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Meeting in Yunomori Onsen & Spa

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  On 5/19/2017 at 12:48 AM, chargingbull said:


thanks for the warning,

sorry to hear that you had been taken away.......


you must understand that you must never force yourself on others.....


please dont do it again.



there are very many if not ALL straight men who are scared to enjoy themselves,

but they ALL like to peep at people who are comfortable with showing off their full mast

and also like to watch others self massage.


many straight like to join in group self massage , just like Army Days too.. but discreetly....

and it happens here...


so dont condemn them or anyone.


............................just mind our own business.


if you cant come here everyday, i suggest you just stick to macritchie.......


it's free for all there.





He got say he was taken away meh? U didn't even read it right. Its IS NOT a matter of forcing oneself onto others. Clearly, you still don't understand or do not wish to understand. So if in the onsen you ever kena a complaint you can jolly well use your 'theory' of 'understanding' and explain to the attendant and management of why you are doing inappropriate acts and walking around with a risen rod. And no, you won't get away with it. Why? Answer is simple, this is a PUBLIC onsen. Do not bring your airy theories of can do this because folks in other countries do that or make general assuumptions. 

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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:31 AM, juzabishanguy said:


Lol folks in the Soda Pool were elbows against elbows and the benches were full. The moment the doors slide open all got eagle eye looks from those at the benches ROFL..









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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:28 AM, juzabishanguy said:


He got say he was taken away meh? U didn't even read it right. Its IS NOT a matter of forcing oneself onto others. Clearly, you still don't understand or do not wish to understand. So if in the onsen you ever kena a complaint you can jolly well use your 'theory' of 'understanding' and explain to the attendant and management of why you are doing inappropriate acts and walking around with a risen rod. And no, you won't get away with it. Why? Answer is simple, this is a PUBLIC onsen. Do not bring your airy theories of can do this because folks in other countries do that or make general assuumptions. 








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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:21 AM, juzabishanguy said:


It seems that talking to you is like talking to a tree, a tree may even listen better. So since you OBVIOUSLY duno HOW to listen, you next time go please walk around with a flag pole proudly okay. Dun need to cover up, because your very proud of it obviously. Let it stand up and proud for your entire onsen duration and see if the attendant comes to look for you. Theres no point in trading words for you when it doesn't reach your brain. And, your stories have known to have exaggerations. FYI.












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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:38 AM, chargingbull said:





not just elbows to elbows......


underwater EVERYBODY is Driving Each others' and Changing Gears using the GEAR STICKS......... ha ha ha ha


it was so much fun.!!!...






I meant yesterday...and seeing as you were not there i duno HOW you know what happens underwater unless you have teleportive and underwater eyes.

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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:41 AM, chargingbull said:





HARD MORNING WOOD..............


ALL DAY LONG.............!!!


...................of course the attendant will come look for me.......


................he also wants to look and see...................hee hee!!



anyway, nothing wrong with walking around with morning wood all day long......


its an all guys place........everyone can have morning wood all day long.....







Yes next time tell the attendant that and pray they don't call the police okay? Only you would think it is a whole joke.

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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:45 AM, juzabishanguy said:


I meant yesterday...and seeing as you were not there i duno HOW you know what happens underwater unless you have teleportive and underwater eyes.






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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:46 AM, juzabishanguy said:


Yes next time tell the attendant that and pray they don't call the police okay? Only you would think it is a whole joke.







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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:50 AM, chargingbull said:




yes sir!!


just let the others show off their hard masts...


but we all like to see ........


cant deny it...


everybody likes to see those who like to show off..


nothing wrong.






Correction. The only person so enthu abt seeing hard rods in onsen is CLEARLY...you. The only person who is encouraging such acts is U. To have a hard dick in a non-gay place is to over attract attention and ask for complaints which is still u. So yes, please do ur dumb thing and pray you don't get caught. But if you do please note its YOUR own fault. 

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  On 5/19/2017 at 7:10 AM, juzabishanguy said:


Correction. The only person so enthu abt seeing hard rods in onsen is CLEARLY...you. The only person who is encouraging such acts is U. To have a hard dick in a non-gay place is to over attract attention and ask for complaints which is still u. So yes, please do ur dumb thing and pray you don't get caught. But if you do please note its YOUR own fault. 


I think he is the boss of this ONSEN ~

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  On 5/19/2017 at 7:10 AM, juzabishanguy said:


Correction. The only person so enthu abt seeing hard rods in onsen is CLEARLY...you. The only person who is encouraging such acts is U. To have a hard dick in a non-gay place is to over attract attention and ask for complaints which is still u. So yes, please do ur dumb thing and pray you don't get caught. But if you do please note its YOUR own fault. 


how to get hard with the extreme heat or cold

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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:46 AM, juzabishanguy said:


Yes next time tell the attendant that and pray they don't call the police okay? Only you would think it is a whole joke.




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  On 5/19/2017 at 12:50 PM, Balestier said:

how to get hard with the extreme heat or cold
































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Visited there today in the afternoon.


Had a small encounter with a Caucasian man in the steam room, but I only proceeded with your teasing and slow, erecting dick as you continued looking at me when no one was around and it was just the 2 of us (it's a public/straight sauna where minors can actually go in as well, so gotta respect that and thus sexual advances should be extra discreet).


I left earlier to soak in the pools and had hoped you'd join me for a casual chat as you were totally my type. Not sure if you're here and feel the same way haha.

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  On 5/19/2017 at 12:49 PM, Kimochi said:

I think he is the boss of this ONSEN ~



Nope i'm not the boss but with already all news on gays etc and upcoming pink dot already its not like LGBT are portrayed in a good light. To have someone come and encourage this kind of thing in a place where str8 folks (yes..str8 folks HAVE complained before) are also wandering around and at times even children. I TOTALLY find that inappropriate. There are times and places for hanky panky..and such a place isn't exactly one of them.

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  On 5/19/2017 at 1:48 PM, Teddiursa said:

Visited there today in the afternoon.


Had a small encounter with a Caucasian man in the steam room, but I only proceeded with your teasing and slow, erecting dick as you continued looking at me when no one was around and it was just the 2 of us (it's a public/straight sauna where minors can actually go in as well, so gotta respect that and thus sexual advances should be extra discreet).


I left earlier to soak in the pools and had hoped you'd join me for a casual chat as you were totally my type. Not sure if you're here and feel the same way haha.









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  On 5/19/2017 at 7:10 AM, juzabishanguy said:


Correction. The only person so enthu abt seeing hard rods in onsen is CLEARLY...you. The only person who is encouraging such acts is U. To have a hard dick in a non-gay place is to over attract attention and ask for complaints which is still u. So yes, please do ur dumb thing and pray you don't get caught. But if you do please note its YOUR own fault. 







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  On 5/19/2017 at 12:50 PM, Balestier said:

how to get hard with the extreme heat or cold


I also wont get hard in extreme heat or cold. My brain will be distracted to use my will power to withstand the temperature and some times may need to even flex my muscle to control the great discomfort cause by the temperature.

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  On 5/21/2017 at 6:17 PM, yoyo74 said:

I also wont get hard in extreme heat or cold. My brain will be distracted to use my will power to withstand the temperature and some times may need to even flex my muscle to control the great discomfort cause by the temperature.


that's why I always take these comments  with a pinch of salt

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  On 5/21/2017 at 6:17 PM, yoyo74 said:

I also wont get hard in extreme heat or cold. My brain will be distracted to use my will power to withstand the temperature and some times may need to even flex my muscle to control the great discomfort cause by the temperature.




Edited by chargingbull
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