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Troll Guest/s Vs Nightingale (Compilation over the years)

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I remembered what happened on 30th January this year. I was flying from Nairobi in Kenya to Bangkok on Kenya Airways. I didn't remember seeing Chinese tourists in Nairobi. After clearing immigration and custom I had a shock. Not only the boarding gate was noisy but majority of the passengers were from China. I told myself, 'This would be fun!' On board, the lady didn't know how to use the tray for food. I showed her. Quite a number used the toilet but not locking the door. After use, the door not closed. Since I was seated at the emergency exit row, I kicked the door each time it opened. After meals, some stood up putting legs on the seat while using the toothpick. I am not a red wine drinker but I asked for a few bottles and gulped them. The flight was slightly more than 9 hours. After 15 days travelling around Africa, I needed a good rest. I knocked out after the red wine. I woke up and we were arriving in Bangkok.



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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Guest Nightingale






谁比我Nightingale愚蠢 ?






我老Ah Gua 鸡排Nightingale大胜!


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The kiddo's graffiti on the 3500 yrs old egyptian monument is really terrible!!! The chinese really need ALOT more social conditioning & training before they are allowed to fly out to anywhere in the world!

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Guest Raiden Alpha


Sincerely pray for china that she and her people will be able to recover their lost 5000 years of culture and civilisation soon.

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The kiddo's graffiti on the 3500 yrs old egyptian monument is really terrible!!! The chinese really need ALOT more social conditioning & training before they are allowed to fly out to anywhere in the world!

Oh...... But Nightingle will say that we should EDUCATE them, all 1 BILLION of them!!!

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Guest Nightingale

LOL, 'Nightingale' is such a hoot to read compared to that shameless and immoral Nightingale.


我好想Jeem(Hokkien - Kiss)你!Jeem Jeem Jeem!

"Hoot" 这个字老鸡排Nightingale我懂!Jeem是Kiss, Hoot是打!Hokkien说Hoot Lu,就是"打你!Hoot Hor Lu Si, 就是"打给你死!"。老Ah Gua Nightingale我站在厕所跟男人眨眼淫笑,他们每次都喊:"老阿瓜!Hoot Hor Lu Si!"

噢!你要Hoot我吗?用你的DuaLanPa,"hiong hiong" hoot给我song song!

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为何我们不能去看中国同胞好的一面? 难道他们真的全是一无事处?

别一味只去看到别人的短处缺点, 那么做并不会带给我们任何好处,

他们见义勇为, 温情洋溢之事也一箩筐呀,

对于他们的害群之马行为, 我们不如作为警惕, 提醒自己,


Edited by snowball
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Guest Nightingale

Oh...... But Nightingle will say that we should EDUCATE them, all 1 BILLION of them!!!

HELLO~~~~~~LAN PA 可以乱KUM,话不可以乱讲OK~~~~~~~~



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为何我们不能去看中国同胞好的一面? 难道他们真的全是一无事处?

别一味只去看到别人的短处缺点, 那么做并不会带给我们任何好处,

他们见义勇为, 温情洋溢之事也一箩筐呀,

对于他们的害群之马行为, 我们不如作为警惕, 提醒自己,


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Guest Nightingale




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Guest Nightingale








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Yup. As expected. Our traitor can never skip the chance to pull the trigger on Singaporens. Nothing unexpected there. I wonder if he also did any search of all the PRC acts in China itself.

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Yup. As expected. Our traitor can never skip the chance to pull the trigger on Singaporens. Nothing unexpected there. I wonder if he also did any search of all the PRC acts in China itself.

yes nightingale is extremely long winded and a yawn. He is a natural remedy to induce sleep and should never ever be in the same room as a person in coma.

But how is he a traitor? Dd he sell state secrets? What did he do to justify you calling him a traitor?

You tried to do a lunch mob and get many people to go against him is a more serious "crime" than what Mr Yawn did. You tried to turn singaporeans against another Singaporean.

You choose to use the word Traitor very loosely which is nothing but malice. Who is the real "traitor"? Nightingale or a coward hiding under "guest" who want to turn singaporeans against each other due to different views.

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Guest Nightingale

Yes!!!!!!!!! Lao Chee Bye Ah Gua Nightingale is INTERESTED in wallowing in urine and shit.

5 Easiest Work Conversations


(1) "Nightingale, please upgrade yourself, Students are complaining that you know nothing about the subject you are teaching! You are outright Shameless!"

(2) "Nightingale, please zip up your pants! Don't air your SUPER MINI smelly sausage & 2 raisins in school! You Disgusting freak!"

(3) "Nightingale, One more time students complain you follow them to the toilet, I will publicly cane your eyes and blind them in front of the students! You useless lowlife!"

(4) "Nightingale, please act like a Man, at least in school campus. I don't want to see you sashaying along the corridor AGAIN, I don't want to see you ogling at male staff and students. You Chao Ah Gua!"

(5) "Nightingale, I will be giving you another "D" for your APA since I can't find an "E" or "F", you are a liability to the entire industry! Worthless!"

we receive students' complaint AGAIN that you copied your work and asked students to be original"

"Nightingale, we receive parents' complaint AGAIN that you ARE so sissy and students have phobia coming to school"

"Nightingale, we receive public's complaint AGAIN that you ARE cruising around the neighbour coffee shop toilets"

Before asking for a raise -- even if you need and deserve it -- it's easy to let self-doubt take over: What if your boss doesn't think you're worth the extra money? What if your boss hasn't had a pay bump for a while, either, and labels you a complainer?

Lobbying for a better salary or perks shouldn't jeopardize your career, though, if you do it the right way -- especially if you're a valued employee, says Joseph Grenny, who wrote the bestselling Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High.

The key to getting what you want? Stick to the facts, Grenny advises.

"First, research salary data online to find out what other people get paid for jobs like yours in your geographic area," he says. "Then, be ready to give solid evidence for why your performance merits more money."

Whatever you do, don't say you need more money for personal reasons (no matter how urgent), says Grenny.

To make it easier to sell the idea to higher-ups, "you want your boss to see this as an informed business decision, not a charitable contribution," he says.

'My performance review was unfair'

If your annual review didn't reflect your true wonderfulness, don't stew in silence, says Joseph Grenny, an executive coach at VitalSmarts, a leadership development firm in Provo, Utah.

Even the best-intentioned leaders are so overworked in these lean times that your achievements may sometimes slip past them. Or they may blame you for a problem when there are other, fixable reasons why it's occurring.

"Saying nothing may be a bigger risk than speaking up," says Grenny.

Since a so-so (or worse) appraisal in your HR file could unfairly block you from bigger career opportunities down the road, "you need to calmly set the record straight" about specific comments or complaints you believe are inaccurate, says Grenny.

Also ask your boss to go into detail about what he or she needs from you. Try to get insights into how this manager defines a job well done, says Grenny, and be prepared to do more listening than talking.

Grenny also advises: "Ask for more frequent feedback -- maybe even once a week -- so you can make course corrections if needed, long before your next formal evaluation."

'Something shady (or illegal) is going on'

Let's hope you never work for a Bernie Madoff type. But if you discover bad deeds are happening in your company, what can you do? Say nothing to your boss, and you risk seeming complicit in the wrongdoing. Speak up and you could earn that dreaded label, "not a team player."

Luckily, you can be a whistleblower without blowing your career, says Grenny. You'll need to be diplomatic, though.

"Start the conversation by sharing your good intentions and stressing that you have the boss's best interest in mind," Grenny suggests. "Explain the negative consequences you think will follow if the behaviour continues." After all, bilking customers, deceiving investors, and other dodgy practices have been known to destroy companies, taking thousands of careers straight down the tubes. Remember Enron?

If your boss pooh-poohs your worries ("This is how we've always done it"), or even retaliates against you (goodbye, raise), take your concerns upstairs.

"At that point, it's appropriate to approach your boss's boss," Grenny says. "But, so you don't seem to be going behind your boss's back, suggest that the three of you meet together."

What if the rot seems to go all the way up the organisation chart? In that case, start looking for a new job.

'I'm not getting what I need to do the job'

If you're coping with outdated equipment, vintage software, pointless paperwork, unrealistic deadlines, or a perennial shortage of skilled support staff, it's much harder to work efficiently. And you may blame your boss for being unsupportive or just clueless.

Don't charge into your boss's office when you're completely fed up with the situation, though, says Grenny. Instead, schedule a meeting, and keep in mind that your boss is almost certainly not trying to make you miserable.

"Start the conversation with curiosity rather than anger," Grenny suggests. So the boss isn't tempted to tune you out, avoid accusatory, judgmental, or inflammatory language.

Instead, calmly describe the gap between the support you need and the support you're getting, Grenny advises.

"Explain why you're concerned, with emphasis on your common goals," he says. "Next, invite dialogue. Your boss may see the problem differently. If you're open to others' points of view, they'll be more open to yours."

'Your strategy is ridiculous'

Ever think, "If I were in charge around here, we'd go in a whole different direction..."? The safest option, of course, is to keep that opinion entirely to yourself.

But if your corporate culture encourages debate and consensus, respectfully disagreeing can pay off. Just make sure it's clear you have the best intentions for doing so, Grenny says.

"You want to establish up front that, far from trying to undermine your boss, you're offering a different viewpoint that might help," he says.

It's not so much what you say as how you say it, Grenny notes. So tread softly and ask lots of questions. Lay out facts supporting your view that a given plan won't work, then keep reassuring your boss that your goal is to help the whole team succeed.

Tactfully taking issue with the status quo shows you care, Grenny points out, so "the result of your openness could be a greater openness on your boss's part as well." Here's hoping.

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Guest Nightingale

(oops, Nightingale forgot my reading glasses, edited. One more time I post....)

Yes!!!!!!!!! Lao Chee Bye Ah Gua Nightingale is INTERESTED in wallowing in urine and shit.

5 Easiest Work Conversations


(1) "Nightingale, please upgrade yourself, Students are complaining that you know nothing about the subject you are teaching! You are outright Shameless!"

(2) "Nightingale, please zip up your pants! Don't air your SUPER MINI smelly sausage & 2 raisins in school! You Disgusting freak!"

(3) "Nightingale, One more time students complain you follow them to the toilet, I will publicly cane your eyes and blind them in front of the students! You useless lowlife!"

(4) "Nightingale, please act like a Man, at least in school campus. I don't want to see you sashaying along the corridor AGAIN, I don't want to see you ogling at male staff and students. You Chao Ah Gua!"

(5) "Nightingale, I will be giving you another "D" for your APA since I can't find an "E" or "F", you are a liability to the entire industry! Worthless!"

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yes nightingale is extremely long winded and a yawn. He is a natural remedy to induce sleep and should never ever be in the same room as a person in coma.

But how is he a traitor? Dd he sell state secrets? What did he do to justify you calling him a traitor?

You tried to do a lunch mob and get many people to go against him is a more serious "crime" than what Mr Yawn did. You tried to turn singaporeans against another Singaporean.

You choose to use the word Traitor very loosely which is nothing but malice. Who is the real "traitor"? Nightingale or a coward hiding under "guest" who want to turn singaporeans against each other due to different views.


Excuse me. Yes, I did turn Singaporeans against another Singaporean, but only at one who is nothing but a TRAITOR!


He doesn't need to be selling any national secrets to anyone. But he will be the FIRST to do so if he is given the chance. Just take a look at what he is doing right now. One mention of some PRC misdeeds and he will start throwing 10 Singaporean misdeeds bacjk at our faces! 


Is this what a typical Singaporean will do? I DON"T THINK SO. So acts and behaviors only start with someone who would be willing to bash his own countrymen. He is just like that MP Baey when he told us to REFLECT UPON OURSELVES WHEN WE ARE CALLED "DOGS"!  And all these are done under the false guise of "self reflection".


And what are we supposed to do to those PRCs with all their anti-social acts? We are supposed to KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT, we are supposed to spend TAXPAYERS MONEY TO EDUCATE OURSELVES THAT THE PRCs ARE LIKE THAT AND IT "CANNOT BE HELPED".


If all these are not the typical traits of a TRAITOR, what is??

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2.  The word "reflection" obviously does not exist in your vocab.  So if your own family members do something wrong, no one else can criticise him or her?  If you criticise, you are branded a traitor to your family?  Is this the right value to be inculcated?  A value of denial of wrongdoings by your own people?  Only others outside your family are wrong?  See - am getting longwinded again.


You want to criticise your own family members, that is your own problem. But if you are MY family members and you dare criticise me MORE than you criticise others non-family members, then I will take it that you are a waste of my time and money and kick you out of my house. Feeding dogs might be a better waste of my money than feeding family members like you!  


3.  Reflect upon yourself first - why did others call us Dogs or Pigs for no reason?  Note that they are provoked in the first place.  If people like you did not start to flame them, they won't say such nasty things in retaliation.  They are here to work to earn a living, not to humiliate us.  Do your homework first before shooting your mouth off.


If there are guest in my family who dislike the way we do things in my own house, there is ZERO need for me to do any type of "self-reflection, I will just ask them to LEAVE. It is MY house, MY rules. Guests are not invited into MY house to call me names.  They don't like it here, ask them to GO BACK TO THEIR OWN HOME! And in that particular case, it was a PRC student who was taking our taxpayers' dollars to study here in Singapore calling us DOGS too!


4.  You and your penny wise pound foolish.  You are the one who complains loudly against the peccadilloes.  So to make your life easier, I suggest education.  But you keep rejecting it, saying that it costs money.  So until now, you have not come up with a better solution other than condemnation and humiliation.  Answer me lah.  What rational choice do you have?



Yes, I have a suggestion. Pack them home. If they are not happy with us here in our own country, tell them to go home. If they cannot acclimatize to our way of living here, tell them to go home. This is MY country. I do not need to be educated about why foreigners cannot be acclimizatized into my country. I do not need to acclimzatize to the way of life by those foreigners. I am a Singaporean. And I like the way we live. I do not need to mimic an American accent. I do not need to speak fluent Mandarin. I don't care if we are kia-su or kia-see. That is our way of life, whether the foreigners like it or not! Period.   



5.  Yes, habits are ingrained and hard to change.  Let me repeat - go and volunteer to teach in any neighbourhood school and see if you can keep a noisy class quiet.  Can you turn the Ah Bengs and Ah Lians to be more studious?  Didn't you realise those foreigners who are accepted into PRs and citizenship are chosen as they are better educated or talented - Chow Yuen Fatt, Gong Li, table tennis talents etc?  But we still need labourers to do construction, cleaning and service industries.  If you cannot accept all these lower rank labourers, then can you come up with a better suggestion?  Are you going to get Mongolians, Somalis, Kazakhs, Eskimos to do the dirty work for us?  Already how many Burmese, Filipinos are willing to toil under the sun and rain to lay bricks?  Answer me lah.


Simple. If they cannot change, and if they don't want to change, ASK THEM TO GO HOME!

We have 7 billion other people in this world to invite if we want too.

And I bet there are some who are more civilized than these PRCs!   

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If we see carefully and reflect deeply..Singapore has come to a stage where it needs foreigners more than foreigners need Singapore.

If given the choice, the government of course will want to get better and more civilized ppl. It could be that these are the 'best' the gov can get at this moment. Other third worlds countries are catching up economically, Singapore are getting more competitors and competition in order to remain ahead. It might not be the best solutions, but what we hv here now at this point in time, undeniably r contributed by foreigners.

We might not feel the contributions personally or directly. But we can enjoy the standard of living now is because there r ppl from other countries who r wiling to work for low wages.

It will only make us an angry person if we look at the negative sides. Try to accept them as someone who are helping us.

No race is perfect. What we see as unacceptable, uncilivsed, might be totally normal to them. Judging doesnt help cos we will also be judged by ppl who perceived to be more superior than us. How would we feel if we receive the same treatment by the local when we in Japan.

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If we see carefully and reflect deeply..Singapore has come to a stage where it needs foreigners more than foreigners need Singapore.

If given the choice, the government of course will want to get better and more civilized ppl. It could be that these are the 'best' the gov can get at this moment. Other third worlds countries are catching up economically, Singapore are getting more competitors and competition in order to remain ahead. It might not be the best solutions, but what we hv here now at this point in time, undeniably r contributed by foreigners.

We might not feel the contributions personally or directly. But we can enjoy the standard of living now is because there r ppl from other countries who r wiling to work for low wages.

It will only make us an angry person if we look at the negative sides. Try to accept them as someone who are helping us.

No race is perfect. What we see as unacceptable, uncilivsed, might be totally normal to them. Judging doesnt help cos we will also be judged by ppl who perceived to be more superior than us. How would we feel if we receive the same treatment by the local when we in Japan.

Really? Have we reached the stage that we need the foreigners more than they need us? What about USA, France, Germany? Do they need foreigners too? I bet they have even more immigrants in their countries to make up the whole of Singapore. But when you go to those countries, do you see those foreigners in those countries behaving as arrogantly as they do here in Singapore? Do they organize strikes like that in SMRT? Do those foreign students on scholarships there call their hosts DOGS? And if any of those foreigners do that, do the locals and their politicians tell their own countrymen to REFLECT ON THEMSELVES?

You want to know why Foreigners TRASH manage to grow the guts to be so arrogant? It is simply because we have cowards like MP Baey and traitors like Nightingale to speak up for them when they climb onto our heads and shxt there! In any other country, the first thing that will be done is to evict them home!!! Which other country will you find politicians and traitors speaking up for these type of trash??

And that CB Nightingale just cannot stop taking up arms AGAINST his OWN countrymen to speak up again and Again and AGAIN for such foreigners! Seriously... What the Fxxk??? And the resident bitch gstc82 can still ask questions like "what has he (Nightingale) done to be labelled a traitor?" OMG! Are you guys blind?

SEVEN BILLION people in the world, and this is the "BEST" the government can get at this moment of time? For heaven's sake, was there even a selection criteria at all? And LKY was talking about QC checks. His mind must have been long gone!

Am I the only person whose head is not in the sands here?

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Guest Raiden Alpha

Really? Have we reached the stage that we need the foreigners more than they need us? What about USA, France, Germany? Do they need foreigners too? I bet they have even more immigrants in their countries to make up the whole of Singapore. But when you go to those countries, do you see those foreigners in those countries behaving as arrogantly as they do here in Singapore? Do they organize strikes like that in SMRT? Do those foreign students on scholarships there call their hosts DOGS? And if any of those foreigners do that, do the locals and their politicians tell their own countrymen to REFLECT ON THEMSELVES?

You want to know why Foreigners TRASH manage to grow the guts to be so arrogant? It is simply because we have cowards like MP Baey and traitors like Nightingale to speak up for them when they climb onto our heads and shxt there! In any other country, the first thing that will be done is to evict them home!!! Which other country will you find politicians and traitors speaking up for these type of trash??

And that CB Nightingale just cannot stop taking up arms AGAINST his OWN countrymen to speak up again and Again and AGAIN for such foreigners! Seriously... What the Fxxk??? And the resident bitch gstc82 can still ask questions like "what has he (Nightingale) done to be labelled a traitor?" OMG! Are you guys blind?

SEVEN BILLION people in the world, and this is the "BEST" the government can get at this moment of time? For heaven's sake, was there even a selection criteria at all? And LKY was talking about QC checks. His mind must have been long gone!

Am I the only person whose head is not in the sands here?

I see things your way except the part where you bitch on certain members which I would like to stay out of and remain neutral.

The famillee and their friends need the foreign legion not the people of this republic. As for that 90 year old man I consider his brain had grown very dull a long time ago. Those invoking his will to carry out his vision are twisting it out of context to suit their self serving agendas.

Very sinful.

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Cheryl feels insulted to see a pile of Singapore flags thrown near a rubbish chute at a Bukit Batok block of flats. Earlier, she said a group of PRC workers working for a contractor dumping these flags into the bins and even laughed at her when she told them they are not suppose to do so. They told her in mandarin that she should be happy that they didn't burn the flags instead.

She said the group of PRC workers has shown total disrespect for the nation's flag.

She said:

These shocking images were taken in the Bukit Batok area!

Is this how our country flags are to be treated? Thrown in a rubbish bin, showing utter disrespect!

This is an issue worth investigating! As a Singaporean, I feel insulted and outraged! I hope the public authority find out which company these PRC workers are working for!


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Guest Nightingale


DEFINITELY Smelly, Ugly and Shameless Ah Gua Nightingale Asks

Which is Looser – My New Transplanted Chee Bye Mouth or My Rotte Arse filled with lumps and mould


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Picture Imchaser in drag is the ultimate cure. I had tried and I am now impotent.


For your case, just look in the mirror.


Sidenote: Put any manly man in drag is definitely a turn off, what do u expect. Next time wanna fantasized on me just look at my picture.

Edited by imchaser

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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