Guest Raiden Alpha Posted October 12, 2013 Report Share Posted October 12, 2013 No. Everyone has their rights to have a personal prefence to what they like. Beside he is only defending them from people who make sweeping statements.A traitor is someone like that unmentionable fucker in here that always defend the white ghosts.Don't grow fixate on the problems.Try to grow fixate on the cause of the problems. angel_dust and fab 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chikchak13 Posted October 12, 2013 Report Share Posted October 12, 2013 No. The reasons those guests gave in labeling him that way don't make sense. Here and now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Nightingale Posted October 12, 2013 Report Share Posted October 12, 2013 Here come the ugly & horrible PARROT with a big FONT , too bad cun't go any bigger...Say.."I Love You".. cleaver parrot.("KOSONG" brain)I have a friend, he and you "sama sama "DIE early due to heart attack.Wait...before you DIE, donate all your money to NATO can ? so I can have grand funeral with Gay Parade tag along on singapore road.DIE DIE must haveunless N.A.T.ONo Action Talk OnlyYes! You are right Darling~~~~~Nightingale is an ugly & horrible PARROT!!!!! Yes NATO, Nightingale says it AGAIN, and BIG FONT for you~~~"I Love You, DARLING NATO!"Everyone wants Nightinhale to mati, but you are THE BEST! You want me to heart attack! Easy death! Nightingale LOVES you! You are sweet. You love Nightingale!I MUST donate ALL money to you! After Nightingale mati, you will sleep in the coffin and be cremated alive with me! You Love Nightingale, Nightingale rewards you with $$$$$$$$! Sure one!Our funeral sure very Grand! Special coffin! I will write in the will - we die in 69 position! Coffin tailor made! You and I clam each others mini sausage penis with our smelly cunt mouth! So hot, I think now also STEAM!KNN, mati with my daddy NATO. Si Bei Shiok! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Nightingale Posted October 12, 2013 Report Share Posted October 12, 2013 NATO 82, Nightingale JEEM and CHOOT your tumour nini and LAN PA Ji until you STEAM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snowball Posted October 12, 2013 Report Share Posted October 12, 2013 (edited) 让心声与人共享没有错, 不同人有各自的观点看法, 可是, 一旦偏离了轨道, 人身攻击, 就无法令人信服。倘若还把亲属拖下水, 那就更加站不稳立场, 要是别人以其人之道还治其人之身, 自己又有何感想? 一人做事一人当, 把不相关的人扯进来, 是否有理? 大家都是成年人, 为何不能理智地反驳对方的论点? Edited October 12, 2013 by snowball Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 13, 2013 Report Share Posted October 13, 2013 No cardiologist will be able to diagnose the evil and perverted heart that lies in Nightwhore, who loves to twist others' words and post longwinded stuff to pull wool over others' eyes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 13, 2013 Report Share Posted October 13, 2013 to Guests trolluntil now you all still can't beat the 1 and only old ah guawhat a shame..!!!you give him name,you post pic of him,you humiliating him,you threatening him,you all repeat over and over...still never win har?3 against old ah gua = bullybut the old ah gua, still going strong le...alamak ...The girl that slaps his kneeling bf in HK more daring than you hor...and very effective hor.Slaps slaps slaps...sure many Singaporean take video/photo and STOMP rite?Rather than just said "wait...2 yrs./we shall see.../report to media and authorities" waste time and slow.unless N.A.T.O.No Action Talk Only Are you the maggot inside that old fag's rotten vagina??? Are you going to be flushed out when she douches her CB??Why you talk so much, got your problem?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 13, 2013 Report Share Posted October 13, 2013 No. Everyone has their rights to have a personal prefence to what they like. Beside he is only defending them from people who make sweeping statements.A traitor is someone like that unmentionable fucker in here that always defend the white ghosts.Don't grow fixate on the problems.Try to grow fixate on the cause of the problems. To state the obvious, you were referring to gstc69 that motherfucking bitch traitor? Nightwhore loves to associates herself and defend all those dirty prostitutes in Geylang like she's one of them. To an extend, she is a TRAITOR when it comes to siding with the geylang prostitutes, but she is not a total traitor like gstc69 the lapdog. It's the bloodline at work for Nightwhore. You don't really see Nightwhore siding with the other minorities such as the Asia Mexican roaches or the Ganges European pariahs, but you do see gstc69 defending every white ghost like their lapdog. Such traitors will be dragged out, castrated and decapitated when the dynasty changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 13, 2013 Report Share Posted October 13, 2013 Yeah man... You can literally smell the PRC cum on Nightwhore's breath with every post he makes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 13, 2013 Report Share Posted October 13, 2013 Are you the maggot inside that old fag's rotten vagina??? Are you going to be flushed out when she douches her CB??Why you talk so much, got your problem??LOL! Great one there... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gstc82 Posted October 13, 2013 Report Share Posted October 13, 2013 Gstc69? who is that? Wow if a new government takes over sg, this clown will.demand they take sg back 100 years into the dark ages.wah, will.want people who dont agree castrated, decapitated someon, u think pre french revolution? Clown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Nightingale Posted October 14, 2013 Report Share Posted October 14, 2013 哈哈哈!笑死人了!我Nightingale老人妖讲出来的话,连自己这最不知礼义廉耻的孽畜都会喷饭、闪尿呢!哈哈哈!好好笑噢! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Nightingale Posted October 14, 2013 Report Share Posted October 14, 2013 大家要活着经历下面的浩劫,(1)必须宽心、(2)闭紧双眼、(3)咬紧牙关、(4)握紧拳头:Nightingale要耍宝!拿出老娘的绝活:宽衣解带,扭腰摆臀,表演空前噁心的"人兽尸斑松弛大腿交"!!!让你们至死难忘的噩梦现在开始啦~~~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 15, 2013 Report Share Posted October 15, 2013 Gstc69? who is that? Wow if a new government takes over sg, this clown will.demand they take sg back 100 years into the dark ages.wah, will.want people who dont agree castrated, decapitated someon, u think pre french revolution? Clown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest NATO Posted October 16, 2013 Report Share Posted October 16, 2013 Are you the maggot inside that old fag's rotten vagina??? Are you going to be flushed out when she douches her CB??Why you talk so much, got your problem??If I post a status and you automatically assume it's about you...Don't blame your guilty conscience on me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest NATO Posted October 16, 2013 Report Share Posted October 16, 2013 LOL! Great one there...Yeah ! Great.. pretender, Pretend to support him because your parent PRC which your father is old ah gua har? Back to the guilty ONEYou pretend to hate old ah gua rite?Actually you have sex with her until she became an old fag's rotten vagina.If not, how do YOU know about her rotten vagina ? and how do I know it your KKJ? I'm the maggot inside her CB... remember? You so SHIOK pok pok , your KKJ keep pocking on my head and i almost drown by your watery sperms.....that may problem.your fxxher fxxker. (GAY, no mxxher fxxker hor)Now, you afraid, because YOUR sperms inside an old fag's rotten vagina.That why you asked her to douches her CBSo that, there will be no evidence and witnesses when all flush out rite? SHAME ON YOU......LOOOSSSEEERRR !!!!!Die Die must pretendunless N A T ONo Action Talk Only. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 20, 2013 Report Share Posted October 20, 2013 Singaporeans are definitely not xenophobic.We had no issues with the Malaysians working in Singapore, or the Hongkongers who came here in the early 90s before the handover.And we love the Japanese expatriate community who are ever so polite, as well as the ang moh community which tends to be more gregarious.But the PRCs - they're a completely different breed altogether.Uncouth doesn't even begin to describe the myriad of negative behaviours by them, whether reported in the press or otherwise.(Does melamine-laced milk and polluted ma la steamboat ring a bell?)Instead of repeatedly accusing Singaporeans of being xenophobic or racist (which are untrue btw), maybe the PRCs might want to take a good hard look at themselves and wonder why most of the world is against them.But then again, to expect them to be capable of introspection is like waiting for hell to freeze over. Wow, I share your sentiments totally! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Edward Posted October 20, 2013 Report Share Posted October 20, 2013 Many politicians and analysts have question before whether Singapore can continue to survive into the next 50-100 years with the death of LKY and the gradual decline and maturation of old economic models and ethos. In view of our land limitations,the lack of finesse in our governing system and the unwillingness to be overtaken by an alien culture,these fears and doomsday scenarios shall always remain as distant but real possibilities.Of course this is merely going through a hypothesis discussion on Singapore being re assimilate back to Malaysia. There is nothing seditious in nature nor malice intended behind my words. I just like to look into the future that's all. Well said, RA. Whether your points are agreeable or not, the least I can say is, you contribute posts which have show that you think.I would like to see how the next 10 posts will respond to what you have just commented.It will likely go both ways - there will more opinionated views, based on the situations which one is familiar with. Or some shallow views with lust and more lust/hatred or more hatred against the PRCs. Knowing the kind of people we have in Spore, I put my bet on the latter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gstc82 Posted October 21, 2013 Report Share Posted October 21, 2013 Hi "guest". Instead of thrashing Nightingale about being a traitor here, I invite you to a discussion I set up, inspired by Raiden Alpha"s desire that Singaporeans should give up its sovereign and be "returned" to Malaysia.Go join in the discussion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 24, 2013 Report Share Posted October 24, 2013 Hi "guest". Instead of thrashing Nightingale about being a traitor here, I invite you to a discussion I set up, inspired by Raiden Alpha"s desire that Singaporeans should give up its sovereign and be "returned" to Malaysia.Go join in the discussion. Well can see that that Old Thing has learnt its lesson and is behaving itself these days. So it is spared for now. Will only use the stick if it barks again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 25, 2013 Report Share Posted October 25, 2013 LOL, it's obvious the attention seeker Nightwhore is desperately asking to be fucked hard, but nobody will go near her rotten cheebye with a 10 foot pole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 25, 2013 Report Share Posted October 25, 2013 1. Shouldn't you be happy that the China govt has recognised the problem of their own rotten apples? Having a guide book is better than taking no action, right? Especially when you have no solution to offer at all. 2. Having a guide book is a disgrace? Are you referring to Singapore and Japan, where there are plentiful signboards to remind the public not to litter, not to smoke, not to eat or drink in the bus or MRT, not to stoop on toilet bowls, not to leave pet dog Don't Feed The Troll around? So aren't you saying that Singaporeans and Japanese are a disgrace? 3. Changing people's behaviour takes time. By adopting a bash at all costs without offering a viable solution is by itself already a disgrace. Reflect on your own ugly behaviour & heart before you condemn others. Why are you asking us Singaporeans to provide solutions to the widespread filthy and disgusting PRC behaviours? Do we owe them anything? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 25, 2013 Report Share Posted October 25, 2013 After my graduation, I underwent a teacher training course and graduated as a qualified teacher. My subsequent years were tied up in time-consuming lesson preparation, endless marking workload, time-wasting meetings to attend, useless seminars and workshops, dreadful ECAs, tedious administrative duties and dealing with classroom brats, leaving me hardly any time for leisure. I felt like a slave to the system. Of course I did find certain boys attractive and had fantasies about them. Some boys also gave me gazes. But being professional, I must keep a distance from them lest tragedies occur. One day – it was a National Day – and I was reaching age 31, I discovered masturbation. I felt bored marking my students’ scripts and started to play with my dick. It grew larger and larger. I was so bored that I got carried away and decided to rub it to see how it would end up. The feeling was getting closer and closer to orgasm. And finally, with one burst, the volcano erupted. Thick white cream oozed out, giving me exactly the same feeling as nocturnal emission. Eureka! It was no different from wet dream – except that this happened in bright daylight! . . . and I got addicted – I did this every day. And now I could do it while fantasising about my students. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Bravo Posted October 25, 2013 Report Share Posted October 25, 2013 After my graduation, I underwent a teacher training course and graduated as a qualified teacher. My subsequent years were tied up in time-consuming lesson preparation, endless marking workload, time-wasting meetings to attend, useless seminars and workshops, dreadful ECAs, tedious administrative duties and dealing with classroom brats, leaving me hardly any time for leisure. I felt like a slave to the system. Of course I did find certain boys attractive and had fantasies about them. Some boys also gave me gazes. But being professional, I must keep a distance from them lest tragedies occur. One day – it was a National Day – and I was reaching age 31, I discovered masturbation. I felt bored marking my students’ scripts and started to play with my dick. It grew larger and larger. I was so bored that I got carried away and decided to rub it to see how it would end up. The feeling was getting closer and closer to orgasm. And finally, with one burst, the volcano erupted. Thick white cream oozed out, giving me exactly the same feeling as nocturnal emission. Eureka! It was no different from wet dream – except that this happened in bright daylight! . . . and I got addicted – I did this every day. And now I could do it while fantasising about my students.! Well done! That Bald Brainless Old Ah Gua needs to be exposed! That Shameless Low Life! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 I am not asking Singaporeans. I am asking YOU to provide solutions becausea) ONLY you are the one who is ranting on and on here about PRCs and ignore the existence of some of our locals and other foreigners who also guilty of the same. b) Those disgusting behaviour of PRCs won't go away by your mere repeated rantings. We are tired of hearing the same old advertisement of yours, which is a form of hate propaganda you intend to spread here. Nothing new, nothing educational but potentially disrupting our social harmony. Btw, the recent case of a man jumping the queue and spitting at 2 women at Woodlands Bus Interchange is not a PRC but a local. What do you say to that? Nothing of course, because you believe in never bashing our locals for any misdeeds but branding PRC peccadilloes as atrocities. How did I know that you, incorrigible 卖国贼, were going to defend the PRCs by referring to the completely unrelated incident at Woodlands? You are obviously asking all Singaporeans to "provide solutions". As if we owe these PRCs anything! Why must we spend our time, energy, tax money and resources to educate them if they cannot fit in the local culture and social norms, or speak English? Are you saying we have a DUTY to do all these? We don't even want them here in the first place! Only our government says these foreign trash are talent! Please fuck off! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 You can see Nightwhore is trying to be clever by cherrypicking his own sentence, claiming that he only "fantasised" about them while masturbating. That is bad enough. That's the crux of it. We don't need to prove you actually did it - stop hoodwinking everybody. You think the MOE will be happy to hear that one of its teachers is fantasising about his students while masturbating? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 Wah lao eh, 刘三姐 pose or what? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 For your info, that pose was not my original intention but as instructed by the studio photographer. If you don't like it, too bad lor. Me cherrypicking? Aren't you the one who is cherrypicking on my words? Why can't you just acknowledge that your English is atrocious or you are distorting the word. Go back to primary 4 and learn the meaning of "fantasise" lah. a) If MOE is happy, then fine. Go & tell MOE and see what it says about you first. We are at liberty to fantasise anybody, be it Presidents, PMs, MPs, kings, queens, princes, princesses, movie idols, clients, client's spouses etc. If you want to spend time acting like a thought police, go ahead but it will bring you nowhere. b) You have forgotten one very very IMPORTANT thing. The reason why we are in this thread is because of our disagreements regarding PRCs. So instead of acknowledging your failure in forwarding sound arguments to back up your case on PRCs, you resort to distracting readers by discrediting me via my personal life, which is totally irrelevant & futile. If you carry on bashing me after a whole year (since Nov 2012), I am still prepared to entertain you for the next 20 years. But you are only making a deranged fool of yourself. GM, here's proof that he's daring us to report him to MOE. So don't blame us if Nightwhore and Blowing Wind end up on the front page of The Straits Times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 Wow! What an outburst.a) You are very wrong. The PRC govt is already spending money to print behaviour handbook on overseas travel of their citizens. So it is wrong to say that Sg will do the dirty job for them. But being rotten apples, these tourists will still ignore the handbook. So if people like you are so worked up, then something has to be done to make you feel better. Who? What? How? So are you a thinking machine or just a ranting machine? b) As I have said again & again, courtesy campaigns should direct NOT against any particular community but all communities living in Sg. So if you want a better life at your tolerable threshold, why not do it? It is worth all the effort for YOUR sake. See lah, I am doing the thinking for you since you are too lazy to come up with solutions except for the childish proposal of repatriating them & severing trade links with China. The amount of time, energy and tax money will certainly help to create an environment that will shut your gap, doesn't it? We don't have a DUTY but the duty is YOURS because only you feel the pinch so PAINFULLY. c) Wrong again. Since when is English our national language? You mean you cannot speak Mandarin? So why act hypocritically and speak to them in a language which they do not understand and then accuse them of their failure at integration, when you yourself refuse to be friendly? What about the sizeable Japanese & Korean population in Sg? They cannot speak English, Singlish or any of our vernacular fluently. So why rant only about the PRCs? Aren't the Japs & Koreans failures at integration too as they keep very much to themselves? Can you see your one-sided dislike? d) And wrong again. The construction workers, unskilled menial labourers etc. are not considered Foreign Talent. They are called Foreign Workers. Only Trolls like you love to distort words to suit your hatred propaganda! LOL, as expected, defending the CB PRCs again.Was your mother a PRC comfort woman for the Japs during WW2? LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 No, but yours was and still is. :clap: :clap: :thumb: Nope, your mother is definitely a prostitute Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 Two Chinese nationals jailed for stealing from mosque donation boxes Two Chinese nationals who travelled here specifically to commit crime were each jailed for five months on Friday for stealing $1,719 from a mosque.Wei Rengu, 30, and Qin Shi Gang, 29, admitted to the theft at Masjid Sultan at Muscat Street on Oct 10.An executive officer of the mosque was viewing the CCTV footage that day when he saw Qin fishing money out of a donation box and Wei pretending to take photographs of the surroundings. The pair moved from one donation box to another.Mr Asmawi Said, 59, immediately went to confront the two men. He saw Qin holding on to some money that he had managed to fish out from the donation box. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 26, 2013 Report Share Posted October 26, 2013 For your info, that pose was not my original intention but as instructed by the studio photographer. So if the studio photographer tells you to eat shit or jump off the building, you will do so lah! HAHAHAHA You're such an idiot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 27, 2013 Report Share Posted October 27, 2013 And therefore? Cherrypicking again eh? In future, there will be still be crimes committed by PRCs, other foreigners and locals here. But you choose to focus on PRCs and ignore the others. Come, let me show you examples of other bad behaviours: When foreigners come to our country as guests, some of them do not respect our culture, races, life style etc, you defended them shamelessly. This is OK (to you).When we signed in as Guest (into this space), and speak our mind about how these misbehaved forigners are inconveniencing us, it is NOT ok (to you) Why? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Cheryl Posted October 27, 2013 Report Share Posted October 27, 2013 Wah lao eh, 刘三姐 pose or what? Eeewwww....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 27, 2013 Report Share Posted October 27, 2013 So if the studio photographer tells you to eat shit or jump off the building, you will do so lah! HAHAHAHA You're such an idiot 我Nightingale虽然眼大无脑,但凡事都赖别人的本事,我Nightingale还是有的!我Nightingale下贱无耻嘛!呐!我Nightingale不会游泳,但不是我Nightingale的错噢!谁叫我Nightingale买泳裤时,店员白痴,给我Nightingale超大条的!泳裤太大,我Nightingale才不会游呀!店员的错!好讨厌哦! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Nightingale Posted October 27, 2013 Report Share Posted October 27, 2013 我Nightingale虽然眼大无脑,但凡事都赖别人的本事,我Nightingale还是有的!我Nightingale下贱无耻嘛!呐!我Nightingale不会游泳,但不是我Nightingale的错噢!谁叫我Nightingale买泳裤时,店员白痴,给我Nightingale超大条的!泳裤太大,我Nightingale才不会游呀!店员的错!好讨厌哦!BW也有错!我Nightingale脑残眼瞎手废,输入"Guest",系统怎么没自动帮我改呀?我Nightingale没错,有问题的都是你们!!!这世界怎么就我Nightingale是Perfect10呀??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Nightingale Posted October 27, 2013 Report Share Posted October 27, 2013 BW也有错!我Nightingale脑残眼瞎手废,输入"Guest",系统怎么没自动帮我改呀?我Nightingale没错,有问题的都是你们!!!这世界怎么就我Nightingale是Perfect10呀???我Nightingale真他妈的废!要大写! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 27, 2013 Report Share Posted October 27, 2013 That is assuming that my IQ is zero and the photographer is not a professional. However, if he does offer me shit, I shall save it for you because that is what you have been regurgitating all this while in BW. Remember, you are a brainless GUEST (Get Urine Eat Shit Troll). :clap: :clap:Oh, Almighty TrollThou art powerful indeed, so powerful that even GM chooses to ignore thee. If BW were to be publicised to the straight world, we all shall elect thee as our BW spokesman since thou insist on exposure of thyself together with our brethren. Thou shalt be the volunteer bridge between straights & gays and reply to all mail from straights regarding:a) homophobia. There shalt be lots of hate mail condemning us & our behaviour. Be prepared to answer them. If thou should say something untoward, thou shalt be branded Traitor of GLBT.b) There may be quite a few mail from Christian & other religious people who question our sexuality. Be diplomatic when answering them, so as not to provoke their wrath.c) There is a high possibility of SOS mail from gay youths attempting suicide because of either their guilt or that they have been suffering discrimination or persecution from others. Arm yourself with counselling skills to prevent tragedies from happening.d) If thou art prepared to do the above, then go ahead to do what thou hath been threatening to do centuries ago. This is neither the first time thou NATO nor the first time I dare thee.Sincerely,The alleged Traitor-cum-Lao Ah GuaYes the photographer was very professional, he saw your essence and captured your Mountain Tortoise Signature Dated Look to the fullest. Oh yes, of course your repulsively Shameless Lao Hiao Chee pose too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Cheryl Posted October 27, 2013 Report Share Posted October 27, 2013 Yes the photographer was very professional, he saw your essence and captured your Mountain Tortoise Signature Dated Look to the fullest. Oh yes, of course your repulsively Shameless Lao Hiao Chee pose too. Couldn't have said it better than you, there's really the mountain tortoise look if you look closer... LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 28, 2013 Report Share Posted October 28, 2013 To Guest a.k.a Cheryl a.k.a Fake NightingaleWhat has looks & Hiao Chee pose to do with this thread title? Are they relevant?To Lao Hiao Chee, shameless ugly Old Nightingale, your long post should go to your epitaph, it also has nothing to do with this Thread Title. Get a brain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 28, 2013 Report Share Posted October 28, 2013 And so? Is BW a platform for beauty contest or looks competition? Yawn!PHOTOS FOR THE DAYConstruction Design Failures FOR THE DAYHow to Quickly Cool the Inside of your CarThis should be a useful tip for those who have occasion to get into a car that has been parked under a bright sun. You don’t have to know the Japanese language to understand the video. The video is in Japanese but it is easy to understand the steps:1. Turn down the window on the passenger side.2. Open and close the door on driver side 5 times. Don't need to do it with force.It is claimed that the temperature would be reduced by 8 degrees C. The theory is that the door draws out the heat with the help of the draft that comes in from the passenger-side window. looking at you we know immediately BW is not a beauty or looks competition, and yes, YAWN.....+ YUCKS. Hiao Chee Damn ugly, boring & disgusting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 28, 2013 Report Share Posted October 28, 2013 The question is - why torture yourself by choosing to look at something so ugly & yet complain loudly about it? Aren't you repeatedly eating shit & drinking urine and then declare to everyone that excrement is truly disgusting? A mentally deranged person who can't pull herself out of her self-imposed misery! :whistle:This Cheryl & ugly Guests,remind me of blue house to said bad thing but they themselves attracted, hovering and can be found at garbage dump.See below :BLUE HOUSE FLIESThe blue bottle fly is sometimes called the blue housefly. It earns its name as a result of its shiny, blue-green carapace. Blue houseflies are commonly referred to as bottle flies, blowflies or blue bottles. They are attracted to garbage, rotting animal carcasses and open animal wounds. These flies can be found in barnyards, restaurant trash areas and garbage dumps. They may also be found within homes when small, dead animals such as mice or birds are present. These flies are more than a nuisance because they have been shown to transmit diseases. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted October 29, 2013 Report Share Posted October 29, 2013 Nightingale:All your postings are nothing but irrelevant insults, curses & scoldings. Since you cannot rebut me with something sensible, I am obliged to post positive content to rebut your negative ones. The ball has all along been in your court & am still waiting for your sensible reply.<please lah.... Your postings are nothing sensible or positive, just an old fart trying to act intelligent><don't eye my balls leh, u dirty old smelly ah Gua, we know ur parents didn't give u any balls>Nightingale:Boring? Am I a singer or dancer who has to change face every day? Why dun you show yours & let us judge how you change face daily or weekly? LOL.<yah, u r damn boring, and long-winded, and ugly, and old, and ah Gua><give singer and dancers and audience a break, those are called performance & art, ehhh.... Urs is just a SAD, DEGRADING & SHAMELESS attempt to ACT><we don't have to change face, you MUST>Nightingale:The question is - why torture yourself by choosing to look at something so ugly & yet complain loudly about it? Aren't you repeatedly eating shit & drinking urine and then declare to everyone that excrement is truly disgusting? A mentally deranged person who can't pull herself out of her self-imposed misery! <well said, go cover ur ugly scary smelly face with trash bag><go feast on ur shit & urine, excrement is truly disgusting but u r the ULTIMATE> :whistle: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted November 2, 2013 Report Share Posted November 2, 2013 Have we reached the stage that we need the foreigners more than they need us? What about USA, France, Germany? Do they need foreigners too? I bet they have even more immigrants in their countries to make up the whole of Singapore. But when you go to those countries, do you see those foreigners in those countries behaving as arrogantly as they do here in Singapore? Do they organize strikes like that in SMRT? Do those foreign students on scholarships there call their hosts DOGS? And if any of those foreigners do that, do the locals and their politicians tell their own countrymen to REFLECT ON THEMSELVES? You want to know why Foreigners TRASH manage to grow the guts to be so arrogant? It is simply because we have cowards like MP Baey and traitors like Nightingale to speak up for them when they climb onto our heads and shxt there! In any other country, the first thing that will be done is to evict them home!!! Which other country will you find politicians and traitors speaking up for these type of trash?? And that CB Nightingale just cannot stop taking up arms AGAINST his OWN countrymen to speak up again and Again and AGAIN for such foreigners! Seriously... What the Fxxk??? And the resident bitch gstc82 can still ask questions like "what has he (Nightingale) done to be labelled a traitor?" OMG! Are you guys blind? SEVEN BILLION people in the world, and this is the "BEST" the government can get at this moment of time? For heaven's sake, was there even a selection criteria at all? And LKY was talking about QC checks. His mind must have been long gone! Am I the only person whose head is not in the sands here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted November 2, 2013 Report Share Posted November 2, 2013 The 卖国贼 Nightwhore barks again... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gstc82 Posted November 2, 2013 Report Share Posted November 2, 2013 Have we reached the stage that we need the foreigners more than they need us? What about USA, France, Germany? Do they need foreigners too? I bet they have even more immigrants in their countries to make up the whole of Singapore. But when you go to those countries, do you see those foreigners in those countries behaving as arrogantly as they do here in Singapore? Do they organize strikes like that in SMRT? Do those foreign students on scholarships there call their hosts DOGS? And if any of those foreigners do that, do the locals and their politicians tell their own countrymen to REFLECT ON THEMSELVES?You want to know why Foreigners TRASH manage to grow the guts to be so arrogant? It is simply because we have cowards like MP Baey and traitors like Nightingale to speak up for them when they climb onto our heads and shxt there! In any other country, the first thing that will be done is to evict them home!!! Which other country will you find politicians and traitors speaking up for these type of trash??And that CB Nightingale just cannot stop taking up arms AGAINST his OWN countrymen to speak up again and Again and AGAIN for such foreigners! Seriously... What the Fxxk??? And the resident bitch gstc82 can still ask questions like "what has he (Nightingale) done to be labelled a traitor?" OMG! Are you guys blind?SEVEN BILLION people in the world, and this is the "BEST" the government can get at this moment of time? For heaven's sake, was there even a selection criteria at all? And LKY was talking about QC checks. His mind must have been long gone!Am I the only person whose head is not in the sands here? boy oh boy. Your answer is a Yes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted November 3, 2013 Report Share Posted November 3, 2013 You can smell the PRC cum on this PRC apologist Nightwhore's breath with every filthy post of his... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous Posted November 3, 2013 Report Share Posted November 3, 2013 We declare war on Nightwhore for being a traitor, 卖国贼, PRC apologist, paedophile, pervert, PRC cocksucking slut, longwinded goldfish-eye freak, incorrigible and unrepentant asshole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted November 3, 2013 Report Share Posted November 3, 2013 Obviously Nightwhore is also a huge attention-seeker. There are days no one else is posting into her damned thread and yet she posts her crap spam, 3 or 4 consecutive days in a row, bumping up her own thread in the flaming room. People think she's flaming but all she's doing is posting crap. Obviously she loves the attention, she loves to be recognised as a paedophile, a traitor, she just needs a hard rough fuck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted November 3, 2013 Report Share Posted November 3, 2013 This incident has been confirmed to be the doings of a foreigner. Who is betting that she is a PRC? First, they went to Egypt to deface a thousands-year old monument. Now, they are in Singapore destroying our Kinetic Rain moving sculture at Changi Airport. It is such a shame. I really like that moving sculpture. I even go there at night just to view it sometimes. But I guess it is gone for now. And I guess we will be having someone here jumping to their defense again. What defense will we seeing this time? Is it their "culture" again? Should Singaporeans be "educated" to their ways again? "It cannot be helped" again? More YouTube clips of how Singaporeans were misbehaving in our own country again? We may not be the most gracious people on this planet, but why should we welcome people who are even more barbaric than us into our country here? While we cannot prevent our own countrymen to misbehave in our own country because they have as much rights to be here as we do, why should we allow such primates in human clothings to come in here to destroy the fabric of our nation? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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