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BW Labour Weekend Downtime cum Upgrade

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  • HendryTan changed the title to BW Labour Weekend Downtime cum Upgrade

Thank you so much for everything :D:thumb:



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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I rem it was down on Thursday, hence I asked some to confirm


and it is maybe high time to stop creating too much thread? (postings can have a trillion, so long the thread has began) but it shdnt be allowing similar titled thread all over the place

eg strictly just one thread on Gardening

or one thread on clinic and doctors

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Yes...thanks a lot Hendry and all mods. Never knew I would have "withdrawal symptom" during the down time.  Was worried there was intervention from Big Bro to shut down BW. Think this forum has now become a "refuge" for many of us. 

Also never knew that this forum is financially managed mainly by mods' own pocket. Am very touched indeed. 3 CHEERS to all mods and volunteers. LOVE YOU ALL...MUAAAAARK!! 

Edited by yuquidam
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Thank you so much, Hendry and team, definitely appreciated all the continuous hard work for putting this forum together as alsways.  :thumb::clap:


Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Thanks a lot, Hendry and all the mods, not only for your work during last week-end, but also for all your time and efforts keeping this forum running.

We are all thankful for your splendid job, congratulations from Paris!

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Kudos to the team managing this board.

I was unable to log-in into the Internet due to poor wi-fi signals overseas.

However, I'm glad things are back to normal, even better than normal now.

Keep up the good work, guys.

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Guest Guest5000

I represent 5000 guests to thank the moderating team.


If they don't accept monetary donations, perhaps they'll accept other types of compensation **wink**wink**

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Guest Guest

Just feedbacking, chatroom and functions like "last visitor to profile" are still disabled. Otherwise, TY for bringing BW back online now. 

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