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Belize high court rules sodomy law unconstitutional

Guest 72%dark

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Guest 72%dark

Tiny Belize is having a moment of global fame. Simone Biles, the United States’ spring-loaded gold-medal gymnast, is also a citizen of the Caribbean state. Human-rights advocates, meanwhile, are more excited about the decision by its high court to decriminalise homosexuality. Section 53 of the criminal code, which threatens people who engage in “carnal intercourse against the order of nature” with up to ten years in prison, is unconstitutional, ruled the chief justice, Kenneth Benjamin, on August 10th. The decision may set a precedent for a conservative region.

It was a long time coming. Caleb Orozco, a leader of the United Belize Advocacy Movement, a gay-rights group, waited three years for a hearing after challenging the law in 2010. His campaign provoked attacks and insults. Churches fought it, both in the courtroom as “interested parties” and through the media. Lance Lewis, president of Belize’s National Evangelical Association, called the court’s ruling “an abomination”.

But it has given hope to campaigners in the ten other English-speaking Caribbean countries that still have Victorian-era anti-sodomy laws on their books. 


A few other interesting points to note about Belize: A small, recently independent country in Central America surrounded by larger neighbors, with whom there remain some territorial disputes. A former British colony with a parliamentary democracy. An economy largely dependent on tourism (i.e. a service rather than an extractable and exportable natural resource). A multiethnic and multilingual society with an aging population, changing demographics due to e/immigration, and growing income inequality (despite a relatively high per capita GDP for the region). Catholics/Christians account for 70% of the population.


Except for the last point, doesn’t all that sound quite… familiar?


So, what is ‘our’ excuse again?

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I read on Wikipedia about this recent decriminalization in Belize.  What called my attention was this:


" The Belizean Council of Churches held a "Belize Action/Family Forum" rally on 23 November 2011[19] to express its opposition to decriminalization as part of "an orchestrated plan of demonic darkness to dethrone God from our Constitution and open massive gateways to demonic influence and destruction that will affect generation after generation to come".[22] "


So giving rights to homosexuals is "opening massive gateways to demonic influence and destruction" ???

In what century...  no, millennia...  are these members of their "Council of Churches" living in? 


It is so clear the EVIL that raises from fanatic believers that hide behind the disguise of "pro family".

THEY are the organized religious demonic darkness !

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