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Everytime I chat with a new guy I fancy... I get too Overly attached - HELP!

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Everytime I chat with a new guy I fancy... I get too overly attached, in terms of him online but not replying etc... Knowing his past flings which will make me feel jealous.. This happen within just few days of chatting. Is it that I'm putting too much emotions into those apps? Or does anyone has ways to curb such feelings.. I know it's bad and make me look like desperate.. But I can't help it. 

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Guest Gareth96

My two cents worth, I could be wrong too. I think you are in fact desperate. Not saying that you should completely change the way you think, but I think it would serve you well to stop destructive thinking by reflecting on why would you feel that way. Cheer up! :)

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Guest Advice
1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:

Everytime I chat with a new guy I fancy... I get too overly attached, in terms of him online but not replying etc... Knowing his past flings which will make me feel jealous.. This happen within just few days of chatting. Is it that I'm putting too much emotions into those apps? Or does anyone has ways to curb such feelings.. I know it's bad and make me look like desperate.. But I can't help it. 

I don't think you are desperate. It just shows that you care enough to want to know more about the person you are chatting with. You should give yourself credit for that.

Having said that, you are aware of your issues like anxiety over online status and jealousy. It is easier said than done, but you can try changing your perspectives. It is his freedom to be online and chat with anyone as much as it is yours. He is not your boyfriend yet after all. And look at the bright side, you can tell him your flings as well or tease him about his flings. Again, he has his past just like you have yours.

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他不爱我 牵手的时候太冷清 拥抱的时候不够靠近
他不爱我 说话的时候不认真 沉默的时候又太用心

我知道他不爱我 他的眼神 说出他的心

我看透了他的心 还有别人逗留的背影
我看到了他的心 演的全是他和她的电影
他不爱我 尽管如此 他还是赢走了我的心



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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I used to feel that way. It's only after a while then I realise that I feel lonely. I just wan to constantly talk to someone and it feels good that someone is talking to me and giving me the attention that I want. You wanna tell him everything about you, what is happening around you and you wanna know what is going on with his life. I would love it if they become my boy friend or even best friend but if you think about it, even if it happens, things might not go well because you are overly attached and clingy just by seeing the way things are now. I still feel that way once in awhile, but when I do, I just delete the app and stop thinking about all these. It's a habit that you have formed to keep waiting for replies which made you so depressed when he doesn't reply you when he's online or just don't reply for just after an hour or so. Delete the app, go out with your friends, watch some drama, do whatever you want, just keep yourself occupied. Since you are no longer on the app, you won't be waiting for anyone to reply you! :)


Hope things will get better for you.

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  • G_M changed the title to Everytime I chat with a new guy I fancy... I get too Overly attached - HELP!
7 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Everytime I chat with a new guy I fancy... I get too overly attached, in terms of him online but not replying etc... Knowing his past flings which will make me feel jealous.. This happen within just few days of chatting. Is it that I'm putting too much emotions into those apps? Or does anyone has ways to curb such feelings.. I know it's bad and make me look like desperate.. But I can't help it. 


Repeat these exercise everyday when you wake up after brushing your teeth and look at the mirror.

I am ___(NAME)__________ 

1. I am a desperate idiot!

2. I am a controlling freak!
3. I am a jealous prick!
4. I am an immature kid!

Then, followed by
1. I must not be an idiot!

2. I must not be a freak.

3. I must not be a prick
4. I must learn to be more mature.


All your woes will be heal if you follow the daily routine as mentioned.

Edited by GachiMuchi
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6 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Everytime I chat with a new guy I fancy... I get too overly attached, in terms of him online but not replying etc... Knowing his past flings which will make me feel jealous.. This happen within just few days of chatting. Is it that I'm putting too much emotions into those apps? Or does anyone has ways to curb such feelings.. I know it's bad and make me look like desperate.. But I can't help it. 

How old are you? u must be rather quite young to be so 'clingy'

The sooner you can be 'unclingy', the better you are off psychologically and emotionally.

You are actually inflicting mental torture on yourself being so 'clingy' , especially you are aware of his past flings

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