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Helping my Chinese national bf stay here

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Hi guys,


My boyfriend is a Chinese national. He has been living here for the past four years on a student pass but now has completed his degree and only has 4 months left of valid stay here. As his bf i naturally don't want to send him packing back home. :( He is also very afraid that his parents will get him to force marry if he goes back, as you guys know in China you are the only child. 


He has a degree in supply chains management and speaks very good English plus a little French. I have been searching around trying to get him a S Pass or Work Permit job but no luck so far. 


Any tips on how I can get him to stay here or where I can go to find him a job?  I will deeply appreciate any forms of help.


If you might have any lobangs for a Spass, WP job. Please feel free to PM me too. 


He is 28 years old this year btw.


Thank you so much!


Edited by William86
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Study master follow by a doctorate.


1 hour ago, William86 said:

Hi guys,


My boyfriend is a Chinese national. He has been living here for the past four years on a student pass but now has completed his degree and only has 4 months left of valid stay here. As his bf i naturally don't want to send him packing back home. :( He is also very afraid that his parents will get him to force marry if he goes back, as you guys know in China you are the only child. 


He has a degree in supply chains management and speaks very good English plus a little French. I have been searching around trying to get him a S Pass or Work Permit job but no luck so far. 


Any tips on how I can get him to stay here or where I can go to find him a job?  I will deeply appreciate any forms of help.


If you might have any lobangs for a Spass, WP job. Please feel free to PM me too. 


He is 28 years old this year btw.


Thank you so much!





never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest ME LAH

do not bother... after he gets his PR, he will find for a better one and leave you !! many PRC are here as a stepping stone just to find a better future after he get their goals !

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Guest Guest
14 minutes ago, Kenzz said:

ask recruitment agency for help

To provide constructive solution to TS, Kenzz is right!

Approach the job recruitment agency.


9 minutes ago, Guest ME LAH said:

do not bother... after he gets his PR, he will find for a better one and leave you !! many PRC are here as a stepping stone just to find a better future after he get their goals !

I agree with you. Quite true! I have involved with many Chinese Cultural activitives and I have mixed with Mainlander Chinese locally for many years.

90% of the Mainlander Chinese are one kind. 

They will show their true colours one day. 

Those married with Mainlander Chinese wife sure regretted as I have seen too many cases like that. 

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Guest Guest

What's so special about your boyfriend that he deserves any special advice or treatment just so that he can stay? Does he possess any special skills that is so severely lacking here that we should extend additional welcome to him? Is he a Nobel Prize laureate? Is he going to spend additional money here to boost our GDP, or is he trying to earn money to bring home? Or like what the guest above has so rightly mentioned, is he just using Singapore as a stepping stone so that he can go to other countries such as the USA or Europe after he attain his Singaporean citizenship or PR. TELL YOU WHAT... SINCE HE IS ONLY 28 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR, WHY DON'T YOU TRY ASKING HIM TO SIGN UP AS AN ARMY REGULAR TO BE PERMANENTLY STATIONED IN TAIWAN IN ONE OF OUR SINGAPORE CAMPS THERE,  SO THAT HE CAN STILL BE ABLE TO COME BACK TO SINGAPORE DURING HIS HOME STAY AND MAYBE BECOME A CITIZEN HERE. 

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Guest Guest

Do not want to label them but that is what my friend experienced repeatedly too. She has her own business and before these workers get their permit or PR status, everything OK. Once approved, her nightmare begins.


So don't bother to be his errand boy. If he can get it, good for him. If not, get yourself a new bf. All the best

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Guest good jack

love is love, why so bitter just because he is foreigner, you can find good or bad guys everywhere regardless citizenship, race or religion

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Guest Guest
2 minutes ago, Guest good jack said:

love is love, why so bitter just because he is foreigner, you can find good or bad guys everywhere regardless citizenship, race or religion


Maybe that's true. We can find good or bad guys everywhere regardless citizenship, race or religion. But with the lack of quality control in our immigration system, it'd seems like we attract more bad guys here than the good guys. The good guys have all gone to better countries rather than come to this dumpster which our political leeders have made it out to be, so much so that they themselves are leaving now.

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Just a little encounter.

I was at a store selling household items a couple of hours ago when I witnessed how uncouth the few Chinese nationals are.  One threw a pair of nail clippers at the cashier after he was told NO trying.  Another girl asked the shop assistant to show her various items from the top shelf without buying any of them.. Another middle-aged man hurled Chinese vulgarities at the same cashier over some minor issues.  


If this is what we want to endure in the future, then I'm sorry.  Singapore has been "colonised" by such 蝗虫/黄虫。  Really you can take that Chinese national out of his "kampung" but that "kampung" will stay with him throughout!


我不是批示大陆人, 但您爷们的举动有时也要看看这里的民生/生活节奏。


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Guest Fuwar

Sorry to hear that. I wonder if he is able to find a job with a Chinese company based in Singapore that is leveraging the One Road One Belt initiative (since he is in supply chain). His linguistic advantage and knowledge of local culture should be an advantage.

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Guest Guest
3 minutes ago, Guest Fuwar said:

Sorry to hear that. I wonder if he is able to find a job with a Chinese company based in Singapore that is leveraging the One Road One Belt initiative (since he is in supply chain). His linguistic advantage and knowledge of local culture should be an advantage.


Singaporeans cannot do those jobs, and he is well suited just because he has a boyfriend who wants him here?? Let's blame WO for that.

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9 hours ago, William86 said:

Hi guys,


My boyfriend is a Chinese national. He has been living here for the past four years on a student pass but now has completed his degree and only has 4 months left of valid stay here. As his bf i naturally don't want to send him packing back home. :( He is also very afraid that his parents will get him to force marry if he goes back, as you guys know in China you are the only child. 


He has a degree in supply chains management and speaks very good English plus a little French. I have been searching around trying to get him a S Pass or Work Permit job but no luck so far. 


Any tips on how I can get him to stay here or where I can go to find him a job?  I will deeply appreciate any forms of help.


If you might have any lobangs for a Spass, WP job. Please feel free to PM me too. 


He is 28 years old this year btw.


Thank you so much!


if grad from local uni then shouldnt have a problem cos they got a bond to serve

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Guest Guest

Why don't you leave with him to China?  You go there and snatch their rice bowl loh...do us proud....


I think you tell him this only har, he ditch you liao.....because you have nothing to offer him liao

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9 hours ago, Kenzz said:

ask recruitment agency for help


Hi guys, TS here.


Thank you for all the suggestions and ideas. Deeply appreciate them. Will look thru and work on all of them. If there is anymore you can suggest to me please free feel to let me know. For recuritment agency can we approach anyone out there or if you know of a specific one that can better help him. Grateful if u can let me know.


i know we Singaporeans have a bad impression of mainland Chinese but I don't think there is a need for prejudice. My bf says how a mainland Chinese acts overseas really depends on which part of china they come from.


My bf is a city boy who comes from a family that is a little more well to do than mine. Every time we go out he insist on paying for everything. Gave me spare keys to his apartment and basically lets me use any of this stuff without any hesitation and never once insisted I buy him something. Sometimes it  feels like I am the one leaching on him.


We got together because we have very similar personalities. A high desire for love over sex and wanting to be in committed long lasting relationship that goes beyond performance in bed.


Yes I have pounded over him leaving me in the future but I have a number of gay friends and seen how frequently beakups happen and know no one is immune to it. For now I have found my guy and going to try to make it work to the best of my ability. 


He has an Australia degree from psb btw

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Do it another way.  You follow him back to China and he helps you to find a job there.  China is so big and has so many opportunities.  Good luck !  Remember to send us a photo from Suzhou, Tianjin or anywhere 


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Guest Fatty
5 hours ago, yoyo74 said:

One of my best straight friend had been married to a Chinese Mainlander for several years already and had children and so far her attitudes is still ok. You all should not look down on them just because they are Chinese Mainlander as it is more like being racist. You all are unable to see how TS and his bf love each other and had no rights to even judge. TS had not even comment on how good or bad his bf is and nobody should have the right to break up any two gay lovebirds cause of his race and country origin. If you cant help TS to solve his problem than dont comment. It is no different when a gay rape an underage kid and all those homophobic people accuse all gay is like that.

Wait till one day you get replaced by them in your job then you know.

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Guest yttaF
4 minutes ago, Guest Fatty said:

Wait till one day you get replaced by them in your job then you know.


We blame WP for that.

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Guest all the best

When the pink dot was over, many turn back as bitches again instead of helping... :(


To ts, wish your bf all the best and may he find his success wherever he will be. Everyone has their own path of life and success in their own way. Need not to be harsh. As if he will snatch your job directly. Singapore will not be survive without foreigners also. And many singaporeans also do work in other countries. And you are welcome to do so when you have better opportunity.

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Guest Nasty

I seriously cannot believe the nasty, bitchy comments left on here from some of you! Bitter mouths! 


TS, wish you and your bf a wonderful partnership and hope it all works out. 

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Guest Guest
2 hours ago, Guest Nasty said:

I seriously cannot believe the nasty, bitchy comments left on here from some of you! Bitter mouths! 


TS, wish you and your bf a wonderful partnership and hope it all works out. 


Life's a bitch. Deal with it.

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If he just graduated... Get the school to issue a long term visit pass.. Normally will last up to 2 years.. Hope it helps him to get his job..


i understand how u feel but u cant help much here as I believe he should have his means to attain what he wants in life.. :) showing ur concern is great enough for him..


all the best..


cheers ;)


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Guest Guest
17 minutes ago, Guest Nasty said:

What goes around... comes around... shame on you. 


You are right: What goes round, comes around. So what's coming around is our retaliation for that long extended period of high unemployment rates caused by the influx of cheap labour delivering poor quality results in this country. And damn am I proud of myself for what's coming around now. Not happy? TS and you can go join them in their own country. There's no love lost here.

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Guest Nasty
3 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


You are right: What goes round, comes around. So what's coming around is our retaliation for that long extended period of high unemployment rates caused by the influx of cheap labour delivering poor quality results in this country. And damn am I proud of myself for what's coming around now. Not happy? TS and you can go join them in their own country. There's no love lost here.

You're a disgrace. To the human race. 

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Guest Neh Neh
1 hour ago, donaldduckeroo said:

Hi TS,


My company may be hiring for a Work Permit holder, the word is "MAY".


Please ask him to send me his resume with attached picture and expected salary to donaldduckeroo@yahoo.com


It is a retail job, so will require to work weekends and public holidays as well, 5 days work week, working either of 2 shifts - morning and afternoon - based on store opening hours (9am or 10am, to 10pm)


Please only send resume and not ask me to contact him on phone, thanks. 

Dear TS. Don't be a fool to believe this Duck.

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Guest Tomato
23 hours ago, abang said:

Just a little encounter.

I was at a store selling household items a couple of hours ago when I witnessed how uncouth the few Chinese nationals are.  One threw a pair of nail clippers at the cashier after he was told NO trying.  Another girl asked the shop assistant to show her various items from the top shelf without buying any of them.. Another middle-aged man hurled Chinese vulgarities at the same cashier over some minor issues.  


If this is what we want to endure in the future, then I'm sorry.  Singapore has been "colonised" by such 蝗虫/黄虫。  Really you can take that Chinese national out of his "kampung" but that "kampung" will stay with him throughout!


我不是批示大陆人, 但您爷们的举动有时也要看看这里的民生/生活节奏。



Seriously, some Singaporeans are also behaving in an uncouth fashion.  Surely you know your own people, don't you?

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On 7/2/2017 at 4:38 PM, William86 said:

 :( He is also very afraid that his parents will get him to force marry if he goes back, as you guys know in China you are the only child. 


Kindly brush up on your TRADITIONAL ASIAN VALUE.

"Any man can be your husband, there is only One Father"

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Guest Guest
12 hours ago, Guest Nasty said:

You're a disgrace. To the human race. 


If you love the human race so much more than you love your country, feel free to give up your citizenship and your job here and join them in theirs to work there. You can go ahead and be the global citizen with no home to go back to. Again, there's no love lost with you gone. What are you waiting for? 

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Guest Nasty
20 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


If you love the human race so much more than you love your country, feel free to give up your citizenship and your job here and join them in theirs to work there. You can go ahead and be the global citizen with no home to go back to. Again, there's no love lost with you gone. What are you waiting for? 

I'm waiting for you to shut up. You xenophobe... 

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Guest Love is blind

Despite some of your level headed advice and real life experience, Ts insists on helping the boy add on to our social woes in Singapore.

Let him find his own way to solve his bf problem, whom he is too obsessed to discern the reality of PRCs.

Even if he is from a more well to do family, just remember there are no legal basis for you to back up once he gets the documents.

Money and status come way above 'love' especially if you are non PRC for the practical communist engrained in them. Good luck to your CPF.


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Guest Guest
On 7/4/2017 at 9:03 AM, Guest Nasty said:

I'm waiting for you to shut up. You xenophobe... 


We are waiting for you to give up your citizenship and go elsewhere, you traitor. 

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Guest Guest
On 02/07/2017 at 4:38 PM, William86 said:

Hi guys,


My boyfriend is a Chinese national. He has been living here for the past four years on a student pass but now has completed his degree and only has 4 months left of valid stay here. As his bf i naturally don't want to send him packing back home. :( He is also very afraid that his parents will get him to force marry if he goes back, as you guys know in China you are the only child. 


He has a degree in supply chains management and speaks very good English plus a little French. I have been searching around trying to get him a S Pass or Work Permit job but no luck so far. 


Any tips on how I can get him to stay here or where I can go to find him a job?  I will deeply appreciate any forms of help.


If you might have any lobangs for a Spass, WP job. Please feel free to PM me too. 


He is 28 years old this year btw.


Thank you so much!


You cannot have your cake and eat it. Since GE2011, the people had epressed to the govt that we want less foreigners in Singapore. What makes your bf an exception? A local boy is not gd enougj for you? 

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Guest Guest

Learnt from the case of the old rich lady and the china tour guide. He manage to stay because she adopt him as a godson

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Guest Guest
On 7/3/2017 at 2:07 AM, yoyo74 said:

One of my best straight friend had been married to a Chinese Mainlander for several years already and had children and so far her attitudes is still ok. You all should not look down on them just because they are Chinese Mainlander as it is more like being racist. You all are unable to see how TS and his bf love each other and had no rights to even judge. TS had not even comment on how good or bad his bf is and nobody should have the right to break up any two gay lovebirds cause of his race and country origin. If you cant help TS to solve his problem than dont comment. It is no different when a gay rape an underage kid and all those homophobic people accuse all gay is like that.


You wait and see. There's a reason why there's this Chinese saying, and only the Chinese says it: 夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头各自飞. (A husband and a wife are birds in the same forest, but each will fly off separately the moment any trouble arises). People  there can even queue up to divorce just to get cheaper houses: http://world.time.com/2013/04/29/why-chinese-couples-are-divorcing-before-buying-a-home/  PRCs are the one of the biggest gold-diggers in the world.




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31 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


You wait and see. There's a reason why there's this Chinese saying, and only the Chinese says it: 夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头各自飞. (A husband and a wife are birds in the same forest, but each will fly off separately the moment any trouble arises). People  there can even queue up to divorce just to get cheaper houses: http://world.time.com/2013/04/29/why-chinese-couples-are-divorcing-before-buying-a-home/  PRCs are the one of the biggest gold-diggers in the world.




If there is a beneficial in getting divorce i believe even happily married couple will do it. Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others. A person is either thick skin to dig more gold in front of others or thin skin want to save more face and thus dig lesser. PRC or any other country have good and bad people. If you keep beating on other race you will fail to self check on your own race or yourself which is the more important aspect of your life.

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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, yoyo74 said:

If there is a beneficial in getting divorce i believe even happily married couple will do it. Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others. A person is either thick skin to dig more gold in front of others or thin skin want to save more face and thus dig lesser. PRC or any other country have good and bad people. If you keep beating on other race you will fail to self check on your own race or yourself which is the more important aspect of your life.


The meaning of marriage is completely lost on you. People like you is the reason why gay marriages will never happen in Singapore. Your parents should have sold you away for money the moment you were born. That'd have made them happy. In your own words, " Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others.".



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On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 4:29 AM, William86 said:


Hi guys, TS here.


Thank you for all the suggestions and ideas. Deeply appreciate them. Will look thru and work on all of them. If there is anymore you can suggest to me please free feel to let me know. For recuritment agency can we approach anyone out there or if you know of a specific one that can better help him. Grateful if u can let me know.


i know we Singaporeans have a bad impression of mainland Chinese but I don't think there is a need for prejudice. My bf says how a mainland Chinese acts overseas really depends on which part of china they come from.


My bf is a city boy who comes from a family that is a little more well to do than mine. Every time we go out he insist on paying for everything. Gave me spare keys to his apartment and basically lets me use any of this stuff without any hesitation and never once insisted I buy him something. Sometimes it  feels like I am the one leaching on him.


We got together because we have very similar personalities. A high desire for love over sex and wanting to be in committed long lasting relationship that goes beyond performance in bed.


Yes I have pounded over him leaving me in the future but I have a number of gay friends and seen how frequently beakups happen and know no one is immune to it. For now I have found my guy and going to try to make it work to the best of my ability. 


He has an Australia degree from psb btw

If u know how to post here,I am pretty sure u know how to google recruitment agency and from there your bf can send all his resume to them for better chances

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Guest Guest Frgnr

TS, all the best to you and your boyfriend!  As he has a degree, he can only get employed under employment pass, it's not impossible but he needs time to find.  Someone suggested a long term visit pass but your bf was from a private U, so the chance I believe is not high.  He can continue with a master degree if he has a lot of money, it's the easiest way.  Otherwise, a cheaper option is to get enrolled in a vocational course/ shorterm skill course in ITE or a private school, it's not expensive, about 10-12k per year, or if the course and school he chooses offer self-paced learning paid per credit, he can prolong his stay until he completes all the credits.  He will learn more skills from those courses and in turn become more employable. Do more research.


For those who warned TS about PRC's traits you have observed, I won't deny that it is common. But on the other hand, remember that many Singaporeans are no saint.  You guys also have some traits that are really annoying.



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2 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


The meaning of marriage is completely lost on you. People like you is the reason why gay marriages will never happen in Singapore. Your parents should have sold you away for money the moment you were born. That'd have made them happy. In your own words, " Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others.".



Are you those homophobic idiot that say marriage must do this and that? Must be guy with woman? Dont you have your own mind what you want you marriage to be like? Guess you dont have a mind of your own LOL

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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, yoyo74 said:

Are you those homophobic idiot that say marriage must do this and that? Must be guy with woman? Dont you have your own mind what you want you marriage to be like? Guess you dont have a mind of your own LOL


No, I am not one of those homophobic idiot that say marriage must do this and that. You want me to agree with you that wedding vows are for jokes only? Sure, no problem. Just to humor you, I can say I agree with you. In fact i agreed with you that "Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others." That's why I said your parents should have sold you away for money the moment you were born. Happy?


Why? Are you "one of those homophobic idiot that say marriage must do this and that" to disagree with me now? 


Relationships are wasted on the likes of you. Remember this... I am a Guest while you are an Out-and-Proud member. What you wrote and what i quoted here is for everyone to know for posterity. Good luck finding a long term relationship now. The entire world now knows who you are and how you think. 


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1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:


No, I am not one of those homophobic idiot that say marriage must do this and that. You want me to agree with you that wedding vows are for jokes only? Sure, no problem. Just to humor you, I can say I agree with you. In fact i agreed with you that "Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others." That's why I said your parents should have sold you away for money the moment you were born. Happy?


Why? Are you "one of those homophobic idiot that say marriage must do this and that" to disagree with me now? 


Relationships are wasted on the likes of you. Remember this... I am a Guest while you are an Out-and-Proud member. What you wrote and what i quoted here is for everyone to know for posterity. Good luck finding a long term relationship now. The entire world now knows who you are and how you think. 


I see you still dont have a mind of your own when you talk about wedding vows. To me a wedding is a cement of love between 2 lovers and not a vow. Wedding is only important when there is a law related to it for example if you suddenly die your money and properties can immediately give to your most love one and also things like if you seriously ill your partner can take care of you in hospital. Apart from love and beneficials from marriage i dont see other things like vows are of any importance.


When i put my picture here i do not afraid of others know of me and how i think. In fact i had invited a lot of people into my many groups and join many groups that a lot of people seen me personally already. Its you who hide as guest afraid of others know how you think and talk and now you are like a coward scold others hiding as guest.

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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, yoyo74 said:

I see you still dont have a mind of your own when you talk about wedding vows. To me a wedding is a cement of love between 2 lovers and not a vow. Wedding is only important when there is a law related to it for example if you suddenly die your money and properties can immediately give to your most love one and also things like if you seriously ill your partner can take care of you in hospital. Apart from love and beneficials from marriage i dont see other things like vows are of any importance.


When i put my picture here i do not afraid of others know of me and how i think. In fact i had invited a lot of people into my many groups and join many groups that a lot of people seen me personally already. Its you who hide as guest afraid of others know how you think and talk and now you are like a coward scold others hiding as guest.


In case your vegan diet doesn't allow you to remember things for long, let me repeat what you said: "If there is a beneficial in getting divorce i believe even happily married couple will do it",

as well as what was said to you: "The meaning of marriage is completely lost on you. People like you is the reason why gay marriages will never happen in Singapore. Your parents should have sold you away for money the moment you were born. That'd have made them happy. In your own words, " Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others.".


娶猪娶狗, 都比娶你好;养狗养猫,都比养你棒。

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3 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


In case your vegan diet doesn't allow you to remember things for long, let me repeat what you said: "If there is a beneficial in getting divorce i believe even happily married couple will do it",

as well as what was said to you: "The meaning of marriage is completely lost on you. People like you is the reason why gay marriages will never happen in Singapore. Your parents should have sold you away for money the moment you were born. That'd have made them happy. In your own words, " Everybody in this world needs money and if you say you dont need money than you are bluffing yourself and others.".


娶猪娶狗, 都比娶你好;养狗养猫,都比养你棒。

For your information my is vegetarian diet not vegan diet. You repeating my words and your words and you still dont have a mind of your own and had to follow the traditional marriage values blindly. And again you still cowardly hiding behind Guest status scolding others and this time trying to hide it in chinese words. To compare yourself with the PRC you hate, you are practically the rotten apple here as compare with the rotten apples from the PRC side. These really show the truth of what i said earlier about we have bad people from both PRC and other countries and you Guest had shown your true colours.

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