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Guest lastdraw

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Strive To Live The Good Peaceful Life


Should I want to live a good peaceful life, I have to know what could stress me.  What would be the thing that triggers me to be in a specific state of well being.  It will be wise that I am aware of it, that I am conscious of the cause.  It will do me good when I recognize it, to live in harmony, with everything I experience and be accountable.


When I strive to live the good life, I need to identify my values.  Identifying what is important helps me to invest my life with meaning.  It ensures high quality moving forward.  It builds the healthy state of well being.  Together, there will be a sense of fulfillment and life becomes much worth living.


In the world of infinite abundance, what I seek shall be what I get.  With that, what would be crucial is on the way I think.  The way I manifest.  Life is all two parts – the light and the dark.  What separated the two is an invisible thin line.


Hence, I need to watch my thoughts for they become things.   I become what I think about.  The me I see, the me I will be.  I think, therefore, I am.  I think positive, I become positive.  I think negative, I become negative.  I think I can, I can.  I think I cannot, I cannot.


To live well, I should be able to deal with the how, the what and the why.  It is important that I avoid the mundane life of doing any activities without reflecting on their values.  It is also important that I strive for the good life to attract inner peace.


Should I want my life to be good and peaceful, I need to take the responsibility to own it.  I am - primarily - the only one accountable to everything that is happening in my life.  What I do to myself is not the choice offered by others.  I have to take charge and to take good care for what is right by me, and for me.  Accountability is one noble thing that changes all adversarial belief systems in life.


I must not hold to anger, hurt and pain.  When I stay in them, happiness will not find me.  For these emotions steal my energy and keep me from love.  But, how do I do it?  Why is it so important to become aware of it?  In the event that I let loose, what can be the consequence?


Life is beautiful.  Life is simplicity.  While it is okay to chase after wealth (in moderation with enough is enough), life becomes more meaningful when I strive further for something purposeful.  There is the emotional prosperity to accomplish.   There is the spiritual enlightenment to embrace.   Happiness is not about getting all I want.  It is about enjoying all I have. 


It is important not to procrastinate whenever I get a nudge.  Divine nudges are sparse and rare.  Where there is an inspiration, act on it.  'No action, talk only' is not a good way to live.  Studies have shown that procrastination is associated with symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress.  It is also associated with loneliness and it reduces life satisfaction.


I must not leave anything for later.  Later, the coffee gets cold and the nice aroma is gone.  Later, I lose interest and something else distracts me.  Later, the day turns into nights and more nights of darkness.  Later, people grow up, grow old and one by one they passed on.  Later, I regret not doing something when I had the chance and when I was still able.


Living the good life is about taking responsibility.  Taking responsibility for my actions is fundamental aspect of personal growth.  It is an act towards maturity and wising up in life.  Taking responsibility involves acknowledging my mistakes, owning up to my decisions and actively working to make amends to improve.


I have to live not to blame on anything and everything.   No one is at fault when things do not go the way I want my life to be.  I have to stop the blame.  Instead, I need to live to take full responsibility on all my actions, my feelings, my words and my thoughts.


The result to what I do, say and think is the consequences from my actions, my words and my thoughts.  Blame does not solve problems.  It does not mend pains and agony.  Blame reduces me from being a responsible matured thinking person.  Blame is the energy of a loser.  Blame is a trait of fault finders.


Should I do things with good heart, say with compassion and think with love, the result brings happiness.  On the other hand, when I do with an expectation, say arrogantly and think maliciously, the result can be detrimental and there is no room for compassion.


What I give out is what I get back.  When I want positive good things in life, I have to be positive.  When I want love, I have to be ‘love’.  I cannot be arrogant yet desire to stay humble.  I cannot fill my soul with hate and yearn to live a good peaceful life.


The law of attractions and vibrations is always at play.  With it comes the law of cause and effect.  What goes around comes around.  It is a matter of time for karma to bite back and it can bite harder.  Life moves in the direction of the dominant thought.  My action is the sum total of my thoughts.


I have to watch my words when I am with others.  I have to watch my thinking mind when I am alone.  It is important to be mindful, constantly.  How aware am I on such things?  Have I learned to criticize myself enough so that I can change to be a good human?  Do I allow others to share their honest thoughts on my shortcomings and truly accept them gracefully?


To be the good me, I have to see myself in the mirror.  I have to necessarily invite someone to give practical hard feedback, constructive criticism.  Fact is, I can never see what is right behind me.  

Point is, to know is better than to live a life in pure ignorance.  


Point is, it is about building a desire for good change.  

Point is, it is a test to see that I am willing to see (and know) the true me.

Point is, and it is the hard truth, I am not always right.


When I do that, I get to see and know my flaws.  The mirror is not about pumping up my ego to make me feel perfect.  It should be an instrument where I need to look much deeper, far beyond the physical and far beyond what I think.  My look is nothing when I have an ugly personality.


Others are the mirrors to my soul.  They are my consciousness towards my state of being.  They are my reflection.  They are my teachers for me to learn about myself.  What I think of them and what I see in them are telling me the stories, and the lack, of my life.


Reflection brings heightened awareness to create a good peaceful life.  The more I see far beyond me, I learn about who I am.  Who am I?  What is my identity?  I am more than just my name, my appearance, my age and the color of my skin.  Life expands with knowing.  It is the knowing that grows and life simply expands to contain it.


When my mind is at peace, I become teachable.  So long I am a living person, there is always something new to learn.  Lessons are essential to make me to take responsibility in life.  With accountability, I learn to be good; to be kind; to be useful; to be a blessing.  Responsibility allows me to be forgiving.


Yes, I am a choice maker.  It shall be my choice to live.  What I choose defines me.  Do I want to continue to shoot blame?  Or do I want to take charge to be accountable and be a responsible human?


Life is about growing and evolving.  Every day brings something new to rejuvenate the mind.  I live in a world that is constantly changing, constantly evolving.  The truth is, as Mother Earth gets older, she becomes even more beautiful.  She is more luxurious.  How much am I allowing myself to live with her richness, in her abundance?


I am both a teacher and a student.  These roles are intertwined.  I must not allow my ego to think that I am learned nor am I stupid stupid.  I can never know everything.  I should not fool myself to think I have excellent intellect.  So long I am called human, I will always have my limitation.


There are genuine mysteries in the world that mark the limits of human knowing and thinking.  I cannot think that I have the answers for everything.  I must not have the inclination to feel that I can solve all life problems.  I must not listen to talk.


When I allow myself to think such and proudly to be such, I fail. 

When I do not see with my eyes, when I do not hear with my ears, I must not invent things with my big mouth.


Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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Guest Phil

What hurts more than a breakup? 


Last night, my bf broke up with me after 10 years. 


How do I live without him?

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On 7/7/2024 at 7:19 PM, Guest Phil said:

What hurts more than a breakup? 


Last night, my bf broke up with me after 10 years. 


How do I live without him?


My empathy for your breakup.  But the hurt heals with time as you go on with your life.


What is much, much harder to heal is the mourning over your beloved who passed away,  If this ever heals. (I don't know yet).   And even here, we must carry our cross and go on with our life.

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Guest Agree?
1 hour ago, Steve5380 said:


My empathy for your breakup.  But the hurt heals with time as you go on with your life.


What is much, much harder to heal is the mourning over your beloved who passed away,  If this ever heals. (I don't know yet).   And even here, we must carry our cross and go on with our life.

Despite his breakup with bf, at least his bf is still alive which is a great comfort. 

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Guest Take your time to heal
On 7/8/2024 at 8:19 AM, Guest Phil said:

What hurts more than a breakup? 


Last night, my bf broke up with me after 10 years. 


How do I live without him?

Stay friends with him?


If not, try to spend your time doing things that you enjoyed but missed doing when you were together with him?


Or find new hobbies and activities to take your mind off things.


Travel to places you have always wanted to go to alone or find a buddy to do it with you?

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22nd nov 1995, a day I will never ever forget. Prior to that day, I'll never forget the days where I waited for u rain / shine at the school gate. piggyback u home every day. we fell in love, yet we never spoke of it. 


I thought I was caught cheating for my O level English paper that morning... instead, it was a call that I have to take in the principal office that broke me. Your mum was on the other side of the line crying telling me you ain't gonna make it this time round. 


I asked for a black t shirt from the principal, I walked out of the school & I walked out on the O level of my life. 


I reached the hospital room where u took ur last breathe with u in my arms. If u're still alive, u should be in ur mid 30s by now. I just wanna let u know that the promised I held onto at ur coffin, u're my no.1 woman in my life and nobody else holds that pole position forever. Every heterosexual r/s came & left. same for my 1st marriage.


I'm heading to Philipine soon to marry this awesome lady. she's about ur age too if you're still alive, single mum of 2 awesome kids. 


I stop visiting east coast park (our fav spot near the breakwater) and I will no longer go there to throw the white rose into the water anymore. Just promise me one thing, we will meet again at the stair way to heaven. 



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/9/2024 at 11:28 AM, single42 said:


I stop visiting east coast park (our fav spot near the breakwater) and I will no longer go there to throw the white rose into the water anymore. Just promise me one thing, we will meet again at the stair way to heaven. 



If you are not a believer but an agnostic,  have you speculated about the afterlife?  You also speculate that since we are completely ignorant about it and ourselves,  everything is possible? 


She must be already in heaven for over 28 years.  She may not choose the stairway to heaven.  When your time comes, she may be at your side and take you by your hand to guide you into heaven.  Through the main entrance with the red carpet.


In the meantime if you dare to speculate, you may find that there is a probability that she is now by your side as a guardian angel, to care about the success of you and the awesome lady.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No sex


Someone recently asked me why I don't have sex with another person when my bf prefers not to have sex anymore. Our relationship is gd even though it has been 2 years since we stopped having sex. He said "you are very fit and have a nice dick- isn't it wasted?" Got me thinking, am I really missing out on alot by not looking for others to have sex with? When horny Im happy to just jerk-off.

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