things that make you happy; it means you start to shop smart.

To guard against impulse purchases, it is a good idea to pay cash for all major buys. We are usually more careful when we use real cash instead of plastic. Using the credit card especially when you own multiple credit cards makes it harder for you to keep track of your expenditures, so make the effort not to get addicted to your cards. 

When You Have Surplus Money
If your income situation allows you to save, it means your financial position is healthy. 

Once you have a little equity built up, start looking for ways to make your money work for you. Do not be satisfied with merely earning interest from the bank. There are ways of getting a higher return on your money and the way to find out how is to be on the lookout. Start by having a chat with your friendly banker about the different deposit plans they offer.

clevermoney02.jpgBuying Your First Property
Your first serious investment should be some kind of landed property. This is a really big deal because wealth creation in your life starts with accumulating assets and the first real asset in anyone’s life is the home they live in.

You will need to amass some equity to buy a house or apartment, at least enough to take advantage of easy house loans being offered by banks these days. If you have a steady job and you have at least a good thirty years more to your working life, you will find banks more than happy to offer you financing that will help you purchase your own home.

If you do not already own the home you are living in, you should definitely consider buying property to live in. Owner-occupied homes are easy to get financing for and in 2008 the earth element (which means property) represents wealth creation. So this is a good year to buy property.

Here’s a tip. Borrow as much of the cost of the house as you can, and go for the longest tenure. This way the equity you need as down payment will be less. I would say that it is not difficult to find banks willing to finance from 70 to 80 percent of house purchase price especially when they are in a “good” location. Remember to put top priority on location. Buy from reputable developers or if you are buying from an individual owner, make sure you invite your banker to give you an assessment of how much the bank values the property at. This is because the loan they will be willing to give you depends on their valuation of the property and not necessarily on the price you pay. As for tenure, it makes sense to stretch out the loan as much as you can so that monthly repayments are easier on you.

You will find that what you have to pay in renting living premises is lower than monthly mortgage payments, so make sure you do your sums to make sure you can afford the repayments. Owning your own house of course holds out the promise of long term capital gain. Your house is sure to worth more than what you pay for it if you think long term. As for the repayments, these become less painful as your earning capacity improves.


Trading Up
Owning your own home also allows you to trade up. Over time as your income improves and your family expands in size, you can use your house to help you trade up i.e. help you buy a bigger house. When property values rise, it usually goes beyond the ability of first time buyers. The only way to keep up with inflation is to have a landed asset, so make sure you have this most essential hedge against inflationary pressure.


If you are purchasing property for the first time, it is better to go for landed property and avoid condominiums. Apartments rarely match landed property when it comes to capital appreciation. It is also easier to sell, say a ten year old landed link house than a ten year old apartment.

Other Investments
As your financial situation improves and you start to think of other investments, be mindful of the issue of liquidity. Assets should be easily converted back to cash. In financial terms we describe this as the liquidity of your investment. As a small time investor, it is always good not to tie down your money unnecessarily. You must be
able to convert your investment back to hard cash with a single telephone call. It is for this reason that so many people “play the stock market”.

Playing the stock market requires luck as much as financial knowledge, and it is a whole different dimension to the management of your money. We will talk about this another time but for now focus attention on steadily improving your financial situation. 

Edited by Ethan_Oleh
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Signs of Success & Good Fortune on your Head & Face


The Chinese have always believed that the head and face impart the true essence of a person’s character, and that the general directions of a person’s destiny is revealed by the bone structure and features of the head and face.

Success luck is analyzed according to the physical and structural balance, symmetry of features and apparent firmness and quality of yang chi. The head and face should be the very essence of yang energy. Here, yang energy must be robust and strong, then only does it indicate a life of success and prosperity.

On the head, we should look for yang bone structures whose presence reveals a life of great success, and on the face, we must look for indications of wealth. When you possess these signs, your heaven luck is good. Have them all and life brims over with great good fortune.

Desired Features

For men: a full round head which is neither unbalanced nor has indents and is marked by black moles or black spots indicates a long life of wealth, with nobility of name and the respect of the community. Heads that are perfectly rounded are especially desired, as this kind of head is lucky and auspicious. A man with this kind of head is described as honourable and upright. There is a popular saying among the Chinese:

inquote_large.jpg A square face favours men, while an oval face  favours women. outquote_large.jpg     
When a head is square, the forehead should be high. The forehead should look neither too oily nor excessively dry. This indicates a man has the makings of a “king” or a head of state. In modern times, successful tycoons, CEOs and any kind of leader can be defined as a “king”. If you consciously look at pictures of international business and political leaders, you will note that the most successful, most admired and most prominent are those who have at least two out of three of these features -  a round or square head that is well balanced, a high forehead and a clear bright complexion.

When the forehead is slightly protruding, this indicates a sign of high office, and it should also be fleshy. When the forehead looks parched or stretched, with bones showing through thin skin, it is a sign of loneliness, and even poverty. Some suggest this is an indication of a bad ending when all wealth and assets, and all of one’s family’s is lost. At its worst, it indicates premature death. Thus thin skin is bad, while thicker skin covering the forehead is a sign of longevity.

When bones seem to be prominently protruding, it suggests an early life of hardship and suffering, and when the head is sharp or pointed, high office is impossible to achieve.

For both genders, a big head with small shoulders suggests a life devoid of family. There is little descendants luck and marriage destiny is stale. When there is a small neck as well, it suggests premature death.

For women: a perfectly round head is a sign that she will be blessed with filial children who look after her in her old age. She enjoys a life of leisure with few worries. Usually, women with round heads and good complexions where the face also has flesh bring good luck to their husbands. Pointed heads bring bad luck and when the jaw is wide and protruding, such a woman brings unhappiness, tragedy and even death to their spouses.


Prominent Yang Bones On The Head

The head of both men and women should be strong, robust and have an appearance of great vigour. The head and face is where the YANG energy of the body is concentrated. Here, the skull and bones are referred to as the principal source of yang chi. To be auspicious, one’s head bones need to be strong, slightly prominent and exude an air of authority.

There are six major yang bones on the head, which, to be deemed auspicious, should be seen and felt easily. They should also be prominent. Each of these six yang features brings success, authority and power.

(1) There should be a very slight protrusion at the very top of the head. If you can feel this very slight bump at the very top of your head, you are described as a natural leader, someone to whom power and authority comes naturally. You will be a leader from a young age and even at school, classmates gravitate naturally to you. By the time you reach middle age, you would be in a position of high authority. This protrusion is known as the yang energy at its peak. Someone with this bone feature is highly intelligent and creative.

(2) Slightly below the peak of the head, by its sides ,are the side bones of the head. This is known as the Supporting Yang. When the bones here are rounded and symmetrical, they indicate clear headedness; someone who has the power to think straight and with great mental clarity. Such a person is able to concentrate and analyze on his/her feet. The bones here should not protrude; otherwise they suggest someone who is stubborn and dogmatic.

(3) Look for the bone at the sides of the head parallel to the ear, where the cheekbone connects with the eye bone. There are actually two bones here, but if all you feel is one bone, it means they are connected and this is an excellent sign of good fortune. Use two fingers to feel for this bone. In some people they stick out more prominently than in others. This bone is referred to as the yang energy of the Sun. It brings recognition and success luck, especially in education and scholastic pursuits.

(4) We move to the cheekbones, which are always referred to as the source of great yang energy. Prominent cheekbones are an indication of power and authority. Both cheekbones must be equally prominent and it is better if these bones are high on the cheeks. It is not possible to create fake cheekbones effectively unlike face enhancements. The bones must be there for good fortune to manifest.

(5) It is also important to look at the bone that lies behind the head. The more prominent this bone is the better and it should make this part of the head look like a pillow – and when it does, it is called the Jade Pillow. The presence of the Jade Pillow brings intelligence and great wealth. If this bone is flat your head lacks depth. You will suffer from poor memory and you could well be mentally challenged. This bone is referred to also as the yang energy at the rear.

(6) The bone on the forehead is the place of wisdom yang and a prominent forehead bone is the clearest indication of someone of great intellect. The higher this bone, the more intelligent the person. Rounded forehead bones are excellent for women, while straight forehead bones are better for men. When the prominence of this bone extends to the side of the foreheads, it compounds the positive indications and the nose bone that runs vertically down the center should also be high and straight. This forehead bone extending sideways and down the middle of the face is the principal indicator of mental capabilities, creativity and intelligence. When they are prominent, it suggests someone really special.

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9 hours ago, Cock light said:

Where and how can I learn from someone about Feng shui?

I had listed some popular feng shui master email address, you may like to contact them direct for more information.











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Date: 12 February 2017  
  horoscope_rat.jpg   Rat
Conflict day. Take a breath and count to ten, if you feel your patience failing you. Do not let bitter words ruin a beautiful relationship. Walk away if you cannot control your anger.
  horoscope_ox.jpg   Ox
Watch out for a third party in your relationship. You must not neglect your partner. Settle all problems as calmly. Do not allow the situation to get too complicated.
  horoscope_tiger.jpg   Tiger
You must be very careful with your money. It is not a favorable time to put your money into unfamiliar investments. Otherwise, you will part with your money soon.
  horoscope_rabbit.jpg   Rabbit
Watch out for your personal safety, especially in water. Do not risk your life in the pursuit of fun and excitement. There are better ways to enjoy yourself.
  horoscope_dragon.jpg   Dragon
Be very careful at work. You cannot afford to make careless mistakes. Double-check your work to be sure. Any mistake you make now could come back to haunt you.
  horoscope_snake.jpg   Snake
Problems at your workplace trouble you a lot these days. Even then, you must not forget to exercise care and patience in your personal and romantic relationships.
  horoscope_horse.jpg   Horse
If you are planning on taking a journey, then you are advised to be more careful about personal safety. Do not travel alone, especially to strange or foreign places.
  horoscope_sheep.jpg   Sheep
Do not let pride be your downfall. If you have been guilty of hurting your partners feelings then you should not hesitate to offer an apology for your shortcomings.
  horoscope_monkey.jpg   Monkey
Your luck remains favorable. Your business competitors are watching you closely. Verbal contracts should be followed-up immediately with the proper documents.
  horoscope_rooster.jpg   Rooster
You must not overstress yourself. Take care of your eyes and ears. Do not hesitate to seek medical treatment if you suspect anything amiss. Get enough rest at night.
  horoscope_dog.jpg   Dog
Do not neglect your loved ones. There is no need to be over-demonstrative but you show them some affection every now and then. You must be true to your promises.
  horoscope_boar.jpg   Boar
Your health is improving but you must avoid addictive substances. Cut down on all unhealthy habits. Keep away from high places to avoid the danger of falling.
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The Year of the Rooster 2017 is dominated by the powerful star of Victory #1

  • This is one of the most important feng shui energizers to have this year
  • The Victory Star brings auspicious luck for prosperity and triumph in all endeavours
  • Activate this star to boost career prospects and enjoy a smoother year ahead
  • Carry the trinity of victory horses with you throughout the year to capture the auspicious energies of this star!

This magical feng shui talisman features three special types of horses to bring triple victory:

  • The Precious White Horse brings speed to attaining all achievements
  • The Red Victory Horse dispels all obstacles that can cause failure and brings victory
  • The Monkey, Rat and Dragon trio of symbols brings the power of Competition on your side
  • The brown Tribute Horse carrying a plate of auspicious fruit activates abundance and prosperity luck to flow into the home throughout the year.


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This beautiful key chain amulet is designed to protect against the negative energy brought by the Robbery Star #7.

  • Features the powerful Elephant and Double-Horned Rhinoceros to effectively combat the afflictive energies of the Robbery Star.
  • In 2017, the annual Robbery Star flies into the Southwest, affecting all Matriarchs and marriages, and those born in the years of the Monkey and Sheep
  • The Robbery Star can cause violence, accidents and burglary.
  • All mothers and women aged between 30 and above, Monkey and Sheep-born are advised to carry this amulet throughout the year
  • The #7 star can also cause infidelity and marital problems related to external relationships. All married couples benefit from carrying this amulet.
  • This amulet is highly recommended for those afflicted by the monthly #7 star when it flies into your bedroom, entrance or office location.

NOTE: We do not advise the continued use of anti-burglary amulets that have been used for more than 6 months. If you discover scratches and tarnished surfaces on your amulet, please change them as soon as possible.



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The new wealth and success amulet features the Victory Banner and the Success Syllable, together with a Chi Lin carrying lots of golden ingots bringing you prosperity and good fortune luck. It also has the Ru Yi, the scepter of authoruty, to boost your power and influence luck in the year 2017. Great for the go-getters and achievement-oriented among you!



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Each year, a different Year God rules the year. He is also known as the Tai Sui of the year, and holds the power to bestow good fortune or misfortune, depending on how you fare in his books. The Chinese thus believe it to be imperative at the start of each year to get him onto your side. Carry his image with you as a beautiful bag tag or keychain. Especially needed for those born in years of the Rooster, Rabbit (direct clash), Horse and Rat (side clash).



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This remedy is designed to suppress tension with people in positions of Authority.

  • The 2017 Destiny Chart clearly reveals that tension with people in positions of authority can cause serious problems for everyone in the work place
  • This special remedy has been designed to counter this negative energy
  • Place it on your desk to ensure that you do not accidently offend anyone in a powerful position
  • It also helps to curb office politics and reduce quarrelsome tendencies with co-workers

Highly recommended for: 

  • All career professionals wishing for a smoother year ahead
  • Anyone facing legal cases, problems with their bosses and office politics.


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Specially designed to activate and capture the luck brought by Big and Small Auspicious stars from the 24 Mountain Chart.

  • The Year of Rooster is blessed with 2 Big Auspicious Stars and 4 Small Auspicious Stars
  • Big Auspicious Stars brings excellent luck in careers, promotion and business.
  • Small Auspicious Stars makes your life smooth and increases success in all endeavours.

In 2017, activate these stars by placing this mirror in any of these locations.

  • Small Auspicious Stars in the Southeast benefit the following signs: Snake and Dragon
  • Small Auspicious Stars in the Southwest benefit the following signs: Sheep and Monkey
  • Big Auspicious Stars in the North benefit the Rat and Ox
  • Big Auspicious Stars in the Northeast benefit the Ox
  • For all other signs: activating the Big or Small Auspicious star in locations that you spend time (Bedroom, living room or study) brings great benefits to you.


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In 2017, the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) moves to the West, the zodiac palace of the Rooster. Those whose houses face West are in direct clash with the Tai Sui and are advised to appease the Grand Duke. It is important to avoid renovating or digging in the West and one should also avoid facing the direction of West in 2017.

Place this Tai Sui Plaque in the West to appease the Tai Sui for the year.



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It is the heaven variation of a particularly powerful and auspicious creature of good fortune. He is said to have the power to assist anyone suffering from bad Feng Shui due to having offended the Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui). Thus, those enduring a period of bad luck soon after moving into a new home or soon after undertaking renovations should display the image of Pi Xie in the home.



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The Pi Xie is an auspicious celestial creature said to have the power to appease the Grand Duke Jupiter. The perfect charm to hang off your bag if you are in need of heavenly support from the God of the Year. Carrying a Pi Xie helps turn divine winds your way, giving you a lucky edge in whatever it is you are pursuing.



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This beautiful citrine bracelet features two powerful Dzi Beads to bring completion and success in all your undertakings.

  • 9 Eye Dzi Bead embodies the magical multiplying energies to give power to your activities.
  • Heaven Earth Dzi Bead channels blessings from the cosmic universe to remove obstacles from successfully completing your projects
  • Citrine crystal beads harnesses the astrological planet Jupiter to increase gains
  • Especially powerful when worn during days where the Lo Shu number is 9.

Care instructions: This charm bracelet contains: silver bead balls, citrine beads and two quartz Dzi Beads. To clean, use a damp cloth but do not soak in water. Silver elements may tarnish when exposed to sweat for prolonged periods; polish with a jewellery cleaning cloth to maintain a quality shine.



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In Chinese culture, wearing gold jewellery is believed to bring lots of good luck. And when the item includes auspicious symbols in the design, then the luck is multiplied. Wear an auspicious symbol in 18K gold to maximize your good fortune. These specially crafted gifts of gold make excellent statements of our love for those we care about.

Ingot is extremely auspicious because they signify wealth and material assets, representing savings and worth. Wearing it will also attract abundance of wealth luck and continuous good fortune to you.



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