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Racial Slur deserves its place in the Flaming Room

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5 hours ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


Your mind must be giving your shivers like seeing a fata morgana like queen priscilla in the desert .

Did I ever use any single Chinese character in one of my posts?

Now, I am very disappointed. Your analytical skills are near to zero.


"Long-winded naggy posts containing spurious arguments and written so self-righteously like you have any authority to lecture others. "


You always come out with posting that people have long winded posts and like to lecture others, once you have nothing to come out with any further.


It is always the same approach and trait in your posts

At the end you are running away like a small kid with the trousers full of its faeces...


9 hours ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


Your trait of responses is always following the same pattern!

I don't even need to be an etymologist to see that you are the same person hiding behind all those Guest profiles.


First you will respond in English, then you will choose Chinese letters next to your profile name, then you will resort to writing Chinese language ( often) expletive words, later you will add some (mostly wrong) french parlour into your posts


This is not even "nonpareil" but very similaire to your writing pattern here. It is just too easy to discover that it is you behind the posts.


It is so funny and interesting that you can really entertain yourself throughout a night in responding to your own posts...

The funniest is if you even respond to your own posts and applaud yourself for having given (in your opinion) a great response earlier.


You gave me such brilliant laughs here.


Your posts would be a big pool of teaching material for the Psychology Faculty at all Universities.


Hold there, let me get onto the phone and call the Department Head of the Department of Psychology at NUS...  will be back shortly...


LOL.... It's damned ironical for a Guest hiding behind the cloak of anonymity to have a name telling others to "DISCLOSE YOURSELF".


You sentence structure is really so horrible that I actually had to re-read your posts to understand it. What's this with "giving your shivers like seeing a fata morgana like queen priscilla in the desert "?? Or "This is not even "nonpareil" but very similaire to your writing pattern here. It is just too easy to discover that it is you behind the posts"??


Nobody writes sentences like that at all! You reek of somebody who has just started learning English and is trying extremely hard to impress others with a new barrage of vocabulary each time you post. But yet you failed to realise that you have completely failed to impress and that you are falling flat on your own face here. I find it particularly humorous when you made the wrong guess claiming that we "are the same person hiding behind all those Guest profiles" when we are not! Perhaps Nightwhore can go take you in as one of his students and start teaching you to write in better English? Or maybe, you are indeed already one of his Chinese student whose feet he had licked before?? LOL!


So again, bring your boboshooting back to your own thread.  But you are clear evidence that COCKROACHES BRINGS IN ALL THE TRASH AND DISEASES EVERYWHERE THEY GO, WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT! 

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Guest disclosed yourself
2 hours ago, Guest Guest said:



LOL.... It's damned ironical for a Guest hiding behind the cloak of anonymity to have a name telling others to "DISCLOSE YOURSELF".


You sentence structure is really so horrible that I actually had to re-read your posts to understand it. What's this with "giving your shivers like seeing a fata morgana like queen priscilla in the desert "?? Or "This is not even "nonpareil" but very similaire to your writing pattern here. It is just too easy to discover that it is you behind the posts"??


Nobody writes sentences like that at all! You reek of somebody who has just started learning English and is trying extremely hard to impress others with a new barrage of vocabulary each time you post. But yet you failed to realise that you have completely failed to impress and that you are falling flat on your own face here. I find it particularly humorous when you made the wrong guess claiming that we "are the same person hiding behind all those Guest profiles" when we are not! Perhaps Nightwhore can go take you in as one of his students and start teaching you to write in better English? Or maybe, you are indeed already one of his Chinese student whose feet he had licked before?? LOL!


So again, bring your boboshooting back to your own thread.  But you are clear evidence that COCKROACHES BRINGS IN ALL THE TRASH AND DISEASES EVERYWHERE THEY GO, WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT! 


Better take your reading glasses.

the Guest name is Disclosed yourself.


Do you see that letter "d" at the end of the word ' "Disclosed"???


I was referring to your other Guest Profile "Guest NGWM", where while posting in a different forum used this name again (accidently) at the flaming  room.  you disclosed yourself with your pants down....that all is from you. But we know that your memory is not very good....


Sure we know that you are the same Guest hiding behind various Guest names here! It's too obvious.... and you make it very easy to discover.


Wasn't it you who complained that I ran out of arguments and ressorted to writing in big fonts ....


And now you're writing in Capital letters....

So persuasive....


Every 6 year of school kid would have noted that there was a simple typographical error in the sentence "Your mind must be giving you shivers like seeing a fata morgana like queen priscilla in the desert ..." but your analytive skills are lacking, we've seen that before.


You don't know what poetry is or crafted language, don't you?

For sure you don't because you are not extraordinaire but just extremely ordinary....


The only thing why you like Members here is because than you can rant on their previous posts and try to ridicule them....

It is common that only losers use such methods.



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36 minutes ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


Better take your reading glasses.

the Guest name is Disclosed yourself.


Do you see that letter "d" at the end of the word ' "Disclosed"???


I was referring to your other Guest Profile "Guest NGWM", where while posting in a different forum used this name again (accidently) at the flaming  room.  you disclosed yourself with your pants down....that all is from you. But we know that your memory is not very good....


Sure we know that you are the same Guest hiding behind various Guest names here! It's too obvious.... and you make it very easy to discover.


Wasn't it you who complained that I ran out of arguments and ressorted to writing in big fonts ....


And now you're writing in Capital letters....

So persuasive....


Every 6 year of school kid would have noted that there was a simple typographical error in the sentence "Your mind must be giving you shivers like seeing a fata morgana like queen priscilla in the desert ..." but your analytive skills are lacking, we've seen that before.


You don't know what poetry is or crafted language, don't you?

For sure you don't because you are not extraordinaire but just extremely ordinary....


The only thing why you like Members here is because than you can rant on their previous posts and try to ridicule them....

It is common that only losers use such methods.




Boboshooting again.

I am here.  LOL


The guest above is someone else


You are simply a big-time joke, lawyer wannabe with poor English.



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Guest Guest 2
3 minutes ago, Guest Ngwm said:


Boboshooting again.

I am here.  LOL


The guest above is someone else


You are simply a big-time joke, lawyer wannabe with poor English.






You saw the same thing right? 

This stupid guest with lower-caps username acting like a lawyer trying to police the forum?

Asking others to disclose themselves when he is a GUEST himself?

Boboshooting and getting people's identities wrong (unintentionally or intentionally)?


Xia suay to the max.

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40 minutes ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


Better take your reading glasses.

the Guest name is Disclosed yourself.


Do you see that letter "d" at the end of the word ' "Disclosed"???


I was referring to your other Guest Profile "Guest NGWM", where while posting in a different forum used this name again (accidently) at the flaming  room.  you disclosed yourself with your pants down....that all is from you. But we know that your memory is not very good....


Sure we know that you are the same Guest hiding behind various Guest names here! It's too obvious.... and you make it very easy to discover.


Wasn't it you who complained that I ran out of arguments and ressorted to writing in big fonts ....


And now you're writing in Capital letters....

So persuasive....


Every 6 year of school kid would have noted that there was a simple typographical error in the sentence "Your mind must be giving you shivers like seeing a fata morgana like queen priscilla in the desert ..." but your analytive skills are lacking, we've seen that before.


You don't know what poetry is or crafted language, don't you?

For sure you don't because you are not extraordinaire but just extremely ordinary....


The only thing why you like Members here is because than you can rant on their previous posts and try to ridicule them....

It is common that only losers use such methods.


You are getting more and more hilarious! Simply put, I am not "Guest NGWM". Neither am I the one who "complained that (you) ran out of arguments and ressorted to writing in big fonts ". You might need to work on your own analytical skills before you say those from others are lacking! And yes, we all know what poetry is and what crafted language is. But we also know what is faecal statements when we see that coming from you.  

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7 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


You are getting more and more hilarious! Simply put, I am not "Guest NGWM". Neither am I the one who "complained that (you) ran out of arguments and ressorted to writing in big fonts ". You might need to work on your own analytical skills before you say those from others are lacking! And yes, we all know what poetry is and what crafted language is. But we also know what is faecal statements when we see that coming from you.  


Oooooh burn!! Well done :lol::clap:

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Guest Guest 2
22 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


You are getting more and more hilarious! Simply put, I am not "Guest NGWM". Neither am I the one who "complained that (you) ran out of arguments and ressorted to writing in big fonts ". You might need to work on your own analytical skills before you say those from others are lacking! And yes, we all know what poetry is and what crafted language is. But we also know what is faecal statements when we see that coming from you.  


15 hours ago, Guest Ngwm said:


Oooooh burn!! Well done :lol::clap:



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Guest LAN腥霉
On 1/5/2019 at 9:15 PM, Guest Guest said:

Perhaps Nightwhore can go take you in as one of his students and start teaching you to write in better English? Or maybe, you are indeed already one of his Chinese student whose feet he had licked before?? LOL! 


For Nightwhore:


"高瘦斯文,生活朴素" -  放你的狗屁!


本人并非属于一号,宁愿吮而不爱被吮。“ -  哎呀,就直接告诉人家你这只母狗是零号啰!拐弯抹角,老贱货就是矫情!


我有恋脚癖,喜欢嗅脚底和穿过一天或以上的袜子,“ - 垃圾槽和坟场就是你这狗贼的家,那里和你一样臭的尸袜好多!慢慢用你的老花眼找找吧!


用你的脚来非礼我,让我射精在你脚底,” - 用脚践踏你那张死人脸的人就很多,你会射精?用玩具水枪呀?哈哈哈哈哈!如果你终于有办法射精,充其量也就是水水的一滴在脚上,想要向上射?你再投胎变小伙子吧!老不死的妖精!投胎时记得要求张像样的脸!






“你也可以射精两次,中间稍有休息,让你延长你的享受。”- 真要命,对着你想射精一次,比登天还难,你当然享受啦!落入你手中的是折磨!


“如果你的阴毛并不长,那就理想,因为短的阴毛才不会跑进我的嘴里。“- 如果有人不幸落入你抓子里,他会祈求自己的阴毛比你的气长,好噎死你。这是他唯一的生还机会。


“谢绝讨费的或找摇钱树的同志。“- 你这句最老实,最有自知之明!人家看到你这把年纪,这副死相,当然铁定你是要用钱啦!谁要是不幸碰上你,可以活着离开,他会不讨费,不摇钱?那他不是比你还白痴?不可能的啦!

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Guest disclosed yourself
On 1/6/2019 at 11:40 PM, Guest LAN腥霉 said:


For Nightwhore:


"高瘦斯文,生活朴素" -  放你的狗屁!


本人并非属于一号,宁愿吮而不爱被吮。“ -  哎呀,就直接告诉人家你这只母狗是零号啰!拐弯抹角,老贱货就是矫情!


我有恋脚癖,喜欢嗅脚底和穿过一天或以上的袜子,“ - 垃圾槽和坟场就是你这狗贼的家,那里和你一样臭的尸袜好多!慢慢用你的老花眼找找吧!


用你的脚来非礼我,让我射精在你脚底,” - 用脚践踏你那张死人脸的人就很多,你会射精?用玩具水枪呀?哈哈哈哈哈!如果你终于有办法射精,充其量也就是水水的一滴在脚上,想要向上射?你再投胎变小伙子吧!老不死的妖精!投胎时记得要求张像样的脸!






“你也可以射精两次,中间稍有休息,让你延长你的享受。”- 真要命,对着你想射精一次,比登天还难,你当然享受啦!落入你手中的是折磨!


如果你的阴毛并不长,那就理想,因为短的阴毛才不会跑进我的嘴里。“- 如果有人不幸落入你抓子里,他会祈求自己的阴毛比你的气长,好噎死你。这是他唯一的生还机会。


“谢绝讨费的或找摇钱树的同志。“- 你这句最老实,最有自知之明!人家看到你这把年纪,这副死相,当然铁定你是要用钱啦!谁要是不幸碰上你,可以活着离开,他会不讨费,不摇钱?那他不是比你还白痴?不可能的啦!


For Nightwhore:


"High thin Sven, simple life" - put your shit!


"I don't belong to the number one, I prefer to be jealous and not loved." - Oops, tell people directly that this bitch is zero! Turning the corners, the old goods are the feelings!


"I have a foot lick, like sniffing the soles of the feet and socks that pass through a day or more." - The garbage trough and the cemetery are the home of your dog thief. There are so many dead socks like you! Look slowly with your presbyopia!


"Use your feet to indecent me, let me ejaculate on your soles," - There are many people who trample your dead face with your feet. Will you ejaculate? With a toy water gun? Hahahahaha! If you finally have a way to ejaculate, at best, a drop of water on your feet, want to shoot up? You will be born again and become a young man! Old undead fairy! Remember to ask for a decent face when you reincarnate!


"I will wash your feet, then give you blowjob, masturbation or thighs," - wash your feet, you must! You are the next person! For the population? Masturbation? Big leg? Unless that person is suffocating or deflated, there is no way to rebel, then you have a chance to come.


"You can also ejaculate twice, with a little rest in the middle, so that you can extend your enjoyment." - Really terrible, it is harder to ejaculate once, it is harder than going to heaven, you certainly enjoy it! Falling into your hands is torture!


"If your pubic hair is not long, it is ideal, because a short pubic hair will not run into my mouth." - If someone unfortunately falls into your grasp, he will pray that his pubic hair is more than yours. Long, I will kill you. This is his only chance to survive.


"Don't ask for a fee or find a comrade in the money tree." - Your most honest and self-awareness! When people see you at this age, this is a dead end, of course, you are determined to use money! Whoever is unfortunate to meet you, can leave alive, he will not bargain, do not shake money? Then he is not an idiot than you? Impossible!



Scrabbles of a sick person?


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 Is redundant.  Of course it is better to say 




if one can use 5 words Y use 7?



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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3 hours ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:






Scrabbles of a sick person?



"Scrabble"?? More like another piece of shxt statement coming from this Guest disclosed yourself again. You definitely cannot make it to become a lawyer, regardless if you want to be a wannabe or not. Let's hope the trash and disease that the cockroaches brought in can be exterminated soon ...

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25 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


"Scrabble"?? More like another piece of shxt statement coming from this Guest disclosed yourself again. You definitely cannot make it to become a lawyer, regardless if you want to be a wannabe or not. Let's hope the trash and disease that the cockroaches brought in can be exterminated soon ...


I think the cockroach guest 'disclosed yourself' meant to use the word 'scribbles'.

You are definitely on-point about this cockroach having just recently gotten around to learning English but can't make it.

Maybe it is a new import from China and trying desperately to learn English by misusing English in all situations.

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Guest disclosed yourself
On 1/6/2019 at 11:40 PM, Guest LAN腥霉 said:


For Nightwhore:


"高瘦斯文,生活朴素" -  放你的狗屁!


本人并非属于一号,宁愿吮而不爱被吮。“ -  哎呀,就直接告诉人家你这只母狗是零号啰!拐弯抹角,老贱货就是矫情!


我有恋脚癖,喜欢嗅脚底和穿过一天或以上的袜子,“ - 垃圾槽和坟场就是你这狗贼的家,那里和你一样臭的尸袜好多!慢慢用你的老花眼找找吧!


用你的脚来非礼我,让我射精在你脚底,” - 用脚践踏你那张死人脸的人就很多,你会射精?用玩具水枪呀?哈哈哈哈哈!如果你终于有办法射精,充其量也就是水水的一滴在脚上,想要向上射?你再投胎变小伙子吧!老不死的妖精!投胎时记得要求张像样的脸!






“你也可以射精两次,中间稍有休息,让你延长你的享受。”- 真要命,对着你想射精一次,比登天还难,你当然享受啦!落入你手中的是折磨!


“如果你的阴毛并不长,那就理想,因为短的阴毛才不会跑进我的嘴里。“- 如果有人不幸落入你抓子里,他会祈求自己的阴毛比你的气长,好噎死你。这是他唯一的生还机会。


“谢绝讨费的或找摇钱树的同志。“- 你这句最老实,最有自知之明!人家看到你这把年纪,这副死相,当然铁定你是要用钱啦!谁要是不幸碰上你,可以活着离开,他会不讨费,不摇钱?那他不是比你还白痴?不可能的啦!


Scribbles of a sick person?


Even if it is scrabble it wouldn't make any difference,

because you are simply scrabbling around and you will only end up in a dead end road, sinking slowly into a sea of cockroaches...


And for sure: reading your posts won't lead in improving English either...

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6 minutes ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


Scribbles of a sick person?


Even if it is scrabble it wouldn't make any difference,

because you are simply scrabbling around and you will only end up in a dead end road, sinking slowly into a sea of cockroaches...


And for sure: reading your posts won't lead in improving English either...


So it's true - you are a PRC.


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Guest disclosed yourself
3 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


So it's true - you are a PRC.



for sure because the usual "PRC"  (What is PRC* by the way? ) would know the difference between scribbles and scrabbles?




* persistent racist commentor (?)


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2 minutes ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


for sure because the usual "PRC"  (What is PRC* by the way? ) would know the difference between scribbles and scrabbles?




* persistent racist commentor (?)



Now, I am very disappointed - disappointed in your inability to distinguish between a race and a nationality.

Your analytical skills are near to zero.


It is always the same approach and trait in your posts

At the end you are running away like a small kid with trousers full of faeces...



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2 minutes ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


for sure because the usual "PRC"  (What is PRC* by the way? ) would know the difference between scribbles and scrabbles?




* persistent racist commentor (?)



Now, I am very disappointed - disappointed in your inability to distinguish between a race and a nationality.

Your analytical skills are near to zero.


It is always the same approach and trait in your posts

At the end you are running away like a small kid with trousers full of faeces...



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Guest disclosed yourself


12 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Now, I am very disappointed - disappointed in your inability to distinguish between a race and a nationality.

Your analytical skills are near to zero.


It is always the same approach and trait in your posts

At the end you are running away like a small kid with trousers full of faeces... 




Yes you are. Either you slip into Chinese or Hokkien expletives or into personal insults. And you always try to find a spot on Members, crawl their posts and try to paint them as perverts or whatever nasty.

Isn't this like running away from the point of discussion? And  I m not the only one who said this against you before...


The thing about "race" and "nationality" you said before, repeating things doesn't make it more convincing.


So far I did not post any racist slur, but you do permanently.


Maybe we can call you xenophobe as well. and you post xenophobe slurs too.

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1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:


I think the cockroach guest 'disclosed yourself' meant to use the word 'scribbles'.

You are definitely on-point about this cockroach having just recently gotten around to learning English but can't make it.

Maybe it is a new import from China and trying desperately to learn English by misusing English in all situations.


Actually, the term COCKROACHES are reserved for FILTHYPINOYS; PRCs have another name associated to them internationally, and that's LOCUSTS. It'd seems like the cockroaches brought in the locusts into the thread too.



35 minutes ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


for sure because the usual "PRC"  (What is PRC* by the way? ) would know the difference between scribbles and scrabbles?




* persistent racist commentor (?)



Firstly, nobody "scribbles" on a forum, OK? Furthermore, it'd seemed that it's not just your English that's not working, it's your entire brain that's malfunctioning. How can you be so sure the usual PRC would know the difference between scribbles and scrabbles, WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IS A PRC??? Are you stupid or are you retarded? We already know you are a tiny brain insect, so there's no need to try so hard to prove it to us. There is no need for us to insult you at all, since you are doing such a good job of insulting yourself on this forum all by yourself.


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12 minutes ago, Nightingale said:


Now you are tasting your own medicine.  You think you have only one or two adversaries here.  LOL.



Good grief!  Aren't you referring to yourself about "hiding behind the cloak of anonymity"?  What goes around comes around.  You point accusing fingers at others, the same fingers point back to you.



You sure like to play the same old childish trick.  You will pose as Guest Guest to curse PRCs.  And then pose as Guest2 or curse Filipinos.  And then deny having cursed PRCs so as to confuse readers.  Too bad your petty tricks don't work.

If you dare to stick to one identity, register yourself and give yourself a fixed name instead of hiding behind various nicks to throw darts at others.  Any name will do.  It can be "iLoveShit" or "NecrophiliaMe".  Of course you have no balls to do so.  LOL.




Oh boy... Nightwhore is at it again.....


Dear Nightwhore, it is you who have more than one or two adversaries here. Looking at the posts here, I can see at least 3, or perhaps even 4, Guests who are actually really sick of you enough to bash you constantly. And there's no reasons for any of us to give ourselves any fixed name just because you ask for it. Why should any of us to make anything easier for you in any way? But for your information, I wasn't in your QUARRELSOME BITCH thread to bash you. You came over to this thread thinking I was one of those Guests in the QUARRELSOME BITCH thread, thereby adding me as one more, in your own words, "adversaries" to yourself, and became an open invitation for me to bash.  In short, you really came into this thread asking for it. LOL!



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15 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Actually, the term COCKROACHES are reserved for FILTHYPINOYS; PRCs have another name associated to them internationally, and that's LOCUSTS. It'd seems like the cockroaches brought in the locusts into the thread too.




Firstly, nobody "scribbles" on a forum, OK? Furthermore, it'd seemed that it's not just your English that's not working, it's your entire brain that's malfunctioning. How can you be so sure the usual PRC would know the difference between scribbles and scrabbles, WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IS A PRC??? Are you stupid or are you retarded? We already know you are a tiny brain insect, so there's no need to try so hard to prove it to us. There is no need for us to insult you at all, since you are doing such a good job of insulting yourself on this forum all by yourself.



Cockroach- filipino 

Locust- PRC


For sg what do you think???


I suggest termites!!! Lol..

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5 minutes ago, Nightingale said:


So what term have you reserved for Singaporeans - whose group you belong to?



Wrong.  It's so easy to bait Auntie OCD because she always loves to have the last word.


Terms reserved for Singaporeans: HUMAN BEINGS.


Were you talking about yourself wanting the last word and having Auntie OCD? You even went that far in your OCD last time to cutting and pasting junk information copies from all over the web, till the Moderators stepped in to scold you for wasting bandwidth. LOL. Oh my.... you sure wanted the last words last time, didn't you?  

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4 minutes ago, Shavedboy said:


Cockroach- filipino 

Locust- PRC


For sg what do you think???


I suggest termites!!! Lol..


Go ahead.. try sounding that out to Singaporeans here in Singapore.... Let's see if it will gain any type of international acceptance like the words COCKROACHES and LOCUSTS.

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10 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Go ahead.. try sounding that out to Singaporeans here in Singapore.... Let's see if it will gain any type of international acceptance like the words COCKROACHES and LOCUSTS.

Ok termites!!! We are well known internationally from the beautiful country.

Edited by Shavedboy
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Guest disclosed yourself
1 hour ago, Nightingale said:



Is there a need to differentiate between these 2 concepts in the case of your targeted groups?

Filipino is both a race and nationality.

Chinese is both a race and nationality.

So are Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese etc.

So why's your point of laughing at people?

After all, you are tarnishing a WHOLE community.  You are practising negative racism/ communalism of the in-group versus out-group type.



Guest Disclosed Yourself is not entirely wrong.  According to https://www.dictionary.com/browse/scrabble

verb (used with object)

  1. to scratch or scrape, as with the claws or hands.
  2. to grapple or struggle with or as if with the claws or hands.
  3. to scrawl; scribble.

How so?  Prove to us that Filipinos hate Chinese, Japanese, Caucasians etc and only love themselves.


When people tell you they are not Filipino, you insist they are.  And now you imagine they are PRCs.  Your mental problem is worsening already.



You are right about redundant words.  However, I am not a PURE zero.  So it is more accurate to say non-top.




Oh great, I hear that bird singing again.... Nightingale is back!!! 


I thought already I need to fight the battle alone against that racist, xenophobe scrabbler Guest Guest and his 1000 Guest acronyms. LOL

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1 minute ago, Nightingale said:


She may have 1000 acronyms but still cannot beat the Monkey God Sun Wu Kong lah.  And the Monkey God's solid rod will beat the shit out of her.  Hahaha.


Hahaha your mother CB la CHC.

Obviously you are itching for the Monkey God's cudgel to fuck you deep deep.



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5 minutes ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


Oh great, I hear that bird singing again.... Nightingale is back!!! 


I thought already I need to fight the battle alone against that racist, xenophobe scrabbler Guest Guest and his 1000 Guest acronyms. LOL


You are fighting the battle ALONE darling :twisted:, cos no one, least of all 2 old men with illegal fantasies about underage boys, will side with a locust and lawyer wannabe like you who is as anonymous as the people you criticise.


We all already know you are a PRC locust with a penchant for using big words without knowing what they mean and quarrelling endlessly with other people in the forum. LOL


Xia suay

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31 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Go ahead.. try sounding that out to Singaporeans here in Singapore.... Let's see if it will gain any type of international acceptance like the words COCKROACHES and LOCUSTS.


:clap::lol: what happened to Filthypinoys? There's definitely a certain ring to that.

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1 minute ago, Nightingale said:


And that' s all you have to say.  Same old profane ranting.  Yawn!


Look at your own post, you're guilty of what you accuse others of. Double YAWN!


Bloody dirty old man you

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37 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Terms reserved for Singaporeans: HUMAN BEINGS.


Were you talking about yourself wanting the last word and having Auntie OCD? You even went that far in your OCD last time to cutting and pasting junk information copies from all over the web, till the Moderators stepped in to scold you for wasting bandwidth. LOL. Oh my.... you sure wanted the last words last time, didn't you?  


Yeah, I recall GM banning Nightwhore in 2015 and 2016, both times for wasting bandwidth.

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1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:


Nope, only with those who have a self entitled mentality.


I'm really sad their calling us cockroach. I have met a lot of sg people working in the middle east. We've bond like brothers and sisters and when I went to Sg for vacation they look down on us as if we are a dirt in the society. 


I hope that this kind of situation will end soon..

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Guest disclosed yourself
52 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Actually, the term COCKROACHES are reserved for FILTHYPINOYS; PRCs have another name associated to them internationally, and that's LOCUSTS. It'd seems like the cockroaches brought in the locusts into the thread too.




Firstly, nobody "scribbles" on a forum, OK? Furthermore, it'd seemed that it's not just your English that's not working, it's your entire brain that's malfunctioning. How can you be so sure the usual PRC would know the difference between scribbles and scrabbles, WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IS A PRC??? Are you stupid or are you retarded? We already know you are a tiny brain insect, so there's no need to try so hard to prove it to us. There is no need for us to insult you at all, since you are doing such a good job of insulting yourself on this forum all by yourself.



I was teasing you with the PRC. but as your brain is not very much developed you did not even see that genius mind-teasing word play. 

Because nobody uses "PRC" to describe people or citizens. This only reflects your low education. Lawyer pretend to be who never passed the GCE O Level?  Good laugh...

It is a state, a nation a country.


You seem not even to know the difference between people and a nation.



I would prefer to insult myself instead of insulting other people like you prefer to do on a daily basis, inciting hatred against other people.

But what a loser fighter are you here? Only dare to come out from anonymity. Aren't you a backstabber?


PRC is a state/ country, the people are called Chinese, you can call them mainland Chinese if you want, to differentiate them from other Chinese people such as in South East Asia or other places.


But what is PRC?


Provoking Racist Creature?


I should re-write Kafka's book and make an adaption covering you, but probably that would be too much honour for your, I will let Houellebecq  write it, because he knows better to come up with slurs and provocation...  My title should be "Insignificant Insects" of "Defiant Cockroaches"...

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Guest disclosed yourself
18 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Hahaha your mother CB la CHC.

Obviously you are itching for the Monkey God's cudgel to fuck you deep deep.




Ha ha, watch out we are coming out to fuck you !!!

We love fucking racists and have much fun in denigrating them...


Mental sick pervert racist.... !!!

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Guest disclosed yourself
22 minutes ago, Nightingale said:


I actually cooled off a bit to see if Auntie OCD would also cool off.  But since she's a mentally chronic case, how can she relent or even repent?  So here I'm back to have fun.  She may have 1000 acronyms but still cannot beat the Monkey God Sun Wu Kong lah.  And the Monkey God's solid rod will beat the shit out of her.  Hahaha.


Actually, he really cooled off a bit. I think he was in bitter tears that you weren't around getting some anxiety attacks already, hands shaking sort of things....


Or maybe XanaX really helps?


Plus most of the time he didn't find the button to switch his keyboard from Chinese letters to the Western alphabet...


You know he is that Pleistocene Homo Habilis type that will prey for any potential post at any threads here to fulfill his satisfaction in adding his typically flavoured racist and insulting slurs....  As you know they had a brain already but the size of a mouse brain...





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Guest disclosed yourself
1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:


Oh boy... Nightwhore is at it again.....


Dear Nightwhore, it is you who have more than one or two adversaries here. Looking at the posts here, I can see at least 3, or perhaps even 4, Guests who are actually really sick of you enough to bash you constantly. And there's no reasons for any of us to give ourselves any fixed name just because you ask for it. Why should any of us to make anything easier for you in any way? But for your information, I wasn't in your QUARRELSOME BITCH thread to bash you. You came over to this thread thinking I was one of those Guests in the QUARRELSOME BITCH thread, thereby adding me as one more, in your own words, "adversaries" to yourself, and became an open invitation for me to bash.  In short, you really came into this thread asking for it. LOL!




Ha ha.

Still denying that you yourself created all these different Guest posts.


Super big laugh.


As I said. Always same pattern, same language structure, same procedure, same trait.


And you made mistakes in posting at different threads by accidentally using a Guest name which you had used at the Blowing Wind Main Forum.


I think if you look into the mirror you see 5 persons (and all are applauding you!). ha ha .


ha ha, I think people call that "fucked" up personality.





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Guest disclosed yourself
1 hour ago, Nightingale said:


Whatever lor, Jekyll and Hyde.  LOL.


I'm thinking of something that reflects the quality of ugly Singaporeans like Auntie OCD.  How about mosquitoes?  Always buzzing around in the Flaming Room in all the various threads and stirring shit.



Ah, Mosquitoes is good!

Stirring shit? But you know what, the good thing is, Mosquito shit is very tiny small (little brown dot), meaning buzzing around a lot everywhere but at the end no significance...

Hey, but we use this only for ugly, nasty racist Singaporeans...


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Guest disclosed yourself
11 minutes ago, Nightingale said:


That's why she suffering from insecurity as she knows she has repeatedly done something ignoble.


Nightingale coming with French words now? That is so "nonpareil" of you!


I think the Mosquito spray we bashed on quarrel Guest Guest just here has chased him away for now....

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Guest disclosed yourself
28 minutes ago, Nightingale said:

Not French but Latin.  

Origin of ignoble

1400–50; late Middle English < Latin ignōbilis unknown, inglorious, equivalent to in- in-3 + OL gnōbilis ( Latinnōbilis ) noble




Ok ok. Latin, could be French too and maybe brought to England from the Normans... yep. both origins in French and the Normans is from the Latin.


YOU quarrelsome self-righteous bitch, always want to have the last word! 

(the last sentence was a joke)

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Guest disclosed yourself
34 minutes ago, Nightingale said:
If only BW has many more people like you to speak out against injustice, BW will be free of trolls.


Look, for sure I don't mind if any guy here posted some expletive language (motherfucker, bitch, what the fuck) and sure in the Blowing Wind Main Forum I am guilty of writing something sharp in a bashing mode, but all should display a minimum respect to the other. Mostly I would use such method just as an eye opener and it is not intended to hurt others.


Yes, sure we all tend to generalise on times, in a moment of hurry, we type something nasty or wrong that we later even may regret.


But, I can't accept if one Guest permanently insults others, refers to personal traits by belittling people and attacks permanently in a mere insulting manner on things that Members or other Guests can't change (like Race, origin, language, characteristics, nationality, wealth, education etc etc).


I would not mind meeting up with the Moderators and/ or the new upcoming Moderators to have a discussion on such issues at least to give input.


I have been following blowing wind for over 10 years. I found this niche relevant and very important in particular for young gays who just learned being gay to learn, see and having a forum to discuss on gay matters.


But I admit that the last years I got somehow sad to watch that one single person (our Guest Guest and his 1000 Guest acronyms) repeatedly just disrupts, rants and insults and never adds to the subject matter discussed anything substantial and is taking this Forum in hostage.

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13 hours ago, Guest disclosed yourself said:


I would not mind meeting up with the Moderators and/ or the new upcoming Moderators to have a discussion on such issues at least to give input.


I have been following blowing wind for over 10 years. I found this niche relevant and very important in particular for young gays who just learned being gay to learn, see and having a forum to discuss on gay matters.


But I admit that the last years I got somehow sad to watch that one single person (our Guest Guest and his 1000 Guest acronyms) repeatedly just disrupts, rants and insults and never adds to the subject matter discussed anything substantial and is taking this Forum in hostage.


The Moderators surely know well what is going on.  But their resources are limited.


I also like this forum very much.  In fact, of all the forums I know, gay or not, this is the one I find most valuable.  This is why I am posting here.

You gays in Singapore are lucky to have this site to discuss your issues,  a counter balance to the handicaps you have (government and family).

I also find noteworthy that BW is open to anonymous "guests" to post. No other site I know allows this.  Although in the beginning I saw this as an annoyance, I understand how this liberates posters to give us a piece of their minds without fear of reprisals.

There seems to be an ever increasing proportion of posters who are "guests".  This is a pity since they cannot be identified, but it should not be frustrating. We can always ignore posts that we don't like, or not read them if there are too many of them.  Like Guest Guest and his 1000 acronyms, it is HIS burden if he has to fill that puzzle to show that he is not a machine every time he posts something.  We members don't need to do this :)




Edited by Steve5380
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  • 2 months later...
Guest disclosed yourself

1 hour ago, Guest Huh said:

Think something is wrong with your nose? Have met many local guys and none of them smell like "mee goreng".


Chinese - XXX smell XXX

Malay -  smell XXX, like XXX but not XXX

Indian - one word: XXX

Annotation : XXX was deleted out as not appropriate and racist slurs .


Wouldn't wonder if this is posted by Dirty Auntie.


This is the third attempt to post such racial insensitive posts to Blowing Wind in three days.


With upcoming new legislation on online postings I would be very careful what I post.


And actually I don't understand this segregation of the people by words.

Don't we all enjoy the different food and cuisine from Malay, Chinese and Indian in Singapore?

Two out of the three are invaders to this island I could say.

It even helps to boost tourism numbers and spending. Just go to little India and see how many tourists from all regions of the world walk along those areas.

Some of my Ang Moh friends, living here, even travel to Little India to that famous shopping centre to buy their items at the store. After asking them, why they travel so far, they told me that they eat some vegetarian food nearby with their fingers and just enjoy the whole set of display and the different people from everywhere.

Unfortunately, the Malay village is a bit "down", hopefully they come up with something better soon. But the area around the Sultan Mosque is visited quite a lot too nowadays.


Please stop with putting up such nasty and inappropriate posts.

I don't mind if we have a little joke on some of the ethnic compositions behaviours or characteristics  but please don't post untruths and racial wrongs!





Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ha ha ha

23 hours ago, Guest Going to Songkran said:

Nigerians.   Red flag like crazy.  I've a Botswanian classmate, and I would not even add her on FB after she told me she had a troublesome Nigerian boyfriend 

18 hours ago, Guest Say No To Racism Every Day said:


Don't be a racist. This Nigerian criminal is obviously a bad individual, but what he did should not reflect on every black person in the world, just as every Singaporean who does bad things should not reflect on all other Singaporeans.


Some of the coolest guys I have ever met have been black guys. Now those were American and Canadian black guys, not Nigerians or other Africans, but there are both good and bad everywhere and I was fortunate to meet good guys.

dirty auntie got caught as a racist by others!

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Guest Guest 3
50 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

So... NIGERIANS is a race now? Lol


we had this discussion already.

Lawyers like you prefer to twist words.

Talking about a nationality in a denigrating manner is considered racist too. You know that very well and your absurd rebuttal is of no use.


Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. The use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.Associated social actions may include nativism, xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.


The term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.



Nigerian , can be seen as an ethnicity and for sure it's a national origin.


I don't need to explain to you what racism means.


You only chose to rebut because you want to defend your very racist tendency and paint yourself in a better light. But all in all you are a racist.


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Guest guest
On 4/11/2019 at 9:50 AM, Guest Guest 3 said:


we had this discussion already.

Lawyers like you prefer to twist words.

Talking about a nationality in a denigrating manner is considered racist too. You know that very well and your absurd rebuttal is of no use.


Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. The use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.Associated social actions may include nativism, xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.


The term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.



Nigerian , can be seen as an ethnicity and for sure it's a national origin.


I don't need to explain to you what racism means.


You only chose to rebut because you want to defend your very racist tendency and paint yourself in a better light. But all in all you are a racist.



Wait sekarli you kena Nigerian love scam, scam every drop of your hard earned money, wait your bank account kena Nigerian phishing scam , transfer out every single digit in yr ,


And you kena tricked by scammers to go to Nigeria to assist in investigation and then kena scammed and meet Nigerian human organ traffickers and u kena sedated and have your kidney illegally without consent removed to be traded on organ black market, your cornea kena remove by organ traffickers and sold on black market and also your blood and bone marrow drawn to be sold too, 


And at last , when you awake from your surgery, you realise you are not in a sterile surgical theatre but a lousy filthy dinghy mud floored room with everything set up temporarily to harvest every part of your body that can be sold to reap money and you hobbled unto the street only to be hit by a motorbike who disregards traffic rules, you fall unto the road bleeding with your surgical wounds opening up, and all the rats, cats , dogs, buffaloes, goats all gather around you to have a feast on your flesh while you are alive and the populace just goes about their african lives like u dont exist, 


You look up in the sky , and you ask, why me ? Why? I was a good person, I wanted the world to be a fair place, i spoke up against racism, i hate racist....why .


( Above is a creation of fiction writer but can possibly happen in that N lettered country)

( illegal illicit organ harvesting is rife in those dirt poor Afrc countries, well loved by recipients,  are young fresh organs from disease free countries like Spore, well fed , good  healthcare, healthy kidney and corneas, can be sold at a higher price.


AFRICAN populace have endemic all kinds of water borne , air borne parasitic infestations, amoeba parasitic infections, hidden undetected Ebola and other viral infextions at incubatory phases, Afrc organs are not top choice.





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