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Vagina Discussion for clueless Gay (Compiled)

Guest Mnjnxxxx

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Guest kian wee iec97
2 hours ago, Ben Ben Ben said:

This piece of meat is quite different from we normally having. No harm exploringbthis piece of meat :P

are you a vagina licker as well?

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Blowing Wind Main Forum

BlowingWind Bulletin Board Without An Attitude. A forum for the mature Singapore GAY man.

Dear Moderator did I get something wrong. I thought blowing wind is for mature gays.

Shouldn't this thread be deleted?

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(Vaginal squirt.. Nah not urine.. Pretty much like cum but very liquid)(Anal squirt.. No its not liquidated shit.. Its still like precum but thicker) 

3 hours ago, Guest kian wee iec97 said:

maybe our bi bros could answer this .. what is the taste of vaginal squirt? tastier then anal squirt?

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Guest curious

Just wonder why we have so many posts on girl things here lately, like bushy vaginas and now squirt from vagina...

But maybe these are the topics of matured singapore gay , eventually some getting the feeling with 60yrs that they missed something in life.

actually I find these topics both disgusting.

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Just now, Guest curious said:

Just wonder why we have so many posts on girl things here lately, like bushy vaginas and now squirt from vagina...

But maybe these are the topics of matured singapore gay , eventually some getting the feeling with 60yrs that they missed something in life.

actually I find these topics both disgusting.

Haha.. Most probably! Or otherwise

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Guest I don’t love vagina

maybe That someone just wanna create awareness and interests for us gay guys to vaginas and breast and all things pertaining to the female sexual organs so as to turn us straight. Must be some religious pride group or law abiding citizens.

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29 minutes ago, Guest I don’t love vagina said:

maybe That someone just wanna create awareness and interests for us gay guys to vaginas and breast and all things pertaining to the female sexual organs so as to turn us straight. Must be some religious pride group or law abiding citizens.

Hahahaha nah can't be.. 

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3 hours ago, Guest curious said:

Just wonder why we have so many posts on girl things here lately, like bushy vaginas and now squirt from vagina...

But maybe these are the topics of matured singapore gay , eventually some getting the feeling with 60yrs that they missed something in life.

actually I find these topics both disgusting.


Well to each his own :) 

Will you be my valentine's? :D

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Guest squirty

i'm totally gay but i prefer hardcore gay porn or straight porn. i find it amusing that they can squirt so much, especially when the top is pervertic and kept making/fucking her squirt all over and i imagine myself able to squirt like that. guess i'll just prepare a spray bottle by the bed side for such purpose. 

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Guest curious
3 hours ago, Guest squirty said:

i'm totally gay but i prefer hardcore gay porn or straight porn. i find it amusing that they can squirt so much, especially when the top is pervertic and kept making/fucking her squirt all over and i imagine myself able to squirt like that. guess i'll just prepare a spray bottle by the bed side for such purpose. 


I would still prefer if cum floats out your dick, mouth n boypussy...

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11 hours ago, manehiso said:

Anus can squirt? Isn't it shit? Unless u count shit as anal squirt.. :D

\\Can just enema and force it out at your lover's face heheheheh

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Guest kian wee iec97

it happenned again for the consecutive two nights ...

i was trimming and combing my maid's vaginal hair when my bf entered the kitchen. and he insisted that i shoulf lick the pussy to soothen the skin! and i did that almost immediately.

she was moaning in high pitch feeling my wet tongue tickled her clitoris and it made my bf hard. so without any delay she grabbed it and start to suck it. in and out her mouth with a very steady pulse while i was enjoying the wet mucous of her inner vagina. and there was a hint of Brahms' intermezzo (op.118 no.2) in the background.

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Guest kian wee iec97

i heard that the water from boiling betel leaves is good to clean vagina, and to prevent a foul odor to appear. and my maid has been doing this routine for decade.

anyone tried douching ass with this as well?

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3 hours ago, Guest kian wee iec97 said:

i heard that the water from boiling betel leaves is good to clean vagina, and to prevent a foul odor to appear. and my maid has been doing this routine for decade.

anyone tried douching ass with this as well?

Lolxxxx..good idea.

So call men pussy wash la.:yuk:

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Guest kian wee iec97
5 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

I remember this advice about finding out if a girl has STDs:  stick the finger in, if the nail does not fall off, she is OK.

did you run your fingers through her jungle?

did you sniff and/or lick your fingers after the insertion?

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Guest Big big bootie

Women are better than men in languages. 


They are natural inborn cunning-linguist. 

So women are cunninglinguist because they have the gift of the tongue, ooopps I mean lashing tongues.



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14 hours ago, Guest kian wee iec97 said:

did you run your fingers through her jungle?

did you sniff and/or lick your fingers after the insertion?


I just mentioned an "advice".  I didn't say that I checked many girls for STDs...

But you may have a point.  If you lick your fingers after the insertion, and your tongue falls off, then you have a stronger confirmation of her STDs...

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Guest 淋心撸

阴茎 与 阴道 , 都是   臭  味   相 投 , 男男女女  跨下自然有分泌 一种浓浓的像蜡 质 的 液体  ,  奇 臭 无 比 , 但 也是 看各人体质 , 种族, 饮食 习惯, 香料与辛辣的摄取, 


男人阴茎 的内侧 是会散发浓浓的遗尿水味, 龟头会撒发龟头分泌的润化液体的残留后遗味, 所谓的包皮垢的后天味, 耻毛与睾丸一带也有它自然的浓浓味, 菊花与股沟夹缝也有分泌味道又有分别, 




不同的是因为有月经的女人, 大姨妈来的时候, 阴道因残留经血与使用卫生棉的关系有如咸鱼,鱿鱼,与加上干了的血的味道,  整个胯下的味道, 会随着经期的初期, 中期 与尾期与末期也有不同的味道, 大致上是与咸鱼,鱿鱼与有加上血的味道, 没有经期的阴道味道, 就是被形容成在一个有沼泽海边退潮时的味道,也有些女性也是淡淡的体味, 也有女性蚝味扑鼻, 蚌味四溢, 通常有真菌 运感染( fungal or yeast infection) 的 阴道会 奇臭, 偶尔还会有面包或面包酒精的味或酵母的味, 没有排卵期的阴道的味,与有没有吃避孕药的阴道又是另一回的不同, 总而言之, 女性的不同与变化比男人的胯下味道更有不同与变好化, 


喜欢女人的男人是会爱不释手, 习惯了就不当一回事儿, 


同志大致上是对女性与女性体味是有很大的差别反应 却对男性的各种五花八门的体味 , 闻之不厌, 大写文章, 赞不绝口。



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