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Do we need to marry?

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Personally I have mixed feelings about marriage.


On one end, marriage has its roots in the church and its religious ties/burdens does not really sit well with me. Moreover, in many (more progressive) places in the world, a civil partnership/union is just as legally binding as a marriages, sans a few gotchas. I don't believe that you need marriage to cement your commitment to someone else.


On the other end though, I am supportive of the movement that people who are in love should be able to marry. Marriages offers the largest umbrella of legal protection for shared assets among couples, more than civil unions and the likes. Gay/lesbian marriage is a hallmark that a society has progressed far enough to learn that commitment to one another is not a concept restricted to heterosexuals only.


So... long story short, marriage equality is good to have, but I won't sign up for one ;) my SO and I are quite happy the way we are right now, too.

Edited by hazilyhasty

If the world don't suck we'd all fall off.

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Guest Guest
3 hours ago, hazilyhasty said:

Personally I have mixed feelings about marriage.


On one end, marriage has its roots in the church and its religious ties/burdens does not really sit well with me. Moreover, in many (more progressive) places in the world, a civil partnership/union is just as legally binding as a marriages, sans a few gotchas. I don't believe that you need marriage to cement your commitment to someone else.


On the other end though, I am supportive of the movement that people who are in love should be able to marry. Marriages offers the largest umbrella of legal protection for shared assets among couples, more than civil unions and the likes. Gay/lesbian marriage is a hallmark that a society has progressed far enough to learn that commitment to one another is not a concept restricted to heterosexuals only.


So... long story short, marriage equality is good to have, but I won't sign up for one ;) my SO and I are quite happy the way we are right now, too.

You try marry in church without a civil marriage and see if its legal...you must still go ROM hor before its legal..


Rock superstar Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall got a Bali wedding.when they seperated, jerry hall got less as their marriage was not legally binding..


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14 hours ago, hazilyhasty said:

Personally I have mixed feelings about marriage.


On one end, marriage has its roots in the church and its religious ties/burdens does not really sit well with me. Moreover, in many (more progressive) places in the world, a civil partnership/union is just as legally binding as a marriages, sans a few gotchas. I don't believe that you need marriage to cement your commitment to someone else.


On the other end though, I am supportive of the movement that people who are in love should be able to marry. Marriages offers the largest umbrella of legal protection for shared assets among couples, more than civil unions and the likes. Gay/lesbian marriage is a hallmark that a society has progressed far enough to learn that commitment to one another is not a concept restricted to heterosexuals only.


So... long story short, marriage equality is good to have, but I won't sign up for one ;) my SO and I are quite happy the way we are right now, too.



Marriage does not originate from the church. People still got married without knowing Abrahamic religions.  



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The only thing i see so far is that the advantage of marriage is your spouse are entitled to benefits offered to staff welfare...example medical coverage...free flights holidays etc

Other than that a will to cover your BF is good enough in case anything happens to either of you and you wnat to pass whats yours or some of it to him etc.

Of course once accepted one can hold hands n kiss openly too....like man and wife... lol

We can live around it but in reality its time the world wakes up to the modern world and remove ancient beliefs from this world and stop brainwashing the kids with such nonsense.

We have advanced and still searching for answers...there is no need to fear the unknown with false threats of eternal damnation...

Take a step back...do your own research open your minds...find the origins of religion....watch "can you on you tube,,can you handle the truth...religion."

Common sense dictates .....until you find their imaginary friends you dont have to submit yourself to fears of the ancient world. 

Many God have disppeared one after another...the latest one being the Abrahamic desert God.

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I think one crucial aspect of marriage has not been brought up thus far.

It is about the fact that when your partner is critically ill, in hospital fighting for his life, you would want to be by his side, make crucial decisions regarding

his health and condition, and not be subject to his family members' judgments and decisions (which certainly would override yours).


What happens if they decide to bar you from your (long-time) partner's side during his dying last moments?

What recourse would you have? None.

Simply because your partnership, in the eyes of the law, is just that - a partnership. It is not legally binding.


What happens then? 

Ask yourself that.

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Having children is also one of the important reasons behind marriage cos the kids will eventually be the one to take care of their parents when the latter gets on with age. SG is still a relatively young country so we might not have many instances of gay couples who are really old (ie aged>70). In the next half-century or so, this issue will probably start to become more, for the lack of a better word, obvious as the country continues aging at a startling rate.

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Guest legal

I strongly believe that gay marriage should be made legal IF, IF, IF both party's parents consent to it and witnessed at the ROM.  This should avoid any disputes when it comes to sharing social welfare or any matter pertained to Will and inheritance.  The govt should not interfere and descriminate the gay people.

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Yes.each one of us should get married.if can rewind back the time, i would get married to a woman n have children.when im old n horny will have fun with guys like how some married bi guys r doing.coz i love children.call me any names u want to.im saying if im still young but not now.so young guys out there settle down with a girl n start a family rather than having a disappointed gay life.hehe

Edited by cutejack
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Guest Intrigued
3 hours ago, cutejack said:

Yes.each one of us should get married.if can rewind back the time, i would get married to a woman n have children.when im old n horny will have fun with guys like how some married bi guys r doing.coz i love children.call me any names u want to.im saying if im still young but not now.so young guys out there settle down with a girl n start a family rather than having a disappointed gay life.hehe

You don't mind screwing a pussy?

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On 4/11/2017 at 4:38 AM, hazilyhasty said:

Personally I have mixed feelings about marriage.


On one end, marriage has its roots in the church and its religious ties/burdens does not really sit well with me. Moreover, in many (more progressive) places in the world, a civil partnership/union is just as legally binding as a marriages, sans a few gotchas. I don't believe that you need marriage to cement your commitment to someone else.


On the other end though, I am supportive of the movement that people who are in love should be able to marry. Marriages offers the largest umbrella of legal protection for shared assets among couples, more than civil unions and the likes. Gay/lesbian marriage is a hallmark that a society has progressed far enough to learn that commitment to one another is not a concept restricted to heterosexuals only.


So... long story short, marriage equality is good to have, but I won't sign up for one ;) my SO and I are quite happy the way we are right now, too.

I tend to agree with sentiments here... "marriage" or some kind of legal partnership for requisite rights, responsibilities, entitlements -- YES.  "marriage" so to be seen as doing a hetero ritual and somehow be "normal" or fulfil some kind of societal cliche or religious obligation-- NO.  I think gay relationships can and should be as open to interpretation and new dynamics, rules, and ideals as they can dream.  We are not bound by some mandatory reproductive constraints or expectations, so I think we should shun norm and all that goes with it and invent relationship roles that really suit the people in the relationship as fully as possible.  Strangely, a lot of people aspire to the hetero paradigm which I really don't understand...

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Marry, may be.


giving birth? No.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Giving birth is a biological urge that is built-into the female psyche more then anything. The reason NATIONS want this or in a large group that wants this is due to village expansion and to build a strong tribe to protect, to conquer and to survive others from invading.. That is the old ways and human being has evolve along that line. As a gay person have you thought about what you are and if what you are FOLLOWING is something more copy cat to feel normal to a str8 couple. For no matter how much say society will accept us, you are still difference, your parenting is still seen as not same as a female's role  left alone a male's role in child upbringing. You have kids for the right reasons and not the wrong and worst self-interest and selfish interest like expectation he/she will look after you.


There are more and more people I know and some are my friend who never see having children for the sake they will be care-takers for them... nor financially. Those old ways are going away with health care which never existed back then, and there was farms and land to maintain so couples have children as it was the ONLY means for self sustaining..And how many have farms today with the invention of "employment' and tech?


More developed countries are having less children and less would like to get married.. as each past. You need to ask yourself.. you trying to do this to feel NORMAL or if you really need to be married for "legal" obligation where marriage as some mentioned here as a means to help each other which spousal consent is needed or you really love kids and not just to be your future caretakers. The last one.. remember where you are... where earning a living is hard, you want to look after a kid(s) till 20 years old. And also if your kids are employable and have a good job first and then to marry (have a good life for themselves before thinking about you).... after which you so sure they will look after you? You sure and want to bet 30-40 years of your and your husband life on that? When even other modern smart successful family are starting to think away fro this old values and be self sufficient ?

Marry for the right reasons. Have kids for the right reason as to not raise them well is really really cruel of you two. Marriage is NOT a guaranteed for love and fairthfulness and a solution to all your insecurities be your thinking or trying to mimic what a str8 couple does. We already so some many str8 couple having problems.. and you want to join in thinking that maybe be your answer?

You are gay you are already different like it or not. Stop always trying to act NORMAL. You are NOT NORMAL And that is NOT A BAD THING ...just different/. So think different. For your sake, happiness and well being.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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On 4/12/2017 at 11:02 AM, Guest legal said:

I strongly believe that gay marriage should be made legal IF, IF, IF both party's parents consent to it and witnessed at the ROM.  This should avoid any disputes when it comes to sharing social welfare or any matter pertained to Will and inheritance.  The govt should not interfere and descriminate the gay people.

Parents consent should not be needed as they wont be able to know who you love. Some parents only care about themself or their religion and their son is of a less priority.

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On 4/12/2017 at 11:02 AM, Guest legal said:

I strongly believe that gay marriage should be made legal IF, IF, IF both party's parents consent to it and witnessed at the ROM.  This should avoid any disputes when it comes to sharing social welfare or any matter pertained to Will and inheritance.  The govt should not interfere and descriminate the gay people.



stupid af. if straight people don't need parents consent to marry, why would lgbt need that? 



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On 4/14/2017 at 8:48 AM, upshot said:

Giving birth is a biological urge that is built-into the female psyche more then anything. The reason NATIONS want this or in a large group that wants this is due to village expansion and to build a strong tribe to protect, to conquer and to survive others from invading.. That is the old ways and human being has evolve along that line. As a gay person have you thought about what you are and if what you are FOLLOWING is something more copy cat to feel normal to a str8 couple. For no matter how much say society will accept us, you are still difference, your parenting is still seen as not same as a female's role  left alone a male's role in child upbringing. You have kids for the right reasons and not the wrong and worst self-interest and selfish interest like expectation he/she will look after you.


You make a lot of assumptions, but I guess this is your right.

Gay marriage should be accepted and legal mainly for a principle of EQUALITY.

There is no EQUALITY in the reasons people want to marry or not, have children or not. 

Each couple, gay or straight, is a unique case.

Copy cat to a straight couple is not a realistic reason,

like it is not realistic to protect the rights of poor people so they can be "copy cats" of the rich.


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On 4/11/2017 at 10:02 PM, Guest legal said:

I strongly believe that gay marriage should be made legal IF, IF, IF both party's parents consent to it and witnessed at the ROM.  This should avoid any disputes when it comes to sharing social welfare or any matter pertained to Will and inheritance.  The govt should not interfere and descriminate the gay people.


You are not explaining in the IF, IF, IF why parents should consent.  Are you talking about marriage among minors? Why should there be a difference if the ones to marry are gay or straight?

Disputes in matters of welfare, wills and inheritance should also be ruled by laws that don't take into account the sexual orientation of the concerned.

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Guest Guest

Personally, I don't think equality comes into the picture.  The problem with the west now is that they focus too much on self and rights.  If you reduce everything to self and rights, then everything must be equal.  And this is the part that is giving so much trouble.  They say Marriage is about raising kids as well and kids have a right to a father and a mother.  I think there is truth in it also.


I think if the law allow the gay couple rights to housing, visiting rights, medical, but not including the term "Marriage", "Adoption" or "Surrogate", all the gays will be MUCH better off.  And I think it's just so silly to ask for the term "Marriage" and create so much hurdles for the gay people.  I may be wrong in this but I think gays aren't that interesting in adoption either.  Yes, some will, but I believe most aren't.  And even then, singles, I believe, are already able to adopt.  Granted that the child only belongs to 1 parent.


Just my personal thinking.  Not keen to argue with anyone on this.  Seen too much arguments already.  Thanks.

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12 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Personally, I don't think equality comes into the picture.  The problem with the west now is that they focus too much on self and rights.  If you reduce everything to self and rights, then everything must be equal.  And this is the part that is giving so much trouble.  They say Marriage is about raising kids as well and kids have a right to a father and a mother.  I think there is truth in it also.


I think if the law allow the gay couple rights to housing, visiting rights, medical, but not including the term "Marriage", "Adoption" or "Surrogate", all the gays will be MUCH better off.  And I think it's just so silly to ask for the term "Marriage" and create so much hurdles for the gay people.  I may be wrong in this but I think gays aren't that interesting in adoption either.  Yes, some will, but I believe most aren't.  And even then, singles, I believe, are already able to adopt.  Granted that the child only belongs to 1 parent.


Just my personal thinking.  Not keen to argue with anyone on this.  Seen too much arguments already.  Thanks.



Word of advice: if you don't want people to reply to your points then don't post anything at all.


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Guest Ayoyo

In Sillypore one gay /guy must marry a woman then can buy and select new hdb subsidised house. This is unfair to LGBT minor and others can not get married whom are tax payers too. Unlike other neighbouring countries, the housing market is free and open regardless your status single or married.

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Guest Guest
On Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 3:48 AM, Guest Guest said:

So do we need to get married and have children to fulfill the optimum life image?

How bout if we are gay? 

Unless its a trend or fashionable. As I am into fashion, I will marry of there is a need to.

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7 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Unless its a trend or fashionable. As I am into fashion, I will marry of there is a need to.


It is understandable that you choose what rugs to put on your body based on fashion.

But to let fashion dictate what important life changing decisions you make?

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Guest Guest
3 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


It is understandable that you choose what rugs to put on your body based on fashion.

But to let fashion dictate what important life changing decisions you make?

Yes as whats fashion will become the norm.

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