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Wedding Dinner Party


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5 hours ago, thorzguy said:

Congrats @doncoin !! Ultimately, the sweetest memory will always be in your heart!

Enjoy your big day! :)




Thank you. It is still some way off but it seems that there is a lot of planning even for a small event. Yes, we hope to create memories that we can smile at in the years to come. 


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@doncoin, Congrats to you and your partner, lovely to read about your experiences in the relationship and hope you will have a wonderful and memorable time with family and friends during the event. May your marriage be stronger by the day and last forever.


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5 hours ago, lovehandle said:

so envious of u , Doncoin


@lovehandle Don't be envious. It can happen to anyone. You just got to put in the work to make it happen. I realised that I never want to be with anyone else but him. We had our ups and downs. Nasty fights etc. through it all, we've learnt to focus on what is important- how we feel about each other. So, it took a while, but I think we are finally on the same track. 


Yes, a gay wedding celebrated by family is rare in Singapore, and I feel blessed to have a supportive family. However, not all is rosy. I.e. it is not quite the big wedding my mom had envisioned where she can bragged to her friends and have her moment in her social circle. Maybe one or 2 of her very close girlfriends who have known and watched me grow up will be invited. Other than that, it will be strictly family and close friends. 


We all can have a happy gay life. You just need to figure out what is important to you. Make all the mistakes you can make while you are young, but make sure you also learn from them. 


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