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Troll Guest/s Vs Nightingale (Compilation over the years)

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Twist?  Prove it then!


Is that all you can say?  Of course, because you have zero logic & zero validity.


Repeat the same message 17 minutes later?  Very mm kamguan right?  Whack lor.  I whack back at you & make you siasuay. :clap:


Your skin very thick hor? You LaoKuiSiaSway until like that already and still can make others siasuay?? LOL! Where are all your ex supporters now? All dunno run away from you how long ago already!

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Guest Guest

Your skin very thick hor? You LaoKuiSiaSway until like that already and still can make others siasuay?? LOL! Where are all your ex supporters now? All dunno run away from you how long ago already!


Where are all Nightwhore's supporters?  LOL

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Kau tak memahami bahasa kebangsaan & mengulangi mesej yang sama.  Namun tidak memalukan mahu dianggap sebagai patriot. Apa yang memalukan!  :whistle:

roughly translated in English means "I am my only supporter and all my ex-supporters had gone to china to eat wind and not coming back".
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Penyokong ku di dalam hati semua orang.  Di mana penyokong kau?  Di jamban macam Love2Blow.  :clap:






Kau tak memahami bahasa kebangsaan & mengulangi mesej yang sama.  Namun tidak memalukan mahu dianggap sebagai patriot. Apa yang memalukan!  :whistle:



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Kau tak memahami bahasa kebangsaan & mengulangi mesej yang sama.  Namun tidak memalukan mahu dianggap sebagai patriot. Apa yang memalukan!  :whistle:


Faking PRC was unsuccessful, so now trying to be a fake Malay.

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நீங்கள் ஒரு போலி மலாய் இருப்பது என்னை குற்றம், எனவே இப்போது நீங்கள் ஒரு போலி தமிழ் இருக்க வேண்டும்? ஹா ஹா ஹா ஹா :whistle: :clap:



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Guest Guest

I am non-PRC, non-Malay, non-Indian, true Singaporean.

You are fake patriot, fake nationalist, fake Taiwanese, fake Nightingale, true extremist xenophobe, true petty whiner, true troll, true bitch, true cunt, true Cockroach, Mickey Philpott the Second with a true Fart Smeller lackeydog called Love2Blow.

Total Trolling Points for Auntie Guest is  562  &  Love2Blow (a.k.a. Love2SmellFart) is 126.


YOU? True Singapore TRAITOR maybe.

True Singaporean? DEFINITELY NOT!

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Guest Guest

I am non-PRC, non-Malay, non-Indian, true Singaporean.

You are fake patriot, fake nationalist, fake Taiwanese, fake Nightingale, true extremist xenophobe, true petty whiner, true troll, true bitch, true cunt, true Cockroach, Mickey Philpott the Second with a true Fart Smeller lackeydog called Love2Blow.

Total Trolling Points for Auntie Guest is  562  &  Love2Blow (a.k.a. Love2SmellFart) is 126.

The only real thing about you is that you are going to be a BOTAK soon.
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Fake Hair, Fake Vagina, Fake Kachng, Fake Tits, Fake Orgasm, etc.


Genuinely outdated, Genuinely disgusting, Genuinely repulsive, Genuinely ugly, Genuinely stupid,Genuinely shameless, Genuinely old, Genuinely Ah Gua.

Edited by Love2Blow
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The only real thing about you is that you are going to be a BOTAK soon.

It will clinch on to the last few strands of hair with dear life. It looks damn scary....even it screamed like it was fucked for the first time when it saw itself in the mirror when it couldnt control its bowels at night

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Guest Nightingale



你们一定要懂得"敬老"。我老Hiao Chee Nightingale不敢乞求你们"尊贤",因为我这烂货没有德,我下贱无耻、马不知脸长!!!!




我这发臭的Nightingale就有鸟种说你们要敬!因为。。。嘿嘿。。。。。说出来吓死你们!!!! 听好啦~~~~~~






老                            不                              死


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Read the Straits Times today Page A2  Singaporeans urged to make a stand against hateful posts.

Hateful posts do not reflect who Singaporeans are as a people and should not be accepted, Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin said yesterday. . . . “This is not about freedom of speech or a debate about immigration or foreign workforce policy,” he said.  “This is about racism and xenophobia, and there is no place for racists and xenophobes in our society.  Vile and vicious blogs like this do not reflect who we are as a people and we should make a stand and call it out when we see it,” he said.


“If not ‘restrained appropriately”, such vitriol online and off may lead some into thinking it is “acceptable to make disparaging statements about foreigners”, said Dr Mathew Mathews, a senior research fellow at the institute of Policy Studies who examined societal cohesion.  “It is not acceptable for people to direct their unhappiness about certain living conditions at foreigners who legitimately work in Singapore,” he added.


And why should we listen to TCJ? Did he say anything in relation to the article below? Who did he "pity"?



Woman conned of $400,000: Money is tainted with my blood and tears

Cleaner who lost $400,000 to con artists says life savings are gone

Jun 20, 2014 6:00am
CAREFUL NOW: Madam Goh Kah Keow covers her jade bangle with a towel.TNP PHOTOS: KIAT TAN




For 60 years, Madam Goh Kah Keow, 74, lived a frugal life and managed to save more than $400,000 in cash and jewellery.

But her hard-earned life savings vanished in an instant after she helped a woman "in distress".


The woman was part of a gang of five Chinese nationals who had targeted her in an elaborate scam.


Two of the five - Li Lianying, 50, and Li Peng, 45 - were jailed yesterday for cheating Madam Goh and another victim.


"To earn that money, I worked till my fingers were bent and my skin became like tree bark," Madam Goh, a part-time cleaner, told The New Paper in Mandarin yesterday.


"I hate them to death for cheating me. That money is tainted with my blood and tears. They will get their retribution." 

- See more at: http://www.tnp.sg/news/woman-conned-400000-money-tainted-my-blood-and-tears#sthash.K8Gdbzgh.dpuf

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As I have said before, is the gang of conmen representative of the behaviour of the overwhelming majority of PRCs working here?  Obviously not.  Otherwise you would not have ignored my offer to take you on a tour of Singapore to see how the average PRC behaves in Sg.


Btw, you mean there are no conmen from other nationalities or our own citizens?  Good grief!  If I cite examples, you will say I am traitor.  Now trying to whip up PRC-phobia again.  Too bad.  You fail!  Try harder!  :whistle:


Hahaha, again Auntie Tamparan Angin resorts to copy & paste.  Aren't you condemning your own posting method?


I can also bring you a tour of Singapore to prove that Singaporeans here are nice people.

Why don't you bring me a tour of China to see if the average Singaporeans there are conmen?

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Aiyo, look how immature or childish your argument is.  We are in Sg, so we should be concerned about people living here.  Why should we be concerned about a tour of China?  Should we also go on a tour of India, Pakistan, Russia, Somalia, Columbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Congo, Chad, Australia, USA, Philippines, Vietnam etc etc to see how the locals there behave?  Should you be so upset over people's personal behaviour happening thousands of kilometres away?  How many countries can you be upset with?


Yes, and I only need to look at the atrocities the PRCs are doing here in Singapore. We are not even talking about those behaviors that didn't get reported in our newspaper. Look at those that got reported: MaChi, SunXu, WangPengFei, the con men and women above, the PRC who drive the taxi into the cleaner at Chang airport, the SMRT strikes. This is just one tiny country of 5.3 million people and the population of foreigners is only at 2 million with the number of PRCs even smaller. And yet, with a such a small population of PRCs here, they are in the news for all the wrong reasons so often. And again, this doesn't even include all those that got unreported, eg loud behaviors, spitting, unhygienic actions etc. Do you see as many foreigners in the news as frequently as the PRCs? How many Malaysians? Indonesians? Japanese? Koreans? Americans? Germans?


Show me just how many Singaporean atrocities were reported in China. And then you tell me if the quality of PRCs here is trash or not.



Secondly, I did not say ALL Singaporeans are rotten apples.  I also have many Singaporean friends who are good.  On the other hand, rotten apples exist in any community.  An overwhelming majority of Singaporeans & PRCs working here are law abiding.  It is you who go around cherry picking PRCs everywhere to promote your xenophobia, targeting ALL PRCs around the world, denying foreign maids their day off, depriving Indian/Bangladeshi workers their weekends in Sentosa etc.  Just look at what you have posted.  It is you who go to extremes & want to repatriate all PRCs here & cut off our trade links with China.


You have friends? LOL! Where are your "friends" now?


"An overwhelming majority of .... PRCs working here are law abiding"??? Is that even supposed to be a point of contention?? We are not expecting "An overwhelming majority of .... PRCs working here are law abiding". We expect ALL of them to be law abiding! Nothing less!


And yes, I cherry pick PRC to bash. The more you defend them using Singaporeans as a shield, the more I bash them!



Either you are cognitively imparied, emotionally unbalanced or intentionally vicious or all three.  Use your skull before you spout nonsense for I am here to curb your excesses.  You have already siasuay yourself for too long.  Don't siasuay yourself some more.  Go register yourself as a member & make yourself respectable instead of whining forever as a faceless troll.


This just goes to show STUPID you are. I don't use my "skull" to spout any "nonsense". But you can go use your skull to make a dent in the walls. And I suddenly can become "respectable" by registering myself as a member? Just how further more siasuay can you do to yourself? LOL!

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Guest Guest

Yes, and I only need to look at the atrocities the PRCs are doing here in Singapore. We are not even talking about those behaviors that didn't get reported in our newspaper. Look at those that got reported: MaChi, SunXu, WangPengFei, the con men and women above, the PRC who drive the taxi into the cleaner at Chang airport, the SMRT strikes. This is just one tiny country of 5.3 million people and the population of foreigners is only at 2 million with the number of PRCs even smaller. And yet, with a such a small population of PRCs here, they are in the news for all the wrong reasons so often. And again, this doesn't even include all those that got unreported, eg loud behaviors, spitting, unhygienic actions etc. Do you see as many foreigners in the news as frequently as the PRCs? How many Malaysians? Indonesians? Japanese? Koreans? Americans? Germans?


:clap:  :thumb:  well said!! You really rebutted that traitorous old naggy slut Nightwhore good.

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The bird's friends and supporters are 'invisible' and they like to munch on candles.

they are visting the bird for free pedicure on 25th Aug.

The bird is busy whitening himself to blend in.

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Guest Nightingale

Lorem itself pain he is amet consectetuer to post a comment. I really need to focus on consumer impact. I really miss. It's easy, you will feel to the home and the great gods into labor over the mountains, instantly. Until than the cats, it's just nothing, technology that your kids the value of what, prefix meaning half. No problem for the mass. Unfortunately, the foot of the just, even customers, nor economic, beef production, layout. In fact, the just, a wide range of to, financing a, the magazines and newspapers of life, the just. Here's the price of a soft foot football it was said to the cat. A whole week. Tomorrow protein. Morbi always like this. Blackjack team in the region. Aeneas as a lion around the world, of loans, living environment, Japan and the, for example. It's the Internet before, in the protein, bio-, from the newspaper, relax. Welcome to Indian as illegal trade bills. Each makeup. Traffic financing. Even if it's just propaganda. I'm thinking if it's just. For example, Pakistan. The internet. It's the period of time, to improve the wide range of regional employment, which they have always a lot of freedom, it is just a lot of neither, but very important. In fact, than it is now afternoon or, in the tens of thousands of mourning, ie, the near future, the Internet. Overview of China's industrial and have time to stop. In addition, planning to keep the plant site. Read before. Yes, this is the jaws of the United States to start the development of indoor air quality. It's timing. Rather, it's funny a lot of options. Members great arrows. But the problem was the timing of the development team members, the organization wants to market now

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Guest Guest

The passage below is food for your thought as well as for that Fart Smeller:

"Then Buddha was approached by a proud youth of the priestly class who wanted to know the qualities that made a man worthy of respect.  In answer, the Buddha explained that a man's worthiness does not depend upon the class in which he is born.  Rather, the man worthy of respect is the one who has rid himself of all evil, is humble, pure & has self-control & is perfect in knowledge.  The youth left the Buddha feeling humbled & satisfied with the answer."


So ask yourself:  Do you practise the above qualities?


Nightwhore, do YOU practice the same?

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Guest Guest

Nightwhore, do YOU practice the same?

like a scavenger, the bird like to eat up the bacteria on the sole of smelly feet humbly.

That it's good karma for it :)

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Guest Guest

Wah, this lao chee bye's thread is more popular than imchaser ever was and will ever be. 

Who knew lao chee byes can have such appeal?

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Guest Guest

Wah, this lao chee bye's thread is more popular than imchaser ever was and will ever be.

Who knew lao chee byes can have such appeal?

Nightwhore popular? LOL!

Infamous maybe?

Didn't he proudly admit in his blog to masturbating while fantasizing about his students and even asked "what's wrong?"

Didn't he register his profile and photo on at least 20+ international sex portals?

Didn't he admit to being a traitor with his constant support of PRCs and bashing of Singaporeans?

This old naggy slut is infamous.

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Guest Guest

No one's even fingering the old p Nightwhore and she's SPAMMED THREE times trying to artificially pump up her thread.

Now the pig is more famous than the bird. It must be very desperate. lol

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"In the world, happiness is goodwill & restraint towards living creatures."

The bird now talking like an enlightened cock, must be the freaky weather nowadays.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Guest

A bitch is a metaphor for someone with hate issues.  So are you referring to yourself?  LOL.

Are you upset because I have not been awarding you trolling points for a long time?  What's the hurry?  Your golf club no longer usable?  Ok, don't angry lah.  Here they are.  Total trolling points for Auntie Guest is 580.  Still yet to receive 20 more before you can receive a new club leh.


Look who's talking, LOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Prepare to have your eardrums burst when dealing with disgruntled PRC tourists.





deported for being rude to phillipine airport official.

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Embrace it ! PRC set up cheating shops and Hong Kong airlines in Hong Kong to tarnish HK's image , hinderance to safety and service there and all over the world .......and the other big country starting with I isn't any better ....especially the wealthy ones .....

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Of course there are millions of rotten apples in PRC. No need to deny that. But there are also millions of other scums outside PRC. When earthquakes & hurricanes hit Philippines, Indonesia, USA etc. who are the ones who loot shops & houses? Do they behave like law-abiding Japanese earthquake or tsunami victims? When a few Columbians go around burglarising Singaporean homes & playing the role of conmen, why did you keep quiet? When a group of Sarawakans went around slashing parangs at Tom Dick Harry in Kallang, what have you got to say? Aren't they much worse than rowdy PRC tourists?

Especially the wealthy ones? Sure. But is that happening only to PRC? Is rampant corruption found nowhere else in Asia, Africa or Latin America? If you are a criminal in Indonesia or Philippines but you are filthy rich, your stay in prison can be in luxurious conditions with outrageous freedom. What do you have to say about such gross injustices? if you are a drug mafia lord in Latin America, you can live like a king, controlling the lives & deaths of many people. Why do you keep silent about these scums who harm the lives of thousands through their drug dealings?

Admit it. You are obsessed with PRC scumbags & close your eyes to other scumbags. No need to play the tune of 50 steps laughing at 100 steps. And the reason why you must post such negative threads every now & then to remind others is that you will suffer from PMS-OCD withdrawal symptoms if you don't.

Do not despair ! More people from the developed countries will go the Robin Williams way with more people from the 'I' and 'C' to control the world with no social responsibilities ! Ha ha ....

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True true , actually the VoiceOver and the newsreader is even more irritating than the tourists ! And the Hong Kong people think they are superior ,,, just look at them police officers ...10 pound weaklings , not authoritative looking , no presence ...

This bashing of the people from china is just laughable and I suspect stems from the bashers own insecurities and the need to feel superior ( in an easy way - these people have just started to travel and experience new things and are on unfamiliar grounds )

Give another 10 years , no maybe less , these very same people will be miles ahead and with their culture and customs intact ...and bloom .

Besides dont wish too hard , singapore s economy depends on them !

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True true , actually the VoiceOver and the newsreader is even more irritating than the tourists ! And the Hong Kong people think they are superior ,,, just look at them police officers ...10 pound weaklings , not authoritative looking , no presence ...

This bashing of the people from china is just laughable and I suspect stems from the bashers own insecurities and the need to feel superior ( in an easy way - these people have just started to travel and experience new things and are on unfamiliar grounds )

Give another 10 years , no maybe less , these very same people will be miles ahead and with their culture and customs intact ...and bloom .

Besides dont wish too hard , singapore s economy depends on them !

It takes 5000 years and more to behave as such , while others with 400 years have already grown up a long time ago !It is little wonder howvmannerism standards are dropping drastically everywhere in the world !

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Of course there are millions of rotten apples in PRC. No need to deny that. But there are also millions of other scums outside PRC. When earthquakes & hurricanes hit Philippines, Indonesia, USA etc. who are the ones who loot shops & houses? Do they behave like law-abiding Japanese earthquake or tsunami victims? When a few Columbians go around burglarising Singaporean homes & playing the role of conmen, why did you keep quiet? When a group of Sarawakans went around slashing parangs at Tom Dick Harry in Kallang, what have you got to say? Aren't they much worse than rowdy PRC tourists?

Especially the wealthy ones? Sure. But is that happening only to PRC? Is rampant corruption found nowhere else in Asia, Africa or Latin America? If you are a criminal in Indonesia or Philippines but you are filthy rich, your stay in prison can be in luxurious conditions with outrageous freedom. What do you have to say about such gross injustices? if you are a drug mafia lord in Latin America, you can live like a king, controlling the lives & deaths of many people. Why do you keep silent about these scums who harm the lives of thousands through their drug dealings?

Admit it. You are obsessed with PRC scumbags & close your eyes to other scumbags. No need to play the tune of 50 steps laughing at 100 steps. And the reason why you must post such negative threads every now & then to remind others is that you will suffer from PMS-OCD withdrawal symptoms if you don't.

Do not have to go to far into politics and what not .. I have yet to see a PRC willing to pick a piece of rubbish around the estate area to throw into the bins allocated near the lifts but littering everywhere and toilets bowls with full of shits in the public toilets ! Here was not like these a decade ago !
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Guest 你外婆

Yet another PRC bashing thread and of course Nightingale is always there to defend them.

Personally while I can't say I like PRCs, I don't see the need to defend them so vehemently. Clearly they can defend themselves. So tell us, and I mean no malice here: what are your motivations and why do you insists on speaking out for them?

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Aiyo, Auntie Guest My Type forever likes to focus on PRC rotten apples, as if only PRC is the only country that has uncultured uncouth citizens.  Auntie's backside itchy again posting yet another PRC bashing thread.  How many such threads you want to repeat?  Do you know how many victims are killed by the Talibans & ISIS daily?  West Africans are worried about the Ebola virus.  People are still grieving over the 2 downings of Malaysian Airlines planes.  And here you are still stuck in your petty issues & spreading negativity.  If I show you instances of rotten apples from other countries, you keep quiet.  If I show you the same from our own citizens, you say I am traitor.  Trolling the moderator again & again still not enough for you.  Now want to re-troll your "favourite" target group.  Really nothing better to do ah.


FUCK OFF!  I wasn't the one who started this thread!


You must be sued for defamation!


Not everyone is like you, a traitor who loves kissing the PRCs' asses and masturbating while fantasising about your students.

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When I see those PRCs fighting among themselves (明争暗斗) at work, I shake my head and mourn for the future of our country. :(

The big 'I ' and 'C' world destroyer in social responsibilities and mannerism are rising fast and furious !

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