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Principles i hope to adhere to... being Single & Gay in Singapore


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* Everything below is highly personal to me & not a concoction of mumbo-jumbo to increase viewership. Feel free to reply coz i am not following this Post, but thx for reading...


I promise not to...  do my workouts in the gym while secretly staring at the guy next to me with that cute butt 

I promise not to... lust over guys dressed in sports attire while they are seated in trains & carrying sports equipment... esp if the words "Secondary of JC" is printed at the back of their Tees


I promise not to... stare into my neighbour's window & strike a conversation with her 21yo son who is tall, dark & handsome 

I promise not to... get excited when a hot guy enters the lift (at my home) with me & i get wild thoughts on mtg him on Grindr


I promise not to... joke with the Food Stall Operator when he asks me: "More Chilli?" i am tempted to reply... no need lah... with someone as gd looking as U... who needs more chilli?

I promise not to... tell pple on Grindr i am 1.71m when the Polyclinic-measurement-height-monitor always says i am 1.68 metres


( i could go on forever but this is not Confession time with a Priest so let's just leave it there... )

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I promise not to...  do my workouts in the gym while secretly staring at the guy next to me with that cute butt -  I'm guilty of this too, cute butts must really be appreciated

I promise not to... lust over guys dressed in sports attire while they are seated in trains & carrying sports equipment - I'm guilty of this too, especially if they are a group of men in rugby shorts

I promise not to... stare into my neighbour's window & strike a conversation with her 21yo son who is tall, dark & handsome - It's the hunky father I'm looking for

I promise not to... get excited when a hot guy enters the lift (at my home) with me & i get wild thoughts on mtg him on Grindr - not into Grindr but still wanting to be alone with my neighbor 

I promise not to... joke with the Food Stall Operator when he asks me: "More Chilli?" - for me its the meat vendor at the wet market :-)

I promise not to... tell pple on Grindr i am 1.71m when the Polyclinic-measurement-height-monitor always says i am 1.68 metres - not into Grindr 

     I'm really turned-on if both heads (the head above and the head below) are both functioning well







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