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Troll Guest/s Vs Nightingale (Compilation over the years)

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Guest Guest

You are too kind, guest. That dying tranny looks a million times worse. Any pic on the obituary page looks like a super model next to that old bird.

I have to agree with you, some of them are very handsome but die young.

The bird looks somehow forlorn and dejected.

The face is born of the heart, indeed.

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Guest Guest

That jin jin can sing Japanese song, very impressive Jiao ah!

Must call Jurong Bird Park to come and collect this rare species.


Just wondering, the bird got a human boyfriend or not? or still lives with his maid Consuela?


I guess not. I think he is trying to be Mrs GM and give birth to many gms.

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Guest Guest

Yeah. Old, dry, ugly, repulsive.

like the vagina of an Egyptian mummy.

How come I know? Because GM and I got flashed by the bird in Tiong Bahru.

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Guest Guest

Old & ugly?  Isn't BW meant for mature gays?  Isn't BW a no attitude website?  So since when did BW change its title from Blowing Wind to Beauty World?  Only young & good looking guys can post?  So how we know you are young & goodlooking if you dare not show your face pic?  Cockroaches with no balls only know how to accuse others of being smelly & ugly & yet forget the same thing about themselves.  LOL!


You already said you have the freedom to say whatever you like.  So why can't I post whatever I like?  After all, my postings are reasonable, unlike yours - which are - just personal & revulsive.  Indeed, Love2Blow has now earned a treacherous title for herself, practising double standards


The more you deny, the more 做贼心虚 you are.  No need to resort to such low tactic as "Oh, I am a different Guest.  Oh, I am only 3 weeks old.  Oh, I am from Taiwan.  Oh, I was at Bugis Street at 4 a.m. hooking up angmoh customers of Joan Rivers."  LOL.  You certainly try to work very hard to prove my unpopularity.  Too bad I am here to stay regardless of my popularity or unpopularity since you refuse to apologise & repent.  Don't forget it was you who brought me to this Flaming Room here.


If you want to post "interesting" non-naggy "entertaining" non-boring things, then work harder.  Your insulting poems won trolling points & more blowjobs from Love2Blow who would love to blow you some more.  Come on, don't be lazy.  Compose some more insulting poems without using copy & paste.  Show your trolling talent.  I am very generous in awarding you points. 

Jangan segan lah.  Kau mesti kerja sungguh-sungguh!

Why waste time composing a poem for an old, bald and fugly bird?

Nobody wants to waste their cum on a bird, they rather shoot the wall or on the floor.


I swear to Count Dracula that I am not the former guest.

If I lie, I have to let you fellatio me (I rather use a vaccum cleaner becoz it has no teeth).


Btw, Cockroach got no balls.

Bird got no balls and dick.


You better don't get angry if not your face more langar like JR LINE tomorrow morning.


Good night, Lao Lao.

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Aiyo, kau termakan tahi banyak, jadi sentiasa mengarut.  Kau tinggal di Hougang lah.  Disana boleh menengok apa?


Tak perlu bersumpah lah.  Lebih bersumpah lebih nampaknya bohong.  Kalau kau ada bodek, tunjuk lah foto muka kau disini. pengecut!

Q: Using Malay again? why cunt the bird be a gracious loser?

A: Because Bird very angry and traumatized. Lost its ability to write Engrish for the time being.


GM just lost his erection listening to your bitching (my pee sound is heavenly music compared to your bird noise).


Cannot sleep then go Geylang and walk walk lah.

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Bukan, sebab kau memanggil ku yang pengkhianat.  Jadi ku mesti menulis dengan bahasa kebangsaan untuk menunjukkan ku ada cinta untuk negaraku.  Jika kau ada cinta bagini, tulislah dengan bahasa kebangsaan.

Que sara sara, foreign talent.

now fuck off and good nite/morning.

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Guest Another Guest

I am also not any of these guests and I must say your guys rock :thumb:  :clap:  :whistle: literally pushing that OLD BIRD's BP to record high.   He is not your match for sure.

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Guest Guest

I am also not any of these guests and I must say your guys rock :thumb:  :clap:  :whistle: literally pushing that OLD BIRD's BP to record high.   He is not your match for sure.

The suku bird must be from Woodbridge Junior College. How to fight with u-know-what-very-famous school?

Now I very scare the bird peng sheng because hell also dun want the bird, so how? where to go?

Ask aliens from Pluto to come and pick her up for dissection and experimentation?

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Educating  the  Troll


 “此地无银三百两,隔壁王 二不曾偷

“No 300 taels of silver buried here” ― a guilty person gives himself away

by conspicuously protesting his innocence

The adage springs from an old story.  Once a man called Zhang San had accumulated 300 tales of silver.  Feeling uneasy about keeping such a large sum in his house, he decided to dig up a hole next to a wall in his yard.  After burying his silver in the hole, he still felt insecure & so wrote the words “No 300 taels of silver buried here” on a slip of paper which he stuck onto the wall.  His neighbour Wang saw the note & dug up his yard to retrieve the silver.  But feeling uneasy for fear that Zhang San might suspect him of stealing, he also wrote a note & stuck it to the wall.  It said “Neighbour Wang did not steal.”


I thought you said I am a compatriot-bashing Traitor.  So how can one be Traitor & Foreigner at the same time.  Your mind is warped because of your mental disorder.  Please go make appointment with IMH lah.


kau masih tak boleh berhujah meyakinkan mengapa ku tak boleh pos di sini.

Trolling Points 180 untuk Nenek Faraj dan 62 untuk Love2Blow.


Same old reply, same old sexual position (swine position).

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Guest Guest

I am also not any of these guests and I must say your guys rock :thumb: :clap: :whistle: literally pushing that OLD BIRD's BP to record high. He is not your match for sure.

LOL, Nightwhore the naggy old slut is a who're.

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The suku bird must be from Woodbridge Junior College. How to fight with u-know-what-very-famous school?

Now I very scare the bird peng sheng because hell also dun want the bird, so how? where to go?

Ask aliens from Pluto to come and pick her up for dissection and experimentation?

Haha funny!!

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Guest Guest

Same old naggy trolling. Yawn! Note that your contributions have far exceeded mine here. This is because for every post from me, you like to interrupt it with a couple more of yours.

You don't have to waste time composing insulting poems if you don't like. Nobody can force you to. You can contribute in other ways. The question is: What have you contributed to BW?

:whistle: :whistle:

Q: Who in Blowing Wind loves to masturbate while fantasising about her students?
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A:  Are people's fantasies any of your business?  Is there a moral code against fantasies?  A doctor cannot fantasise about his patient?  A lawyer cannot dream about his client?  A foreman cannot admire his worker?  A sauna staff member cannot salivate over a hunky sauna patron?  How come you dare not mention the word 'Paedophilia' or 'Traitor' again?  Hahaha.  Because you are an unsound groundless loser, a sore loser who keeps repeating the same stale slander.  That's why this is the only way you contribute to BW.  Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama

all crimes starts with a tiny seed of thought in the mind.

there are many cases of doctors who had fantasies about their patient. they ended up molesting the patients' and outraging their modesty.

adults have fantasies about adults, but children? what's next, babies?

only adults who have no power in their lives like to fantasize about minor because it gives them a sense of power over the helpless.


The bird can fantasize about others your age but a lot of us psychically block the bird coz we do not want the object of its wanton desire.


I guess one particular bird is currently being deflowered by smelly construction workers somewhere in Spore.

The bird is savouring every moment of being a slut.


Perhaps, that's the true meaning of today.

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Guest NOT

Merata dulang paku serpih

Mengata orang sendiri yang lebih

Guest that claiming they are rock

Yes rock = 岩石 = batu nisan

Teruk betul kan?

Similar case of lady mock at uncle t shirt with holes

Actually, she a asshole...

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Guest Guest

LOL, the naggy old slut calls others a slut... So ironic.

the bird thought by doing so it is born again and pure as a virgin.

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Guest Guest

Merata dulang paku serpih

Mengata orang sendiri yang lebih

Guest that claiming they are rock

Yes rock = 岩石 = batu nisan

Teruk betul kan?

Similar case of lady mock at uncle t shirt with holes

Actually, she a asshole...

& you are the shit in her asshole.

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the bird thought by doing so it is born again and pure as a virgin.

That old naggy slut Nightwhore is nothing but a teacher who masturbates while fantasising about her students, as self-admitted by her.

What a disgrace to the gay community, no wonder even GM drew the line when it came to this old cheebye.

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Guest Guest

Ironic is the troll who can call others names but resents others calling her the same.

Ironic is the troll who calls others slut when she herself declares her lust for Uncle My Type My Type.

Ironic is the troll who calls others ugly when she herself has an ugly malicious heart & without a face to show others.

Ironic is the troll who mocks others for being old, knowing fully well that she, too, would turn old one day & thus indirectly mocking herself.

Ironic is the troll who calls others Traitor when she herself scorns trans, who belong to sexual minority of whom she belongs to.

Ironic is the troll who, due to her own mental illness, often starts new threads to troll GM & yet who accuses others of losing their marble.

Ironic is the troll who tries to play the patriotic card & ride the moral high horse when she herself lacks social graces & violates internet etiquette.

Ironic is the troll who, after realising herself void of arguments, has to resort to inventing hearsays & fantasising how her detractors debase themselves & yet at the same time accuse others of having outrageous fantasies.

Jangan bersultan di mata, bersyaitan di hati.  :thumb: :clap:

It's very boring for one to use ironic more than 3 times.

I aready told te bird I am the one who called you traitor, troll GM and call you a P.

But now I know I should keep my nephews and nieces far, far  from the old bird.

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Guest Guest

That old naggy slut Nightwhore is nothing but a teacher who masturbates while fantasising about her students, as self-admitted by her.

What a disgrace to the gay community, no wonder even GM drew the line when it came to this old cheebye.

If GM wants the kind of CB, he would have gone to NTUC and purchase a can of abalone (more fresh also).

Heard GM is thinking of migrating to Mongolia just to avoid that old lustful bird.

Heard he just bought a chastity belt and kept the key in a safe deposit box in case he got drugged by that old Chee Ko Bird.


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Judging from the replies, the bird must be fuming mad and bleeding now.

The bird just aged 10 yrs and mission accomplished :clap:

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Guest Guest

Judging from the replies, the bird must be fuming mad and bleeding now.

The bird just aged 10 yrs and mission accomplished :clap:

The naggy old slut is losing control over herself, she's fuming but trying hard to keep her anger under control, just look at her seething posts and you know.

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Guest NOT

I think , Guest is tried hard to control her anger

"shit in her asshole and smear on Guest face as thick skin mask".

Tak boleh tahan...


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Guest Guest

I do not think the bird is old and ugly, the bird is just fugly.

So the bird's kakak should smear her shit on the bird's face to try to restore its beauty.

If it does not work, use acid lor.


Looking at the ferocious replies, the lonely bird's biz is chia ka kee tonight.


It seems that we are the only kind people giving her some TLC.


"Keep smiling,..... knowing you can always count on..... for sure, that's what friends are for...."

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Guest Guest

Hahaha.  Auntie Tamparan oleh Angin mana masih ada tahi lagi di dalam dubur dia?  Semua pun sudah keluarkan dari mulut dia, kemudian dia makan balik sendiri.


Gua mana ada hal begitu?  Gua masih bersenorok, tahu?  Ku cacing hendak menjadi nagaபைத்தியம்

The bird is also NOT (her twin sister). Look at the way both signed off in Tamil.

Obviously not a very smart bird, no wonder Jurong Bird Park rejected her offer to pole dance naked.

My fans are real (mods can verify) unlike someone who becomes her own imaginary fan and give narcissism a bad name.

Like a singer buying her own CDs to boost sales.

So xia suay.

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all crimes starts with a tiny seed of thought in the mind.

there are many cases of doctors who had fantasies about their patient. they ended up molesting the patients' and outraging their modesty.

adults have fantasies about adults, but children? what's next, babies?

only adults who have no power in their lives like to fantasize about minor because it gives them a sense of power over the helpless.


The bird can fantasize about others your age but a lot of us psychically block the bird coz we do not want the object of its wanton desire.


I guess one particular bird is currently being deflowered by smelly construction workers somewhere in Spore.

The bird is savouring every moment of being a slut.


Perhaps, that's the true meaning of today.

Well said!

LOL, the naggy old slut calls others a slut... So ironic.


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Guest Guest

Hahaha!!!! BIRD BRAIN can't think

so how to fantasize? use its tiny weenie?

Must call National Geographic to do a special on 'dirty old bird'.

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Guest Guest

The bird is crying into its mommy's soiled tampon because it is deeply hurt by all the brilliant remarks guests made.

Those remarks has caused her serious mental problems and  split personalities -  Malay Pontianak and  Bollywood Dancing Slut.

The bird is also thinking of going back to University of Spottidick to get her PHD in Masturbation with words.

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Guest Supporter

The bird is crying into its mommy's soiled tampon because it is deeply hurt by all the brilliant remarks guests made.

Those remarks has caused her serious mental problems and  split personalities -  Malay Pontianak and  Bollywood Dancing Slut.

The bird is also thinking of going back to University of Spottidick to get her PHD in Masturbation with words.


:clap:  :clap:  :clap:


Must be an antique piece of tampon that old bird reuse for ANY and EVERY occasion. :D  :D  :D   


Yes the guests comments are brilliant and to the point.  Bravo!


Can tell this old sissy is trying all it can to rebut but it simply lacks the brain power and flair to do so.  


Well done guys. 

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Guest NOT

I do not think the bird is old and ugly, the bird is just fugly.

So the bird's kakak should smear her shit on the bird's face to try to restore its beauty.

If it does not work, use acid lor.

Looking at the ferocious replies, the lonely bird's biz is chia ka kee tonight.

It seems that we are the only kind people giving her some TLC.

"Keep smiling,..... knowing you can always count on..... for sure, that's what friends are for...."

What a copycat ...I said first..." smear on Guest face as thick skin mask" see....not a bright brain either yet got cheek to tell people this la that la..

Thick skin rite? Very thick skin like hippo.

Only gila people will smile 24/7 - macam Kerang busuk....

Let see what sissy sista will reply...

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Guest NOT

The bird is also NOT (her twin sister). Look at the way both signed off in Tamil.

Obviously not a very smart bird, no wonder Jurong Bird Park rejected her offer to pole dance naked.

My fans are real (mods can verify) unlike someone who becomes her own imaginary fan and give narcissism a bad name.

Like a singer buying her own CDs to boost sales.

So xia suay.

Look , Guest try to tell us Tamil people not smart?

Or he don't understand the language thus quote Tamil people not smart?

From which 'well' did Guest came from? Oh! Here dont have well..so from which oil trap sewer?

바보 , 愚かな , बेवकूफ

What will Guest think of this...

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Guest NOT

Yes, Guest fans are real- which one? 3 blade fan or 5 blade fan? Table fan or standing fan?

Switch On the fan, in high mode ,so can Tamparan Angin - this one i agree real fan (kipas)

Please la ..what make you think i fake ? Mod also can verify...Guest make alot of mistake and another mistake and another mistake...but yet Guest think she know all....thick skin. Balik kampong la

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Guest Guest

The pathetic nightwhore is suffering from perpetual delusions.

It has nothing original. It is unwanted. It is unwelcome.

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Guest Guest

Look , Guest try to tell us Tamil people not smart?

Or he don't understand the language thus quote Tamil people not smart?

From which 'well' did Guest came from? Oh! Here dont have well..so from which oil trap sewer?

바보 , 愚かな , बेवकूफ

What will Guest think of this...

Aiya, twist and turn so fast ah?

All ppl very smart except the P bird and her alter ego lah.

Now got Korean and Japanese cut & paste also?

I think the bird is at the end of her wits lor.

Other members and guests reading this also think likewise.

How about cut and paste alien language nxt reply, more cool?

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Guest Guest

The pathetic nightwhore is suffering from perpetual delusions.

It has nothing original. It is unwanted. It is unwelcome.

Where can the whore go? Li Ku Niang old folks home also dun want her because they find her too lo so.

She just got to try her luck and occasionally carries GM's balls in order to be allowed to continue her cut and paste assignment here.

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Guest Guest

Yes, Guest fans are real- which one? 3 blade fan or 5 blade fan? Table fan or standing fan?

Switch On the fan, in high mode ,so can Tamparan Angin - this one i agree real fan (kipas)

Please la ..what make you think i fake ? Mod also can verify...Guest make alot of mistake and another mistake and another mistake...but yet Guest think she know all....thick skin. Balik kampong la

IMH just verified your ward and bed #, you are definitely the real nut. lol

Peng shan lah and give the bed to the old bird (or are you the old bird herself?)


Oh, your pubic hair is real but your abalone below is from Mexico (your doctor just called to warn us not to be too rough wit you)

But I don't think you will be having any orgasm till your next, next incarnation because your vulva is too thick and tight.

You might try using a toothpick to stimulate yourself (or ask the bird's father for help).

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Where can the whore go? Li Ku Niang old folks home also dun want her because they find her too lo so.

She just got to try her luck and occasionally carries GM's balls in order to be allowed to continue her cut and paste assignment here.

Hey!!!!! Don't give that Old Bird any ideas.....It will exploit all means to get in Li Gu Niang old folks home & all uncles are in serious trouble!!!! As long as the uncles are breathing, they would be solicited every second:




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Guest NOT

Aiya, twist and turn so fast ah?

All ppl very smart expt the P bird and her alter ego lah.

Now got Korean and Japanese cut & paste also?

I think the bird is at the end of her wits lor.

Other members and guests reading this also think likewise.

How about cut and paste alien language nxt reply, more cool?

Angry already? Tak leh angkat ker per

Korean and Japanese and....the other one dono rite?

That alien language la...ha! Ha! Ha!...since you donno what that?

Only stupid Guest think it cut and paste..actually translations of words from english to other language.

Another mistake from Guest....aiyoyoo .

Donno just admit donno , don't try to act smart

Malu la...

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Guest NOT

IMH just verified your ward and bed #, you are definitely the real nut. lol

Peng shan lah and give the bed to the old bird (or are you the old bird herself?)

Oh, your pubic hair is real but your abalone below is from Mexico (your doctor just called to warn us not to be too rough wit you)

But I don't think you will be having any orgasm till your next, next incarnation because your vulva is too thick and tight.

You might try using a toothpick to stimulate yourself (or ask the bird's father for help).

Guest gila already. ..no wonder she got connection with IMH and laugh about ward and bed...Please la...I am in real world but you in gila world...talk nonsense and keep in imaginary world of yours.

So childish. ..dah kalah tuuu ..

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Guest Guest

The pathetic nightwhore is suffering from perpetual delusions.

It has nothing original. It is unwanted. It is unwelcome.


LOL, indeed...

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Guest Guest



That describes Nightwhore the old naggy slut perfectly:


"Nightwhore the PRC-loving traitor who masturbates while fantasising about her students"


LOL  :twisted:

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Guest Guest

Guest gila already. ..no wonder she got connection with IMH and laugh about ward and bed...Please la...I am in real world but you in gila world...talk nonsense and keep in imaginary world of yours.

So childish. ..dah kalah tuuu ..

Is that your best reply while lying down in you bed? Must be the medication that's making you drowsy and disconnected? 

Stop your self-denial and get some electric shock therapy lah?

So hopeless.....

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Guest Guest

Hey!!!!! Don't give that Old Bird any ideas.....It will exploit all means to get in Li Gu Niang old folks home & all uncles are in serious trouble!!!! As long as the uncles are breathing, they would be solicited every second:




Yah lor, all the straight uncles becoming gay because of that bird!

Then all their wives will come and yank the bird's chee bye hair out and the make her a bald eagle!

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Guest Guest

Angry already? Tak leh angkat ker per

Korean and Japanese and....the other one dono rite?

That alien language la...ha! Ha! Ha!...since you donno what that?

Only stupid Guest think it cut and paste..actually translations of words from english to other language.

Another mistake from Guest....aiyoyoo .

Donno just admit donno , don't try to act smart

Malu la...

We are having such a good time playing with that angry bird.

Heard the bird was so tensed up at A&E last nite, he could not open his mouth or armpits to get its temperature checked.

The only way the medic could do is to insert the thermometer into her chee bye.

However, her vaginal muscles were so tensed up that she pichak the thermometer and she was cumming mercury on the spot.

What a pathetic sight!

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