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Hi guys, I need to loose some weight and I don't really like the idea of being stuck in a gym. Other than swimming, cycling and (of course) sex, are there any other fun activity that I can burn an obscene amount of cal? I was thinking of trekking as well. But do we have any nice place to trek here? Anyway thanks, appreciate any suggestion.


Oh yeah! I'm looking for friends that might have the same purpose. Best to suffer together than alone in silence I guess lol. PM me: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a recommendation for you. Why don't you try creations from mother nature. I have a brother loves gym so much, but he had the same problems with you. The spell is he used fruit in order to get gid of fat at belly, chin, arms and legs.

There are 3 most used fruit he is fond of until now is grapefruit, banana and guava. If you do not have enough time to conduct some researches, I did it for you. You can take a look at this and choose the best creation for yourself and most suitable for your health condition.

more information: https://wikihomenutrition.com/guava-health-benefits/

The advantage of fruit is a storage of vitamin and fiber, folate. So you can use it every time that you think you can. After working out for 1 hour, you can have one of these as the way to charge your energy and back to the gym stage.

Besides, as u said, having sex will consume much more cal, so do it usually but remember not to overdo :))))) 

There is another way, cleaning the house is the best way to reduce cal after eating fried food. So you can do both purposes: reduce cal, be hard-working, live in clear house.

I hope it will help you as you expected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you should do something fun as the pivotal point to lose weight rather than finding a high burning activity to lose weight as a pivotal point. You would want to sustain this behaviour, and if you're not doing what you like, chances are you're gonna give it up after the enthusiasm has worn off (3-5 months). Pick up a sport. I find that usually playing one sport which i'm interested in sustain my behaviour longer than if i set myself to run everyday. High burning calories sports are those that involve you moving about, so things like frisbee, volleyball, water polo, football, basketball and badminton, just to name a few. Get out there and explore, there are so many clubs in Singapore that caters to all the different kinds of sports 

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