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True Buddha School (真佛宗) : 

You can look at the websites to see the time that you're okay with to join. There are various activities, ranging from: Buddhism Classes Information, Namo Padmakumara Yoga Dharma practice (南无莲花童子瑜伽相应法), Namo Vajrasattva Yoga Dharma Practice (南无金刚萨垛瑜伽相应法), Fire Offering (Homa) Puja Ceremony (护摩火供法会), Volunteer Programme, True Buddha Repentance Sadhana (真佛宝忏;every 18th day of the lunar calendar), Liang Huang Repentance Sadhana (Liang Huang Bao Chan 梁煌宝忏) etc. 


If you wish to know more, do not hesitate to give a call for more enquiry. 

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Any difference in chanting alone at home or group at temples?



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4 hours ago, Guest Elvin said:

Come 新加坡佛光山。every Sunday morning 10 to 12 we had chanting. 


What kind of chanting?  No point just follow the chanting but don't understand the meaning right ?

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41 minutes ago, fab said:

Any difference in chanting alone at home or group at temples?


I guess there should be a difference.  Just like when one is dying, I was told that more people chanting for him have a better effect than just one person. 

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5 minutes ago, Guest KMS said:


I guess there should be a difference.  Just like when one is dying, I was told that more people chanting for him have a better effect than just one person. 


I understand your pt in this case. Thats team work cos the amt of chants dedicated to the deceased is greater than what one chants alone would generate.


My question is, any diff in chanting alone or group? At home or temples? More powerful or enlightening etc?



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5 hours ago, fab said:

Any difference in chanting alone at home or group at temples?

I gonna explain this in a scientific way. 


There are 2 different chantings: 

1. Chanting the name of a deity Eg: Namo Amitabha, Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa, etc. 

2. Chanting the heart mantra of a deity Eg: Om.A Mi. Deh Wa. Seh (Heart mantra of Amitabha), Om. Ma. Ni. Pad. Me. Hom (Heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara) 

Chanting the heart mantra means we're chanting after the buddha's/ bodhisattva's heart; it's like the "password" to "touch" the buddha's/bodhisattva's heart and to invoke them to grant blessings to us. One's continuous chanting of mantras/name of a deity will become a sound waves, turning into a "right frequency" and "tune in" to the deity's "channel" (heart) in order to invoke Him/Her. In Vajrayāna, the disciples will form a mudra with both hands. This mudra acts like the antenna and it signifies that body is pure (身清净). Mantra signifies the mouth is pure (口清净)and visualization of buddha's/ bodhisattva's image signifies pure mind (意清净).Each mantra has its meaning. Taking Namo Amitabha's heart mantra as example: Om- The Universe; A. Mi. Deh Wa = the name of Amitabha. Seh= the seed syllable of Amitabha "些" (in Sanskrit). 


Chanting alone at home will have smaller energy but never underestimate yourself. There will be still energy but definitely not greater than chantings in group. Chanting in a group at temples will gather the energy from each and everyone thus will create a greater frequency. Also, going to temples frequently are actually training your minds. It is believed that when one's dead, one will encounter the process of death once every 7 days for 49days. If you're frequent to go to temple, you will have the habit instill in you in a long run. Thus within 7 days, there'll be a day that you'd remember that you have to go to temple and from there you can receive bardo from deity invoked by the chantings of others. As based from what I've read, there are unexplained phenomenon of chantings as well: http://tbsn.org/english2/news.php?id=590&classid=1 






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– Be aware of all superstitious and deviant paths under the disguise of Buddhism.

– Trust only recognized and authentic Buddhist texts from recognized and authentic Buddhist teachers!

– Before accepting a teacher, get a deeper understanding about authentic Buddhism to avoid being led astray!

– Check out your own motivation why you are attracted by a certain master and check out his background!

– Be aware of people with the so called “son of the gods” complex!

– Buddhists do not worship ordinary persons who declare themselves to be a Buddha!

– The notion of a self – thus ideas like “I, the living Buddha”, “my”, “the best”, “the most”, “the highest”, “the truest” – form the very bedrock of delusion and are the opposite of realization.

– Buddhism is about dismantling the self, not aggrandizing it.

– The only purpose of Buddhist teachings is to reduce your ego.

– If someone has an overinflated ego and excessive pride then he/she is simply not enlightened and not a full Buddha.

– Avoid all so called “masters” who are infatuated with and are boasting of their achievements!

– Alleged miracles are not evidence of enlightenment.

– Super knowledge, various kinds of visionary experiences, clairvoyance, paranormal capabilities and miraculous powers are only superficial qualities and not the ultimate result of complete enlightenment.

– According to Buddhist scriptures, if someone pretends to be an enlightened Buddha he creates the most severe karma. They are ruining the teachings of the Buddha and create disaster for themselves and others.

– Following a charlatan creates immense suffering!

– Never make visionary experiences public or brag about it!

– Visionary experiences may be created by your own ego!

– If you have not yet completely conquered your ego and have not yet gained mastery over your own mind, there is a real danger that also demonic obstructers or karmic creditors may enter your visions, even in the appearance of a Buddha, to harm you.

– At the end all phenomena are created by your own mind and should be seen as illusory!

– Clarify all your spiritual responses and yogic powers with an accomplished master!

– Never practice for your own gain, wealth and fame.

– Imagine having intense longing for a spiritual path, meeting somebody who seems very charismatic, who says all kinds of profound and unusual things, but deep down has none of the qualities that a qualified spiritual friend should have.


You follow him or her sincerely for a long time until you discover just before you die that your teacher is a complete fake and charlatan.

Imagine what regret will overcome you.

– If your purpose for meditation is to stay healthy, become rich and famous, have success in your career and all undertakings or for control of natural elements such as wind and rain, then your meditation is impure.


If you meditate on these things you reinforce your desires about it and that creates further karma and will influence your rebirth bringing you farther away from Buddhism and the goal of becoming enlightened.

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1 hour ago, Guest goo88889999 said:


Actually xiaofangzi was not invented by him. 


It is only but a way of recording  N numbers of 4 sutras each being recitated. Its the burning rituals of the completed chants thats controversial. 



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