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Troll Guest/s Vs Nightingale (Compilation over the years)

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Guest Nightingale

Nightmare is an attention seeking fuckslut, she's enjoying all the coverage and attention she is getting.

That is why she keeps responding to taunts just to keep it going, since she likes to be fucked.

Fuck her hard!

好嘢!Fuck 我Hard Hard,让我死前爽一次!

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<Some people talk as if PRC is the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. You mean we will die without PRCs in Singapore? LOL! Just how far have we degenerated to be so reliant on a bunch of uncivilized PRC barbarians.>

Well, we won't DIE without PRCs, if guest got his way and cut diplomatic ties with china, I wonder how is he and his political masters feed the people.





So guest, get rid of PRCs in singapore, what's your alternative plans to replace the trade with china with? And the knock off effects with other nations" whose economies are tied with china?

Do explain to us common folks.

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Hahahaha! I fuck you hard hard! Nightwhore PRC traitor and paedophile fantasising while masturbating to his students!

why are you so self righteous? You make me sick! You are a disgrace to Singspore. Is it a crime to have a fantasy? You are crossing a dangerous path of oppression and regression. I urge you to change your back dated ways.

Report him if he did any crime. You kept on saying he had sex with students yet did not report to the police. You are doing a lot of damage to the supporters of the opposition parties. I fear you an your views and your policies. I fear you and your type will demand oppression from potential leaders of government. Because of your views, I will not support the workers party or any other of your likes as people like you will pressure tighter control of opinions and only want to hear voices you like. You and your kind are oppressors.

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以德服人还得与以力服人结合起来。只不过以力是手段而不是目的,“ 打,是为了谈。”

只有以德服人,攻心为上才能长治久安。可人不可同一而论, 跟讲道理之人君子尚可,

但野蛮粗俗之人如朽木一般, 并不容易被折服。

不难了解一般国人的愤怒不满, 这里毕竟是新加坡的领土,

要怎么样破坏糟蹋, 也是新加坡人的事, 容不得外国人的介入,

这不是人之常情吗? 如果有国人一再偏袒恶劣嚣张的外国人,

不断践踏土生土长的道地新加坡人, 会引起一些回响本是意料中的事。

反驳可以, 但人身攻击就有点说不过去。我们不是该只针对事而不是人物吗?




时间一久, 千篇一律的来函, 不就毫无意义吗?


再拖拉下去, 可会连最基本的立场也没了, 不是吗?

真的, 就是不为了别人, 为了自己, 也该放下了,

又不是深仇大恨, 给自己自由吧,

为了不相关的人而心中愤怒, 不是很傻吗?

别让愤怒蒙蔽双眼, 别让快乐因此而走远,

有理想有满腔热血的人, 不只是如此而已,

应该有更多有意义之事在等着, 不是吗?

大家共鸣之吧 :D

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Guest Nightingale


不难了解一般国人的愤怒不满, 这里毕竟是新加坡的领土,

要怎么样破坏糟蹋, 也是新加坡人的事, 容不得外国人的介入,

这不是人之常情吗? 如果有国人一再偏袒恶劣嚣张的外国人,

不断践踏土生土长的道地新加坡人, 会引起一些回响本是意料中的事。




我这下贱的Nightingale就是矫情、就是假道学!挂羊头卖狗肉,假装慈眉善目、满腹经纶、高谈阔论、倚老卖老,骨子里一点都不客观, 胳膊肘往外拐!叫自家人把国家和外人分享!外人撒野,叫自家人忍让!




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Guest Nightingale





时间一久, 千篇一律的来函, 不就毫无意义吗?


再拖拉下去, 可会连最基本的立场也没了, 不是吗?

真的, 就是不为了别人, 为了自己, 也该放下了,

又不是深仇大恨, 给自己自由吧,

为了不相关的人而心中愤怒, 不是很傻吗?

别让愤怒蒙蔽双眼, 别让快乐因此而走远,

有理想有满腔热血的人, 不只是如此而已,

应该有更多有意义之事在等着, 不是吗?

大家共鸣之吧 :D



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Guest SupportersOfWP,SDP,NSP

We the coalition supporters of the opposition parties condemn the character assination of nightingale. We tried to appeal to you to stop all the attacks as you are doing damage to our cause. You refuse to heed our advise. We are all Dissapointed in your childish behavior and want no part of it.

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I am wondeering why BW is not taking any action for foul language used.  Is this the culture here?  BW  SHOULD and MUST stop this before it is too late to remedy the consequences.  Please be reasonable.

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I am wondeering why BW is not taking any action for foul language used.  Is this the culture here?  BW  SHOULD and MUST stop this before it is too late to remedy the consequences.  Please be reasonable.



Which virgin hole did you climb out from? Taking action against foul language, please. :rolleyes:

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Nightingale 超级老基。。。

Always talk so much but so empty..
Time to go and die..
Cannot win in all topics....go bury yourself in cement...好臭的赔钱货。。连强奸犯也不要。。 




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Guest SupportersOfWp,SDP,NSP


Nightingale 超级老基。。。

Always talk so much but so empty..

Time to go and die..

Cannot win in all topics....go bury yourself in cement...好臭的赔钱货。。连强奸犯也不要。。

We are concern about your confrontational behavior and will be on guard of statements you make.

Stand down your attacks. You are doing more harm than good to the opposition parties. Unless you are a pappy with intention of tearing down the reputation of the opposition supporters.

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Guest Nightwhore

我这下贱的Nightingale就是矫情、就是假道学!挂羊头卖狗肉,假装慈眉善目、满腹经纶、高谈阔论、倚老卖老,骨子里一点都不客观, 胳膊肘往外拐!叫自家人把国家和外人分享!外人撒野,叫自家人忍让!

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Don't forget this Nightmare is also a paedophile who masturbates while fantasising about his students. He admitted it proudly on his website.


Yeah, I saw that.  Already saved a PDF of that website and forwarded it to MOE and Stomp.  We shall see.

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Guest think b4 shoot


Don't forget this case hor.

Stomp - courtroom

"Woman pleaded guilty to sending nude pictures of teacher to school.

Upset that his fiance's family appeared to prefer his former girlfriend,

Siti Nurazlin Samat, 28, hatched a plot to get her into trouble."

YOU can be in trouble too.

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Guest Nightingale


不要欺负我Nightingale老色衰脑残!你们息怒!我骂我自己,让你们开心!我Nightingale以老卖老!我Nightingale下贱无耻!我Nightingale淫荡下流!Fuck我Nightingale Hard Hard!我Nightingale会爬过来舔你们的香港脚,闻你们的臭袜、吞你们的屎尿!真的!为了你们,我Nightingale会乖

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Guest Nightingale



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Guest Nightingale







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PRC pests unwelcomed in Taiwan. They should come to Eunuch Nightslut's house to see his black hole.


Yeah, since Nightwhore the 卖国贼 enjoys servicing them so much...

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Then I can also say Cockroach Guest enjoys being serviced by the violent woman who beat up the old lady at Chai Chee. Not to worry. If Cockroach is serviced by a woman, Article 377A won't apply. LOL!

No living thing enjoys being serviced by you, hence Article 377A won't apply. LOL

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BODY ODOUR?  Haven't we had NS training where after a day's or week's tough training, we had to tolerate each other's sweaty body odour while being ferried in 3-tonners?  EITHER Cockroach Troll has forgotten the tough training OR she had never done combat service during NS.  That's why she is so pampered & spoilt with comfortable life, unable to tolerate a bit of inconvenience or discomfort.  Cockroaches are supposed to be hardy insects but this one is a real softie, a Complaint Queen!  LOL.


Boring lah, si peh sian.

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Guest think b4 shoot

If inside the teapot is dirty, whatever water pour inside the teapot, will be dirty too.

Thus, anything came out from the mouth of teapot is filthy.

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Guest think b4 shoot

If inside the teapot is dirty, whatever water pour inside the teapot will be dirty too.

Thus, anything came out from the mouth of teapot is filthy.

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Guest Not Guest

If inside the teapot is dirty, whatever water pour inside the teapot will be dirty too.

Thus, anything came out from the mouth of teapot is filthy.

Yes, you are that dirty teapot
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When you do pointing finger,

1 finger pointed to others but another 3 fingers curve and pointed at yourself.




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Guest Cheryl

So?  Is that news?  It is well-known fact many uncivilised PRCs have travelled abroad with their hooligan behaviour.  So what is your point?  How many of the PRCs working / residing in Singapore behave like that?  Why repeatedly bring up irrelevancies when we should focus our attention on PRCs' behaviour in our country rather than their behaviour in Taiwan, HK or Timbuktu?  So that we can be brainwashed to share your hatred of PRCs as a whole community?


Singapore is a very young country compared to most countries. All these years, we are so used to immigrants from all over the world. But in recent years, we saw a huge influx of PRC nationals in Singapore. Why has that been an issue to us? The main problem is they have brought their ill-mannered cultures into the country. I have personally witnessed all these in Singapore.

1) a Chinese woman ignoring a taxi queue and run to get into the next taxi that came by. Luckily the taxi driver chased her off the taxi.

2) in many occasions, chinese nationals would talk so loudly on their mobile phones. At the end of the conversation, hundreds of people would have know their life stories.

3) Spitting. I have witnessed a Chinese national attempting to spit on the nicely paved unlettered path in Singapore. At the moment when he suddenly realized that he’s in Singapore, he ‘sucked’ he saliva back, it’s so disgusting.

4) noise pollution, Why couldnt the Chinese nationals be more considerate to keep their volume to a reasonable level. Nowadays, I could hear Chinese people talking everywhere. They would screamed from one end to the other instead of taking 2 steps closer to each other.

5) I went to many bars in 5 star hotel to order cocktail and the waitresses are mostly Chinese nationals who doesn’t even understand basic English. How did they pass the interview in the first place?!?

I could list many more examples. So end of the day, it is not about the nationalities who migrated to the country. It’s about how these ‘foreigners’ should be guided to adopt the local cultures and not cause the good living standards that we currently have to drop because of their bad mannerism and culture.

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理亏的泼妇除了会骂别人瞎了狗眼,老屁精之外,还会懂什么? 只懂得天花乱坠,把中国人的恶习写作 “暴行“,夸大其词,不照照镜子检讨自己为何心胸那么狭窄,总是爱挑中国人的毛病。

Educating  the  BW  Troll  Lesson  6  (Answers)

1.  Does the writer condone anti-social behaviour?

No, he mentions examples of misdeeds at the beginning and is particularly riled over people littering with cigarette butts.


2.  What is the main message of the Emperor’s Advice?

The title says Don’t Be Bothered by Minor Misdeeds and his last sentence reads Why Fret About It?  So we should not get too worked up by peccadilloes.  The main message is to tell us to maintain a sense of balance when it comes to criticisms.


3.  What did the Emperor suggest to improve matters?

He suggested education, appeal and prosecution.


4.  Would Cockroach Troll agree to it?

Troll would agree to prosecution but has no balls to resort to appeal.  Regarding education, she is confused.  On the one hand, she condemns all PRCs as incorrigible die-hards who should be repatriated.  But on the other, she started a thread on 6 Mar 2013 – “Should Singapore Set Up Its Version Of 'institute Sarita' For Prc Immigrants?”  This suggests that she hoped to civilise the uncouth PRCs, which means they can be reformed after all.  Or perhaps it was not a sincere move and that she was merely throwing a rhetoric question aiming at sarcasm.  Or maybe she herself was confused because she is suffering from a mental illness of split personalities.


5.  If after reading this article, the Troll stubbornly sticks to her trolling, what does this mean?

It means that Cockroach Troll has no sense of balance and has serious psychiatric problems that she should attend to.  Whether she is eating, drinking, defecating, and even when sleeping, she would keep visualising even in her dreams her selected rotten apples from PRC and their uncouth behaviour.  It is pathetic that she will have no peace of mind for the next 4 decades 7/24 while the other Singaporeans and BW readers carry on their normal lives as usual.  It is high time for her to see a psychiatrist to rid herself of this Freddie Krugger from Elm Street.


Aunty, you a lot to say hor??

No one is interested in old aunties like you lah, you spread wide wide also nobody will fuck.  LOL!

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Guest Nightingale





P L E A S E!

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Post date: 
2 Oct 2013 - 11:27pm

70225864-dbcf-4a00-827c-9fe9a930576b_RVBAFP News 

Chinese tourists should not pick their noses in public, pee in pools or steal airplane life jackets, China's image-conscious authorities have warned in a handbook in their latest effort to counter unruly behaviour.

The National Tourism Administration publicised its 64-page Guidebook for Civilised Tourism -- with illustrations to accompany its list of dos and don'ts -- on its website ahead of a "Golden Week" public holiday that started on October 1.

As Chinese tourists increasingly travel abroad, they have developed a stereotype of "uncivilised behaviour", which Vice Premier Wang Yang said in May had "damaged the image of the Chinese people".

Several countries, including debt-laden European nations, have eased visa restrictions to attract increasingly affluent Chinese tourists, but reports have also emerged of complaints about etiquette.

A mainland Chinese woman who in February had her son relieve himself in a bottle in a crowded Hong Kong restaurant sparked an outpouring of anger online, with some locals deriding mainlanders as "locusts".

The government has previously issued pithy guidelines telling tourists how to behave, but the latest booklet elaborated in great detail.

It warned travellers not to pick their noses in public, to keep their nose-hair neatly trimmed and, if they had to pick their teeth, never to use their fingers.

It also urged them not to occupy public toilets for long periods of time or leave footprints on the toilet seat. Nor should they pee in swimming pools.

Travellers should not drink soup straight from the bowl or make slurping sounds when eating noodles, it warned.

And after taking a flight they must leave the life jackets underneath their seats, the rulebook said, explaining that "if a dangerous situation arises then someone else will not have a life jacket".

A tour guide surnamed Zhang who was in Hong Kong on Tuesday said his company had given him a copy of the rules at the start of the seven-day October holiday.

Before this he said they had distributed a much briefer set of guidelines -- which fit on a single sheet of paper.

"I feel things need to be improved," he said, standing in the city square packed with mainland tourists. "If we bring chaos to other places, it's our image -- the Chinese image -- that suffers."

The handbook also dispensed country-specific advice: Chinese visitors to Germany should only snap their fingers to beckon dogs, not humans.

Women in Spain should always wear earrings in public -- or else be considered effectively naked.

And diners in Japan were instructed not to play with their clothes or hair during a meal.

A 33-year-old tourist, also surnamed Zhang, visiting Hong Kong from central Anhui province complained that the guidelines were too many and too specific.

"You cannot possibly look through all of the rules before you go travelling. Also the rules are different in different places," he said. "I think it's not very feasible."

Cuntwhorefuckslut old lackey Nightingale from Singapore insisted, "This is only a few black sheep, doesn't represent the whole of China,"

Netizens raised a doubt, "How is a country wide cultural issue limited to a few black sheep? You are the only disgraceful black sheep of Singapore siding with non related outsiders!"





China govt has acknowledged the widespread disgusting filthy habits of PRCs overseas, it's serious enough to come to this stage where they all need to be educated with a booklet before they travel.

But the last eunuch lackey of Singapore wants to override that by standing in front of the tank.

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China govt has acknowledged the widespread disgusting filthy habits of PRCs overseas, it's serious enough to come to this stage where they all need to be educated with a booklet before they travel.

But the last eunuch lackey of Singapore wants to override that by standing in front of the tank.

Educated with a booklet before they travel? LOL! What a disgrace...
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矫情的老母鸡白 Nightwhore, the quarrelsome bitch who has her obstinate view and last word on everything like only she's right all the time and everyone else is wrong. She's a typical old grouchy spinster who is bitter and unwanted, her best friend is the 24 inch broomstick.


is this Nightingale?  He is using the broomstick for a similar process? 24inches.............wah..............."one way ticket" - from his mouth to his rectum



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The people you keep bad mouthing are doing something for themselves and moving forward, while you are stuck under that tree talking crap!

N A T O = No Action Talk Only

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