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Troll Guest/s Vs Nightingale (Compilation over the years)

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Guest Guest

Steve, thank you for all your compliments.  Have a nice Easter Monday, courgaeous one.


Really?  An analogy for Trolls:

Trolls keep returning to the same restaurant after complaining so loudly against the poor service & bad food.  Their reason?  To see how bad the restaurant business would be!   LOL.  Trolls do have warped logic! :clap:


See how our double-headed snake laughs!  On the one hand wants to troll me, on the other hand sneakily sent me a friendship request!


Now what happened to Qing Ming Festival last year?  Did the cow-headed horse-faced couple from Hell come to take me?  I think they did.  But then I told them I had unfinished business on Earth.  They obliged & left me alone.  Do you think they will come again this year or the next to pick me up?  Well, you will never know the answer.  The only answer I can give you is the answer I gave to them.  I told them this:

"There are some trolls who are lonely & full of hate & they wish to spread negativity all around.  My unfinished business is therefore to entertain them (to let them enjoy trolling me), to contain them (to rebut their excessively unwarranted xenophobic bashings) & to educate them (with regular dosage of riddles, quotations, photos, knowledge-laden articles & songs).  Most are cut & paste.  BTW, something strange.  I am too busy to create all those items from scratch, so have to share them via cut & paste method.  On the other hand, the trolls have so much free time & yet they do not want to post interesting items but only enjoy shooting unconstructive critcisms.  Sigh!

The horse/cow brother were so traumatized by you and went back to complain to King of Hades.

They were so shocked to see a human face like yours.

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Guest Guest

I think you mean this:


The horse/cow brother were so traumatized by you and went back to complain to King of Hades.

They were so shocked to see a human face like yours.


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Hahaha!!!! Not to mention eating candles while smelling smelly socks

I thought the bird like to swallow GM's hairy balls all at once?

Now he is kissing Steve's 'baseballs'.

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Is whatever I do in private any business with yours, kaypoh auntie?  If dead singer's song is evergreen, why be so pantang & choose to listen to songs sung only by those still alive?  The composer of our national anthem Majulah Singapura already left the world.  So do schools stop making students sing it every morning?  Does the govt stop playing it on National Day each year?


Eating candles & smelling socks is more hygienic than your feeding on shit & urine right? Then I think you should try to drink your own urine. It might

cure you


Acid?  Your mom?  No wonder you are not human!  LOL!


You are right.  Besides licking the excrement in the sewers, spray acid at cockroaches that reside there. Cockroach lives a longer life than some deranged sissy bird.


So my face is human.  Thanks!  But what about yours?  Non-human?  Must be Cockroach's.  LOL!  In your next incarnation, your dick will be your face and your ass will be your genital. Easy to fxxk without turning you around, like a dog.


Sigh, Troll's mind is nothing but sex again.  The usual antics of calling detractors bedfellows.  Then I can also say Guest & Love2Blow are kissing each other's balls & licking each other's assholes.  :thumb: :thumb: :clap: :clap: At least we are not like you, going down your maid and licking her clitoris like

you just got released on 27th July. If you could not stand the smell, just pour some oyster sauce on her and pretend it's a delicatessen. I did that on your mom and it was AROY!!!!!!

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Guest Your Fan


Is whatever I do in private any business with yours, kaypoh auntie?  If dead singer's song is evergreen, why be so pantang & choose to listen to songs sung only by those still alive?  The composer of our national anthem Majulah Singapura already left the world.  So do schools stop making students sing it every morning?  Does the govt stop playing it on National Day each year?


Eating candles & smelling socks is more hygienic than your feeding on shit & urine right? Then I think you should try to drink your own urine. It might

cure you


Acid?  Your mom?  No wonder you are not human!  LOL!


You are right.  Besides licking the excrement in the sewers, spray acid at cockroaches that reside there. Cockroach lives a longer life than some deranged sissy bird.


So my face is human.  Thanks!  But what about yours?  Non-human?  Must be Cockroach's.  LOL!  In your next incarnation, your dick will be your face and your ass will be your genital. Easy to fxxk without turning you around, like a dog.


Sigh, Troll's mind is nothing but sex again.  The usual antics of calling detractors bedfellows.  Then I can also say Guest & Love2Blow are kissing each other's balls & licking each other's assholes.  :thumb: :thumb: :clap: :clap: At least we are not like you, going down your maid and licking her clitoris like

you just got released on 27th July. If you could not stand the smell, just pour some oyster sauce on her and pretend it's a delicatessen. I did that on your mom and it was AROY!!!!!!




Lol....You are really good!  Obviously that old copy tranny is not your match! :clap:  :clap: :clap:  

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Guest Guest

Are you flattering me?  Why, thank you.  As for Auntie Guest, I wonder what happened to her other split personality - the one who always self deprecates loudly.  Well, I guess she is taking a rest.  LOL!


Trolling Points Update:

Guest:  78

Love2Blow:  38

I thot only got copy cat, now I think nightingale might actually be a parrot that escaped from Jurong Bird Park.

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Guest Guest

Lol....You are really good!  Obviously that old copy tranny is not your match! :clap:  :clap: :clap:  

She lives in the past and listens to many dead singer's song (really creepy).

She's not very updated and her brain is not working properly.

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Guest Guest

The sissy old gay bird Nightwhore is trying to twist facts again...!

I heard that she is also good at twisting cock in her mouth, with her tongue.

It seems that she managed to pick up this trick by watching her mother bj the garang guni man.

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Guest Oh I See

She lives in the past and listens to many dead singer's song (really creepy).

She's not very updated and her brain is not working properly.


That is for sure.  That is why it is an OLD FART.  LOL. 


Brain not working? Senile?  Under any medication or not.........poor thing

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Guest Guest

That is for sure.  That is why it is an OLD FART.  LOL. 


Brain not working? Senile?  Under any medication or not.........poor thing

Just look at his numerous postings with songs/riddles/jokes/poem, would a normal person do that?


I think he's suffering from OCD - Old Cunt Dysfunction. His cunt is like a dried abalone. I had seen it because she used to expose

herself to the butchers and fishmongers in Chinatown wet market. They rejected to penetrate her for fear they might bruise their cock (even with lube, her cunt is like sandpaper). How I know? because I used it to sharpen my knife.


His only cure is to have a cunt transplant.

I did ask my mom for help but she said the old bird deserved it and she's not helping the bird.


Let me check with my 80 yrs old neighbour if she is willing to be a organ donor.

You know, old people hardly use it anymore.


Brothers and sisters, let us all pray for the bird's cunt for speedy recovery so she could be normal and nice again. A men.

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Guest Guest

Just look at his numerous postings with songs/riddles/jokes/poem, would a normal person do that?


I think he's suffering from OCD - Old Cunt Dysfunction. His cunt is like a dried abalone. I had seen it because she used to expose

herself to the butchers and fishmongers in Chinatown wet market. They rejected to penetrate her for fear they might bruise their cock (even with lube, her cunt is like sandpaper). How I know? because I used it to sharpen my knife.


His only cure is to have a cunt transplant.

I did ask my mom for help but she said the old bird deserved it and she's not helping the bird.


Let me check with my 80 yrs old neighbour if she is willing to be a organ donor.

You know, old people hardly use it anymore.


Brothers and sisters, let us all pray for the bird's cunt for speedy recovery so she could be normal and nice again. A men.


:clap:  :clap: :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  

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Guest Guest

The bird could not refute so jump over to GM's Thread to carry his balls, hoping to have some pillow talk with him to ask him to ban me because the bird could not tahan me revealing the fact that his cunt is decaying and dying.


Just to update the bird. I spoke with my neighbour and she said she would like to bring her 80 yrs old cunt with her to her coffin.

But I met a nice guy XXXXX who is kind to donate a live abalone for your transplant. Don't worry if it smells fishy because your mom's one also smells like that. How cum I know? The garang guni man told me.


I will continue to pray for your CB transplant but after the ops, you must refrain from eating all things long and elongated like banana, cucumber and cock.


Lots of love from all your admirers, including Mr K C CHow.


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Guest Guest

What facts have i twisted?  Do explain.  Now who has been saying the following”

1.  The multiplier effect is that each successive employee will get a lower & lower salary.

2.  The PRCs were responsible for the demise of our peranakan culture.

3.  Talking loudly, having body odour & hanging undergarments at public corridors are deemed atrocities.

4.  As such, Singapore should repatriate all PRCs & cut off trade ties with China.

5.  Anyone who points out the misdeeds of compatriots is a traitor.

6.  Anyone who fantasise of his students is a paedophile, even though they are no longer children.

7.  Anyone who disagrees with anyone else has a small dick & a large CB.


The answer is – Auntie Guest Troll has been doing all the factual twisting.


Of course.  Look at the numerous interest groups we have - photography, dogs, cats, old Mandarin & Cantonese songs, religious & spiritual matters, fortune telling, gaming . . . the list is endless.  But only abnormal trolls like to delve on sex, incest & sexual organs pervertly.  To them, these issues are the only things considered normal.


Trolling Points for Guest - 84 (Postings#2236, 2238, 2240)

Trolling Points for Love2Blow still at 38.  Try harder!

Your reply after getting trashed is very predictable and BORING.....


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Guest Guest

I no hear from the bird, must be trying to squeeze her head into GM's crotch and cry father cry mother.

Perhaps Cunty Nightingale (her real name on the IC) is dead for good.

Just hope she would not come back to life this Sunday.

I better sms Satan to keep an eye on her wretched soul.

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Guest Guest

Could not refute what?  Whenever someone else disagrees with you, you will automatically say carry balls, smell  or suck cock.  Yawn!

Aiya, why bother to ask old neighbour?  Your mother's one is good enough lah.  Can also auction it to fetch a higher price!

I did ask my mom to help you but she refused stating the reason that you looked like some dead celebrity. She said if you are really human I just :huh: 

No one in Singapore, Batam or JB wold like to offer their cunt to you. You have a really bad reputation even in M'sai and Indonesia. I suggest you

mend your ways and hire a publicist to project a more virginal (we already know a lot of ppl had penetrated your cunt, including Mao, Khadafi, etc)

You also need to sew up your loose CB and certified that you are a born-again virgin. YOu probably fetch a higher proce this coming 7th mth auction.


Predictable & boring?  You are talking about yourself, right?  At least my C grade is better than your F grade.  LOL!

At least, I get to Fuck your sister's Cunt. I really don't want your Cunt, it is jinxed. It is rumoured that a lot of ah peks died on you while doing you.

Chez Ark. They are coming in tour buses to fuck you on the 27th Jul.



For how many months have you been wishing & wishing for my death?  Since 2012.  But no use, right?  Told you about the cow-headed horse-faced escorts already.  You also have been wishing & cursing GM but he still sits on the throne steady as a rock.  So much for you & your wishful thinking!  This Sunday?  Why give yourself such a tight deadline?  Are you going to Hades earlier than I do?  That's why you are so impatient to see me die?  LOL!

Who said we want to see you dead, without you this forum got no meaning. I just want you to reincarnate into my pooh in your next life. Then I can flush you down into the sewage where you really belong. Understand you  just bought a crucifix for yourself for tm. Happy Good Friday,  Ms Cunty Nightingale

Trolling Points for Guest Troll:  94 (Postings #2243 - 2247)

Trolling Points for Love2Blow:  38 (Told you to troll harder, didn't I?)

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Cunty, how could you deny that you are suffering from OCD (Final Stage)?

I guess you are flabbergasted and have no guts to reply me, your nemesis?




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Guest You are good

Cunty, how could you deny that you are suffering from OCD (Final Stage)?

I guess you are flabbergasted and have no guts to reply me, your nemesis?




 Well done!  That old shameless Ah Gua is not your match!  Bravo.  Slap that old dying tranny hard! 

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Guest Guest

Paedophiles who sexually fantasise about young children and students must be thrown behind bars, they are a danger and menace to society.

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The bird could not refute so jump over to GM's Thread to carry his balls, hoping to have some pillow talk with him to ask him to ban me because the bird could not tahan me revealing the fact that his cunt is decaying and dying.


Just to update the bird. I spoke with my neighbour and she said she would like to bring her 80 yrs old cunt with her to her coffin.

But I met a nice guy XXXXX who is kind to donate a live abalone for your transplant. Don't worry if it smells fishy because your mom's one also smells like that. How cum I know? The garang guni man told me.


I will continue to pray for your CB transplant but after the ops, you must refrain from eating all things long and elongated like banana, cucumber and cock.


Lots of love from all your admirers, including Mr K C CHow.

Actually i find ur post funny!

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Guest Guest

Are you talking to your other split personality sister who deprecates herself?  Dunno what happens to her now. 

No is not replying to you?  And who is talking about winning or losing?  We come here to reason things out but you refuse to talk logic.  Bash foreigners, thrash PRCs.  Twisting economic theory.  Of course I must say something right?  If GUEST Troll is "winning", what is the problem?  You should be celebrating right?


Slap?  Every action has an opposite reaction.  This is called Karma.  Dying?  Quickly go consult Master Cactus.  I also want to know when I will die.


Aiyo, auntie.  Repeating & repeating like broken record.  Do you know the meaning of padeophile?  Come let me teach you simple English:


Here are answers from sexologist Ray Blanchard, PhD, adjunct psychiatry professor at the University of Toronto.

What is a pedophile?

A pedophile is a person who has a sustained sexual orientation toward children, generally aged 13 or younger, Blanchard says.


So how did you come to the conclusion that my students are small kiddies?

This shows that Auntie Troll will stop at nothing to troll me - even at the expense of her integrity.  Really sia xuay!



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Guest Guest

Paedophiles who sexually fantasise about young children and students must be thrown behind bars, they are a danger and menace to society.

Perhaps they should be castrated like what they did to the eunuchs in the Qing Dynasty.

Cock branded with hot iron = new deformed cunt.

That's the reason why the bird is now known as Cunty Nightingale.

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Guest Guest

Are you talking to your other split personality sister who deprecates herself?  Dunno what happens to her now. 

No is not replying to you?  And who is talking about winning or losing?  We come here to reason things out but you refuse to talk logic.  Bash foreigners, thrash PRCs.  Twisting economic theory.  Of course I must say something right?  If GUEST Troll is "winning", what is the problem?  You should be celebrating right?


Slap?  Every action has an opposite reaction.  This is called Karma.  Dying?  Quickly go consult Master Cactus.  I also want to know when I will die.


Aiyo, auntie.  Repeating & repeating like broken record.  Do you know the meaning of padeophile?  Come let me teach you simple English:


Here are answers from sexologist Ray Blanchard, PhD, adjunct psychiatry professor at the University of Toronto.

What is a pedophile?

A pedophile is a person who has a sustained sexual orientation toward children, generally aged 13 or younger, Blanchard says.


So how did you come to the conclusion that my students are small kiddies?

This shows that Auntie Troll will stop at nothing to troll me - even at the expense of her integrity.  Really sia xuay!

Auntie Cunty is really, really mad being crucified by others on this holy day.

She is running out of words and is resorting to borrow from Mr Xia Suay.

It is obviously she is losing in this war of words and in fact she si buay buay song.

She is in so much pain that she is using toothpick to poke her clitoris.

I just pray that her abalone juice would not flow out (Cunty's Vagina is a transplanted Australian abalone)

I am also the happy bitch from gstc thread to come over here to support Cunty Nightingale.

Cunty, we love you very much. Fighting!

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Guest Guest


Cunty just posted her 'Addams Family' pic. Hmmm I wonder who is her maid, her bf, her father with a deformed cunt and her latest 'u-know-I-mean victim' in the pic?
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Guest Guest

Guess which finger or fingers has fisted Cunty Nightingale's Chee Bye?

How come Cunty's relative all CMI ha?

The slogan is befitting; it is really about Cunty Nightingale's talent(one and only) and the meaning of her brief life.

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Mak Nenek Guest...are you senile ?

Talk nonsense at 12 to 2 am.

or Guest is Mak Nenek latah


from Southeast Asia, is a condition in which abnormal behaviors result from a person experiencing shock. When surprised, the affected person typically engages in such behaviors as:-

screaming, cursing, dancing type movements, and uncontrollable laughter.

Latah is considered a culture-specific startle disorder that was historically regarded as personal difference rather than an illness.

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Guest Guest

screaming, cursing, dancing type movements, and uncontrollable laughter.

You must be talking about Cunty Nightingale coz I was in a reverent mood when this morning.

Cunty Nightingale is also a certified Belly Dancer. She let all kinds of dick and balls dance on her hairy stomach. How cum I know? Because I saw her doing that in some dark alley near Mustafa.

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Guest Guest

Mak Nenek latah lagi.

Kana poke by Love2blow with few word, dah melatah

until get nightmare.

Kakak, Jealous ah? You want both of us to poke you in front and behind hor?

Take a number lah! We are now busy poking Cunty Nightingale and his family including his cousin(or kachng?

Less is more mah.

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Apa mau jealous?

Lu mau poke front kah..poke behind kah..poke left kah ..poke right kah...poke top kah ..poke bottom kah... gua peduli apa?

Just don't kana pok pok, like curry pok ! heh!

Words won't break any bones kan? Specially funny bone...unless guilty conscience, will hurt their heart.

Jadi hati sakit...

Here bomb , there bomb...bila mau game ?

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Guest Guest

Apa mau jealous?

Lu mau poke front kah..poke behind kah..poke left kah ..poke right kah...poke top kah ..poke bottom kah... gua peduli apa?

Just don't kana pok pok, like curry pok ! heh!

Words won't break any bones kan? Specially funny bone...unless guilty conscience, will hurt their heart.

Jadi hati sakit...

Here bomb , there bomb...bila mau game ?

At least we got pok each other, unlike you so skinny like mee pok man with a Chee Bye dry like Tau Pok.

Cunty and you cannot pok each other but can grind your tofu together until soya milk cums out.

I think you in wrong forum, you should go set up your own Tamparan Angin Forum.

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Guest Guest

Freak out!!!!

The other freaking things is that Miss Cuntie is now possessed by a Malay spirit.

He is also siow liao because he could not differentiate me and the guest (who commented on GM's dic)

Why would I comment on someone who looks like me.

He is also jealous because he has no audience but I have a fan club. I hope he's not posting his grandma's vagina as his new DP and pull a Lady Gaga on BW members and guests.

I heard he was fuming yesterday because of my truthful reply that he was admitted to A&E but was later rejected because she had spontaneous vaginal discharge while she was registering at the counter. It was so smelly that the patients all ran out and forgot to STOMP her.

Please pray for our dear auntie and her rotten vagina for speedy recovery.

I am also sending her a bottle of industrial chemical bleach for her to disinfect and whiten her cunt.

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At least we got pok each other, unlike you so skinny like mee pok man with a Chee Bye dry like Tau Pok.

Cunty and you cannot pok each other but can grind your tofu together until soya milk cums out.

I think you in wrong forum, you should go set up your own Tamparan Angin Forum.

Tamparan angin ?

should be 'tiupan angin or tiupan bayu'

blowing , mean you blow ..like blow the candles ...not blast.

e.g basi kan? and basi cunt? is two difference meaning.

unless you mean 'minyak angin '

(medical oil). Then, you do need one..

because you paiseh liao.

I think, you should create your own

" TAMPARAN ANGIN" and be your own Mod and have your free speech there.

No more rules

No more GM call you thick skin

No more repeat like broken tape recorder

No more 'pet pot, pet pot' or kpkb in BW.

Guests can 'Tampar' each other and become kepala 'Angin'.

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Guest Guest

Tamparan angin ?

should be 'tiupan angin or tiupan bayu'

blowing , mean you blow ..like blow the candles ...not blast.

e.g basi kan? and basi cunt? is two difference meaning.

unless you mean 'minyak angin '

(medical oil). Then, you do need one..

because you paiseh liao.

I think, you should create your own

" TAMPARAN ANGIN" and be your own Mod and have your free speech there.

No more rules

No more GM call you thick skin

No more repeat like broken tape recorder

No more 'pet pot, pet pot' or kpkb in BW.

Guests can 'Tampar' each other and become kepala 'Angin'.

Aiyo macik cuntie, you ventriloquist ah? can make your chee bye talk in Malay ah?

You are right. I need a lot of medicated oil to pour into your itchy chee bye until you shiok shiok.

From now on, your chee bye will smell like a peppermint air freshner. Even the M'sian in JB can smell you. Now I a bit paiseh to make your clitoris so big and swollen, like a Kah Nar. Never mind, just turn the fan full blast and blow into your chee bye. You can try liquid nitrogen to cool down, too.

I will pray to Goddess of Cunties for your chee bye well being.

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Aiyo macik cuntie, you ventriloquist ah? can make your chee bye talk in Malay ah?

You are right. I need a lot of medicated oil to pour into your itchy chee bye until you shiok shiok.

From now on, your chee bye will smell like a peppermint air freshner. Even the M'sian in JB can smell you. Now I a bit paiseh to make your clitoris so big and swollen, like a Kah Nar. Never mind, just turn the fan full blast and blow into your chee bye. You can try liquid nitrogen to cool down, too.

I will pray to Goddess of Cunties for your chee bye well being.

You tried hard to copy me in malay right?

But wrong translation. .

Blowing Wind = Tamparan Angin

Tamparan Angin kepala otak kau!

If your CB cannot do...do force la

Later your CB will sound like ..

He hor, he hor ,he hor, like ass

Or worst sound like fart..

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Guest Guest

You tried hard to copy me in malay right?

But wrong translation. .

Blowing Wind = Tamparan Angin

Tamparan Angin kepala otak kau!

If your CB cannot do...do force la

Later your CB will sound like ..

He hor, he hor ,he hor, like ass

Or worst sound like fart..

Well, at least I do not have a CBD like you?

If you dun know, PM Cuntie.

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Guest Guest

Tamparan Angin?  A Slap by the Wind?

Is Auntie Cunty so weak as to be able to be slapped by the wind?  Since when?  Strange news.

Oh now I remember.  She is the Cockroach Troll.  Cockroaches are so light that they can be carried off by the wind.  Patut lah!


Nenek Faraj, sudah mencuci faraj kau?  Kalau belum, banyak yang lain lipas akan menjilat faraj kau.  Pergi cepat ka tandas lah!  Lekas!


Sekarang, markah trolling jumlah 114.  Bagus!

The bird is also the guest who post in Malay. I guess it's justified for so many haters to trash a double-headed bird. It's also true that he possesses both a dick and a cunt. According to custom, bitch like the bird should be slapped (with a big dick). Sick bird should be castrated and caged. I finally know why the bird is so much hated that he has his own thread here. It's to quarantine the virus-infected bird from guests/members. The bird probably comes form a family of mental illness judging from the erratic behaviour and switching of multiple personality - from bird to Cuntie to Malay Hantu and then back to the disgusted P. It's the forum misfortune to attract such tormented soul to seek spiritual asylum here. I guess the only way is pray for the bird and wait patiently for his obituary in Pets Magazine. One Fine Day.

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Well, at least I do not have a CBD like you?

If you dun know, PM Cuntie.

Wah! from 4 to 3 alphabets . I return your kindness by copycat la.

Well, at least I do not have a BCC like you?

if YOU don't know, PM ' Cinta Kepada tampar'

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Guest Guest

Deep in my heart, I know that the bird is capable of being a P.

The bird will definitely gets its divine retribution and deny its nxt reincarnation.

His medical condition is irreversible and it's just a matter of time we see its DP in the last few pages of ST.

The bird will be finally given a resting place in KCWRP.


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